Author Topic: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief  (Read 3927 times)

Offline kittenalive

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Grimm Legacy - Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief
« on: July 16, 2015, 09:50:26 PM »
So before I get started, I'm aware that there is a user who has a very similar beginning. Uses Agnes, turns her into a witch and has her marry Tragic Clown. But that's pretty much where our similarities will be ending. I hope you enjoy this, I've had issues in the past with my games crashing and not letting me continue on with my stories, but I'm using my husband's new computer for this and it seems to be working wonderfully so far, I'm not dealing with the lag issues I was before. So with no further ado. Here we go.

Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief

So it wasn't long after my poor Erik's death that I decided to change my last name to something new. To go with the new lifestyle I was embarking on.

Yep, I went to the Elixir Shoppe and jumped into the life of a witch. I spent all my time practicing my magic, getting it up to the highest level that I could. It took a long time though.
At the same time I decided to get myself a dog, I named her Henny and taught her to hunt, that way I could use any collectables she brought home in order to keep myself afloat while I worked on my magic.

She joined me to sleep most nights on my bed, I felt so lonely since Erik died, except on the rare occasions his ghost would visit. But even though I missed him terribly, he wasn't the same as he was before, he wasn't what I remembered. Naturally most people are like "Well duh! He's dead!" It wasn't just that, it was something about his personality that was different, the melancholy sadness he constantly had, was that just part of being dead?

I'd wanted a child so badly, I wanted a family, the depressingly empty nursery that stood half finished just down the hall from my room was a constant reminder of my loneliness. That was why I was trying so hard on my magic, I wanted to be able to bring the dead back to life, to bring myself a suitor that would help me fulfill the wish for a family.

When I became an elder I felt myself spiraling into a dark depression, but continued my relentless pursuit of my magical abilities. I was determined to make everything alright again. It was then that I learned what I needed to know, by becoming a level 10 witch and learning the Reanimation Ritual. I hightailed it to the cemetery and brought back the one I thought could fix it all.

We went to the Fall Festival, threw down the Youth potions that I procured from the Elixir Shoppe and became Young Adults again. We then went to the Salon for the makeovers of a lifetime. Turning into something more fitting for the life we were going to embark on soon.

Offline kittenalive

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 2 - Nooboo Power
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2015, 08:02:08 PM »
Chapter 2 - Nooboo Power

We purchased ourselves a large lot to build a home for our future children, of course I knew the lineage wouldn't stay here forever, we needed a large place if we were going to get started on the 'building a family' part. But before that could even begin, Tragic and I needed to wed. I'd done some digging, I knew Tragic and I couldn't marry here, and since my sister Cornelia was now passed on, my only living relative was my nephew, Mortimer. But I never really got to know Moritmer so I didn't feel a lot of guilt when Tragic and I hopped on a plane to a romantic country where we could wed.

Champs Les Sims

In our newly madeover selves, Tragic dropped to one knee in front of our base camp and jumped to the marriage. Marrying me on the spot.

We spent our days there just doing what we felt like. We went down to the Nectary, so I could procure supplies in case any of my future children wanted to learn the art of nectar making. So while Tragic picked up the machine, I did what I normally did.

Afterwards we explored through the caves they had beneath the nectary so we would have a few items to bring home as souvenirs.

Then that first evening, we consumated our marriage, I'd been all for doing it that morning after it first happened. But Tragic wanted to wait for the other people in the base to be asleep, he was rather private like that. He would have freaked if he'd known the Watcher was there the whole time watching.


Soon though, almost too soon, we were returning to Sunset Valley from our short, yet much needed, honeymoon. We weren't home for very long when the best thing happened though.

Did I forget to mention the chimes we heard that first night? Yeah, we were now expecting, and we were getting started on this whole family thing immediately. I wanted to make up for the fact that I had missed so much just trying to get my fairytale within reach. Isn't it every little girl's dream to raise the man you want to marry from the dead? No? Well, fine, I guess I'm just weird that way.
The Watcher unfortunately didn't get many pictures of my pregnancy because of the ugly clothes I'd been put it in. I personally found it to be a pretty lame excuse. She also missed the two burglary attempts, and the attempts Tragic made to get along with my dog, who was actually fairly aggressive when I got her. Maybe she just likes me. I don't know. I just know that Watcher has a lot to make up for.

But soon pregnant time was over and it was go time. So while I screamed and hollered in the living room, she refused to let me go to the hospital for it, she let Tragic catch up on his reading.

"Excuse me, do you really think his screaming on top of yours would have been any help?"

"No! But seriously, reading?"

"At least he's keeping himself busy, of course I probably should have sent him to bed earlier that night since he had work the next morning."

"Are you going to tell them or should I?"

"Go ahead, I mainly try to observe."

"Sure as you dictate my life and the lives of my future children."

But we had not only one, not two, but three new babies, which were quickly rushed to cakes since apparently the Watcher hates the baby stage...

We had Abigail


and Jollie

I have no clue where we got the red hair from though...

Abigail was born with the traits Loves the Outdoors and Friendly; Haillie had the traits Couch Potato and Genius; and Jollie was Loves the Outdoors and Artistic.

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Offline kittenalive

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 3 -
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2015, 04:01:02 PM »
Chapter 3

It didn't take long for the triplets to begin their mornings early and end their days late. It was usually well after midnight before they were actually asleep, which didn't help for the exhausted Tragic as he worked early every morning for his job at the hospital. But, he still helped Agnes out when he would get home; he'd come up where she would be passed out int he rocking chair in the nursery and help with the skill building that she had been doing earlier.

On occasion when he would have the time before going to work really early in the morning he would spend a little time to himself, as Agnes was still passed out and so were the kids. His activities would vary between picking up the mess that had accumulated, that Agnes' magic couldn't take care of, or doing a recreational activity out in the snow before it melted away for spring.

It was late in the day that Agnes discovered who the magic users were in her little flock, she stared down at them with such pride in her eyes.

While Jolie didn't show any signs of being a witch, Agnes felt it even more crucial to spend time with her, not wanting her to feel left out for not acquiring the gift her two sisters had gotten. Of course, I forgot to get a couple pictures of her showing Jolie how to talk or walk. But it happened, both Agnes and Tragic took turns teaching the tots how to walk or talk. But Agnes took care of the potty training.

They also all got one of the imaginary friends in the mail from some distant relative that owns a magic toy shop. But Henny would not have them forgetting her.

"Tragic?" Agnes asked one evening while they were downstairs eating their food, Henny upstairs watching the tots.

"Yes?" he asked calmly, he could hear the anxiety in her voice, he knew what this was about.

"When are we going to tell them?" she asked, she was quiet, her voice was soft compared to how it usually carried in the house.

"When they're old enough. They're too young to understand anything like that right now."

"Yeah I guess you're right."

"Exactly, now let's put them to bed, it's late."

Agnes was far from calmed about the idea, she would have to tell her children about the Legacy, and she dreaded the day. But Tragic was right, that wouldn't come for a long while, she would tell them just before their Young Adult birthday. So with a heavy heart she went upstairs with Tragic to put them to bed for the evening.

The following morning Agnes realized where her fears were coming from, the tots would be aging up soon. Their toddler time was passing so quickly, so she spent as much time as she could teaching them their skills. She made sure that by the end of Snowflake Day, the children knew to walk, talk, and use the potty. Of course she couldn't have done it all without Tragic. So Snowflake Day ended and they put the tots to bed early, tomorrow was the day that they would become children, and they could really begin to show what they wanted with their lives.

The following afternoon they were taken to their cakes to age up. First went Abigail, who gained the Athletic trait.

Second was Haillie, gaining the Computer Whiz trait.

and finally went Jolie, gaining the Rebellious trait.


I know this one was rather short and really rushed, but I intend to do a toddler spam next so you can see the pictures I just didn't know how to work with here. They're adorable yes, but I just wasn't sure how to make it work in the story. Anyways, I'm gonna try and slow things down a bit, I'm just further in my game than I am in the story and I guess sorta makes me rush. Anyways though. I only play whenever my husband isn't home which is why the posts aren't very consistent. So I try to get far enough in the game that I can post a chapter whenever I get the computer. Then I play some more.
Hope you enjoy it so far though, lemme know what you think, I would really appreciate the feedback.

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2015, 04:22:45 PM »
I'm really enjoying reading along. Even though I've played TS3 for years I've never attempted a legacy so I can't give you any tips there. The toddlers are very sweet so I'm looking forward to seeing some toddler spam!  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline kittenalive

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Toddler Spam
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2015, 09:52:37 PM »
So, I promised a toddler spam, and here it is, these are the pics I couldn't figure out how to put into the story. So here they are.

I really hope you guys are enjoying so far. Lemme know what you think so far and what not. Thanks for reading so far you guys!


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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2015, 01:33:19 PM »
I'm enjoying it, the kids are adorable. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2015, 03:29:16 PM »
Aww toddlers are so cute!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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Offline kittenalive

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 4 - Childhood Friends
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2015, 05:49:39 PM »
Chapter 4 - Childhood Friends

Abigail, Haillie, and Jolie aged up happily into adorable little girls.

The day was the last day of winter, so they ran out to do a little winter activities while they could, which didn't last very long as the snow started melting rather quickly.

After the three had their birthdays they spent time doing what they loved. While they weren't spending a whole lot of time together, it was just the way they preferred to do things. Besides, with the imaginary friends that came up just a couple days later they weren't completely alone.

Abigail spent a lot of her time working out, she liked the strain it put on her body.

Jolie took her time to paint, and it really worked with her Rebellious trait since she was so creative.

And Haillie just loved her books, you could see her throughout the day in different places in the large house just immersed in a book or two.

The imaginary friends, the names of which were Buddy, Blob, and Pat, started walking around only a couple days after the girls' birthdays.

Naturally the imaginary friends followed them around everywhere, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen; everywhere except school of course. So the girls grew up with their imaginary friends, while working on their own skills of course. But things were going to be changing soon, the choice of the heir was drawing closer and closer with each passing day. Agnes planned to tell them near the end of their teenager years so they wouldn't be bothered by the looming prospect.

Author's Note:
I'm aware the the chapters so far have been rather short, and I'm also really sorry for the delay on this one. I stated previously that I'm only really able to do this when my husband isn't here, because I like giving him his time on his games. But I'll get them up as frequently as I can and go from there. Either way though, I hope you're enjoying it so far. The main reason the chapters are so short is because I kinda suck at getting pictures. It slips my mind a bunch it seems, but I'll try to get a lot of pictures of their teenage years, since in my game that's where I am.

Offline kittenalive

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 5 - Enjoying the Light Time
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2015, 03:30:22 PM »
Chapter 5 - Enjoying the Light Time

For our three potential heiresses life seemed pretty good, Abigail spent a good amount of time, that she wasn't working out, playing in the tree house with her imaginary friend playing pirate.

"Hoist the anchor!"

"Aye, captain!"

"Alright, now let's get our voyage underway before other ships come to claim our bootie!"

It wasn't that much of a surprise, that with the amount of time they spent bonding that they would be the first to be offered the opportunity.

and so it was Blob that was the first of the imaginary friends to become human.

However Haillie spent a lot of her time reading and playing on her computer so it took her a little longer to be able to turn her imaginary friend human.

"Do you wanna play?"

"After this level."

"You know, you said that two hours ago..."

"I really mean it this time, this is the last level."

so Pat was the second one to turn into a human.

Which means that Jolie was the last to turn her imaginary friend. It took her the longest because of her painting. While she knew she needed her imaginary friend, more than her siblings did even, she was in love with her art, she wanted to share it all over the town, she wanted to paint the town wonderful colors.

So she set out to find her imaginary friend one evening and thrust the potion into his hands to turn him. She'd been told by the person at the science facility just what to do, so now she waited for him to do it.

One swig later and before her stood Buddy in his human form.

Before her stood her newest inspiration, and she knew he would be the focus of most of her work. This wonderful sim who'd treated her like any other normal person. Everyone seemed to treat her differently from her sister, all because she wasn't able to use magic like them.

After the change though, the girls returned to their usual activities. Abigail for instance, she absolutely loved being outside, so was just as commonly seen lounging by the pool.

Soon was their birthday, they would soon be teenagers, getting closer to the reveal of where their lives were going to go.

Offline kittenalive

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2015, 03:00:17 PM »
Hey you guys, sorry I haven't posted a chapter in a while. I should get one up hopefully some time in the next week or so. A lot has happened recently so I kinda forgot about the story lol. Plus I haven't gamed since the last time I posted a chapter lol. Either way though, I'll try to get the next chapter up soon so you can enjoy. Again, sorry for the delays on it.

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2015, 06:56:23 PM »
Don't worry about us. We'll be here when you're ready.
I love Buddy's hair, by the way.

Offline kittenalive

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2015, 02:58:26 PM »
I know i said i would get the next one up soon. And hopefully i will get it done this week. My husband and i have just been really busy trying to set up everything for the baby we're expecting in the next couple weeks. So I'm sorry for not getting it up yet. Just bear with me. Soon. It will be soon. I promise  :)

Offline kittenalive

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2015, 08:17:21 PM »
So, I'm going to be moving my Sims 3 over to my laptop today to see if I can get it to work on it. Before it kept being super slow so idk, I'm pretty sure it was because I had a little too much in terms of DLC.
I'm just going to see if it works for now, if it does I'm going to take Sims 3 off of my husband's computer because I know it bugs him when he doesn't get a turn lol. We're both pretty addicted to our games.
But I'll let you know, because if it does work I'm more than likely going to scrap this story and try again on my laptop. Again, I'll let you know.
Also, I know I said I'd get a new chapter up soon, but I've just been dealing with trying to get my house and stuff ready to have this baby, who by the way is still not here and I'm almost a week past my due date  >:(

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Re: Grimm Legacy - Chapter 1 - Letting Go of Grief
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2015, 10:17:15 AM »
Thanks for sharing your story. I like it so far. What a wacky beginning! Toddlers are the reason I refuse to buy Sims 4 so toddler spam is appreciated. :-)

