Hello everyone and an especial hello to anyone who remembers me, I think it has been two years since I was last here.
I've finally got a new laptop and have been able to play again - I've had The Sims 4 for two weeks now - and decided to try this challenge. It was a real learning curve, the brilliant guide on Ambrosia was a great help and I had fun, thank you. However, I didn't enter a score because I didn't finish in time.
Congratulations to ClayMask, and to the rest of you who did (even if you DNQ'd).
I have two questions: if anyone would be kind enough to answer, please?
The first relates to life extension. I read this:
Life extension methods are already banned in the general challenge rules. The bodybuilder aspiration is normally an exception, since normally a challenge would end before it would matter, but I expect it would be counted as a life extension method for the purpose of this challenge.
And looked up the rules that said: "Life Extension - anything that lengthens
pre-Elder life stages is prohibited. Completing the Bodybuilder Aspiration is fine since it only lengthens Elder."
So I used a potion because my sim (Elle Darr) was an elder and not a pre-elder. Would that have actually been allowed?
Second question: where did you keep your Angel Fish?
The reason I ask is because my sim ate her's! I put it in the fridge (along with some other fish) because I thought it might go off in her inventory. Then, at some stage, I had her cook a fishy meal. D'oh.
Thanks in advance.... now to attempt the 'I Dream of Teeny' and hope to finish before the deadline...