Author Topic: Time for Thyme Again-December 30 - A Fond Sad Farewell  (Read 59167 times)

Offline BigMud

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #225 on: October 16, 2015, 05:18:36 PM »
Just caught up with your dynasty, I love your sims! You write dialogue very realistically. Summer is lovely, I can't wait to see what she'll do with her life!

Offline Joria

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #226 on: October 16, 2015, 06:32:26 PM »
Back at the family home, life was carrying on as usual.  Don and Dina were off enjoying their life and honeymoon in private with only an occasional visit from Spring to check in and see how they were.  The rest of the family were busy leading their lives and enjoying doing the usual things. 

Summer:  Hey, W.  Sorry, can't chat right now.  Homework.

W:  Happy to see you at it.  Think I'll check in on the twins.  Catch you later!

Juliet:  So, he was so rude to me!!  I just don't quite know how to handle it, Romeo.  I mean, he was going to get "lucky", ya know?

Romeo:  TMI Jules.  Too much information for a brother to handle.  So you want some advice or just to vent?  Either way I'm cool with it.   By the way, I like your new "do".

Mal:  Knock his lights out Jules, that's my advice.

Romeo:  Hey!  That's my job as a big brother!!

Juliet:  Big brother?  Like what, seconds older?  We're twins, remember?

Romeo:  See these babies?  You chill and I'll just settle his hash with these monsters.

Juliet: *snorts*  I'll handle it myself, but thanks you two.

Mal: Glad to be of service Jules.  Any time.  *mutters and tries screwdriver*

Romeo:  Do what you gotta do, Sis, but if you need help I'll be there in a flash.  Ok? 

Juliet:  Thanks, Bro.  I knew I could count on you.

W: This is gonna be good.  Best not let her know I'm watching.  *snickers*

Richard:  But, Jules!  How was I to know what you intended?  I thought we were just friends and then you got all weird and......

Juliet:  WEIRD?!!  I got WEIRD??!!!  How dare you, you imbecile!  I offered to make all your dreams come true and you insulted me and broke my heart!!  How dare you!!

Richard:  Calm down, Jules!!  You're scaring me!

Juliet:  Wait till I get my hands on you!  I'll do more than just scare you, you spineless, cowardly, piece of......of.......arrrgggghhh!  Sewer sludge!!

Juliet:  And you can take back this crappy piece of junk you gave me as a gift.

Richard:  Awww, Jules.....

Juliet:  I don't ever want to speak to you again.  Leave.  Now.

Watcher:  Feel better?

Juliet:  Yep.

Watcher:  Nice garden.

Juliet:  Yep.

W:  Errrrr.  'K then..........Uh.....I like your hair.

Juliet:  Yep.

So, as I said, everything back to normal.

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #227 on: October 16, 2015, 06:33:44 PM »
Just caught up with your dynasty, I love your sims! You write dialogue very realistically. Summer is lovely, I can't wait to see what she'll do with her life!

Thank you, Big Mud.  In game play she's still developing.  It's a fun dynasty for me to write.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #228 on: October 19, 2015, 01:06:26 PM »
It seemed like Thyme was standing still.  There was a rather hushed air in the family, a sense of impending sadness as they waited for the inevitable.  Each member tried to carry on as usual, not wanting to address what they knew would happen, and each wishing in their hearts for longer life and an enjoyment of the remaining days.  Romeo worked hard in the artists' studio, trying to recapture a Book of Life for his departed friend, Rhys.

Romeo:  So, W., I heard it's not too late to do a B.O. L. for someone when they've passed on.  Then you can use it to recall them to life.

W:  How's that working for you?  I'm pretty sure it can't be done.

Romeo:  So far it's a fail, but at the least I have blank books to fill for others.  Got Don's captured now.  Ya never know what the future will bring.

Meanwhile, Juliet and Spring were bonding over the cooking channel.  Juliet wanted to add gourmet cooking to her list of accomplishments and who better to mentor her than Spring?

Spring:  Since you're through with the gardening for the day, let's just chill here and watch some cooking videos.  If you follow closely you'll get some amazing recipes from it and I can help with some of the trickier techniques.

Juliet:  'K.  Did you know I learned that cracking egg with one hand technique from watching this?

Spring:  No!  Did you really?  It's pretty hard to do if you don't want eggshell everywhere, not to mention goopy hands.  Ok, give me a sec while I find the right show, and thanks for upgrading the tv!

Juliet:  Any time.  It's what I do.

Later that day Juliet was putting her newest techniques to practice.  She stirred away at the latest cake recipe while Summer got some tips from her.

Juliet:  See?  You have to stir really fast and just give it a final twist like this.  Carefully done or you'll have cake batter everywhere you don't want it.  How are you coming on that essay you were supposed to write?

Summer:  Just about done with it.  It's a good thing I like to write.  I sure get enough of it to do in school!  I just hope it doesn't ruin my plans of being an author like Uncle Rom.

Juliet:  I thought you were going to be an artist?

Summer:  Maybe.  I like that as well.  Can't I do both?

Juliet:  Well you have to leave something for the heirs to come.  You're only number one you know.

Summer: Sorry to hear about the blow up with Richard.  He's not so bad.  Just immature and kind of dumb. 

Juliet:  Well, I sorted him out.  No worries, sweetie, there are plenty more where he came from.  Thanks to Uncle Don.  *snorts*

Summer:  *embarrassed*  Ummm, about that.  No one seems to want to tell me about Uncle Don's job.  What is it he was doing with all those lady friends anyway?

Juliet:  Hon, that's a talk you're going to have to have with your Mom. 

The talk around the table that night was animated and interesting.  Everyone seemed to have something to share and chatted away while the blackened bass grew cold.

Mal:  You may not have noticed but I'm wearing a totally new uniform today.  Yep, only one promotion away from maxing my career.  Why the Watcher didn't pick me to be a dynasty founder I'll never know.  Look how well I've done.

Summer:  'Gratz Uncle Mal. But if it had been you then I wouldn't be here, now would I?

Spring:  I'm sure W. would have found some way for you to show up love.  Congratulations, Malcolm.  You've done very well for yourself and us.  We certainly appreciate all those gizmos you've made for us.

Mal:  Welcome, Spring.  It really does help to be able to clone all those moodlet managers.

Romeo:  So Juliet any new potential beaus in the offing?

Juliet:  I'm looking at a few.  We'll see how it goes.

Summer:  Mom, I want to head out to the park for a bit  A few of the kids are going to hang out there tonight.  Ok?  My homework's all done.

Spring:  Sure, just as soon as you finish that painting you were working on.  Now, come on everyone, this bass is getting cold.

W:  Whatcha doin' sweetie?

Summer:  *sighs*  Working on this abstract.  It's just not turning out the way I want and I have to finish it before I can chill with my buds.

W:  It will come out just fine.  You're really moving right along on this aspiration so just keep plugging away.  Don't let it ruin your love of art though.

Summer:  Honestly!  No one wants to give you a straight answer!!  I keep asking and asking but it's like this big secret or something.

Yang:  Well, it's no secret around MY house!  Except from me of course.

Summer:  Look, someday we're both going to want to have boyfriends, but no one will talk about it.  I mean, I know it's an adult thing but aren't we almost adults?  Or young adults anyway?

Yang:  Parents!  Can't live with them and.....

Summer:  Can't live with them!  *laughs*  Let's get one game in before curfew.  Don't want to get the Watcher yakking at me.

Yang:  'K.  Your move.

And so went an ordinary day in the not so ordinary lives of the Thyme family.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #229 on: October 19, 2015, 04:44:29 PM »
The day had finally come.  It was a lovely day, full of sunshine, and it was particularly lovely in Granite Falls.  The sound of the river rushing by, the birds singing, the wind in the trees and the evergreen scented air lent an aura of peace and tranquility.  Don woke up full of joy.  His life of adventurous wooing and winning was done.  He had met his long time love, Dina and life was good.  Too good to last perhaps because as he stepped away from their bed........

Don:  Oh, Watcher no!  Please tell me it isn't time.

W:  I'm sorry my dear friend.  I gave you as much time as was legally allowed, and the few days of joy you had.  You've done well Don.  You've given us hope for the future and been a true friend and helper.  I'm sorry.  At least you won't be alone.

Don:  I'm getting so weak......tired......who will take care of Dina and my kids?

W:  We all will Don.  Spring is here for her.  Be at peace.

Dina:  Don?  Don!  What are you doing?  Get up, honey.  No time for exercise.

Don: tired.   Just need to .........

Dina:  *sobbing as she realizes what is going on*

Don:  Don't grieve my love.  These past few days have been wonderful.  Thank you for waiting and continuing to love me.  I love you so much.  I love you.......Dina......I'm sorry.....

Dina: DON!  No!  It's too soon!  Spring!

Dina:  Don!  Don't leave me!  Please don't leave me yet......I need you...

Grim:  I heard the call.  Is it Don?

Dina:  Spring!  Oh my heavens!  Spring come help him......

Dina:  GRIM!  You stay away!!  It can't be his time.

Grim:  Get a grip woman!  If it isn't him my notebook will let me know.  He's my friend too you know.

Spring:  Oh, Don.  My dear friend, Don. 

Grim:  Hmmmmm.......well, well, well.  He HAS had an adventurous life, now hasn't he?  Been a busy boy.  We'll certainly have a few stories to share.  Sorry, ladies.  This is the right place, right time and right man.  He's gotta come with me.

Dina:  Please, Mr. Grim.  Can't you spare him for just a few more days?  He's been so good and kind. He really is a good man you know.

Grim:  Yes, I DO know.  So sorry.  It IS his time.  I'll be gentle.

Grim:  Come along, Donnie......*snickers*.  We've got a ways to go.

Grim:  All right.  That's done then.  I AM sorry ladies but when you gotta go, you gotta go.  I did my best for him.  Golden urn and all.  I'm sure you'll take good care of the remains.

Dina:  But......but....I needed him here!

Spring:  Thank you, Grim.  You were very gentle and that is a lovely urn.  It's just too sad for us all you know.

Grim:  Sorry.  It's the job.

Spring:  I'll just fix everyone some lunch then. 

Grim:  Mind if I join in?  I'll just sit over here, shall I?

Spring:  I'm not sure that's a good idea, Grim.  Dina is pretty upset you know.

Grim:  I know.  And I'm really sorry to bring such grief to people.  But it's the natural order of things.  It's a nasty job but someone has to do it.  I've actually considered retiring.

Dina:  I don't hold you responsible Grim.  I just am having a hard time understanding why it had to be right now. 

Grim:  I never know what's going to be on my calendar.  Well, actually I do know but the rules say after I give my two warnings that's it and I'm not bound to tell loved ones ahead of time.  Sorry 'bout that but rules are rules.

Spring:  Look, not to criticize or anything.  But it's not just WHAT you do but HOW you do it.  I mean, all that spooky, heeby geeby, creepy music, the black smoke cloud thing, not to mention the entire not-my-favorite-designer look to the clothes.  And that creepy, death of rats, (or freezer bunnies in this case), man purse.  I mean, really?  You definitely need a make over.

W: Errrr, Spring.  Don't push it.  He IS the Grim Reaper you know.  As in take your soul and leave an urn.

Spring: *to W only*  Hellooooo.  Ambrosia!  Did we forget so soon?

W:  My point exactly.  You know he hates it you dynasty folks can do that.

Grim:  I'll take it under advisement.

Spring:  You know we totally understand the whole "circle of life" thing.  I've been having these huge discussions with the Creator about that whole thing.  Error in judgement if you ask me but no is so we're stuck with it.  Anyhoo, I don't mean to be rude but what could it hurt to freshen up a bit?
Get a new look.  A new vibe goin' on.  Maybe even a new gig?

Grim:  I'll consider your point of view but a Grim has certain rules and that's that.

Grim:  Ooooopss!  Notification!  Gotta jet........sorry about the smoke.....

Dina:  So what do I do now?  I just finally get the guy of my dreams and poof!  Gone!  I don't understand.  Why me?

Spring:  Hon there is no rhyme nor reason for things like this.  As to what you're going to do you're going to carry on.  You'll grieve, you'll be sad, but eventually you'll be ok.  Your sons will care for you and so will we.

Spring:  You know you'll always have a home with us if you don't want to go back to your old house.  We still have Don's room all set up and you're more than welcome to live there with us.  Familiar surroundings might help.

Dina:  Well, I certainly had some happy memories there but I don't know.

Dina:  I just can't bear the thought of being without him, and I don't think all those memories would be a good thing right now since I won't be making any more.  It's just overwhelming.  I think......I know....I need some time alone.  I think I'll just stay here for now, where we shared our last moments.  He'd like that.

Spring:  Dina if that is what you want then it's ok.  We'll stop in from time to time to see how you are doing and you can always text or call if you need us or want to come home.  So sorry, Dina.  We all  loved him.   Be strong.  You can do this.  You know I truly understand.

Dina:  Thank you, Spring.  Good by for now.

W:  Rest in peace, dear friend, Don Lothario.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline BigMud

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #230 on: October 19, 2015, 07:13:57 PM »
Aw, so sad. Don was pretty adorable in his own special way. :( rip but he will be remembered I'm sure.

On a lighter note, I love Spring's apron in this scene. Too cute! :P

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #231 on: October 19, 2015, 07:21:56 PM »
Juliet sure told Richard a few things there. You go girl !

Nice seeing Spring and Juliet spending some quality time together bonding over cooking and Juliet giving cooking tips to Summer.
I wonder if Summer will ever find out the truth about Don..

Speaking of Don. That was a really heartbreaking update and I'm going to miss him  :'( He kind of grows on you doesn't he ?

Spring telling Grim that he needs a make over was quite amusing.

R.I.P Don
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #232 on: October 22, 2015, 12:43:08 PM »
Juliet sure told Richard a few things there. You go girl !

Nice seeing Spring and Juliet spending some quality time together bonding over cooking and Juliet giving cooking tips to Summer.
I wonder if Summer will ever find out the truth about Don..

Speaking of Don. That was a really heartbreaking update and I'm going to miss him  :'( He kind of grows on you doesn't he ?

Spring telling Grim that he needs a make over was quite amusing.

R.I.P Don

Summer is curious about whoo hoo and being totally innocent at this point, doesn't understand Don at all.

Juliet chewing out Richard pretty much happened autonomously.  She started to fight with him by herself so I just carried it on and had it fit in to the story.  Whenever the two of them are together she gets bent out of shape for some reason.

Aw, so sad. Don was pretty adorable in his own special way. :( rip but he will be remembered I'm sure.

On a lighter note, I love Spring's apron in this scene. Too cute! :P

Her apron is just part of a regular full outfit in CAS.  One of the cuter ones I think.  Felt it was appropriate for a cook and that black chef's outfit is not attractive.

Thank you both of you for commenting and all you lurkers who are reading.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #233 on: October 22, 2015, 05:04:39 PM »
Spring:  I thought I'd find you out here.  Have you eaten?

Dina:  No, not yet.  Just enjoying the night air and having a chat with Don. 

Spring:  Well, you've got to eat something.  You know Don wouldn't want you to get sick or anything.

Spring:  Here, let me build up this fire a bit.  Mind if I sit with you?  Maybe we could roast something?

Dina:  Fine.  Yes, build it up.  It gets pretty chilly at night.

Dina:  I guess you're right.  I was getting pretty hungry and didn't realize it.  Just waiting know.

Spring:  Yes, Dina, I do know. 

Spring:  Are you really sure about this Dina?  You know I have a perfectly big house with lots of room in it for you.  The kids would love to have you around as well.

Dina:  No, Spring.  I really want to stay here.  My time is almost up and I want to be here when it happens.  I hope it's not too much of a burden on you coming here to check on me.  I appreciate it you know.  Just seems hard taking you away from your family to be with me.

Spring:  Well, I do miss them but I don't mind giving them a chance to miss me.  It's nice getting to know you better as well, and I think Don would appreciate me being here for you.  He really loved you a lot.

Dina:  Yes, he did.  Finally got up the courage and married me after all those years.  You really ought to ask the kids to come for a short visit.  I don't have much room in the house but I think we could manage.

Spring:  They wouldn't want to impose but they would love to come see their Aunt Dina.  I'll think about it.  You go get some rest.  I want to go for a walk.

Much later in the early morning hours......

Spring:  Oh, Lara Lew.  I'm so sorry for your loss.  Both your Mom and Dad in one day!  How ever are you and Yang going to manage?

Lara:  Hello, Miss Spring.  I don't know.  I just don't know.  I miss them both so much. We'd come up here to say good bye to Dad and then Mom just dropped right in front of me.

Spring:  This has been a very sad few weeks for all of us.  You know, you are like part of our family since you played with Summer so much.  If there is anything you need, or a place to stay, you know you can move in with us.  It won't make the hurt go away but at least you won't be alone.

Lara:  Thank you.  That means a lot.

Spring:  Any time, my dear.  Any time you just call.  We're at a cabin over there if you want to pop in a bit later...?

Lara:  Uh, no, not this time.  Dad married some one else, not my Mom and it would be a bit awkward all around.  I'll stop in when we're all back home.  Ok?

Dina:  You know, Don, she looks pretty lonely over there all by herself. Just fishing away.  She can't get angelfish here.  (listening pause)  Oh, right.  Salmon for dinner.  What?  (listening)  That's a good idea.  I'll get right on it.

Dina:  Hello?  Simcation Travel Agency?  Yes.  Uh huh.  No everything is fine here.  I just wanted to book travel arrangements for some additional family members.  No, we won't need a bigger place.  It will only be for a short while.  How many?  Fine.  Thank you!

Summer:  SURPRISE!!!

Spring:  Oh my goodness!  This IS a surprise.  A happy one.  I'm so glad to see you honey.  All well at home? 

Summer:  Yes, Mom.  We're all fine.  School is out for the weekend so Aunt Dina called the travel agency and here we are.  They aren't even charging extra for us so that's a bonus. 

later on that day.......

Spring:  Really, Dina this is great for the body.  You're going to love this.

Dina:  Uh huh.  I don't know if these old bones can handle all of it.  You guys sure brought a lot of stuff for just one day.

Romeo:  Oh, we figured we'd camp out over night.  Gotta have all the comforts.

Juliet:  Uncle Don used to do all this stuff with us.  Thought you'd might like to give it a go.  Keeps you slim and trim and no danger for older folks.  Like this...

Dina:  (oh my.  What did I do?  So much for grieving alone. *sigh*) Thank you, Juliet.

Much later the next night......

Dina:  Yes, Don.  I know they meant well.  But isn't it nice to just have the peace and quiet and have just the two of us here alone?  Spring will come back to check in.  Yes, dear.  I love you too.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline BigMud

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #234 on: October 22, 2015, 06:38:17 PM »
Oh, the apron must be in one of the Stuff Packs then, because I don't have it.

Great update, Dina is so sweet as an elder. In my games shes always one of the last original townies to go.

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #235 on: October 26, 2015, 12:32:37 AM »
RIP Don, you sure did the dynasty proud. I do so hate the helpers and spouses dying.  :(
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #236 on: October 31, 2015, 04:01:08 PM »
With everyone aging up together, it seems the Thyme house is doomed to face one tragedy after another.  First Rez, then Don, and now, as he was coming home from another good day at work....

Mal:  What the heck?  What are YOU doing here?  Dina's back at camp.

Grim: *chuckling*  Oh, surely you know why I'm here "old friend".  I've come to have a little chat with the guy who always was on my case about my job.  The one who called my Momma a llama.  The one who......

Mal:  Errrr, you didn't take all that seriously now did you?  I mean, you know I'm just a great joker, right?  *nervously* Heheheheh, funny eh?  So, really now.  What brings you to this neighborhood?

Grim:  You do.  I'm really going to enjoy this.  Just you and me.  No one to mourn and carry on.  You're on your own.  The joke's on YOU.

Mal:  Feel so weak.....tired.....maybe I'll just rest a wee bit.  You won't mind will you?  We can continue this discussion another time.

Grim:  *laughs so hard he breaks a black smoke cloud*  Oh, this IS fun!

Grim:  Well, looks like you're going to have a witness after all.

Mal:  Please.......tell my family.......I've always loved them......and you're still a stinker with a black heart who.......

Grim:  I'd stop right there if I were you.

Random Townie:  What?  Who?  Grim what's going on here?

Grim:  Malcolm Landgraab has finally met the end of his days.  I'm here to reap his soul.  I hadn't planned on being gentle but seeing as how you're here, and getting on in years....

RT:  Oh, poor man.  Where's his family?  I think I knew him.

Grim:  Friend of yours?

RT:  Oh, no.  He wasn't the friendly type.  Too bad.  Such a good looking man.  Still, you'd think his family would be here and all.

Spring:  MAL!!!  Oh, Grim why didn't you tell me?  I just came out to get the mail and here is my dear friend Mal.  I didn't realize your Thyme was up.  *begins to tear up*

Grim:  *grumbling to self*  Nothing like ruining a good revenge reaping.  This guy is starting to draw a crowd.  Sheesh.  Can't a man work in peace?

Spring:  Please be gentle, Grim.  There are children watching you know.

RT:  Yeah, he wasn't such a bad guy.  Good family and all.  Be nice, now.

Grim:  sigh

Lara Lew:  Mr. Grim are you going to hurt my Uncle Mal?  Please be nice.

Grim:  *sighs*  No, Lara.  I won't hurt your Uncle Mal.  But I do have to take his soul you know.  *I'll get you for this Watcher.*

Juliet:  Mal?!  Mal, get up!

Romeo:  So, it's ol' Mal's time eh?  Well, been real bro.  Have a nice whatever.

Grim:  Well, what do you know!?  Seems like he's not been so bad after all.  Says here he deserves a right nice tombstone.  Rewards for family care.  Worked hard for his adopted family dynasty.  Almost made it to the top of his career.  Hmmmm, ok then.  Could 'a fooled me.

Spring:  Rest in peace my friend.  Rez and Don will be happy to have you with them.  You won't be alone ever again.   *sobs*

Juliet:  Oh, Mal!  I'm going to miss you.  Good bye, Mal.

Romeo:  Yeah, good bye bro.  Say hi to Mom and Dad for us eh?

Grim:  *Oh, for pity's sake will you all just let me get on with it!* 

Good bye Mal.  You were a true friend for my Thyme.

Grim:  *Come to papa.*  Gotcha!


Grim:  Ok, there ya have it.  Show's over folks.

Spring:  Thank you, Grim.  We'll take it from here.

general background mourning

My little family is losing so much.  I'm going to have to take steps to fix this.

Juliet:  And just where do you think you're going Romeo Landgraab?  You get back here right now!

Romeo:  Whatever, Jules.  It's over.  He's done.  In his tombstone and all. What more is there?

Grim:  She's a feisty one.  I might have to get to know her better.

Romeo:  Ok, I'm here.  What do you want me to do now?  I really hardly knew him.

Juliet:  Shame on you!  He was our brother for crying out loud!  You pick up that tombstone right now.  I know exactly where we should put him.

Romeo: sigh

Romeo:  Mom and Dad.  *sigh*  I can't really say I miss them.  I guess this is appropriate.

Spring:  Thyme to go home, family.  This isn't over.  Good bye, Mal.

Summer:  Good bye, Uncle Mal.  Say hello to Daddy and Uncle Don for me.

RIP, Mal.  You'll be missed.  Thyme for us to leave.

Author's Note:  Sorry I've left you all without updates.  I just couldn't face death after death after death.  There is still one more to go and really I'm debating whether I'll show it or not.  Plus I've been having way too much fun with my runaway teen story.  Not too much to show for teenage Summer but I'll be catching up with her and the rest of the family soon.
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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #237 on: October 31, 2015, 04:13:59 PM »
RIP Mal, although this was a sad chapter it was really filled with fantastic screenshots and a nice touch of humor.  The first round of deaths I think are the hardest in any dynasty.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #238 on: November 02, 2015, 06:44:12 PM »
So much sorry, so close together.  It seemed the house would never be rid of the cloud of sadness.  There was only one elder left, and true to her word, Spring was there for her.  After waiting patiently for months on end, Dina finally felt the call.  Reaching her hand out to the ghostly presence of her love, Don Lothario, she knew it was finally time for them to be together forever.

Dina:  Is that you love?  Is it time?  I'm ready my darling.  Take me to you....

Spring:  Grim.  Thanks for coming.  You will be gentle with her?  Good.  Right this way.

Together at last.  Rest in peace, Dina.


The cabin was paid up for the next several days, so Spring called up the family and they gathered around for a fun days of fun and relaxation in the forest park.  Death and sadness could be put aside for quite some time now, but all the tragedy, loss and final love had the younger set really thinking.  Juliet was determined she would not end HER last days without having known a deep and lasting love, and it seemed everywhere she went opportunities for romance seemed to just come out of nowhere.  Even in the midst of sorrow there might come joy.

Bear: Hi there!  Y'all new to the campgrounds?  I'm Bear, as you can see.  And you are?

Juliet:  Hello.  Juliet here.  Nice to meet you tall, dark and furry.  Heheheh

Romeo:  Pleased to meet you Bear.  Romeo's the name.

Spring:  *I just can't face this!  A talking bear for crying out loud.*  Ummm, I'm sorry.  A bit under the weather.  I think I'll go have a lie down.  Excuse me please Bear, family.

Bear:  (to self) * One down, one to go.

Bear:  Poor lady.  Was it something I said?  Did I scare her?

Romeo:  Nah, she's just had too many losses too soon together.  She's pretty resilient.  She'll be ok.

Juliet:  So you been here long?  Tell us about yourself.

Bear:  Well, not too much to say really.  I just hang around, scare the gullible, eat berries.  You know, bear stuff.  I growl a lot too.  Really sets them off.  HEHEHE  You should see the grown ups run!  Kids aren't at all scared though.

Romeo:  So you spend your days scaring people?  How come you're just sitting here, telling bear-in-the-woods jokes and stuff?  I mean, you just came right over and were all nice.

Bear:  Well, it wouldn't do to upset such nice, and might I say, lovely ladies?  I thought maybe I could cheer up the one that left but guess that was a fail.

Juliet:  Don't feel bad, Bear.  She just lost a bunch of friends AND her husband in just a few days.  One right after the other.  She'll be fine and it wasn't your fault.

Bear:  Phew!  I thought maybe I'd forgotten to use my deodorant or something.   Say......have I told you the one about.......

Romeo:  Errrr, gotta run.  Fish to catch, girls to meet.  Cya.

Bear:  Later, Ro!  *Thought he'd never leave.  Now for this fine, foxy lady.  Hellooooo bear charm.*

Juliet:  Ok, Bear, let's cut to the chase.  Who are you really and what do you want?

Bear:  Busted!  Ok, my name is Anton and this furry face is just my weekend gig.  The Ranger thought it would be cool if there was a real bear walking around and that's me.  I HAD to come over and meet you. I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable or anything but you are the most gorgeous gal I've seen in a long time.  Not in a relationship are you?  Am I going too fast?

Juliet:  Not at all Bear.  I think you're sweet and thanks for the compliment.  I've seen you around and kind of wondered what was up.

Bear:  Get's pretty lonely being a bear.  I mean, what girl is going to look twice at a goofball in a bear suit, even if he is good and loves the outdoors the way I do.

Juliet:  Sounds pretty sad, Bear.  I kinda like goofballs and I love the outdoors too.  I garden a lot.  Makes me happy.  How about you?

Bear:  Well, I'm happy now.  I mean, how not?  Sitting next to a gorgeous babe like yourself.

Juliet:    Ummmmm.  Well then,  maybe we should get to know one another a bit better?

Bear: *GULP.  She likes you.  As a bear!  Don't blow this one. Checks breath in case of need for mint.  Don't want raw fish breath to ruin things.*

Juliet:  *fakes yawn, makes a move*  Sooooo, tell me more, Bear.  You're single I take it?

Bear:  Uhhh,  yeah.  But I don't wanna be.

Juliet:  Words to my heart.  So, you were telling me all about US, right?  I'm not moving too fast now am I?

Bear:  *overwhelmed*  I don't know what to say.  You like me?

Juliet:  What was your first clue, Bear?  So, I'm in this dynasty thing.  You know, I get to slave my life away and THEY get to live forever.  They get to fall in love, marry and have nooboos and I get to watch and wish.  So, I'm really not into wasting any more time.  I need romance Bear.  I need a sweetheart.  I need......

Bear:  Me?

Juliet:  You got it in one.  So, interested in taking this chat any further?  We could maybe do more than cuddle?

Bear: Really?  You're really interested in a bear?

Juliet:  Which part of desperate did I not convey?

Juliet pulled "Bear" to his feet.  No mean trick considering it was a well guy inside of a hot and heavy bear suit.  She quickly snuck in close and planted a kiss.

Bear:  WOW!

Juliet:  *fur has got to go*

Bear:  Juliet you have taken my breath away.  Any chance we could get together later, without the bear suit?

Juliet:  I can hardly wait.  I really think I like you, and no matter if you're Anton in real life, you'll always be "Bear" to me.  Can you meet me at my house back in Oasis Springs?

Bear:  Just call my name and I'll be there.  *Can hardly believe my luck*

Juliet: 'K.  Gotta go now Bear.  Family's leaving.  This is going to be fun!

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #239 on: November 03, 2015, 01:25:40 PM »
Aww that sucks with so many deaths in such a short time.

I'm curious to see what the man behind the bear looks like.

Great update as usual.
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

Raven's Immortal Dynasty

