Author Topic: Time for Thyme Again-December 30 - A Fond Sad Farewell  (Read 59182 times)

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #60 on: July 13, 2015, 03:19:46 PM »
It was surprisingly hard for me to write that last episode.  I had kind of ignored Geof while I was playing as I was mainly focused on Spring and making sure she was doing ok.  As I went to write it I was feeling a bit guilty that I had not done more for this good man so I'm sitting typing and sniffling.  I actually put it off for several days because I couldn't face it.  I don't play with ghosts so I won't even get a chance to say sorry or make it better for him.  *sniffs*

Londyn is one of a set of twins by Katrina Caliente.  The other is Chelsie.  They are both awesome kids and, as usual for the Caliente ladies, really very pretty.  Katrina had Londyn and Chelsie.  The gal Don was with, Liliana, has two daughters by him, Esther and Veronica.  Attractive but with unfortunate hair styles and personalities that aren't as great as the Caliente kids.  So far Don has 20 offspring.   ::)

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #61 on: July 13, 2015, 04:44:45 PM »
Awww I hate it when they die, very well written Joria. It got to me, quite a bit!  :'(

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #62 on: July 13, 2015, 05:07:21 PM »
W:  *yawns, stretches*  Good morning, Juliet.  Where you running off to?

Juliet:  Chores.  You sure slept late.

W:  Yeah.  It was a pretty rough day.  We're gonna miss your dad.

Juliet:  For sure.  He was a good guy and a great dad.  Guess it was just his time.  I loved how he'd read stories to me and Romeo.  Good times.  I'll remember him that way.  I don't know how he put up with us.

W:  Pretty cool plant you're working on there.  What is it?

Juliet:  It's called a Globe Fruit plant.  We got a weird seed somehow, I think from transforming, so Spring said she wanted it planted asap.  It's really pretty.  Kind of alien looking.  Maybe I'll be able to find some more or others equally as weird when I grow up.  Plan on being an astronaut.

W:  Errrr... astronaut?  Right.  About that.......

Juliet:  No worries, W.  I know my place in the scheme of things.  I'm just hoping there will be enough helpers that I can make my dream come true.  If not......well....time will tell.

W: 'K.  Well, I'll leave you to it.  Gonna go grab a cup of coffee and a bite to eat.  Spring has made some awesome bagels.  Cya!...

Don:  How are you holding up, Nancy?

Nancy:  Not so good.  I keep writing sad stories and crying myself to sleep.  I miss him so much.

Don:  Maybe what you need is a change of scenery.  Take a little vacation somewhere?

Nancy:  Well, I do have a lot of writing to do........still.....not such a bad idea.  Maybe a trip to Granite Falls.  We could get some unusual herbs and plants there, maybe do a little fishing.  Spring would love to have some other stuff to cook with and Rez has been wanting to try his hand at some herbal remedies.

Don:  Sounds like a plan to me.  I'll check with Spring and see what she says.


Nancy:  WHOA!  Guess she said yes, although letting me change my clothes and pack would have been nice.  I'm going to check out the cabin, maybe catch up on some sleep.  Geoffrey would have loved it here.

Malcolm:  So, what's the plan for today?  Chores?  Fishing?  Games?

Romeo:  All the above, although the chores are easy ones.  Find stuff and keep the food coming and the cabin tidy.  Not so bad.

Juliet:  And I suppose I'll be the one in charge of "tidy", right?

Romeo:  Right.  What else are girls good for?

Mal:  Cool it.  Here comes Rez.

Rez: *whistling*  Great day, eh?  I love it here!  Pretty awesome fishing spots, places to go hiking, nice people to meet.  You guys could work on your people skills, eh?  Maybe make some friends?  Watch out for bears though.  Heard they were friendly but you never can tell.

Mal:  Bears?  Right.  I have a little item that would put any bear on ice. *snickers*

Rez:  Just wish Spring could be here.  Had to work.  So we get to spend just one day and night here.  Make the most of it while you can.

Ok, I admit it.  I fell down on the job and didn't take any snapshots of the gang having fun.  Let's just say horseshoes were played, fish were caught, herbs and fruits were gathered and fun was had by all.  No one, except Rez, wanted to go home.  Nancy even left her room to go fish and meet some new folks and got a lot of inspiration for future books.  She had a great time of it.  Yes, she missed Geof and still had her blue times, but she was healing and things were starting to look better.  She seemed at peace and as if she was making plans.  Preparing herself for whatever might come.  The last night there, while she was packing for home..............................................

Rez:  Ok, the trick to the perfect toasted marshmallow is you toast it slowly.  Don't let it catch on fire or you'll have this burnt crust, which is also tasty but not the perfect marshmallow.  You gotta let it get golden brown, but slooooowwwwly.

Juliet:  Anyone bring the chocolate and graham crackers?  I wanna make a s'more.

Romeo:  I'm happy with what I have.  Those fish sure fried up nice.

Mal:  S'mores?  Anyone say s'mores?  I'm in!  Reminds me of my days in Scouting.
We'd pig out on s'mores and weiners and then sit around poking the fire and telling ghost stories and singing songs.  Good times.

Juliet:  You told us all about how horrid it was Mal!  What do you mean "good times".  You got kicked out of camp!

Mal: *giggles*  How was I to know JT was allergic to frogs?  It was only a little one I put in his sleeping bag. 

Rez:  No frogs here, Mal.  Those days are long behind you.  Eat up, everyone.  We're heading home early.  I miss my gal back home.

Spring:  Rez!  Oh, sweetheart I missed you so much!  Did you have a good time?

Rez:  Yeah, it was great.  Might be a nice place for a honeymoon.  Very romantic and beautiful.  We didn't get a chance to see it all but it was fun, except for missing you.  I kept thinking how you would love different things.

Spring:  Soon as I have some time off we can all go.  Ok? 

Juliet:  Get a room you two!  I've got some gardening to do and so does Mal and Romeo.  C'ya.  C'mon you guys.  Let's get it done.

Don:  *yawns*, not me.  I'm for a nap. Got some friends to meet up with later.

Nancy:  And, I've got a book to write.  Time to get on with things. 

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #63 on: July 13, 2015, 06:08:27 PM »
"WHOA!  Guess she said yes, although letting me change my clothes and pack would have been nice" LOL  ;D It's so sweet how spouses etc will meet each other when they get back to the home lot. Rez is such a cutie.
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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #64 on: July 14, 2015, 11:19:13 AM »
Don napping, lol, I guess those ladies do keep him busy. I hope in future if we ever get instant travelling (in real life) we at least get a chance to change first  ;D
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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #65 on: July 15, 2015, 07:58:55 PM »
Ok.  First of all, thanks for reading and commenting.  Now I guess it's thyme to stop fooling around with spas and get back to catching up.  I literally have months of story to catch up, so if my stamina holds up I may just be posting more than one episode a day.  Depends on family intervention, (just was going to post when the kid rang me up), time of day, lack of brain fog, etc. etc.  ::)  Again, thank you readers.

Nancy:  Nooooo!  I'm not done yet!  I haven't written her Book of Life! .........what?  Is that you Geoffrey?  Oh.   Ok.......

Rez:  Nancy?  Oh, no!  Not you too.

Nancy:  It's ok Rez.  Spring.....I'm sorry hon.  Didn't finish your book.  Geof needs me with him.   

Spring:  Oh, Nancy!  It's ok.  We're going to miss you so.

Nancy:  Take care of my kids Spring.  Thank heavens they aren't here to see this.'s getting so cold.......there's a light......Geof?.........

Grim:  Be at peace.  I'll be as gentle as I can.  It was just her time you know, and she missed Geoffrey so much.  Just have to check off the details.....let's see....

Grim:  Ok.  Come with me, Nancy.  I'll take you home to Geoffrey.

W:  Nicely done, Grim.  Thanks.  Wouldn't have your job for anything.  Spring put a nice  meal together if you'd care to join?


Grim:  Thanks for the invite you guys.  Appreciated.

Don:  Don't mention it. That was pretty traumatic you know.  Sad.  But you did a good job.  I think she's at peace.  One with the angels and all that.  Say, what got you into this job anyway?

Grim:  Oh, it rather runs in the family you know.  Mum and Dad were happily at home with Death of Rats.......

Don:  Who?

Grim:  Death of Rats.  My pet, friend and companion. Takes care of the animal side of things you know.  Anyway, Mum and Dad were at home, unknown and invisible, and this guy started writing about our family.  Next thing you know it's a big deal.  Well, we don't die of course, but Mummy felt she needed a bit of help here in the Simiverse, so I came about and was trained in the job.  Long story short, here I am.

Don:  Very interesting story.  I guess there's more to you than meets the eye.

Grim:  You'd be surprised!  Ooops!  Got a call......gotta run.....see ya!

Rez:  He's not such a bad guy after all.  Not that I care to see him very often but pretty interesting all and all.

Juliet:  Who?  Grim?  Yeah, he's ok.   Sooooo, I guess Mum is gone then?

Rez:  Yeah.  Sorry Jules.  I know you really loved her.

Romeo:  We both did.  We'll be ok and she's ok.  Happier now she's with Dad.


Mal:  What the heck?!!!  You couldn't at least call me to say good bye?  She was my Mom, man!

Don:  Chill, man.  It's the way she wanted it.  No sad good bye and grief for you guys.  We made sure it was ok and she was at peace.  Sorry for your loss.

Mal:  Ok.  It's just a shock, you know?  First Dad, then Mom..... just too much in such a short time.  So, it was ok?  She wasn't scared or anything?

Mal:  I apologize, man.

Don:  Apology accepted.  Dude you gotta chill out some.  Take it easy with life.  We don't have it so rough here and you know, when the bar bubbles we just gotta follow it to the end.  Ya know?

Mal:  Yeah.  I know.  We good then?

Don:  We're good.  Eat up we got work to do.

Mal:  Right. Busy life when you're in a dynasty.


Author's note:  And that ends the month of May.  It seems there was always something going on to distract me but one month down, two to go.  At this point in time Spring and Rez are very much in love and close to becoming BFFs.  No engagement, no wedding, no nooboo.  Mal is working hard at his Science career and making quite a few promotions as is Spring.  He's brought home a replicator, a ray gun and a satellite dish.  Time to build a lab.  Romeo and Juliet are both doing very well in high school and are both A students as they were in grammar school.  Too bad they are only helpers so can't contribute extra items to the museum.  I was still concerned that I wouldn't complete my founder's goals at this point though.  Let's see how things progressed.

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #66 on: July 15, 2015, 10:44:52 PM »
Poor Mal, one day I'm gonna play that sim and give him the best life... until that thyme I'll just live vicariously through your awesome story. I love your portrayal of Grim, I've never thought of him as having parents before. That was cool. RIP Nancy, you were so close to completing your watcher's goals!
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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #67 on: July 16, 2015, 01:29:14 PM »
Ah, poor Nancy but she's with Geoff <3 Poor Mal, it brings back memories of seeing him mourn his parents (and also when he argued with them in my dynasties, lol).
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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #68 on: July 16, 2015, 03:19:22 PM »
RIP Nancy, at least she and Geoff are finally at peace together.   :( Sucks that she couldn't get the Book of Life done. I'm looking forward to seeing how your dynasty progresses in the future!

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #69 on: July 16, 2015, 06:26:23 PM »
Poor Mal, one day I'm gonna play that sim and give him the best life... until that thyme I'll just live vicariously through your awesome story. I love your portrayal of Grim, I've never thought of him as having parents before. That was cool. RIP Nancy, you were so close to completing your watcher's goals!

That was just my nod to Terry Pratchett, one of my favorite authors.  He made Death and Death of Rats real and funny.  A video was made with Christopher Lee  being the voice of Death and in the video Death had a granddaughter.  So that got me thinking he must have had parents.  I'm so sad Terry is no longer with us and I won't get to read any new discworld novels.  He died months ago but it's taken me this long to get over my feelings about his passing.

Ah, poor Nancy but she's with Geoff <3 Poor Mal, it brings back memories of seeing him mourn his parents (and also when he argued with them in my dynasties, lol).

I was so pleased he wasn't there at their passing!  He gets so emotional. 

RIP Nancy, at least she and Geoff are finally at peace together.   :( Sucks that she couldn't get the Book of Life done. I'm looking forward to seeing how your dynasty progresses in the future!

I guess that book will just have to be written by Romeo who is the artistic one.

Thanks for reading everyone, and for the comments.
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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #70 on: July 16, 2015, 09:54:26 PM »
W: Having fun?

Spring:  Hi Watcher.  Yeah, I love fishing so I guess I'm having fun.  Figured we all needed a break and besides, it's going to take a lot of angel fish for the ambrosia.

W:  Ambrosia eh?  Didn't think you were ready for that yet.

Spring:  I'm not but you know me.  I like to  be prepared for everything I can.

W:  Catch many?

Spring:  Nope.  Not a one so far.  Just look.  You can see the little beggars swimming around but are they biting?  Nooooo.  Very frustrating.  Good thing I just enjoy the fishing.

W:  So where is everybody?  You going solo?

Spring:  Heck, no.  The twins are up at the museum working on homework and whims, Don is home with another Caliente girl and Mal and Rez are right over there.  Don said he wanted to catch her before her time ran out and she was too old for kids.  Always busy, that guy.

W: *chuckles*  Yeah, he's a real go getter.

Spring:  For sure!  I guess I should go check on the kids.

W:  Nah.  You hang in there fishing.  I'll go.........

Juliet:  Hey, W.  Wassup?

W:  Not much.  Watcha doin?

Juliet:  Advanced Calculus.  Gotta keep that A up.

W: Good job, kiddo.  You know we're all proud of you.  You brainy types really get a kick out of the hard stuff, don't you?

Juliet:  Yeah, I guess.  'k.  Done.  Time to catch more fish than anyone else.

W:  Well, good luck with that.  I'm gonna go check on your bro. Cya.

Juliet:  Tell him I challenge him to a fish catching duel.  That'll get his head out of the clouds.

W:  Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

Romeo:  Bad, Watcher.  Why, oh why does everyone have to do that?

W:  Sorry, dude I just couldn't resist.  So, what's up?

Romeo:  Not much.  Just sitting here in the quiet, without Miss Nosy Jules to annoy me while I read.  You know, writers really have it made.  They can just escape from reality with a simple pen and paper, or nowadays, a computer.  I'm really thinking this is what I'm destined to do in life.

W:  *to self:  good thing, boyo since that's what I intended for you*  So, you finish your homework?  Juliet sent a message.  She challenges you to a fish catching contest.  Says she'll whip your butt.

Romeo:  On it!  As if she can beat me at anything.  *runs  off*

W: You know, it's good being a Watcher.  I can go anywhere I want with just a click......*clicks*..........

Mal:  I got it!  I got it!  Oh, hi, W.

W: Hi, Mal.  Caught anything yet?

Mal:  Oh, sure.  Loads and loads of seaweed and logs.  Hang on!........Gotcha!

W:  Ummm......uh.....very pretty, Mal.  Good catch.

Mal:  Don't humor me, W.  We both know this is just fertilizer.  Why don't you go harass someone else?

W:  *clicks*

W:  So how goes the challenge?  Who's ahead?

Juliet:  Well, Romeo has caught more "fish" or anyway things in the water, but I  have caught more of these babies!  Juliet  heheheh  Tol' ya!

Spring:  Hey, you two.  Cut it out!  Everything we catch will be of use. 

Rez:  Yeah, like this beauty!  Fish tacos for dinner tonight!

Spring:  That one's pretty!  You think it's big enough for a fish fry?

Rez: mmmm, dunno.  I think she'd look really nice in an aquarium, or on a man cave wall.

Spring:  Hon.  You don't have a man cave, or an aquarium.

Rez: Just thinking ahead.  Hey!  You got another one!

Spring:  All right!  Ok, I think that's our quota for the evening.  Kids have school tomorrow.  Let's call it a night.  It's a long trek home.

W: *clicks*  And tomorrow is another day.  G'night all.

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #71 on: July 16, 2015, 11:11:16 PM »
Lol, loved that! Watcher, you're too funny! I love taking my sims out fishing, it's so chilled out. I must say Romeo is quite a cute sim, or have I already said that?  :o He's sort of all cuddly, like a teddy bear! I think I quite like your sims Joria, they have such neat personalities.
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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #72 on: July 17, 2015, 03:52:33 PM »
Lol, loved that! Watcher, you're too funny! I love taking my sims out fishing, it's so chilled out. I must say Romeo is quite a cute sim, or have I already said that?  :o He's sort of all cuddly, like a teddy bear! I think I quite like your sims Joria, they have such neat personalities.

Thank you, Play.  I like Romeo too.  Wish I could do more with him but alas, he's just a drone, slave to the dynasty.  He is very cuddly though and has a much nicer personality than his twin.


W:  Good morning, Spring.  Well you're up bright and early.  What's up?

Spring:  Good morning, W!  I am just so excited for this day to happen.  I believe deep down in my bones that today is the day for the BIG promotion.  No more chef whites for me!  Rez!  Wake up!  I'll go make some breakfast while you shower.

Rez: mmmmbbr mumble mumble jus' fi'  more min......zzzz

Spring:  Honestly, W he's usually the first one up.  Guess all that fishing did him in.

W:  Uh huh.  Or what you guys did after....*snickers*

Spring:  Well, good morning, sleepy head!

Rez:  Morning.  Not sure about the good.  Except for seeing you, that is.  You seem awfully chipper and happy.  What's going on?

Spring:  Oh, honey, today is the day.  I just know it!  I'm so excited.  I'll bake a gazillion things, make stuff for parties, gourmet dishes, and........

Rez:  Whoa..........slow down.  Take it down a notch and tell me what this is all about.

Spring:  Ok.  *takes deep breath*  I've been working really hard.  I've maxed out Cooking and Gourmet Cooking, I'm never late to work nor have I missed even one day.  When you guys went on vacay I stayed here and worked, right?  Ok, so everything has been given the dark green "go" light and I really think this will be the day I leave my whites behind and get my new Executive Chef promotion!  You realize what that means?

Rez:  Wedding bells?  You mean we can finally get married and have kids?  Whooo hooo!  I am so ready for that!

Spring:  Maybe I should just chill a bit though.  What if it doesn't happen?  I guess we'd just wait a few more days.  No.  It WILL happen.  Oh, Rez, how lucky I was to meet you.  You're not just my sweetheart and lover, you're my best friend.

Rez:  I'm the lucky one, honey.  Lucky to have met the most beautiful, intelligent, caring woman in the world and even luckier that you love and chose me.  Ok, now.
You get busy finishing up your daily cooking.  You've got work in an hour and I've got a garden to tend to.

W:  Wow, she was sure excited.  You think she'll get it?

Rez:  I don't know, W.  I sure hope so.  We've waited a long time.  I proposed months ago and we just put off the wedding to get everything running smoothly.  She wanted to be really close to maxing her career before we got married and had kids.  Wow.  The idea of me as a dad just hit!

W:  *chuckles*  Don't get too far ahead of yourself here dude.  You aren't even married yet.  You know that's going to take some doing.  We're talking a huge party event and it's got to go gold.  So far she's only got two events under her belt.

Rez:  And I don't even have the garden ready for her.  I want it to be beautiful, not just for my angel but for all the heirs to come.  Maybe it's a way for me to be remembered later on.  I've got the arch.....what do you think?

W:  I think it's going to be fabulous.  You keep working on it.  I'm going to sneak over and watch Don for a bit.  Should be good for a laugh.


Don:  Wellllll, helloooo sweet cheeks.  Where have you been all my life?

Katrina:  Oh, Don you are such a clown.  You know very well where I've been.

Don:  Yes.  You've been waiting patiently for me to come along and sweep you off your dainty little feet, haven't you sweetheart?

Katrina:  Well, it took you long enough to get around to me.  I've heard you've been pretty busy with all and sundry, including my daughter, Nina.  But, all is forgiven.  I have missed you, Donnie.

Don:  No one can hold a candle to you, Kat.  You know you've always been my favorite redhead.  I've been burning with love for you for eons.

Katrina:  Really?  You really care?

W:  *to self*  OMG I think I'm going to hurl.  How can she be so naive?

Don:  Here, let me prove it.

W: Yep.  That's the clincher.  The man is a true artiste.

Don:  Come with me to the kazbah my pretty one and I'll show you the delights of......

Katrina:  Yes!  Let's do it!

W:  Readers, avert your eyes.  This is just too nauseating to watch.  Still, the guy does the job right.  And often.

Later that night.........

Rez:  So, how was your day?  Did you?...........

Spring:  Well, it was kind of slow.  A critic came in and I was sure he'd hate my lobster thermidor.......

Rez:  Spring!  For plumbob's sake!   Put me out of my misery.

Spring:  YES!  I got it!!!  Executive Chef! 

W:  At long last their dreams might come true.  Let's leave them there for now.  See you all tomorrow.

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #73 on: July 17, 2015, 06:31:49 PM »
Yay! Congratulations Spring! Yes, wedding and nooboos are on the horizon.  :) Don in that outfit,  LOL oh my gosh, he's hilarious.  ;D
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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #74 on: July 17, 2015, 06:50:54 PM »
lol!  Congrats to Rez and Spring!  Can't wait to see the wedding!  I cracked up at Don XD

