Author Topic: Time for Thyme Again-December 30 - A Fond Sad Farewell  (Read 59113 times)

Offline Joria

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #210 on: October 07, 2015, 12:37:24 PM »
Just finished catching up. You sure know how to give your readers a rollercoaster ride in the Land of Emotions. I love it!
You got a really unique and captivating way of writing. I love how all your sims got their own personalities and each get their own time in the spotlight...even the "helpers"
Rez was such a great catch and so handsome too. Spring got really lucky there. And what a gorgeous girl Summer is.

Congratulations to Spring on becoming  Immortal.

Thank you.  I'm really glad you are enjoying it.  I'm certainly having fun playing them.  Rez was a lucky find.  She was out to bring her charisma up, make some friends and do that "Friends of the World" thing when he came strolling along.  He was so cute I just had to nab him right away instead of the standard, well known guys.  My original plan was to go for Don as a spouse but Rez was perfect.

I really like playing all the characters.  Somehow in my head they are all "family" to me and are very personal to me, so I guess I just want them all to be more than background helpers.  You can run a dynasty without helpers but it's sure more fun to have a large extended family.
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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #211 on: October 07, 2015, 01:31:06 PM »
Spring:  Wow!  I almost forgot!!  What a crummy mom I am.

W:  Huh?  Whatever are you talking about, Spring?

Spring:  It's almost Summer's birthday.  Bubbling life line and all.  Can't talk now, gotta go bake her favorite cake.

W; *chuckles*  Mother's. What a hoot.  As if you'd forget.  I'll be there, ok?

Spring:  Sure.  The more the merrier.

Spring:  Ok, everybody, gather 'round.  It's Summer's time!  Today she becomes a teen.  Watcher have mercy on us all!

Summer:  Moooommmm.  I'll be a great teen.  You made me a really pretty cake, Mom.  Thanks!

Mal:  Coming.  Gotta cheer her on, right?

Don:  Stop yanking her chain.  You ready sweetie pie?

W:  All together now!  Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu,

Summer: *to self*  And I thought Uncle Mal couldn't sing!

Spring:  Take a really big breath sweetie.  It's good luck to blow them all out at once.

Dina:  Happy birthday, Summer!  *general cheering and noise in background*

Summer:  Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh *huge breath in*

Summer: * blows hard*  I did it!  Oh wow!  Sparkles tickle!!

Don:  Is she ok?  That looks like it could hurt.

Spring:  I'll go get some plates.

Summer:  Wow!  What a rush!  So, am I gorgeous?

Don:  Absolutely.  You look so much like your dad.

Summer:  Mom.  Thank you so much.  Is it ok I'm not your little girl anymore?

Spring:  You'll always be my little girl darling.

Spring:  I just can't get over how much you look like your Daddy.  You are so beautiful.

Summer:  Thanks, Mom.  Uh, is Uncle Don flirting over there?

Spring:  Just ignore it, sweetie.  It's what he does.

Summer: *giggles*  Yeah, it is, isn't it?  Just so you know, you're the best Mom ever and I love you so much.

Spring:  I love you too, baby.  Now, don't you go making me cry.

Summer:  So, waddya think?  Closet time?  This is just not my favorite look.

Juliet:  Yeah.  It's not as awful as some but long sleeves and shorts?  Not to mention all the bling.

Mal:  Not too bad.  Might want to change things up a bit.

Romeo:  I'm not EVEN going to go there.

Summer:  So Watcher, what's in my closet now?

W:  You just go and see, sweet cheeks.  I think we did good.  Lots of prezzies.

Summer:  Ooooohhh!  So much better for everyday!

W:  You just do a fashion show for us, ok?  Spring formal next.

Summer:  Love it!

W:  Party Thyme!

Summer:  Wow that is just what the other kids are dressing like.

Summer:  I picked this for a Halloween or costume party!  I could cosplay in it too.

W:  Sleepy Thyme.

W: You might want a light shirt to go over the sports bra but I thought this would be great work out clothes.

Summer:  It's ok.  Not too revealing or anything and it will help keep me cool when I go for a jog.

W: And last but not least, swimwear.  Cute yet not too.....well, you know.

Summer:  I love it.  You know I'm pretty modest so this is perfect.  Thanks so much W!!  I think I'll go try this one out.

W: *sighs* Cute, smart and sensible.  A Watcher's dream Sim.

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Playalot

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #212 on: October 07, 2015, 09:32:36 PM »
Happy birthday Summer, so pretty. :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline Ferretmania

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #213 on: October 08, 2015, 12:52:38 AM »
She grew up to be so pretty. Happy Birthday Summer :)
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #214 on: October 10, 2015, 01:31:33 PM »
She is gorgeous and so much like her dad, it brings a tear to the eye! I wish Rez could have seen what a chip off the old block she turned out to be... She seems to have taken the best from both parents, both looks-wise as well as personality-wise, with a good percentage of Pure Summer thrown in!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline Joria

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #215 on: October 11, 2015, 06:47:27 PM »
Playalot, Ferretmania and Magpie, thank you so much for reading and commenting.  My apologies for not doing more posting.  I've gotten rather wound up with reading everyone else 's stories and a few health issues and just got lazy.  I've a ton of folders with screenies so I guess I'd best get cracking.  I hope you all don't mind when I go off on side bits about the various family members.  For some reason they are really all connected in my brain and each has his or her bit of life and personality that really does impact what's going on in the game I'm playing.  Sims seem to have a mind of their own and just go on doing things I find either amusing or interesting and I just have to write it down.  Some things get deleted, like the huge row Malcolm had with Grim after Rez died.  I loved it, (how many times can you say "your Momma" to Grim?), and wanted to include it but it was just too much about that death.  So off to the recycle bin it went. (removed temptation)  So the next bits, about 3 chapters worth, (maybe 4), are kind of a side trip about Don.  I hope you'll enjoy them.  I hate to second post, but it's better for the story that way today. we go.....
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

With A Twist, an Immortal Dynasty
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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #216 on: October 11, 2015, 09:04:02 PM »
The party was a big success, and our Summer aged up to be a beauty and a great person as well.  What we all didn't know and hadn't seen was what had been going on before outside, and continued during the party.  It was Don, of course, up to his old tricks.

Dina had arrived unexpectedly but of course, was invited to join the festivities.  Because of her relationship with Don, she was really considered part of the family in a rather very extended way.  Don greeted her at the door with his usual blarney of compliments and innuendos.

Don:  Well, hello there lovely lady!  Great to see such beauty gracing out doors once again.

Dina:  Really?  So how come you didn't answer the door the last three times I came over?  Up to your old tricks?

Don knew he might have some explaining to do, and it seemed Dina might be a bit miffed.  *Really Don?  Get a clue*  He led her over to one of the comfortable benches beside the house and tried his best to put her in a better mood.  He had had his last notice from Grim and I think he had something up his sleeve.  Dina might just be his last hope.

Don:  Dina, my dear, you know how it goes.  The Watcher always has me busy tied to my easel and the family has been going through some tough times.  I certainly would have loved to see you every time you came over.

Dina:  I heard about Rez.  You know Don, all you had to do was call and I'd have been here for you.

Don:  My hands were tied, hon.  Let me make it up to you, ok?  Party is almost ready to start so we should head in.

Dina:  Make it up to me.  Right.  Yeah, let's head in.

Don definitely had plans for Dina.  Of all the women he had loved and left alone to raise his children, only Dina and Lilliana were left alive, and there was no way he wanted more to do with Lilliana.  Dina had always had a soft spot in his heart, ever since he had lived with the Caliente's.  He had loved them all but only Dina was left.  His last link to a really happy time.

Don:  Before we go in, I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I brought any pain into your life.  I've always cared about you, and I still do.  Please forgive me for any hurt I caused.

Dina:  Forgiven.  I really can't complain too much.  Despite everything you've been a pretty good Dad to our son, Ethan.  He's a good guy, successful and handsome.  Some day I hope he'll bring a nice girl home.  So, of course I forgive you.

I won't go into all the gory, mushy details.  But let's just say Don was doing his best to woo Dina who, while still his friend, had absolutely zero romantic interest in him.  This was definitely going to be a hard sell, but if he plans were to work he might just have to pull out all the tricks in his arsenal.

Don:  A lovely rose for a lovely lady.  Please accept it as a token of my caring and continued attraction to you.

Dina:  (starting to thaw)  Oh.  Thank you.  It's lovely.  I care about you as well.  Just not sure about your intentions at this stage of our life.

I did say "arsenal" didn't I?  Yes, cupid's arrow would have to do it.

Dina:  Oh, Donnie!  ..........I.....I......*melts*

Don: *relieved at having hit the mark*  Let's go in, sweetheart.  We can continue this later.

Dina: giggles

The party was a big success.  Don and Dina cheered and made the appropriate noises as Summer became a teen.  However, the pull of romance was so strong between them they simply could not keep their eyes off each other.  The flirting was so obvious to all, even our innocent Summer commented to her mother.

Summer:  Mom, this is starting to become a bit embarrassing.

Spring:  Just ignore them honey.  I'll talk with you about this kind of behavior later.  Now, we all hug every so often don't we?  It's not so much of a big deal.

As Dina opened her arms to Don, the rest of the family tried to distract Summer from what was going on.  They had long been a witness to things Don pulled with the ladies but Summer hadn't had the whoo hoo talk yet and they all tried to protect her innocence.

Mal:  So, have you checked your room for gifts?  I'll bet there's something in there from all of us.

Spring:  Why don't you go change into one of your new outfits?

They got her out of the room just in time it appears. 

Spring:  Get a room you two, and Don I think we might need to have a chat later:

Dina:  Soooooo???  Shall we?

Don:  Let's go!! 

Somehow the walk to his room seemed endless, yet oddly very familiar.  Dina rather felt like she was going home.

Yes, as a Watcher I was very concerned.  After all, he HAD received his second notice.  What on earth could he be thinking as he swept her into a passionate kiss?

Don:  Butt out W.  You KNOW what I'm thinking.  My beautiful, beautiful Dina.  Did you know I love you?

Dina:  Oh, Don.  You take my breath away.

Dina:  Are you sure?

Don:  Does it matter, darlin?  Can you think of a better way to go if it happens that way?  I want you to know I love you.  Let's do it.

Is this the end of Don Lothario?  Or just a new beginning?

What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Ferretmania

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #217 on: October 12, 2015, 12:13:55 AM »
That's not fair breaking Don's story up when anything can happen. Ohh the suspense.

Hey wait...maybe it's Dina's time ?

I really love how all your household members get's their own piece of story. In the end, they are all as much part of making a Dynasty as the Founder and Heirs are.

Don't worry about the breaks in your posts. We'll wait. I'm trying to catch up on stories too and haven't even started a Dynasty yet, so you're way ahead of me in that department lol.

I hope you're health is better :)

I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #218 on: October 12, 2015, 12:08:43 PM »
I'd actually be peeved if you DIDN'T mention the other housemates :-D you have the best of the best living there with you and it's lovely to hear all their different voices! Not that I don't enjoy stories that focus mainly on the bloodline, but it is lovely to see the helpers getting to live their lives too!

Don't worry about the erratic posting! As long as there's going to be another post, it doesn't matter if it's in 2 minutes or 2 weeks! (Although obviously the former is preferable lol)

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #219 on: October 12, 2015, 04:07:38 PM »
Magpie and Ferretmania, thank you both for reading and commenting.  Let's see what Don has up his sleeve.


Don's lifeline had gone viral days and days ago.  I was worried and upset thinking I'd lose one more person that I, as a Watcher, had gotten so fond of.  The romantic night he had spent with Dina was a concern.  What if one or the other of them didn't survive that passionate tryst?  They spent most of the night whoo hooing, so the danger was always there.  I guess their state of health from all their gym workouts gave them the stamina they needed.  I refrained from interfering for once and just gave them their last night of joy.  Or was it?

Don:  This is so peaceful.

Dina:  Yeah.  See that one?  Looks like a rabbit to me.

Don:  I could do this with you forever.

Dina:  I could do everything with you forever.

Don:  Mmmhmmm.  So how come we haven't spent more time together like this?

Dina:  Oh, I don't know.  Maybe because you were so involved with your "job" for the dynasty?

Don: *blushing*  I was rather busy wasn't I?

Dina:  Was it 20 kids final count?

Don:  Errrrrr........say, that one looks like........hey..........I've got an idea.......

*stands up, kneels down*

Don:  Dina Caliente, this is something I should have done years and years ago, and now it's almost too late.  We wouldn't have much time left together with both our life lines bubbling away, but ......would you consider.......could you heck, Dina, would you marry me at last?

Dina:  Don!  Oh my dearest, darling, silly romantic Don.  I thought it would never happen.  Of course I'll marry you, for whatever time we have left.

Don:  Are you sure?  I would never want to tie you down to something you'd not be happy with.  You know our time together is going to be short.  I feel selfish wanting to spend it being happy with the woman I've loved for so long.

Dina:  Silly man!  How many yes's do you need?  I'll happily take however many minutes together we have right now, and think about tomorrow....tomorrow.

Don and Dina.  Who knew?  I thought he was just a play boy, but I had misjudged him.  He had signed up as a very young man to do a "job" for the dynasty and his friend, Spring and he had done it well.  What we didn't know it was just his fear of commitment to any one person, fear of being rejected by her and the conflict that would happen within their family that kept him from pursuing his deep love of just one woman.  Dina Caliente had been his dream girl from day one, and now, in the final days of their lives, they would finally become one.  They wasted no time.  He didn't even give Dina time to change out of her pjs!

Don:  Are you sure?  Really sure you want to do this now?  No dress, no party, no friends or fancy stuff?  Last chance to say "let's wait".

Dina:  What, and waste even a minute of our time together?  Let's do it.

Don:  Dina Caliente, will you take this flawed man who loves you with all his heart, to be your husband for now and forever in whatever time and space we may have together? 

Dina:  I will!  And will you Don Lothario, take this woman who has loved you for so long to be your wife for now and forever in whatever time and space we may have together?

Don:  I most happily will.

Dina:  With this ring I seal your fate to mine.  Like my love for you it has no beginning and no end.  It will always be there no matter what life may bring us, no matter what fate has in store.  I will be with you till the end of our time, and I promise to make each second a joyful lifetime of love and happiness.

Don:  Together at last, together forever. 

Congratulations to the happy couple, Don and Dina Lothario! *wipes away tear*

As a Watcher, I debated just letting them ride off into the sunset and we'd never hear from them again.  However, they had other plans.  Neither of them wanted to spend a second away from each other and certainly did not want to have the time they had left to be spent with a busy household full of young people.  So they decided then and there they would take themselves off for an extended honeymoon.  With the rules of the dynasty still ringing in his ears, Don knew he could not move out of the house into a house of their own.  He and Dina couldn't even move into her house since she had given it to the Caliente kids, and again, because the rules forbade it.  But they COULD go on vacation and just stay there, renewing the vacation days as needed, until they weren't needed any longer.  So they rented a small cabin, just big enough for two, at one of Don's favorite spots.  Granite Falls.  They planned to spend their days there together until there were no more days left.  Spring agreed to pop in every so often to make meals and see how they were, but she would leave them alone and not interfere in their privacy.  My wedding gift to them was a new look for Dina.

Dina:  Thanks, W.  It's rather nice being watched after all, although I would like to change before our trip.

W:  My pleasure Dina.  Shall I see you there?

Dina:  Nope.  It's just us time.


Dina:  This is really nice, Don.  I love this little cabin.

Don:  Yep.  We have everything we need right here including a well stocked refrigerator thanks to Spring.

Dina:  Hey, I know what we should do after dinner!  Hurry up and eat.

Don:  I have some ideas myself.  *waggles eyebrows at her suggestively*

Dina:  Later, love.  Eat up!

Don:  Ok, this was a good idea.  Like the morning I finally proposed.  Good memories.

Dina:  And making more.  So nice here.  Quiet, beautiful.  Nothing beats the fresh mountain air.  *hums "Annie's Song"*

Don:  Got a treat for my sweet.

Dina:  Thank you.  I think we may have more treats ahead of us, no?

Don:  You are my treat.  The sweetest of all.

Don:  Thank you, my love, for waiting for me, for loving me, for accepting me just as I am, and mostly for the gift of our life together.

Dina:  I love you Don, I always have and always will.  Shall we go in?

Don:  You sure?

Dina:  I'm sure. What have we got to lose?


"Annie's Song" by John Denver:

You fill up my senses
Like a night in a forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert
Like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again

Come let me love you
Let me give my life to you
Let me drown in your laughter
Let me die in your arms
Let me lay down beside you
Let me always be with you
Come let me love you
Come love me again

This Watcher's favorite love song. 

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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline FrancescaFiori

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #220 on: October 12, 2015, 04:20:05 PM »
How lovely! They make a really sweet couple. I really like Don, and it's so interesting to see how differently he turns out in each story, all while still being Don. I'm so glad you decided to give him a little interlude of his own.

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Offline Playalot

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #221 on: October 12, 2015, 04:30:33 PM »
Just beautiful, so lovely that they get to have a happily ever after ending. I love that song too, haven't thought about it in years but how fitting.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline Ferretmania

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #222 on: October 12, 2015, 05:08:32 PM »
Aww that was so sweet and romantic. I hope they have many more sim days left together.
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

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Offline janehumen

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #223 on: October 12, 2015, 07:48:40 PM »
I really like this story, and I like that Don has seemingly turned away from his womanizing ways and decided to commit to someone. In my files I usually make a point of switching to Don so he can, er, help repopulate the town. I've never thought about asking him to move into the house with my Sims, that could actually make the job a lot easier. Seeing this Sims story makes me want to write one of my own.

Offline Joria

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Re: Time for Thyme Again
« Reply #224 on: October 14, 2015, 12:39:56 PM »
First of all, welcome janehumen.  It's nice to see a new face.  Thank you for reading and commenting.
Yes, definitely start a story of your own.  They can be work and frustrating but also a lot of fun.  Having Don in the house made it a LOT easier to keep the population up.  Most of the time he just had to step outside the front door and he'd score.  For those ladies he knew from elsewhere it was just a phone call and over they would come.  A real work from home job!

@ Ferretmania, alas their time will be short.  Both of their lifelines are bubbling and Don had received his second notice.  Kind of nice for the two of them to have a "true love" at the end though.

@ Playalot:  It's just one of many of his songs I love but this is the one I think of when I think of my hubby.  Kind of nice to still feel that way after so many years!  Just watched his life story on Netflix and cried my way through it.

@ FrancescaFiori:  Don is one of my favorite townies.  No matter what I've played him in he is a very interesting character, and not always the same, except for the exercise part.  I figured after such a long time of "hard work" he deserved a break.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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