I am just letting everyone know that there is a mod to the Get to Work expansion that allows you to follow your Sim children to school and follow them in school. You will need to create a school community lot but other than that, the whole thing is like the followable careers in Get to Work - only you don't get paid for helping children in school.
The URL to the mod info is here:
http://zerbu.tumblr.com/post/118055018232/the-sims-4-go-to-school-mod-packI know official challenges on this site ban mods but this mod is not something that affect gameplay much, it's just a sort of expansion to the game that merely expands on children in the Sims 4, so maybe we can have a fan challenge using the mod - like having to help a child get an A with the mod. I'd like to hear the mod's opinions on this mod and whether it's viable to make an unofficial challenge for it.