Author Topic: Sims 3:- Fireplace Auto-light Stopped Working  (Read 3968 times)

Offline monst24

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Sims 3:- Fireplace Auto-light Stopped Working
« on: June 11, 2015, 08:04:27 AM »
Hi! All
Newby to this forum, I'm Hoping someone out there has been having the same issue and has been able to resolve it  :-\ I bought some items from the Sims 3 store a few months ago, installation went great with no issue's, then I went and designed my own island in CAW, however when I went into play my island in real mode (not EIG (edit in game)) I found that after upgrading the fireplace to auto-light it would not auto-light my sim could light the fire and it would stay lit but when she went to work the fire obviously went out as it should, when she came home from work the fire did not auto-light and when I clicked on the fire auto-light was disabled? :o
Things I've done:
1. re-enabled auto-light (went out on town to test, came back in auto-light reset itself to disabled)
2. deleted fireplace and undo (puts fireplace back and resets) didn't work and didn't reset
3. bought a new one and upgraded - same thing
4. bought a different one and upgraded - same thing
5. uninstalled items I got from the store - same thing
6. started new game sunset valley to test - same thing
7. I'm running with some MODS & Nrass mods which I've hardly had any probs with, so I removed them anyway and started a clean game in sunset valley guess what? same thing

Anybody got any other things to try? would be appreciated.  :-*
Not a big prob to work round but would like to get it sorted.  ;D

Thanks in advance for any help forthcoming.  ;)

Danielle Haydis

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Re: Sims 3:- Fireplace Auto-light Stopped Working
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2015, 08:41:52 AM »
You could try clearing your caches. Here's how.

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Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Sims 3:- Fireplace Auto-light Stopped Working
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2015, 12:12:03 PM »
Since this doesn't sound like it's a problem between your computer and the game itself, I moved it to Misc. Help. As I'm thinking it's more of a game glitch.

Along with clearing your cache have you tried a factory reset? (links below on how to do that)

Delete the Game Cache Files (HowTo),20732.msg401809.html#msg401809

Sims 3 Factory Reset (HowTo),20732.msg401814.html#msg401814

After trying the factory reset, try the fireplace again.

Hope this helps, :)

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Offline monst24

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Re: Sims 3:- Fireplace Auto-light Stopped Working
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2015, 12:56:14 PM »
Hi! All

Thanks for moving this to the Misc Help Mrs Flynn wasn't sure if I was it was in the right place, and Thanks for your replies as far as the cache goes I normally clear them after each shutdown so it's second nature (which I forgot to mention)

when I do a clean restart I rename the sims 3 folder in "username/documents/ea/the sims 3" to .old and restart, the game then creates a hole new set of folders, seems like we're talking about the same procedure, however the first time I did this, for some reason it corrupted the game and my saves (that I hadn't backed up... duh!) I had to spend nearly 5 hrs on a full install and another 5 finding all the Mods & CC I was running.

Like I said its not a big issue to work around, just wondered if anyone had come across it and found an answer.


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Re: Sims 3:- Fireplace Auto-light Stopped Working
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2015, 01:17:03 PM »
Please correct me if I'm incorrectly understanding this. It sounds like your asking if you did the factory reset correct?

Sims 3 Factory Reset (HowTo)

[This is different from a total-game reinstall - This just sets the game back to factory default.]

Move your Sims 3 folder to the desktop or some where safe, and rename it something like Sims 3 Current. You won't loose your files, like saved games or game options. It's all still there in the folder on your desktop or some where safe. Just don't delete anything.

Click Sims 3 icon to create a new Sims 3 folder.

Go To: ----> My Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3

If you want to continue to play your previous game-saves, go into the Sims 3 folder that you backed up and copy over your game saves, files and such over to the new game to see if that helps.

You did mention that you had mods and custom content. You might try playing the game without those? To see if they could be causing problems?

Outdated/bad custom content and mods cause problems from time to time.

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Offline monst24

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Re: Sims 3:- Fireplace Auto-light Stopped Working
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2015, 01:33:26 PM »
Sorry Mrs Flynn

My apologies I was editing my last post and switched batteries in my mouse before I realised that I had hit the post button by mistake.

It is the same procedure that we are talking about just that I don't move it to the desktop just rename it (same thing) I don't know why it corrupted in my first attempt, (talking about a year or so ago) just bad luck I suppose


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Re: Sims 3:- Fireplace Auto-light Stopped Working
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2015, 01:47:46 PM »

We used to do factory resets often enough that we just made a master reset folder w/store content installed and use a copy of it for game play. So if/when we have to do a factory reset now we're good to go.

Topic: How-to: Backup and Restore Store Content,18945.0.html


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Offline monst24

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Re: Sims 3:- Fireplace Auto-light Stopped Working
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2015, 02:32:08 PM »
Hi! Mrs Flynn

I had a lot of probs about a year or so ago with black/blue/and even yellow screen (never seen it before or since) crashing to desktop also had a virus attack that actually got through my up-to-date firewall & virus scanner and I ended up having to rebuild the whole HDD which also crashed. But I have the same setup 3 Folders one for CAW (no CC/Mods cos it don't like them) one with Basic Install/updated up to ITF for Factory Reset/testing probs & one for Game play (CC/Mods and anything else I want in Game)

Thanks again for your help maybe one of our other simmer friends will see this and have a solution we haven't tried.  :-*


