Time to grow up, Flip. What’s the look for.
Flip: My hair was suddenly sucked up into my scalp!
The ill-fated statue….
…goes boom.
As soon as that important business was taken care of, Flip registered as an acrobat. He had never done anything athletic, so it was time to start.
He reached level three in his career that day and was ready to audition at the park. If he couldn’t dazzle the proprietor with his talent, maybe he could intimidate her with his steely gaze.
She booked him for a show the next evening. It was a great performance even though, or perhaps because, his mother was in the audience blowing kisses at all the men. Flip only set his butt on fire once.
Things were going well, so Flip decided it was time to invite his old high school flame over for a visit.
Palette: Step aside son. So, tell me about yourself. I’m observant, dear, so don’t try to fool me.
Palette discovered that Paulette Havens was a Family Oriented, Computer Whiz, Slob. (These names are too close.)
Paulette: My favorite color is aqua.
Flip: Mine’s green. Close enough. How about moving in. You can have your own break proof laptop.
Paulette: Cool.
A few days later, Palette, age 54, happily went to join her Cuddly Bear. Rest in peace. You were an amazing heir.
Flip had quit his acrobat career after reaching level ten on his fourth day. He wanted a job with more regular hours that would provide more opportunities, Sports. The day before his adult birthday, he finished running 75 hours and knew he would complete his fourth opportunity when he got to work. If he just talked to his teammates, he was sure to get a second best friend.
And so while at work, Flip completed his requirements.
Heir Seven
Flip Doe – Eccentric, Heavy Sleeper, Ambitious, Natural Born Performer, Loves the Outdoors
LTW – Master Acrobat
Maxed Career – Master Acrobat, Acrobat 10
Best Friends – Adam Cockrell, Angel Garland
Skill Challenges – The Scrap Collector, Marathon Runner, Fitness Nut
Opportunities – Showtime in the Park, At the Health Seminar, Push It!, Hawking the Foam Finger
Flip has four time machines (6,400) in family storage awaiting placement in the Museum. The basement doesn’t look much different, but the paintings are now worth more than 18k.