Who are you?
My Journal. That is me I am part of a very important family who are all gonna be immortals one day. I have a granny Hebe who is blue and a mummy who is also blue. I am not blue which is kinda obvious. Apparently I take after my Granny Bella.
This is my daddy. He takes me to visit Granny Bella all the time cause one day she won't be around to see me but my other Granny will. Daddy and I come from a very special family and it makes him proud(Granny Hebe calls it smug)to know that I will carry the Goth genes on for a very long time. My last name is Goth-Smith.
Granny Bella always gives me big snuggles when she sees me. I sometimes notice daddy watching us and he looks sad. I asked him once why hugs made him sad he said it was because one day he won't get any more hugs from me.
So I make sure to give him as many hugs as I can. I think I will be very sad when he goes to live with Grampy Morty.
My daddy looks a little sad when he sees me with mummy too. I get to spend forever with Mummy and I really wish that daddy could be with us forever and ever but granny Hebe says that the tropolis man says that is not allowed. I don't know if I like the tropolis man.
This is my all time best favorite picture of our family.
Sometimes I like to do my homework outside in the dark. Granny Hebe says that is because the Goths are strange. Daddy and Granny Hebe shout at each other a lot. My Aunty Butterfly says that is because we all have to live together and it makes people irritable. Then she looks at me and looks a little bit wistful like she has lost something. I feel bad for Aunty Butterfly.
People wonder where I got my name from. Daddy says it was a private joke between him and Mummy and I will understand when I am older.
My name is Rose!