Author Topic: SweetFX mod by Brnt Waffles  (Read 3938 times)

Offline saltpastillen

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SweetFX mod by Brnt Waffles
« on: June 02, 2015, 07:50:07 AM »
Just stumbled upon this mod. Has anyone tried it out? What are your impressions?

It supposedly brightens your game, which I am very interested in. So would love some feedback.


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Re: SweetFX mod by Brnt Waffles
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2015, 07:57:05 AM »
I haven't, personally, tried any of the mods to brighten the game.

What I have found to help the most is changing the lighting tone on the lights themselves.  I find the default tone too yellow so I go with one of the cool blue tones which seems to brighten things up and makes the colours less 'dirty'.

Edit: I just went into my game to give better instructions.  Click on a light and Choose 'Set Color and Intensity...' and then choose 'This Light' or 'All Lights'.  I generally do 'All Lights'.  I don't know what color the default is as none of the colors have a green line around them, but I prefer the third one from the top left, Neutral White.  You can also use the intensity slider to make the lights dimmer (I've used that once on a nursery lamp that I had stay on all the time as a night light).

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Offline saltpastillen

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Re: SweetFX mod by Brnt Waffles
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2015, 08:16:55 AM »
Thanks, I prefer the more yellow tone in my game personally. I have tried other light mods before and I like how they work in the game. I might give it a go regardless to see how it effects my game.

