Author Topic: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story  (Read 25570 times)

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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #75 on: June 16, 2015, 01:07:53 AM »
Thank you everyone.  :)
Something quite cool about the photography in TS4, whatever mood your subject sim is in will become that photo's aura. So the better quality the photo the stronger the aura.  I've taken focused photos for Xavier's work and flirty ones to help out the pollinators... you can keep the photos in a sims personal inventory and whip 'em out when you need them no matter where you are and plop them on a wall.
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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #76 on: June 16, 2015, 01:31:51 AM »
Report 12

10.01am Created another cloning machine as somehow the one I had left here disappeared overnight.

11.13am One of my undercover agents spontaneously combusted.

11.14am I rushed towards her. Slowly.

11.31am Extinguished her and warned her not to spontaneously combust again.

12.06 Now the door was on fire...

12.17pm I realized the screaming wasn't a co-worker in shock but a co-worker imitating a patio torch. Far out!

12.34pm Chilled out by spending some time researching gardening.

2.09pm Easton passed out. I think the Snake Oil Serum I gave to him minutes earlier may have had something to do with that.

5.16pm Levi, now an elder, like 2nd Gardener has taken to spraying water on random electronic gear. *Sigh*

7.06pm Arrived home just in time for Kaiden's birthday.

8.33pm Kaiden nips upstairs to make a start on his homework while I celebrated Anne's birthday.

9.28pm Bedtime stories together.

10.11pm Al meets a brother he never knew he had.

10.13pm Takes some time to get to know him.

7.03am Kaiden starts the morning chatting to Blarfy.

7.07am 1st Gardener makes as many plates of ambrosia as we have angelfish. I know he probably won't be around when I am ready to become immortal again so I am planning ahead.

7.15am I help Kaiden to get ready for school.

7.42am Explaining to him how important it is that he works hard for the success of our family's future. Literally.

7.55am His mother sends him off with a hug and a kiss making memories to last a life time.

Report Closed
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline Playalot

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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #77 on: June 16, 2015, 02:08:39 AM »
Report 13

9.20am With the kids safely at school I take the day off work to get my final parties done. Have to make use of 1st Gardener now that his food never spoils. I took my hotdog hat off so I could actually see what I was doing at the bar.

9.28am Eric enjoys finding 1st Pollinator imitating Grim, 'great minds' he says.

9.34am We enjoy our time together, eating and chatting. Catching up on all the news since the last time we were all here.

10.09am It was a great party.

11.15am We roll straight into a house party seeing as it's nearly lunch time.

11.22am Any excuse to dance to our favorite mix.

12.02 J and Anne discuss fitness, mixology and the latest loss their sport team suffered. Eric just wanted lunch.

12.30. I decided a needed a caffeine shot after the party as we have a fishing trip planned for later.

2.39pm I sneak up on my beautiful wife and tell her how much I love her.

3.01pm Kids come home both having had a pretty good day. Al tells Kaiden to get his skates on, ready for our trip.

3.45pm We hit the library first, researching gardening to focus our minds. Bella starts complaining about something or rather but I wasn't really paying attention.

3.48pm 1st Pollinator seems to be a bit freaked out by Bella's problems. No idea why, I don't think they even know each other particularly well.

4.12pm Anne and 1st Pollinator are ready first and sprint away to grab a fishing spot.

4.43pm Kaiden works on his co-ordination while finding some of his school friends to chat with.

5.58pm We all settle down to a hard's night fishing. I mean business this time, anglefish or bust. Slippery little suckers.

6.41pm Al keeps an eye on Kaiden and his friends as he works on his next novel.

10.30pm 1st Gardener comes home with his final promotion and his final notice from Grim. Mixed emotions.

11.22pm 1st Pollinator and 2nd Gardener have caught the most angelfish. This time I've managed to catch a few but I'm pretty sick of seeing them jump right in front of me as if taunting.

1.34am I give up and gaze up towards home. I wonder if my family are safe and well, somewhere out there, in the future.

5.42am We arrive home, tired but with a good stash of angelfish which 1st Gardener will turn into more plates of ambrosia. This is probably the last time we will all be together as nearly everyone has had their last warning from Grim now.

Report Closed

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Offline JudesSims

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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #78 on: June 16, 2015, 07:30:35 AM »
Isn't it fun keeping track of a large family ;) it looks like yours will be pared down soon. Now, I wouldn't have the patience for the "timeline" writing like you have done. I'm enjoying your story! :)

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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #79 on: June 16, 2015, 07:57:55 AM »
I rushed towards her. Slowly.. Classic!! I laughed out loud a that one. Looks like Grim is going to be very busy at the Treath house soon

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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #80 on: June 16, 2015, 07:59:09 AM »
All the fires at work! I'm off to rush slowly into the kitchen for more coffee.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #81 on: June 16, 2015, 02:47:08 PM »
Oh, so much to love the fires at work, the wonderful party where your guests seem go be behaving and go end it all with a pregnant Bella at the library, lol. Have you decided if Xavier will continue narrating or if Kaiden will take over at some point?
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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #82 on: June 17, 2015, 12:20:13 AM »
@judewright , I always used to play a single sim with aging off! I can hardly believe that now as I love playing with a full house...or maybe 7 just incase there's an abduction. I'm glad you're enjoying reading. I'm really enjoying playing this legacy in a much more relaxed manner.
@KTK10 , I was cheering him on. "Faster, Faster! She'll be dead by the time you get there!" lol
@KRae , hahaha. I know, right. I think I might adopt that as my new catch phrase. *Rushes off slowly to post a chapter*  ;)
@Nettlejuice , the parties are a breeze in this house. I thought about what was really needed to have a successful party and build the room accordingly. The guests always come in the kitchen door (it's just the way the guests always spawn on this lot) and because the stereo is always on and I have food out and the T.V. on no-one leaves the room for the whole duration of the party. It just works so well. And, yeah, I have decided.  ;) I hadn't until you asked though, it made me think about this dynasty and do some planning...not much mind you. lol So thanks for that comment.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #83 on: June 17, 2015, 12:40:19 AM »
Report 14

7.42am Al wrote his third bestseller in a row and now just has to earn some royalties before his aspiration completes. He's a book writing machine!

7.48am 1st Pollinator tells Al how proud he is just in time for the kids to go to school and a bit later I head to work.

7.01pm I come home after a long day with my last promotion. I've now completed all my requirements for immortality and I'm totally stoked.

7.15pm 1st Pollinator grabs me in a congratulatory hug.

7.20pm Then Anne and I decide to try out the new hot tub which was my beautiful wife's present to me for completing my requirements.

7.31pm 1st Gardener is still cooking his heart out. He says he wants to cram the fridge to over flowing so that there is enough non-perishing food to last us a very long time.

8.09pm Al and his dad spend some quality time together and Anne completes another masterpiece. She's really quite talented.

8.36pm Al chats away while asking his dad questions about his family history for his English assignment.

9.13pm We enjoy some aromatherapy. I'm surprised how happy this makes me, it's great.

9.48pm Now that I have all the time in the world I decide to do what I love best which is tinkering.

10.02pm Al needs some help with his math.

10.04pm Kaiden's up late perfecting his chess skills. 2nd Gardener and Kaiden have become quite close and enjoy hanging out together.

10.07pm I suddenly notice that many members of The Council are arriving on the lot. This can't mean anything good.

Report Closed

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #84 on: June 17, 2015, 01:25:16 AM »
Uh oh... awesome set of chapters! I snickered quite a bit at the rushing slowly part lol. Oh my, so many elders! Your house will be very empty of its anything like my games. They always seem to go one right after the other for me.

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #85 on: June 17, 2015, 02:07:36 AM »
@Shewolf13 , next chapter deals with this very issue.  :) Thanks for reading.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #86 on: June 17, 2015, 02:31:57 AM »
Report 15

10.12pm No sooner had I thought that so many of The Council here at once spelt started. 2nd Pollinator suddenly felt extremely tired.

10.13pm It broke Al and 1st Pollinator's hearts. They were going to miss their uncle and brother terribly, not least because he was everyone's friend.

10.14pm In the kitchen 1st Gardener had just finished cooking the last angelfish into a plate of ambrosia.

10.15pm Grim waited a while out of respect for The Council members who were still arriving.

10.15pm Upstairs Kaiden and 2nd Gardener were unawares and still considering chess strategies.

10.16pm The mourners downstairs were mourning.

10.17pm Then the 1st Gardener became critically unwell.

10.19pm With one last look 1st Gardener slipped away to the eternal garden in the sky. The grief was overwhelming, double moodlets and counting.

10.20pm Upstairs 2nd Gardener pointed to the brightest star and told Kaiden to remember him with a smile whenever he saw it.

10.21pm Kaiden's heartfelt sobs were heard by Grim downstairs.

10.22pm. Where he was reaping 2nd Pollinator.

10.23pm We had stood in silence, apart from the sobs and sniffs, as we mourned 1st gardener who had never really gardened instead had cooked right until his last breath.

10.23 Upstairs Kaiden called out to The Guardian who stoically remained silent, watching as it all unfolded with some amazement.

10.27pm Grim swept in and reaped 2nd Gardener who had ironically grafted death flowers.

10.34pm Grim swooped downstairs to relive the mourners of their mourning.

10.36pm Al cried his heart out. Perhaps it was his youth or maybe the fact that 1st Gardener was a mean old sod who only befriended Al because he helped him with homework so often.

10.41pm Exhausted after a hard night's work, Grim sat down to watch the alien channels cooking show in peace and quiet.

10.43pm I slowly raced upstairs to check on Kaiden who welcomed me with the news that something terrible had happened.

10.44pm I held him tight and reassured him.

10.48pm Downstairs Grim's peace and quiet had turned into a Q and A show about what to do with triple grief moodlets.

10.52. Al cried to himself in the bath.

10.56pm And I broke down during The Council's debrief.

Report Closed
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline Joria

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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #87 on: June 17, 2015, 04:40:01 AM »
This was just too sad.  I hate it when our Sims die.  However, slowly racing upstairs was priceless.  Oxymorons anyone?
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Treath Reports- An Immortal Dynasty Story
« Reply #89 on: June 17, 2015, 09:28:30 AM »
Awwww! Wow, yeah that all happened at once!  Poor Kaiden and Al. I think their grief broke my heart more than the others for some reason.

