Author Topic: The Castellan Dynasty: Graveyard Please - failed  (Read 6637 times)

Offline MissTrips

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The Castellan Dynasty: Graveyard Please - failed
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:14:40 AM »
Please graveyard.  Sadly failed due to triplet birth.

Sounds of switches being flipped and a low humming noise fills the dark screen.

"No, no that's not the right one.. ah... there!"

The screen brightens and an image of a dark haired woman solidifies.

"If you find and decode this message, I must assume you are from Gallifrey.  I am the Castellan."

The woman smiles briefly and sadly.

"With the destruction of our homeworld by the Doctor, I am the most recent and last to bear the title of Castellan.  I may be the last Time Lord.  I pray this is not the case.  I have escaped the War, though my TARDIS is badly damaged.  The repairs to the core I have estimated to take multiple centuries to complete.  I have managed to safely land on a human populated world, though thankfully it is not Earth.  If the Doctor still lives, I would expect no mercy from him."

There is a long pause and the Castellan looks away at something off screen.

"I have a plan though.   The TARDIS can be fully repaired with the combined effort of eight Time Lords working in unison.  As I am the only Time Lord left, they will all have to come from me.  I will sacrifice regeneration energy into my descendants, making my children and grandchildren full Time Lords with all my memories of Gallifrey.  When my eighth regeneration is at her full potential, we shall access the core of the TARDIS together and combine, then my eighth life will have all the power of a Time Lord at her disposal with five regenerations left to explore all Space-Time."

The Castellan reaches for a dial on the console.

"I hope this messages reaches a fellow Time Lord.  I have established a beacon on the world of Sylvan, seeded by our people generations ago.  If... if this is the Doctor..."

The Castellan's face tightens in grief and anger.

"If this is the Doctor watching.  Burn in Hell for what you've done to Gallifrey."

The screen goes black.

The Castellan

The First

Career: Entertainer-Comedian
Rewards:Frugal, Free Services, Mentor, Shameless
Gold Parties: Date, Wedding, Dinner Party
Whims: Happy: Tell a Joke, Inspired: Propose Crazy Scheme, Confident:Show off Muscles, Flirty: Kiss, Playful: Be Mischievous, Sad: Pep Talk in Mirror, Tense: Calm Down in Mirror
Collection: Crystals

The Second

Career: Culinary-Mixologist
Aspirations: Cooking/Mixology
Skills: Cooking/Gourmet Cooking/Mixology
Rewards: Stove and grill master, Speed Cleaner, Night Owl, Independent
Gold Parties:
Collection: Metals

The Third

Career: Scientist
Aspirations: Gardening/Fishing
Skills: Logic, Gardening, Fishing
Rewards: Always Welcome, Inspired Potion, Super Green Thumb, Marketable
Gold Parties:
Collection: Science Inventions

The Fourth

Career: Writer - Novelist
Aspirations: Writing/Outdoor Enthusiast
Skills: Writing,Herbalism, Handiness
Rewards: Great storyteller, Happy Potion, Great Kisser, Creative Visionary
Gold Parties:

The Fifth

Career: Astronaut-Space Ranger
Aspirations: Nerd Brain/Renaissance Sim
Skills: Fitness, Rocket Science, Logic
Rewards: Insta large Potion,  Focused Potion, Speed Reader, Observant
Gold Parties:
Collection: Space Rocks

The Sixth

Career: Criminal-Oracle
Aspirations:Master of Mischief/Public Enemy
Skills: Mischief, Programming,Fitness
Rewards: Insta lean potion, Flirty Potion, Gym Rat, Professional Slacker
Gold Parties:
Collection:Focused paintings

The Seventh

Career: Tech Guru-Startup
Aspirations: Computer Whiz/Party Animal
Skills: Programming, Video Games, Logic
Rewards: Insta Fun Potion, Energized Potion, Morning Sim, Sleep Replacement Potion
Gold Parties:
Collection:  Microscope Prints

The Eighth

Career: Painter-Master of the Real
Aspirations: Serial Romantic/Painting
Skills:Painting, Charisma, Guitar
Rewards: Insta Hygiene Potion, Confident Potion, Fertile, Beguiling
Gold Parties:

[[Players note: This is the tentative layout of careers, rewards, collections and such.  When a requirement is completed, I will bold the category name.  Things may change as the story progresses!  The First Castellan is on the gallery if you'd like to download her hashtag:Castellan]]
We hobbits are plain, quiet creatures. Adventures make one late for dinner.

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Castellan Dynasty: A Time Lord's Last Chance
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2015, 09:37:58 AM »
Ohh! Good start!
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Offline Nancy01905

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Re: The Castellan Dynasty: A Time Lord's Last Chance
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2015, 11:20:28 AM »
A Doctor Who dynasty one I can`t wait to read more :D

Great start, and she is really pretty as well

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Re: The Castellan Dynasty: A Time Lord's Last Chance
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2015, 04:49:04 PM »
Oh well done!!!  *sounds of spooky music in background and whooshing*
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline MissTrips

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Re: The Castellan Dynasty: The First Companion
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2015, 09:12:33 PM »
[[Thanks everyone for your kind words!]]

The Castellan sat inside the control room for her TARDIS and listened as the ship shut down one system after another until even the lights in the centermost point of the craft flickered and dimmed to a low violet glow.  The TARDIS gave out a low shuddery moan and finally the power stabilized.  The Castellan gave the center console an absentminded pat,  "Yes, I suppose that was the best we could have hoped for, isn't it?  Still this is a good place you've found for us, plenty of energy."

The Castellan had set the TARDIS's course at random, dashing around the craft and doing her best to fly a ship that was supposed to have a crew of at least six all by herself.  It was a grim sort of irony, that the Time Lord who had destroyed Gallifrey had given her the keys to her escape.  The Doctor was notorious for piloting a TARDIS solo, and the Castellan had taken a class in the Academy based heavily on the man's Fourth regeneration and his trick of using a randomizer to make it nearly impossible to track his movements. 

She hoped that trick had worked here.  "All right, darling, open up and lets have a look at what's left." There was a click underneath the  center console and a hatch slid open.  The castellan knelt down and peered at the dim flickering of the TARDIS's heart.  So faint, So fragile.  But reaching out with her sense she could feel a steady beat.  It was stable, and its connection to the Time Vortex intact.  "Good girl.  I think we're going to be okay.  Eventually."

The Castellan reached in and found a shard of the heart and gently pulled it to her, sending a bit of her own life force into it, feeling it respond.  It was a tiny drop for the great machine, but the Castellan felt very hungry and tired from one injection of power.  She frowned.  This was going to take a lot more work than she'd originally thought.

The Castellan sat on the floor of the TARDIS, shard of its heart cradled in her lap and she turned her mind inwards, exploring the problem and possible solutions until finally she sighed.

Eight, it would take eight Time Lords.  The Castellan was only one.  But she was on her first regeneration and she had *time* to do this.  She hefted the crystal in her lap and set it on the console.  "All right dear TARDIS, we're going to need some help."

She was going to need a Companion.

The Castellan followed a meandering pathway through what appeared to be primitive domiciles to a gathering place.  Several ground vehicles passed by her on her walk, all of them using combustible fuels to power them.  By the smell, it was probably petroleum, which gave her a vague idea of level of technology she could expect from this planet.  Several natives wandered by chatting into a small device and with a bit of sleight of hand and ample distraction from her clothing (she had thought she had dressed appropriately but it seemed that the tops of her mammary glands was highly attention grabbing to the males of the species) the Castellan secured one for her own use.  A bit of work with her screwdriver and she was able to determine it was a very small solid state computer with a communications device built in.  Charming.  She quickly repurposed it for her own use.

Done with the communication device, she found an open green area with several natives wandering about, children playing on structures, older people indulging in a game of two dimensional strategy, and even a few people tending plants and casting lines into the water for catching aquatic life forms.

Fishing.  They were fishing.

The Castellan strolled up to a group to introduce herself.  The locals were quick to offer their names.

"And I am the Castellan," she replied and felt a curious, and small burst of energy as the introductions were made, as if she had accessed a small store or potential energy.

"Just the Castellan?"  a man named Cason asked.  "Don't you have a first name?"

The Castellan felt the need to make a joke, "Well, my mother called me Ensillhyakorboraapar, but I felt that being named for a flower was a bit pretentious.  But I'm still on my original generation, so First is my first name too."

The young boy named Malcolm groaned.  "Oh... you're one of *those*," he sneered.  "I don't *do* Dynasties."  With that cryptic statement he wandered off, leaving the Castellan blinking in confusion.

"I'm not a Dynasty..."  she said.  "I'm a Time Lord."  For some reason the rest of the people thought that she'd been terribly funny and they laughed and a few more split off from the conversation.  She turned to an older woman named Terri.

"Really, I don't want to form any Dynasties.  I'm just trying to fix my ship."

The old woman gave her a sympathetic pat on the arm.  "Watchers bless you dear.  Let me guess, you have a plan and it's terribly complicated?"

Slowly, the Castellan nodded at Terri, mind awhirl in confusion.

"Well, the specifics change from era to era, but believe me, we're not the first group of sims to have a Dynasty level event fall into our laps.  And me already an elder and getting to see it!"  Terri's eyes gave a merry twinkle.  "I don't suppose you have need for a master gardener, do you?"

"How... how did you know I needed a Companion?"  the Castellan asked.  "I haven't even explained anything yet!"

"Ooh, Companion.  I like that title.  Much better than minion or art slave."  Terri nodded firmly.  "I had a great grandaunt that did nothing but sculpt in ice her whole life."

"This planet is so confusing, but the TARDIS picked it for a reason," the Castellan stuck out her hand to Terri.  "If you'd be willing to be my Companion, I do need the help."

Terri grinned and shook her hand.  "Absolutely.  Best retirement package ever!"  Terri pulled out her communication device and tapped a few buttons.  "There all moved in and my funds are transferred to you."

The Castellan looked down at her own device and shook her head ruefully as it acknowledged that she had indeed received more money.  "This is a *very* strange planet."
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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Castellan Dynasty: The First Companion (5/30)
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2015, 09:51:32 PM »
"Let me guess, you have a plan and it's terribly complicated?" -- definitely a giggle.
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Castellan Dynasty: The First Companion (5/30)
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2015, 06:45:06 AM »
Yay, a Doctor Who dynasty =D Love the Castellan.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: The Castellan Dynasty: Bigger on the Inside
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2015, 04:37:57 PM »
The Castellan and Terri walked along the paths of the town of Willow Creek.  Terri chatted about some of the features of the planet, "And a generation or so back, we stopped having seasons and weather."

The Castellan frowned, "There must be something very odd about this planet's orbit, for it to flux back and forth like that."  She sighed and frowned, "If it wasn't so vital to get a steady source of Gallifreyian food set up, I'd dedicate some time to finding out why."  She shook her head.

"Perhaps a further regeneration of mine will be able to discover it."

Terri chuckled, "Well, we don't bother to question the ways of the Watchers.  You never know when they're paying attention though I have to say, so far, becoming a Watched sim is better than I thought."  She smoothed her hand down the front of her vest and smiled.  "Our Watcher has some good taste."

Getting involved in religious debates with superstitious natives was a good way for a Time Lord to suddenly need a brand new regeneration, the Castellan knew.  She'd taken all those classes and it was possible that the Watcher that Terri had been speaking of *might* have been a Time Lord.  A renegade one to be sure, but it might explain some of the peculiarities of this planet if someone had been meddling.  She kept walking with Terri and occasionally pointed her screwdriver at trees, looking for one to match her specifications.

They had come down a cul de sac road when the Castellan's screwdriver gave a warbling note.  A large tree was planted off to the side of the row of houses, next to a canal.  The Castellan walked quickly up to it and laid a hand on the tree.  "So old..." she murmured.  "Possibly the oldest being here."

Terri paused next to her and nodded.  "The ancient oak?  It predates Willow Grove, I know."

The Castellan smiled.  "It's perfect."  She pulled off her ring and teased the fragment of the TARDIS's core out of it's settinng and checked it one last time with her screwdriver to make sure that the crystal was attuned.  Then she pushed the sliver into the tree and stepped back and aimed her screwdriver at it.

"What are you..."  Terri started to ask.

"Just watch," the castellan replied and she felt the tree accept the piece of the Vortex and begin to change. Strange flowers erupted around its base, giant pieces of fungi bloomed out of the bark and the Castellan reached out with the essence of a Time Lord to induce just *enough* of a change, that it would only affect the tree and nothing else in the world.  After  several long minutes she dropped her hand and smiled.

"Terri, come and see."  The Castellan stepped forward into a dark recess that had emerged from the trunk.

Terri shook her head in amazement.  "Just like Alice..." she murmured and followed the Time Lord into the tree.  The path went on and on, a trickling stream, and mist and finally a low humming sound and Terri emerged into a giant valley.  The whole was awash in soft purple light and when she looked up, the sun was bigger and in the wrong place.

"Oh, my Carl,"  Terrri said with a hushed voice.  "Where are we?"

"Technically?"  The Castellan said with a smile.  "We're still inside the tree.  Just think of it being bigger on the inside now."

"How much bigger?"  Terri looked around at all the plants she'd never seen before in her life, and the ponds full of oddly shaped fish.

"Well, it's a planet.  Called Sylvan, a few million light years and about ten thousand years away from your home world.  A long time ago it was terraformed and then reseeded  with native Gallifreyan life as a preserve.  My people were prone to... planetary scale accidents.  The High Council insisted on back up planets for sources of food."

"Ah,"  Terri nodded.  "You need to bring the plants back home and grow them there, don't you."

"I can survive on local foods, but yes, you're right.  If I'm to have any chance of altering my offspring from a hybrid to a true Time Lord and to replenish my own energy, then yes, I need a steady source of Gallifreyian cuisine.  To get the right plants will require a lot of splicing ..."

"And that's where you need an expert like me."  Terri finished.  "I've been splicing cultivars for years."

"Yes.  There's also a species of fish here..."

"Oh say no more, dear.  Gardening and fishing is how I was planning on spending my retirement anyways.  But you'll have to do the cooking yourself, or find another Companion, I won't have time to learn."

The Castellan laughed.  "Perhaps another Companion then?  I admit my own skills amount to pushing a button and getting the results from the processors."

"Well, I'll let you think about that while you figure out how to pay the bills.  Simoleans don't grow on trees anymore."  at the Castellan's confused look, Terri elaborated.  "Dear, you need to get a job."

Oh.  Well... the Castellan hadn't ever had a proper job before, not with the War breaking out just as she was finishing up University.

How hard could it be?
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Re: The Castellan Dynasty: Bigger on the Inside (5/31)
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2015, 04:46:00 AM »
I love your writing and all the Doctor Who references fit right along with the Sims.
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The Castellan looked down at her communication device - her *phone* that was what Terri called it - and sighed.  There was a listing of available employment opportunities, but she wasn't sure if she was a good fit for any of them.  While she certainly had a Time Lord's vast scientific knowledge she felt it wasn't *quite* yet applicable to the job offers on the small screen.

She certainly didn't fit in the so called "Tech-guru" field, that interview had been a disaster, though she probably shouldn't have called the man's personally modified and state of the art computer (hah!) a minor upgrade from counting on one's toes.  Even if it was artistically comparable to a small child's finger painting, even small children took pride in their work and got insulted when their shortcomings were pointed out.

No, no the Castellan was not cut out for dabbling in the archaic sciences.  Perhaps a future regeneration might be more interested in ancient technology.

"Well, have you ever thought of perhaps a criminal career, dear?"  Terri said over the phone as the Castellan came out of another interview.  "They don't have the same dress code as an office does."

"I don't think it mattered, mailroom technician apparently meant sorting *paper*."  The Castellan sighed and flipped a lock of her hair back over her shoulder, "And there was nothing wrong with my dress."

"As you say.  Oh, I'm at the fishing hole now, I'll let you go and try the next job on the list while I get some fishing done."  Terri hung up and the Castellan walked broodily down the sidewalk.  There had to be something she could do!

Feeling thirsty, the Castellan paused outside an establishment where music was filtering out onto the street.  several tables were set up and a small crowd of people had gathered inside.  Perhaps a break was in order, and a few of the locals might have some suggestions for employment.  The server made a tasty concoction that had an ample amount of grain alcohol mixed in with various fruit juices.

Very tasty indeed!

The Castellan was sipping on her third "daiquiri" when a tall thin pipe was brought out and set up in a corner and several lights turned on to illuminate it.

"Okay everyone, it's open mic night!  Come and tell some jokes, sing songs or give us your latest verse!  It's all good!"

Curious and emboldened after seeing a few people get up and sing or speak lines from small books, the Castellan knocked back her fourth drink, got up and regaled the locals with a tale of a university prank gone very wrong (or right!) involving two herbivores, a spool of crystal optic threads and the dean's office.  There was laughter and applause as she finished and she gave a bow and sat back down.  Within a minute, a young man approached.

"Do you mind if I join you?  My name is J and I work over at the Solar  Lounge."

"And I am the Castellan, please, sit."

He laughed and sat down, "Wow, you're good at staying in character, that's a good persona you have.  Lots of presence."

"Well, I am a Time Lord.  We go to school to learn presence."

"I bet by the fifth drink we're all Time Lords, but seriously, here's my card with the Solar Lounge.  If you can put together a few more jokes or  a routine or two, we could have some work for you."

The Castellan took the proffered slip of paper and turned it over a few times.  It was just normal paper, not even a faint psychic imprint on it.  Apparently J was who he said he was, or at the very least wasn't trying to mentally manipulate her into thinking otherwise.  "Thank you, I will," she told him with a smile and then her phone gave a chirp and suddenly a schedule flickered up onto the display.

Apparently, she was employed.

And in the morning, she had a *terrible* headache.

"Ooh, you'll want some juice for that,"  Terri said sympathetically from where she was eating a bowl of heated grains.  "Have you thought about what I said about clothing?"

The Castellan sipped at her juice and then wrinkled her nose.  "Yes.  I still don't see what's wrong with what I wear, but I did order a few new outfits.  I'll even wear one today when I go into work."

"Well, you better hurry up, it's nearly nine am."

The Castellan hastily finished her juice and zipped herself into her new clothes.  Terri took one look and then grinned.

"Well, at least you have a theme going on.  Break a leg, dear."

"Oh, I hope not, we spend most of our simoleans on building the house!"

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Love this, definitely bookmarked ^^  The Castellan has me cracking up all the time.

Offline MarianT

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I'm loving this, old Whovian that I am. And J turns out beautiful "regenerations," in case that's the way you're going. Really like the idea of Sylvan Glade being a distant planet. Keep up the good work!
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Oh, the arrogance of a Time Lord, it fits her so well and she's going to rock as a Comedian.
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A Fantastic beginning. Best of luck with your dynasty.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline MissTrips

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*hugs to everyone*  thanks so much for all your positivity!  I'm having fun with this dynasty for sure!

Cason Moser knew he should be grateful for his job at Bad Wolf Outfitters, after all it was difficult for an unhomed townie to get a retail career, he could have ended up a fisherman or a *gardener* and he hated the outdoors.

There were *bugs* in the outdoors.

He'd hoped for something more glamorous though, alright, he'd really wanted to be a scientist.  Working on giant microscopes, having a computer to research on... or chemical analyzers!  And in a deep part of his mind that liked to talk to the lamps or mannequins... there might even be *aliens*.

Cason had read up on aliens.  Just outside Oasis Springs was where the new science lab had opened up after the last cataclysm.  Close to where old maps said Strangetown had been.  And there were sightings, actual confirmed sightings by people lucky enough to own rocket ships that aliens were out there.

He couldn't of course afford anything like a rocket ship, but if he'd been a scientist, he might have been able to build one.  Cason expounded in great length to one of his favorite mannequins about it.  Unlike real sim girls, she didn't start edging away and putting out embarrassed moods and declaring that she needed to go to work.

But she did move.

Cason halted his monologue and blinked.  He was sure she had moved.  He waved a hand in front of her face.  Looked around the store and then back to her and waved again.  Well, maybe she'd always been in that pose?  His watch beeped.  Time to open the store and get to work.

The store filled rapidly and Cason hurried around greeting the customers and began to fall into the routine of asking them about their price ranges and offering suggestions.  Throughout the morning though he kept looking over at the mannequins and he was *sure* they were watching.

Bob Pancakes laughed and said that it was to be expected, Cason was insane after all.

Cason was a little resentful of that.  Just because Bob had an actual *home* and Cason was only an unwatched townie with random traits... that didn't make him *wrong* about the mannequins!

Bob didn't even buy anything.  What a firby nurbs.

After a brief break for lunch and Cason was back to helping customers, she walked in.  He couldn't help but notice her, well, everyone noticed her.

It was the dress.

He was pretty sure that was supposed to be formal or party attire, but she wore it like every day was the right day to wear a dress like that.  Bad Wolf certainly didn't carry any clothes close to the style she was wearing.  "She was chatting on her phone and didn't bother trying to keep her voice low.

"No, no Terri, that sounds fine.  I watered the orchid splice before I left.  I'm just tracking down a small auton infestation that the TARDIS picked up, very small, shouldn't take much to clear it up, I don't think there's a full nestene here... well, yes I realize that doesn't mean anything to you but I was just calling to let you know we should order a pizza for tonight, I don't want the kitchen to catch on fire again... right, well, enjoy your day on Sylvan then, ta!"

She hung up the phone and then marched right through an employee only door.  Cason gulped and turned to hurry and finish ringing Eliza Pancakes up... she was much nicer than Bob, she bought things.  "Oh, I hope I don't get fired because she went back there."

Eliza gave a humphing noise, "She's a strange one, does a routine at the Solar Flare calling herself a Time Lord..."

Whatever else Eliza was about to say never happened, because every mannequin in the store suddenly started to move.


Shoo flee.

Everything dissolved into chaos.  Both Cason and Eliza were pushed to the ground as the mannequins were rushing towards the room the Woman with the Dress had gone through.  A child was crying somewhere.  Bella Goth had grabbed one of the mannequins and had ripped an arm off of it, beating it and screaming something about not again.  Panic was rapidly spreading and Cason struggled to his feet.  He had to do something, but yelling didn't seem to get anyone's attention.  He ducked behind the register as two mannequins started pounding on the door to the back room, knocking holes into it.  This was worse than a fire!

Suddenly he knew what he had to do, it was like the idea had dropped into his head, full and complete by the Watcher.  Cason peeked up over the counter and ran for the register.

"The store is closed!" he shouted, hastily pushing the buttons.  People stopped running around and headed for the door, Bella Goth was the last one, still holding onto the arm of the one mannequin that had been dismembered by the furious woman.  All the mannequins turned to look.

At him.

He gulped as they took one step towards him.

Then two.

And then they stopped.

The door to the back opened up and the Woman with the Dress walked out, tucking something small and slim away and she looked around.

"Oh my.  Well, that's a bit unlucky for them isn't it?"  She smiled at him.  "Hello, I'm the Castellan.  Run!"

He followed her out of the store and then a minute later it exploded.  His phone gave a chirp and he looked down at it to see that he was now registered as unemployed.

"Oh."  He sat down at a bench and ran a hand through his hair.  "What a day."

The woman who called herself the Castellan sat down next to him.  "Was it?"

"I lost my job.  I guess I'm a wandering sim now."

"Sorry about that.. well, no, I'm not sorry sorry, there was a Nestene under the store.  Small one, but it had to be dealt with.  But it was clever of you to get everyone out, there might have been people killed otherwise."

"What's... what's a Nestene?" Cason asked.

She started to explain.  She explained for five minutes.

"So, it's an alien?"

"Well if you want to be simple about it, yes."

"I always wanted to meet an alien.  I thought they'd be friendlier though."

"Did you?  Well, would you like to meet a friendly alien still?"


"Marvelous.  Let's get some pizza and go to another planet then!"  She pulled out her phone.  "Terri?  Terri, change of plan, I'll bring the pizza to you."  The Castellan looked over at Cason.  "Are you ready?"

He smiled.  "Yes, I am."

*furby nurbs* - some nerve!
*shoo flee* - problem!
We hobbits are plain, quiet creatures. Adventures make one late for dinner.