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One last suggestion -- if someone starts cooking on a nearby grill (not one of your sims, an NPC), they'll all go eat, thus adding to the time until they become ravenous. Can we wall them up until then, and then go to 0?ETA: have a great vacation!
Let's specify a particular lot (with no grill closeby) and everyone starts there, to make things simple.
Rules modification:You are only allowed to play one Sim per day and make the change at midnight. You are allowed to check on other Sims, but only your active Sim can be given queues to do things. You cannot change aspirations, choose whims, and/or cancel whims for your inactive Sims.Does the sentence makes sense? Does everyone understand it?
Can you please confirm that the order we rotate between the three Sims is flexible?It is possible to go from Sim A to Sim B and back to Sim A while ignoring Sim C?