Author Topic: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation  (Read 69040 times)

Online Metropolis Man

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Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« on: May 29, 2015, 04:29:33 AM »
Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation

Start with 3 Sims who you grind into the ground by initially making them enemies and nearly starving them to death. Once that is achieved, do your best to transform them into successful Sims - but, you can only play one Sim per day.

General Challenge Rules
The General Challenge Rules always apply. If applicable, exceptions will be noted below.

Specific Challenge Rules
  • Create three Young Adult Sims.
  • Purchase the Dusty Turf empty lot in Oasis Springs.
  • You are allowed to use the Buydebug cheat for the sole purpose of purchasing a satellite to prevent abductions.
  • Open the cheats panel and use testing cheats to bring your family funds to $0 — type Money 0 after testing cheats has been enabled. Turn off cheats when you are done.
  • No moving allowed.
  • All 3 Sims must acquire Enemy status with each other as well as achieve a Ravenous moodlet. No leaving the home lot until these are achieved. Once this is achieved, you can begin working towards the goals.
  • You are only allowed to play one Sim per day and make the change at midnight.  You are allowed to check on other Sims, but only your active Sim can be given queues to do things.  You cannot change aspirations, choose whims, and/or cancel whims for your inactive Sims.
  • Traveling to any other lot and/or Granite Fall requires the entire household to make the trip. You can still only play the one active Sim and must change active Sims at midnight.
  • No caking up Sims - if your Sims age up it has to be done naturally by the game - otherwise, the formulas in the spreadsheet will be messed up.
  • No household additions allowed.
  • This challenge ends when your household has achieved the 5 required goals listed below. Once you have established the Ravenous/Enemy initial conditions all 3 Sims must remain alive for the duration. The team is allowing a "three strikes and you're out" policy until that point is achieved — you're allowed two deaths and free do-overs during the initial set up phase. A 3rd death during initial phase or any death occurring after the initial phase and before you have completed the 5 requirements results in you posting a DNF.
**30000 Household Funds
**3000 Satisfaction (this is a household total - spent and unspent)
**300 Whims completed (household total)
**30 Skill levels (household total)
**3 Good Friends (does not matter who has a certain amount as long as the household has 3)

All conditions must be met at a given moment for you to stop your file and note the time - so, keep an eye on household funds and friendship levels as these are the two requirements that can drop.   


Scoring is simply the total game minutes played in order to complete the 5 requirements.   

Minutes — When your household has accomplished all 5 requirements, then pause your game and note the game clock time. Open up the Simology tab for one of your Sims and also note the days to age up number. Put all of the necessary info into the appropriate spreadsheet cells and it will calculate the total minutes you needed to play. After the spreadsheet calculates your minutes and you have the info to update the challenge thread, please put zeros in the spreadsheet cells. Thank you, Lena, for constructing that for everyone! :)

The team does not want to edit and make changes to the ruleset once this event goes live, but we may have to. If an exploit is brought to our attention or we discover something else we reserve the right to ask affected players to redo their effort.

Have Questions?
Please think hard before you ask in the challenge thread because it may be strategy. What you may consider an innocent question could cause another player to go — “oh, I did not think of doing that.” It’s always safer to PM everyone on the team (Metro, ratchie, Nutella, LenaLJ, Trip, and Blackrosea) for clarifications. Thanks.

And the Winner is...
After this event has closed everyone is encouraged to discuss how they approached the event, but the winner especially is expected to do so in detail.

This Event is Now Closed

Player                            Minutes     
ClayMask                            5294     
Nikitachi                            12492     
christinal3106                            12674     
Metropolis Man                            14914     
alyssa.cole                            16350     
MarianT                            17157     
HelenP                            18106     
fivebyfive                            18434     
Ginj                            18912     
Brisayshi                            19459     
krzyman21                            20963     
fluffyj00                            21346     
Ironicbeauty                            30035     
kirkbysims                            31885     
MischaMusic                            37223     
SIMantics101                            55679     
sdhoey                            60000     
CynKuy                            DNF     

Offline ClayMask

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2015, 04:33:49 AM »
This looks slightly different than I expected it too, but fun.  You decided not to go with the bad traits idea, I see.  Also, I'm assuming that we're never allowed to sell the stylized rooms, at any point during the challenge?

Edit:  Also no moving things in or out of the rooms, right?

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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2015, 04:36:52 AM »
Yeah, the team thought the traits thing to reduce time off the score was just too much. And thank you for asking about the Styled Rooms - I will clarify.

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2015, 04:43:04 AM »
Edit:  Also no moving things in or out of the rooms, right?

That's probably a good suggestion: just to ramp up the difficulty.

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2015, 05:50:04 AM »
Added a no moving rule.

Offline LenaLJ

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2015, 07:04:41 AM »
I will have a prototype of the spreadsheet up soonish i think, when i link it please write here or on PM to me if you discover errors.

Offline MarianT

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2015, 07:36:53 AM »
Although we can't add things to the rooms, can we still add things to the lot?
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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2015, 07:51:29 AM »
Although we can't add things to the rooms, can we still add things to the lot?


Offline sdhoey

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2015, 08:31:16 AM »
*cries* Right in the middle of our move. Well at least the computer is the last thing to move get unplugged and put in the car. So I can use it as a stress relief at night.
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Offline fivebyfive

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2015, 09:55:07 AM »
I love the style of this challenge, sounds like it'll be fun!  :D

Offline Tixxis

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2015, 11:37:29 AM »
I don't understand this : "You can never change anything of the 9 Styled Rooms" but then you say: "... Once this is achieved, you can replace room doors and begin working towards the goals."

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2015, 12:09:06 PM »
I don't understand this : "You can never change anything of the 9 Styled Rooms" but then you say: "... Once this is achieved, you can replace room doors and begin working towards the goals."

Yeah that is a bit of a contradiction. I think the main thing is that you get your three Sims to that Ravenous and enemy state - after that, does it really matter if rooms are changed or things are sold? It might simplify things a bit. But, I think no moving should definitely stay.

Offline ClayMask

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2015, 12:14:28 PM »
It'd up to you how hard you want to make it.  If we're not able to use or sell the items in the rooms, we will have less money and/or resources to work with in the beginning.  You may want to make it that hard, or you may think that's too much.

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2015, 12:40:18 PM »
Marian, you have added a lot to this event - I would like your specific input as to whether you think anything should go after a player has their Sims as enemies and Ravenous.

Offline MarianT

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Re: Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2015, 12:58:59 PM »
I think the rooms should stay the same. Otherwise, a player could get to $20,000 in household funds and then sell off all the furniture to make $30,000. I just started a practice file, and once the doors had been removed (unfortunately you have to sell them rather than store them in inventory), a player will have $2,200 to work with. That should be plenty to start with, even after you've put all the doors back.

If you want to make it harder, you could have people do a money cheat to bring funds to 0 before you get rid of the doors (or even after).

One question I wanted clarified -- can you control all 3 sims until midnight of the first day?

Also, while waiting for them to get ravenous, my sims started getting skill points in video games autonomously. Do we have to add 30 points to those, or is it negligible enough -- and probably common enough -- that it's not a problem.
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