For my immortal dynasty, I'm having my founder complete the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration. I didn't get around to actually going to Granite Falls under the end of her Young Adult lifestage, which is fine and all, except for the fact that when I enter the Deep Woods, there's no Hermit. I thought that i might just be missing/overlooking them, but when I go to my phone it won't let me select "Take Photo With..." or "Take Photo Of..." because, according to the game, there's nobody else on the lot. Has anyone ever had the hermit travel off lot? Is my hermit, like, dead? I know some sims have incredibly short elderhoods, but I feel like there'd be some special exception for the hermit, or if they died the game would just create a new one.
I've only been one trip/vacation to Granite Falls and visited the Deep Woods once. I'm returning tomorrow in-game, so maybe when I go back the hermit will be there. I hope so, because if they didn't it would be awfully inconvenient. It's difficult to befriend a dead person. (At least one who doesn't seem to have left a gravestone and thus has no ghost.)