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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 16 May update
« Reply #45 on: May 16, 2015, 02:55:28 PM »
Hi Chase its great to meet you! Poor Johnny, he's been Donned.  ;D no chance when the big guy's around!

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 16 May update
« Reply #46 on: May 16, 2015, 10:05:58 PM »
@hazysmith - Isn't that the truth! I like that comment.. he's been Donned... classic!  ;D

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 16 May update
« Reply #47 on: May 16, 2015, 11:53:14 PM »
Congratulations on Gen 2!  Can't wait to see what the new Cloudbringer looks like
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 16 May update
« Reply #48 on: May 17, 2015, 07:16:49 AM »
@dethdukk - Your wish.. my command!  ;D

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 16 May update
« Reply #49 on: May 17, 2015, 07:44:10 AM »
Don "There you go little fella, I could watch you eat all day"

Don "I'll let you in on a secret kid.. You already have your Mum wrapped around your finger.. ask for anything!"

Don "Now apparently I just have to keep patting you on the back here until.. yep.. that loud noise comes out"

Don "And we are done! Well that was easy!"

Um.. Don? You haven't finished quiet yet.. looks like Chase has left a little deposit for you

Don "Huh? What is that S M E L L?"

Don "Oh Heck No.. No way am I going near that! You have to fix this up Watcher I just *gag* I just *gag* can't"

Don Lothario! Get your buttooski back here!

Don "So I fed and burped him, it was so easy!"

Don "Then just as I was about to leave the room, this overwhelming smell.. no wrong word.. odour! That's it, this overwhelming odour invaded my nose. It was just awful! You have no idea!"

Don "I just had to leave! I mean.. who does that stuff!"

You left him? All dirty? Oh for Goodness Sake Don

Johnny "Don't worry Alena, I've got him.. You are actually really cute you know that?"

Thanks Johnny, you are a life saver

Don "Score!! Built in nappy changer!!"

Oh come here you big baby

Johnny "How lucky are you? Chase actually slept all night?"

Don "That's not normal?"

*shaking head*

Guys, I have a bit of a surprise for you if you want to just leave the workout equipment for a minute... Well.. What do you think?

Don "All good here Watcher"

Johnny "This is so much better! Thank you, I do prefer to workout indoors"

Your welcome *happy sigh*

Don "So Johnny.. Alena said that she thought she heard a lady friend in your room the other day when she got home. Want to spill the beans?"

Johnny "Oh! I did not know that.. Um.. well .. yes.. I did have a lady friend in there.. but which day?"

Don "Oh you Dog!! How many women are you dating?"

Johnny "*grinning* Maybe just a few!"

[male backpatting laughter]

*rolling eyes*

You know, you are not that guy Johnny.. that need to be the git who brags about their conquests.. it is not a very attractive quality

Johnny "I know"

But it felt good for just a minute there didn't it?

Johnny "Yes it did"

So I got this rose today from a complete stranger off the street!

Do you want it?

Don "What? Some random guy just came up and gave you a rose?"

Yes.. apparently he was some delivery guy that was giving it to me on behalf of.. let me see if I get this right.. "The man of my dreams and Father of the best kid on earth".. would that be right?

Don "*gwarff* He got it right!"

I love you so much my Don Lothario

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 16 May update
« Reply #50 on: May 17, 2015, 08:14:28 AM »
How's the fishing going? More Angel fish to fill up our bowls with?

Don "Some, but look at this whopper! I am amazed at how much I like fishing. Thanks Watcher, would never have known if Johnny had moved me in"

That is so sweet Don, thank you. Oh heck! Gotta get back, it's Chase's birthday!

Hey Watcher, you almost missed it. Just want to give him one last kiss on his head

Okay.. maybe one last cuddle as well

Chase "Mumma"


He is more than ready Princess.. I'm actually a little excited to see what he is going to look like

Chase "Busting, busting, busting.."

[Alena and Watcher together]

*Shocked Silence*

Chase "Wow! How cool were those sparkles!! Oh yeah.. gotta pee!" [Sprinting to the bathroom]

What just happened?

Change your.. well .. EVERYTHING while you're there young man!

Chase "This is much more me! Hey Watcher!! I am so happy to be able to talk.. finally! This is a really cool house by the way"

Well thank you young man! I like what you did with your outfit

Chase "Me too!"

Johnny ".. and that is how I met your Mother.. oh and your Dad too of course"

Chase "That's a really cool story Uncle Johnny. Hey, do you have any kids? Anyone that I can play with and stuff"

Johnny "*mummbling* Yeah... seems like I have.. well.. more than a few"

Chase "you DO? Wow.. *awestruck*"

Johnny "Let's just keep that between us for now if you don't mind kid"

Chase "Sure"

Come on my young man, let me introduce you to the drawing table. You are going to love it

I'll meet you in your room.. Ahem.. Johnny? I love you.. but please, don't ever ask my child to not tell me something.. ok? I know about your kids and you should be proud, they are very.. ah.. special..

Johnny "Is she gone?"


Johnny "Well that was awkward"


So this is where you can let your imagination sore! Draw whatever comes into your mind and soul.. it doesn't matter what it looks like, it's what it feels like that matters

Chase "It's a bird.. it's a plane.. no it's CC the great!"


Don "Hey buddy! Great to see you up and about"

Chase "Hey Dad, check this out.. Guess what you think it is"

Don "Clearly it's an areoplane, on fire, with a building in the background"

Chase "Huh?"

Don "Oh! My mistake.. Obviously it's a butterfly waiting to spread his wings"

Chase "Oh Dad *giggle*"

Johnny "Is she behind me??"


hehehe.. just kidding

Chase "Now this.. this I like"

Looks like your Mum was a wee bit psychic on the violin thing huh?

Yeah I was!

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 May update
« Reply #51 on: May 17, 2015, 08:57:28 AM »
*gasp* ROFL! That has got to be the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. He's got Alena's red hair, woo. Don's face when Chase pooped himself, lol, poor thing might have got a rash if Johnny hadn't swooped in. I love these updates, so much to laugh about.
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 May update
« Reply #52 on: May 17, 2015, 12:32:59 PM »
Ha ha brilliant, and while I don't see Johnny as a womaniser about town, you've got to appreciate his efforts! And I may have let a little "yay" out when I saw Chase's hair. But that outfit, wowsa!

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 May update
« Reply #53 on: May 17, 2015, 12:41:15 PM »
Umm okay just read, was chase afraid to he was gonna loose his "stuff" coming out of the bassinet.

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 May update
« Reply #54 on: May 17, 2015, 04:57:25 PM »
Oh good heavens...I'm still laughing. 'Male back patting laughter" and the got to pee screenshot... LOL What a birthday shot! priceless. Love that Johnny's not that happy at his "apparently" lots of kids. *giggle*
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 May update
« Reply #55 on: May 17, 2015, 10:15:02 PM »
@Nettlejuice - I was so anxious to see what Chase looked like and then his hair was all covered up by that hat! I'm so happy you are liking this  ;D
@hazysmith - I know! I find it hard to see Johnny as a 'Player' too.. he is just so .. well.. Johnny!
@sdhoey - Well I was going to go down that road.. then remembered this is a family friendly site! hehehehe!!
@Playalot - I have NEVER seen a sim child age up like that before so I took so many photos! Of course, they all looked identical.. but it was so funny to watch!

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 May update
« Reply #56 on: May 18, 2015, 12:57:46 AM »
Chase "I think I've got this Mum, only one more drawing to go and I am finished my first aspiration.."

I'm so proud of you my darling, what do you think you might pick next?

Chase "Gosh, I have no idea! Do I have to choose?"

You can do them all at the same time if you want honey, I'll just keep track

Chase "Yeah.. Yeah! That's what I'll do. So Dad, I've finished my artistic prodigy and I was thinking of maybe trying out the Rampunctious Scamp"

Don "Well done! And very good choice"

Chase "But.. you see.. I will need some new things.. like toys.. Plllleeeeeeaaaasssseeee"

Looks like begging worked scamp

Chase "Wee! This is fun!"

Don't get too overconfident too quickly Chase.. it's quite high up

Chase "It's a nice place to think Watcher"

It sure is.. but what is it you need to think about Scamp?

Case "How I can do Thiiiiissssssss...."

Stop it! You are not at a high enough level yet..!!

Chase "*waving*"

I swear to SimGod Chase Cloudbringer.. if you don't stop..

Chase "Whoohoo!!"

Chase "ooowwwffff"

Told you So *smug smile*

Chase "Ok, you may have been right last night Watcher, I've got a few bruises today that Mum wanted to put *embarrassed mumble* boo boo plasters on"

Why don't you try and make a few friends today instead? Get your social skills up - you never know, you might meet some really cool kids

Chase "Hi! I'm Chase Cloudbringer. What's your name?"

Alvin "Hey, Alvin's my name"

Chase "Love the hat, do you want to play Space Rangers?"

Chase "*whispering* He doesn't really say much Watcher"

Chase "So those clouds up there.. do you know where they come from Alvin?"

Alvin "No"

Chase "...and then he said...*hehehe* he said..*hehehe*"

Alvin "Yeah like.. I've got to go"

Rylan "Hey! Keep telling that story.. that was funny man!"

Chase "Wanna come back to my place? My Watcher is dragging me home.. I'll finish the joke there"

Rylan "That was too funny!"

Rylan "Don't worry too much about Alvin, he's kind of a loner. He doesn't really like to hang out with us"

Chase "That's cool.. Glad I met you though.. Want to be BFF's?"

Rylan "Just keep the jokes coming and we will be grand!"

Chase "So Uncle Johnny, I was looking at the clouds today and it made me think.. my name is Cloudbringer.. do you know where that came from?"

Johnny "It's actually a really cool story. See up there? There is another Simverse that your ancestors lived in.. and the very first Cloudbringer was born in a place called Lucky Palms"

Chase "Can I see it from here?"

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 May update
« Reply #57 on: May 18, 2015, 01:25:18 AM »
School OK Scamp?

Chase "Yep! I've got a B"

That's great! Why don't you get stuck into your homework?

Chase "I think I might go and do some research first .. I want to check out what Uncle Johnny was talking about yesterday"

You mean the origin of the Cloudbringer name?

Chase "Yeah.. it's fascinating"

Chase "Dad? Do you know where I can find more information on our ancestor Isabella Cloubringer?"

Don "Well let me think son.. Your Mum is probably the best person to talk to about this stuff.. but the little that I do know is that she was a Witch"

Chase "*gasp* Like a REAL witch? They don't exist Dad"

Don "That's true. They don't exist... HERE"

[Door Bell]

Chase "Oh Hey Rylan"

Rylan " Hey man! What's the joke for today?"

Chase "Oh.. I hadn't thought of one yet"

Chase "Oh! Here's one.. this 3 headed lobster crawls into this net.."

Chase "and the fisherman says.. oh HEY!! You grew up!"

Rylan "Well I guess I did! That was weird"

Chase "So I'm guessing you really don't want to hang out anymore then..*shuffles feet*"

Rylan "You kidding? You're still the funniest little dude I've met"

Chase "Wanna here a cool story about the clouds?"

Rylan "Yep"




Johnny "Yes"

Well done family!! And Alena? Your boy is now a B student

Then you best give him what you said you would! I'm so proud!

Okay.. But what will he expect when he gets an A?

Your problem Watcher.. Your problem

Don "So, You need to know our boy is interested in the original Cloudbringer.. he might ask you about it later"

Really? I don't know as much as I should about that

Don "Back at it Buddy?"

Chase "Yeah. Rylan is a teenager now, I think I have to meet some more kids my age.. I might need to go and talk with Uncle Johnny"

Don "Yeah.. this magic we were talking about.. I think it might be here.. in this Simverse"

Chase "Why?"

Don "Coz I caught this magic ball today when fishing"

Chase "Wow! Ask it something!!"

Don "Okay.. am I going to get to catch an Angel Fish tonight?"

Chase "Yeah.. I would have asked something else.. *hehehe*"

Taking a break?

Just enjoying the night breeze

Chase "So Mum, if we originally come from Witches.. shouldn't we have powers and stuff?"

Well.. Isabella was around many, many, many generations ago. Plus, she was born in a completely different Simverse, one we can't visit and they can't visit here

Chase "You mean.. they still exist? In that other Simverse?"

I can't see why not. And while they still exist over there, I'm guessing that they get to keep the magic

Chase "I've got to go and check this out.. this is so cool!"

*yelling* Homework young man!

Chase "Awww Muuuummmm *whispering* How cool is my family Watcher?"

Well I like 'em

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 May update
« Reply #58 on: May 18, 2015, 01:51:15 AM »
Chase "Well that's it! I got an A!"

I don't think I could be prouder Master Chase Cloudbringer

Chase "So what's my prize for getting an A?"

More homework!

Chase "Haha really funny"

No, I'm serious.. You need to finish more homework and then maybe.. just maybe.. there might be something in it for you

Chase "Ok"

Don "Hey baby.. I've missed you.. It feels like we are doing different things all the time lately"

I know, I am feeling it too. Gosh it's nice to hold you

Hate to ruin the moment.. but um Don? No idea what happened, but the dolls house is broken.. would you mind?

Don "On it"

Chase "Thanks for my present Watcher! This is really cool!"

Well you have been a bit obsessed about Witchcraft lately.. so I thought maybe you might like to experiment a bit

Chase "*mumbling .. this goes there.. this.. oh good.. that might work*"

Chase "Just need to note this down here"

Chase "Whoops!"

What are you researching Princess?

Thought that I better see if I can find some more information about my family for Chase, just in case he keeps wanting to know more information

Hey you two! That sounds amazing!


Don and Chase "Yeah.. we rock"

Johnny "Actually.. you guys really aren't half  bad"

Scamp! Come, let me beat you at chess

Chase "Not a chance Mum!"

Chase *grinning* You shouldn't have done that!"

Oh darn it.. Can't I just cheat?

Chase "Oh Mum! *giggling*

Wake up guys! We are going on a trip.. I think that you all deserve a break

*Collective Whoohoo*

Welcome to Granite Falls Guys!

Don "Wow Johnny isn't this amazing? New fish to catch, new scenery to look at.. Hey! There might even be a few Sims of the female gender around*wink wink*"

Johnny "Whats.. with..all.. these..bugs??"

So what do you think? Did I do ok?

This is such a welcome relief Watcher.. What a fantastic idea. Now I'm going to fill up the fridge with food, I can hear Johnny complaining from here and I just know he will head straight for the fridge!

I also wanted to thank you for not installing one of these.. sink thingys in our house.. this washing up stuff sucks

Got your back.. Who are you talking to Scamp

Chase "Oh hey! This is Daisy, I'm telling her about the clouds"

She looks nice

Chase "Nice? She is AWESOME!!"

You like her huh?

Chase "What's not to like?"

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 18 May update
« Reply #59 on: May 18, 2015, 05:41:21 AM »
Is the Watcher already planning Chase's future partner?  ;) You spoil him too much, imagine what will he want after eating ambrosia, lol. Great updates.
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