Author Topic: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 24 June update  (Read 25797 times)

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty -8 June update
« Reply #105 on: June 09, 2015, 10:02:14 PM »
@Playalot - So nice to be back (ish!) Chase is such a confused teenager, he still has one foot as a child and one foot trying to be a grown up.. confusion ensures!  :-\
@Nettlejuice - Johnny is in such a bad position, can't believe that they used his bed! I guess it was better than using Alena and Don's hehe
@Shewolf13 - That is so true, a Mum can take a while to come to terms with things when her little one starts to make decisions without them
@dethdukk - I actually feel sorry for Cherish as all she wants is to be loved and be part of a family, I don't think she has any other agenda.. I don't think :-X
@sdhoey - I am hoping that although a shocked face, it's not too shocked!
@oshizu - Chase was actually trying to get Cherish to go upstairs and play on the computer game rig, Cherish wanted to play a different kind of game in Johnny's bed! Johnny actually walked in on them and they didn't see him, so he just let - but you are right, he is very unsure if he wants to stay the cool uncle or tell Alena and Don and stop the behaviour. I don't blame Cherish either, she just wants to live in the huge house (she's homeless) and be part of something good. You have it all in the right context there oshizu!
@hazysmith - Couldn't agree more!! Locked doors would solve so many embarrassing moments!

An other update coming now, thanks for reading everyone!

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty -8 June update
« Reply #106 on: June 09, 2015, 11:00:11 PM »
You guys need to say bye, you are needed inside Chase

Chase "Quick selfie Cherish?"

Cherish "Yes please!"

You guys already started?

Don "Getting my groove on Watcher"

Johnny "Yeah, I missed my last birthday, so I'm not missing my.. um.. last birthday"

*thinking* I am just so lucky to have them both in my life

Any reason why you both have the same type of party shirt on?

Don and Johnny "Yeah.. you"

Whoops..sorry guys!

So how are you feeling about the boys becoming elders? You ok?

Of course I am, they are still Johnny and Don no matter how old they are

I know, but I am talking about how you are going to be immortal and they are.. well.. not

I'm not even thinking about that today, and neither should you be! This is a celebration Watcher

Sorry. You are right

As my son would have said only a few days ago.. Deeeerrrrrrr

Johnny "I'll go first, I think it's only right that I get to see what old age is like before my mate.. Just to warn him you know"

You guys have become really good friends haven't you

Johnny "Yes we have"

Johnny "Oh Dear Lord what is this??"

Don "Holy minoly! That really hurts"

Chase "Guys you should taste this food! It's amazing!"

Johnny "Actually Chase, why don't you jump onto the computer and I'll mentor you for a bit"

Chase "Wow, thanks Uncle Johnny. So did you meet my girlfriend Cherish?"

Johnny "No son, I haven't met her yet. But I did see that you showed her my room?"

Chase *gulp*

Chase "I don't know what to say"

Johnny "Yes you do.. you will say that you will not use my room for those types of 'activities' again"

Chase "Of course, I am so sorry.. I didn't even want to! I wanted to play computer games. Are you going to tell Mum?"

Johnny "I haven't decided yet."

Chase "Please don't.. I promise I will never do it again"

Johnny "Oh Chase, don't promise that!"

Don "I've been thinking Watcher. I believe that it's time for a bit of a change"

Are you sure?

Don "I guess it's too late now!"

I like it

Don "Yeah, it's ok.. forgot to colour it though"

It makes you look dashing and sophisticated

Chase "... and then she just keeps kissing me and stuff. There are so many other things I want to do! Do you have any advice for me?"

Johnny "Oh Chase, I am not the best person to ask about women. But what I do know is that you need to feel something other than friendship, and you do need to be honest with them at all times"

Chase "So tell her that I don't want to kiss and stuff ALL the time"

Johnny "it's a start"

You are looking guilty there Princess.. what did you do?

Nothing! Nothing! Ignore half eaten cake ok?

hehe.. ok

Didn't take you long to go back to the weights huh

Don "Just coz I'm old now, doesn't mean I don't have some energy to burn"

I was just listening to Chase and Johnny talking, I think that there might be trouble with that girl

Don "*warning tone* Alena.."

What? I'm just saying. I wasn't trying to listen, they are in the focus room and I have to walk past that to get here

Don "We are not discussing this. You need to come to terms with the fact that Chase will make his own mind up and will have to work through whatever problems he has in his own time.  He will come and talk to you, he always has.. but in.. his..own..time.."

I thought we weren't talking about it

You ok?

Don "I'm worried"

Me too

Don "I'm not worried about Alena and Cherish.. I'm worried about Alena and Chase. She is going to lose him for a little while if she continues to go down this path"

I know

Don "What can we do?"

I think we should.. um.. oh, I don't know

..and then I just.. Oh look! Chase's Simbook page is open.. A quick glance at his messages wouldn't hurt..

Stop right there. I mean it. If you don't stop, I will force you to stop. That is a HUGE violation of trust, if he want's to tell you something, he will.

Fine. I was only checking his status...

Johnny "Um Alena? Have you got a moment to talk?"

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Offline Playalot

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 10 June update
« Reply #107 on: June 09, 2015, 11:29:35 PM »
OOooo! Cripes Alena! You need to listen to your husband (who just hit a whole new level of FINE in his old age). Johnny saying "But I did see that you showed her my room" LOL! Hehehe. Poor Chase, <<awkward>> And no...just no! Bad watcher leaving us with a cliff hanger.  :P
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 10 June update
« Reply #108 on: June 10, 2015, 12:14:39 AM »
Oh Alena... don't do it.  Don't be THAT mother... please no, honey!  Oh I cracked up at Johnny talking with Chase XD  And Don is a wise, wise man (as well as very hot)!  Listen to him Alena!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 10 June update
« Reply #109 on: June 10, 2015, 04:52:54 AM »
No, Alena, bad Mummy. Don and Johnny are still hunks at their old age, and I'm also guilty of putting guys in the same shirts, lol. I want to know what Johnny has to say right now!
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 10 June update
« Reply #110 on: June 10, 2015, 05:07:29 AM »
Uh oh Alena has her "obsessive mother" hat on! Listen to Don, no good can come of this! Hopefully Cherish has good traits.

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 10 June update
« Reply #111 on: June 10, 2015, 08:36:23 AM »
Hmm, well Don, you look, umm yeah. *fans self* cherish is so desperate to have a family that she is going at all wrong..

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 10 June update
« Reply #112 on: June 16, 2015, 09:30:29 PM »
@Playalot - I don't often get to see Don old and I am quite impressed!!  ;) Yeah.. Chase has his hands full at the moment
@Shewolf13 - Couldn't agree more! Nobody wants THAT mother
@Nettlejuice - The men didn't turn out too bad in their twilight years huh?
@hazysmith - Cherish traits are all non helpful, but not hurtful either!  Like, cheerful, happy etc
@sdhoey - I feel so sorry for her, she just wants to be loved by anyone  :'(

Finally got my new keyboard last night and it is working! Yay! So hopefully more regular updates and the chance to play the Cloudbingers now that I can take screenshots again.

Thanks for reading everyone  ;D

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 10 June update
« Reply #113 on: June 16, 2015, 10:41:34 PM »
Don "So.. your Mum is pretty upset buddy"

Chase "She isn't the only one Dad"

Don "I understand why you are upset too. She should never have put that message up on Simbook about respect.. I'm sorry son"

Chase "Why are you apologising for her?"

Don "Because we are a team. That means that if she screws up or if I screw up, we are in it together. That, my son, is how things work in relationships"

Chase "Well this was pretty major Dad"

Don "and so was using Uncle Johnny's bed with Cherish. That was very major."

Don "We will need to talk to Cherish about this son, set you both some boundaries."

Chase "What about M.."

Don  "I know.. I will also set your Mother some as well. But son, you need to make sure that you are in love with this girl, because I can see that she is in love with you and if you continue to fool around with her and you don't love her, that makes you a different kind of man - not the decent man I know you to be"

Chase "yeah.. I know Dad. Thanks"

Don "Selfie?"

How are you feeling Princess?

About as dead inside as that thing outside

It's going to be ok. Don is chatting with him now

Don is FURIOUS with me. I guess I over-reacted a smidge


Retail therapy!


That's what we are going to do.. a family outing

Somehow I get the feeling the boys don't see this as a fun thing

OMG.. Watcher! Look over there.. is that..?

Daisy! Wow..

Chase rang her and rang her and kept inviting her over after our camping trip but she could never make it.. Oh look at her, she is lovely!

Alena Cloudbringer, whatever you are thinking.. well.. just don't

Chase! Look who I just spotted over there

Chase "Daisy? Daisy McCarty is that you?"

Daisy "Chase? Chase Cloudbringer? Wow! You are all grown up! Come here and give me a hug"

Chase "I can't believe that you are here!"

Daisy "Still like looking up at the Clouds?"

Chase "*blush* Yeah, I still do"

Daisy "Well if your not busy right now?"

Chase "I thought that you never got to come into the city much coz of your job"

Daisy "I didn't, but I decided to leave. After meeting you and you showing me all the cool stuff in the sky, I became really passionate about space and stuff"

Chase "Wow"

Daisy "I actually live here in town now"

Chase "Wow"

Daisy "Oh come here you, it's just so great to see you!"

We have to go now honey, do you want to ask Daisy to come back to the house?

Chase "Wow"

Daisy "Would love to! Hey! I hear that you are a bit of a musical genius - I love music. Will you play for me one time?"

Chase "*clearing throat* absolutely"

Hi Daisy, it's great to see you again

Daisy "Hi Mrs Cloudbriger, thank you for having me over"

Daisy "Oh isn't he amazing! So much better than when he was first starting out! Remember how you would mentor him in the holiday house?"

I do, he certainly has come a long way hasn't he"

*whispering* Alena.. stop it.. I know what you are doing

*whispering* go away

So where are you living now?

Daisy "Just in Magnolia"

There aren't many houses there.. I actually don't recall seeing any

Daisy "Um.. I'm actually in a tent"

A tent? Oh Daisy my girl, that's not good. Why don't you think about moving in here for a while - just until you get on your feet

What are you doing?? You know that she can't move in temporarily.. this is not a good idea Alena


Daisy "Really? I mean, it would be nice to change my clothes and have a shower"

Well why you are thinking about it, feel free to have a shower here honey, make yourself at home

Chase "So Mum has asked if you want to stay here for a while huh?"

Daisy "She did - would you mind?"

Chase "No, I think that it would be a good idea. You can then concentrate on all your space and logic stuff.. I could even teach you the violin if you want"

Daisy "It is lovely to be able to sit on a seat when I'm reading! hehe"

Daisy "Hello Mr Cloudbringer, thank you for allowing me to use your facilities"

Don "Oh Hi Daisy! I didn't realise you were still here. Sit down my dear, I see that you are reading one of our Johnny's books"

Daisy "Oh he is one of my favourite authors! Ever since you guys came to Granite Falls and I found one of his books, I haven't been able to stop reading them!"

Don "I know what you mean hehe, he is a very talented writer"

Daisy "It will be wonderful to get to know him when I move in"

Don "*choke*"

You look happy

Chase "I am, what a blast from the past! I'm off on a Date with Cherish now, do I look ok?"

You look very handsome

I know what you are up to Alena and I think that Don is going to be even more angry at you

She is a much better fit for this family Watcher and you know it

I don't know it. Cherish is a very sweet girl, you need to get to know her

I will, I promised Chase I would get to know that hussy.. I mean girl.. but in the mean time, leave me in peace


I don't have any ulterior motives at all

Is that a portrait of..?? Oh for goodness sake

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 June update
« Reply #114 on: June 16, 2015, 11:44:38 PM »
Best chapter ever!  ;D Oh Alena, I can't help but like your style. Not content with asking her to move in 'temporarily' you paint a gigantic portrait which, knowing you, you will hang in your sons room. Lol. Mind you...I think I'd be out to catch Daisy too, she's gorgeous.
Also, when Don said this:
Don "Because we are a team. That means that if she screws up or if I screw up, we are in it together. That, my son, is how things work in relationships," he rose in my esteem greatly. I love the way you are portraying him. More please.
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 June update
« Reply #115 on: June 17, 2015, 01:29:05 AM »
0.0 I don't even have words... Oh Alena you fool XD

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 June update
« Reply #116 on: June 17, 2015, 05:08:32 AM »
0.0 I don't even have words... Oh Alena you fool XD

Hey, a Mom's gotta do what a Mom's gotta do.  I admit, she is a TAD over the top though.  Having a teen is no picnic and I'm thankful my last one is off on her own now.  (Well, most of the time.  When I'm not worrying that is.)  I like Cherish a lot but Daisy really is drop dead gorgeous.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 June update
« Reply #117 on: June 17, 2015, 10:49:18 PM »
@Playalot - You have just given me some ideas! hahaha. I really love Don, every time I see him in another file or someone else's game it just doesn't seem right if he isn't nice!
@Shewolf13 - I am concerned at how far Alena is willing to go  :o
@Joria - Like most Mum's, we are always thinking we are doing what we believe is the best for our children, when sometimes we forget that they need to work out what is best for themselves too! I like Cherish and Daisy too... but I am so far ahead with my game it is all done and dusted anyway! hehehe  :P

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 June update
« Reply #118 on: June 18, 2015, 12:00:58 AM »
Hi Daisy, welcome to the house. I see that you have found the lump of clay that I thought I had hidden

Daisy "What is this Watcher? It's just so mesmorising!"

Don "*low angry voice* Alena Cloudbringer you and I need to talk"

Don "How could you? How could you interfere with all of our lives like this? I asked.. no I BEGGED you not to get involved and you did it anyway. Did you even think that having an extra spot taken might affect our future generations? Never mind the fact that you didn't even ASK me!"

Now hang on there MR LOTHARIO, if Johnny hadn't of asked you to move in WITHOUT my knowledge.. then THIS wouldn't have happened.. we .. we, wouldn't have happened.

Don "*hangs head* Don't even try to manipulate the two situations to be the same honey, you know that they are not. You are better at putting things into words than I am, but this time you can't talk your way out of it babe. You need to understand what you have done wrong here"

I'm just so worried that Chase will end up getting that girl pregnant and I just know that he doesn't love her! I know that it's driving me, and everyone else, crazy.. but doesn't it bother you too? Can't you see it?

Don "Of course I can, it keeps me up at night, but I also have to hope that he listens to my advice and is able to come to his own decisions"

But what if she gets knocked up BEFORE he has made up his mind?

Don "They are still teenagers love, there is time. Plus you should get to know her, she really is a lovey girl"

Maybe you are right, maybe I should get to know her

You seem to have found something else to occupy your time there Daisy! That's good to see

Daisy "Yes! I am so looking forward to doing something fun, I am also very excited about getting a job. I would so love to be an astronaut one day"

Let's give it a couple of days just to get some of your skills up.. um.. have you thought about going into the culinary career?

Daisy "Nope, why?"

Um.. you just have a great handle of knife work..

You don't seem too upset about your 'conversation' with Don this morning

What? No, we are fine. He's right, I've decided that I need to get to know that girl so I can make a more informed decision on her.

What are you planning Alena?

Why breakfast of course!

Daisy "*blush* Oh! Mr Zest, oh dear *blush blush* it's so very nice to see you again"

Johnny "Well hello there Daisy. Welcome to our home! Will you be taking over writing duties when I go?"

Daisy "Go? Oh Mr Zest.. you are far to young to be going anywhere! *giggle giggle*"

Chase "*awkward*"

Johnny "*chuckles* That's so very kind of you my dear, but we both know that the youth of today need to take over to keep our fine art of music and writing going"

Chase "Jeesh Uncle Johnny.. no pressure or anything"

Daisy "No Chase, he's right! Have you thought about what you want to do after you grow up?"

Chase "No yet, but it's nice that you want to know! It's either music or writing though.. I think.. or maybe I might paint.. or, actually I'm pretty good at athletics too"

Daisy "I think that you would make a great writer. Especially if you have Johnny Zest mentoring you"

Chase "Yeah.. Yeah! Maybe you are right"

Oh Honey! Show Daisy how good you are with the concerto that you do as well!

Put the drink down.. yeah.. the fight with Don didn't bother you at all!

Chase "Aw Mum, I have to go to school"

Just a few bars, please honey

Daisy "So Mr Zest, What first made you want to become a writer? I mean you are so talented and so young!"

Johnny "You can stop with the Mister stuff.. please, just call me Johnny. And my sweet girl, I am no longer young. I have had my time with romance and love and I am very happy to now dedicate the rest of my time pouring my heart into my writing"

Daisy "Oh.. that sounds nice"

Don! I think your wife has had a bit too much to drink..Don?" you see, I am sorry Son. I am sorry that I may have overstepped a few boundaries of my own over the last few days

Chase "Mum.. I have to go to school!"

Just do one more favour for me honey, point out your favourite cloud for me

Chase "Well that's easy! It's the one that looks like Cherish"

*rolls eyes*

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 18 June update
« Reply #119 on: June 18, 2015, 05:11:33 AM »
'The one that looks like Cherish' *snort*. I can't see how this one is going to go away... Such a nice household of sims though.   :)
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