Chapter 36- Ten PhotosHello again from the Matsuri-Greenwood DecaDynasty! I have another fantastically amazing update for you lovely forum readers today! We start off this update with the much forgotten member of this household, Griselda...

Okay, maybe not.
Griselda: Please, Grim! Let me stay awhile longer! I have only been in, like, ten photos!
Grim: Tough tacos. I've only been in like four. Life is full of disappointments. Chop chop.

RIP Griselda, you shall be missed.
Moving on. Eminence was invited to hang out at a friend's house after school. That is epic news because that friend just so happens to be a boy.
spouse on a silver platter, anyone?
Although he's hard to see since Emi's head is obscuring his face, her new boy toy's name is Jose Helms. He lives in the house behind him with his father, mother, and uncle.

As evidenced by the floaty hearts, Emi and Jose didn't object to this arrangement. *Cheers!*

And, if that wasn't celebratory worthy enough, Mulberry had his teen birthday the next day.

Here is a teenage Mulberry.

He gained the
Great Kisser trait. Um, okay...

Well, Mulberry decided not to try out his new trait (thank goodness), but practice an old one instead. As a Virtuoso, he immediately wished to learn the guitar skill. So, I obliged.

I stole the guitar from Bree, who was busy panicking about her upcoming adult birthday. When I say upcoming, I mean right now.

She just managed to get enough lifetime reward points to freeze her age. Of course, it had to wait until after she was an adult, which means I now have to go fix her disastrous hair...

Once that was done, Emi and Mulberry's room got a makeover.

Emi didn't spend much time in her room because she spent majority of it in the garage, working at the alchemy station. In fact, amazingly enough, she managed to max the alchemy skill. To say I was surprised is an understatement.

Now that it was done, Emi turned her attention to cranking out hundreds of potions. That skill challenge is so tedious...

Emi: Look Watcher! I made a potion!
Malley: Congrats! Now only 149 more to go!
Emi: And then what?
Malley: You get to chuck them at people!
Emi: Yay!
Malley: You are your mother's child.

Before that
so everyone had a chance to flee, Emi had to learn the rest of her potions.

That's right Emi, give yourself a round of applause.

That's all for this update! Stay tuned for more!