Chapter 34- Pop! Goes the Weasel!What on earth does a nursery rhyme have to do with a sims dynasty? Honestly, not a thing. But, there is a connection, I promise. I didn't just lose my marbles or anything...*sees orderlies coming* ermm...gotta go! Here's a distraction!
Emi's birthday rolled around and Cobalt brought her up to the cake.

Here is Eminence. She is wearing her namesake because it's a really pretty shade of purple and it is the purple themed house. I was a little disappointed that she didn't get the purple eyes, but all hope is not lost

Cobalt got started immediately on potty training Emi. I never noticed how his robe blended into the carpet of Emi's room...It's like a game of I Spy or Where's Waldo?

After potty training, Cobalt moved on to talking lessons.

And cue toddler spam!

Oh dear, that's definitely NOT toddler spam...or is it? Let me just say that Bree is not sick from Cobalt's cooking.

Remember Griselda? Yeah, she's still here. I decided she should actually do something productive and help out with teaching Eminence her skills.

Bree was working on her alchemy skill when she performed a spin-o-rama and confirmed that there was another nooboo on the way.

More Emi training.

Emi learned all of her skills and ended up spending the rest of her toddler days playing around.

Bree, meanwhile, had an alchemy mishap.
Malley: You okay there, Bree?
Bree: Cobalt's mom said that it was best if I "became one" with my alchemy, just like she would do with her painting.
Malley: *face palm* And
I'm the one hiding from the orderlies...*runs off, flailing*

After extracting herself from the alchemy station, it was time for the second purple baby to enter the sim world.

Welcome Mulberry! See? There was a connection! You know, "all around the
mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel..."? I told you I wasn't crazy?! *listens to orderlies* Back to Briarcliff Asylum from American Horror Story for me? *Lowers head in shame* Fine...

So, the Matsuri's had another rare occurrence at the house: a useful maid. This maid would care for Emi and snuggle her and all that. It was pretty sweet.

He also did the same thing with Mulberry once he was a toddler. Speaking of which, it was time for his toddler birthday. Griselda decided to make another guest appearance.

No purple eyes again, but the blue ones did make a reappearance in the gene pool.

Bree took over potty training this time around.

Malley: Are you sure that's an appropriate topic to be teaching your son about??!

Mulberry, thankfully, didn't seemed to be scarred too bad.

In fact, he learned how to walk, talk and potty without issue.

That's all for this update! See you next time (after I escape the asylum, of course
