Chapter 25- What Happens at Prom...Hey there everyone! It is time for another installment of the Matsuri-Greenwood DecaDynasty. So, Olivine and Jade aged up into teenagers in the last chapter. Olivine was already working on her painting skill, but Jade hadn't quite narrowed down what skills she would want to learn. After updating her wardrobe, Jade rolled a wish to learn the charisma skill. Well, wish granted.

I'm not 100% sure what she's talking about, but those faces would certainly frighten me...

Olivine decided to join the painter career. A wise choice.
Olivine: Well, there's not much that really requires painting as a skill, so it's the logical choice.
Malley: Just take the compliment.
Olivine: Okay.

Olivine was already a decent painter, so when she began selling her paintings, she was able to fly through the stages of her career rather quickly.

Speaking of careers, Justine decided to do a performance outside of the tattoo parlor/stylist place thing. And, apparently, she wasn't the only one. There is a guy just past the steps that's performing as well.
Justine: I call dibs on this place.
Malley: I don't think he heard you. Try singing it.
Justine: Iiiiiii calllll dibs on this plaaaaacceee!

The guy was
frightened off convinced to leave, so Justine had the audience of one all to herself. Back at home, the girls were being far more productive. Olivine, shockingly, was painting. Jade was continuing to try her hand at some skills. In addition to the charisma skill, she also rolled a wish to learn the writing skill. I let her try it out and Jade seemed to really enjoy it. In fact, she ended up rolling a wish to become a
Star News Anchor. You know what? It seems fitting. *Clicks wish* Lifetime wish selected.

Malley: Hey Jade, I think I have your first news story...

Alas, it was time for Marissa to go spend some quality time with Grim.

Grim: Those bed sheets with that table? Ugh! Marissa Caldwell, we cannot do this in that room!

Yep, Grim decided to be a diva and take ghosty Marissa upstairs to the girls' room to take her to the underworld. Go figure.

The next day, the girls were to attend prom. They both still had the mourning moodlet, but I made sure they went because it was
an opportunity to go spouse hunting a fun time.

Jade decided to dress up while Olivine chose to stick with her everyday wear. Hey, whatever works.

The girls had a fun time at prom. Olivine was named Prom Queen. I really thought it was going to be Jade because she was more of the charismatic one. Maybe they took back the crown because Jade got into a fight over something or other. Regardless, the girls did have a great time and you'll see why in a few screenshots

But first, Justine had her adult birthday again.

Once she dusted off the birthday sparkles, it was back off to work. Justine was really close to completing her lifetime wish, so she was taking every job that she could. Here she is, performing a romantic ballad for Rei and Harley. AWWW

Rei seems into it. Harley, not so much.

Later that same evening, Justine performed for Persimmon.

That was it for jobs for the time being, so Justine went home to spend time with the family. However, the girls were out when she got there. Apparently, what happens at prom, doesn't always stay at prom. Olivine got a romantic interest at the prom. His name was Rudy. Home? Check. Home is a houseboat? Deal breaker.

So, I decided to let Olivine hang out with Rudy and see if she would roll any romantic wishes for him. If she did, I could maybe survive living on a houseboat for a generation. Maybe.

There really weren't any romantic wishes that came flooding in, but Olivine and Rudy did go steady.

It was shortly after they decided to give their relationship a try that Rudy aged up into a young adult. Hmm...he's almost an entire age group ahead of her. I'm not sure if that's going to work...Justine, why don't you enter the nice people while I figure out what to do?

Lifetime wish completed. Hoorah.

Aaaannddd, I'm back. So, I
stalked thoroughly examined some of Jade and Olivine's classmates and discovered that there was another young man that lived in a household. His name was Zackary Crane. In fact, there he is, looking longingly at Olivine. How
creepy sweet!
So, Olivine sent a quick break up text to Rudy and then turned her attention to Zak.

She immediately rolled some wishes to kiss Zak, date Zak, etc. I think she found "the one."

Let's give them some alone time. See you next time!!