Author Topic: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 67- The End!/Heir Recap (Jan 20)-COMPLETE!  (Read 163488 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 23- Class Dismissed! (Aug 3)
« Reply #135 on: August 04, 2015, 01:45:56 PM »
Going off that ladder shot of Olivine, I'd say she's auditioning for the role of Mr. Fantastic or Elastigirl.  Another lovely update  :=)

Offline Malley

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 23- Class Dismissed! (Aug 3)
« Reply #136 on: August 04, 2015, 02:47:35 PM »
I love her gray eyes, ugh elders are so inconsiderate!

At least Ramiro completed his lifetime wish, unlike Felipe who died one day away from completing his career and giving me the fridge of wonders  >:(

Ah, Ramiro, you will be missed. You were a very "special" magician.

Definitely special. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, that's still up for debate.

RIP Ramiro! I love Olivine, I guess she was in a hurry to age up and make use of the ladder, that glitch had me hooting with laughter. And I mean actual hooting xD

Going off that ladder shot of Olivine, I'd say she's auditioning for the role of Mr. Fantastic or Elastigirl.  Another lovely update  :=)

For some reason, Goldenrod and Justine had a habit of taking Olivine up the stairs to the attic, I guess you could call it, even though it was an empty room at this point. Olivine must have gotten tired of being left up there and contorted herself to get down the ladder. See? Ramiro was right: she was a magical burrito!

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 23- Class Dismissed! (Aug 3)
« Reply #139 on: August 10, 2015, 08:49:38 PM »
Chapter 24- Feeling Jaded

Hello fellow simmers! It is time for another addition to Third Time's the Charm! I am very excited to say that I have reached generation 10 in game and should be finished soon as long as I don't screw up. So, hopefully, the Matsuri family will make it into the Hall of Fame and then we can have a "matsuri" of our own!

We will now return to our regularly scheduled program.

Olivine got started on her future supermax skill. I had no plan for what heir was going to max what, so that way I could remain flexible in case some skill would be easier in one household versus another. I decided that since I hadn't done anything artsy yet, Olivine would be my painter.

While Olivine was upstairs starting on her requirements, Goldenrod and Justine were adding to the household. They adopted a little girl who I named Jade.

After an embrace and a hearty "welcome to the household," it was off to the dresser for Jade.

I was excited to see that Jade's eyes matched her namesake. What luck!

She already had some decent traits when she entered the household. Jade was an Angler, Daredevil and Disciplined. Not too shabby.

Now that Jade was done with her makeover, she went upstairs to introduce herself to her new sister. Olivine was quite excited to have a sibling.

It was really sweet to see that Jade rolled a wish to learn the painting skill shortly after meeting Olivine. They became two peas in a pod.

The girls were inseparable. Instead of squeezing into one tiny room, I moved Jade and Olivine upstairs into the attic. There wasn't much in there because I wasn't sure what Jade would be doing at this point and Olivine would be spending most of her free time downstairs in the newly designated art room.

The girls got ready for their first day of school, though they didn't look too thrilled about it...

Jade: Why are we the only ones on this bus?
Olivine: The other kids were smart and decided not to go to school. I have to go because I'm a dynasty heir and I need to get on the honor roll.
Jade: Either that or the bus driver is a public menace and they're scared to ride the public transportation with her. I mean, she did a donut in front of our house with the bus and nearly took out our mailbox (no kidding).
Driver: I heard that.
Jade: Oops.

At home, Justine was performing to no one in particular. Does that count toward her job performance? It better.

Thankfully, Olivine and Jade made it home safely with the bus driver that somehow got her license even though she never passed driver's ed. Goldenrod helped the girls with their homework.

Goldenrod: And that's why the Isla Paradiso Dolphins team will win the Simly Cup this year.
Olivine: That's peachy, Dad, but I asked you what was the name of the founder of Isla Paradiso.
Goldenrod: Um, go Dolphins?

Justine was out at work, performing a sing-a-gram. Here, she was performing for a criminal? Wait, what? No, just kidding! It's actually Palmira, who is dressed up for work.

Holy returning guest characters, Batman! Justine was out performing in her jammies and was visited by her mother-in-law.

Poppy: *thinking* Great song, but I question her choice of wardrobe...

Birthday time! Olivine got on the honor roll and so did Jade, so both girls were ready to enter their teen years. Olivine went first.

Jade followed after Olivine and had her first birthday with the family.

Here is teenage Olivine.

Now that she is a teenager, it is a little more obvious that her features are unique. I think that she is quite pretty and was one of the heirs that I really liked in this particular dynasty. She gained the Hates the Outdoors trait, which is a good thing because she was going to spend most of her life locked up in the art room.

Here is teenage Jade.

I decided to leave her with the hair she aged up in because it looked pretty good on her. Rolling traits, she gained the Charismatic trait this time around.

I think two birthdays is a good place to finish for this chapter. Until next time  ;D

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 24- Feeling Jaded (Aug 10)
« Reply #140 on: August 10, 2015, 10:39:22 PM »
The girls are gorgeous! Man, the bus driver must have high insurance rates if she's trying to kill people while driving!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 24- Feeling Jaded (Aug 10)
« Reply #141 on: August 11, 2015, 12:57:53 AM »
Aww, how sweet that they adopted a besty for Olivine.  I agree, that hair looks really smashing on Jade.  Fingers crossed that all goes smoothly for gen 10!

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 24- Feeling Jaded (Aug 10)
« Reply #142 on: August 11, 2015, 07:19:59 AM »
The girls are so sweet together, Jade has some good traits and how lucky she has green eyes too.
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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 24- Feeling Jaded (Aug 10)
« Reply #143 on: August 11, 2015, 02:31:28 PM »
I'm very impressed with Goldenrod's teaching skills, it's good to know who are the founders of Isla Paradiso  :o

Olivine is beautiful and that hair suit her very well.

Offline Malley

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 24- Feeling Jaded (Aug 10)
« Reply #145 on: August 16, 2015, 11:21:24 AM »
The girls are gorgeous! Man, the bus driver must have high insurance rates if she's trying to kill people while driving!

I know, right? I just remember watching the bus driver whip the bus around and nearly take out Goldenrod  :o

Aww, how sweet that they adopted a besty for Olivine.  I agree, that hair looks really smashing on Jade.  Fingers crossed that all goes smoothly for gen 10!

The girls are so sweet together, Jade has some good traits and how lucky she has green eyes too.

The girls are both gorgeous - I love Jade's colouring.

I don't think that the name "Jade" could have fit her any better  ;D

I'm very impressed with Goldenrod's teaching skills, it's good to know who are the founders of Isla Paradiso  :o

Olivine is beautiful and that hair suit her very well.

I would too  ;D

Offline Malley

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 24- Feeling Jaded (Aug 10)
« Reply #146 on: August 16, 2015, 11:55:34 AM »
Chapter 25- What Happens at Prom...

Hey there everyone! It is time for another installment of the Matsuri-Greenwood DecaDynasty. So, Olivine and Jade aged up into teenagers in the last chapter. Olivine was already working on her painting skill, but Jade hadn't quite narrowed down what skills she would want to learn. After updating her wardrobe, Jade rolled a wish to learn the charisma skill. Well, wish granted.

I'm not 100% sure what she's talking about, but those faces would certainly frighten me...

Olivine decided to join the painter career. A wise choice.

Olivine: Well, there's not much that really requires painting as a skill, so it's the logical choice.
Malley: Just take the compliment.
Olivine: Okay.

Olivine was already a decent painter, so when she began selling her paintings, she was able to fly through the stages of her career rather quickly.

Speaking of careers, Justine decided to do a performance outside of the tattoo parlor/stylist place thing. And, apparently, she wasn't the only one. There is a guy just past the steps that's performing as well.

Justine: I call dibs on this place.
Malley: I don't think he heard you. Try singing it.
Justine: Iiiiiii calllll dibs on this plaaaaacceee!

The guy was frightened off convinced to leave, so Justine had the audience of one all to herself. Back at home, the girls were being far more productive. Olivine, shockingly, was painting. Jade was continuing to try her hand at some skills. In addition to the charisma skill, she also rolled a wish to learn the writing skill. I let her try it out and Jade seemed to really enjoy it. In fact, she ended up rolling a wish to become a Star News Anchor. You know what? It seems fitting. *Clicks wish* Lifetime wish selected.

Malley: Hey Jade, I think I have your first news story...

Alas, it was time for Marissa to go spend some quality time with Grim.

Grim: Those bed sheets with that table? Ugh! Marissa Caldwell, we cannot do this in that room!

Yep, Grim decided to be a diva and take ghosty Marissa upstairs to the girls' room to take her to the underworld. Go figure.

The next day, the girls were to attend prom. They both still had the mourning moodlet, but I made sure they went because it was an opportunity to go spouse hunting a fun time.

Jade decided to dress up while Olivine chose to stick with her everyday wear. Hey, whatever works.

The girls had a fun time at prom. Olivine was named Prom Queen. I really thought it was going to be Jade because she was more of the charismatic one. Maybe they took back the crown because Jade got into a fight over something or other. Regardless, the girls did have a great time and you'll see why in a few screenshots  ;)

But first, Justine had her adult birthday again.

Once she dusted off the birthday sparkles, it was back off to work. Justine was really close to completing her lifetime wish, so she was taking every job that she could. Here she is, performing a romantic ballad for Rei and Harley. AWWW

Rei seems into it. Harley, not so much.

Later that same evening, Justine performed for Persimmon.

That was it for jobs for the time being, so Justine went home to spend time with the family. However, the girls were out when she got there. Apparently, what happens at prom, doesn't always stay at prom. Olivine got a romantic interest at the prom. His name was Rudy. Home? Check. Home is a houseboat? Deal breaker.

So, I decided to let Olivine hang out with Rudy and see if she would roll any romantic wishes for him. If she did, I could maybe survive living on a houseboat for a generation. Maybe.

There really weren't any romantic wishes that came flooding in, but Olivine and Rudy did go steady.

It was shortly after they decided to give their relationship a try that Rudy aged up into a young adult. Hmm...he's almost an entire age group ahead of her. I'm not sure if that's going to work...Justine, why don't you enter the nice people while I figure out what to do?

Lifetime wish completed. Hoorah.

Aaaannddd, I'm back. So, I stalked thoroughly examined some of Jade and Olivine's classmates and discovered that there was another young man that lived in a household. His name was Zackary Crane. In fact, there he is, looking longingly at Olivine. How creepy sweet!

So, Olivine sent a quick break up text to Rudy and then turned her attention to Zak.

She immediately rolled some wishes to kiss Zak, date Zak, etc. I think she found "the one."

Let's give them some alone time. See you next time!!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 25- What Happens at Prom... (Aug 16)
« Reply #147 on: August 16, 2015, 12:21:47 PM »
It's always amusing how we end up stalking potential spouses.  I will say I'm sad that Jade can't be the heir as I find her very endearing.  I hope she stays part of the storyline once Olivine finishes her requirements and moves in with Zak.

Offline KRae

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 25- What Happens at Prom... (Aug 16)
« Reply #148 on: August 16, 2015, 12:30:10 PM »
*Sigh of relief* You really don't want to try to live in a houseboat if you can help it. I can hardly even play in Isla.

Offline Malley

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 25- What Happens at Prom... (Aug 16)
« Reply #149 on: August 16, 2015, 02:42:23 PM »
It's always amusing how we end up stalking potential spouses.  I will say I'm sad that Jade can't be the heir as I find her very endearing.  I hope she stays part of the storyline once Olivine finishes her requirements and moves in with Zak.

Jade was certainly one of my favorite spares in this dynasty. She does show up later on, which was fun to see. I also really liked the spare in generation 7's household. (S)he was pretty cool too.

*Sigh of relief* You really don't want to try to live in a houseboat if you can help it. I can hardly even play in Isla.

I know! I am not a fan of boats in real life so I really didn't want to torture myself by having generation 5 live in a houseboat. Actually, Isla Paradiso hasn't been too bad for me. I had a close call where I thought I was going to have town jump around generation 8 (things got glitchy and problematic temporarily), which would have been disappointing to have to leave after so long. Well, generation 10 is a few days away from aging up into a child, so I'm hoping I can stay the last little bit and finish where I started  ;D

