Author Topic: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 67- The End!/Heir Recap (Jan 20)-COMPLETE!  (Read 163518 times)

Offline Malley

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 20- Photo Bomb (July 21)
« Reply #121 on: July 28, 2015, 09:08:23 PM »
Chapter 21- Going Green

Greetings once again from Third Time's the Charm! The current heir, Goldenrod, is now in the race against time to complete his requirements as his adult birthday edges ever closer...

Goldenrod: Dramatic much, Watcher? You make it seem like I haven't done any of my requirements.
Malley: What sounds better, Goldy? 'He's well on his way...' or 'it's a fight against time to complete what is required of him...'
Goldenrod:...I'm going to go to work now.
Malley: Good boy.

I guess Goldenrod decided that working all day was far better than talking to me because he worked extra hard and got his final promotion! Goldenrod was now officially an astronaut. He completed his requirements and his lifetime wish all in one fell swoop. Well done, sir!

Goldenrod: I have a white belt of awesomeness. Space aliens, fear me!
Malley: *facepalm*

The Fourth Heir

Name: Goldenrod Matsuri-Sosa
Born: Week 19, Day 4
Traits: Brave, Athletic, Good, Handy, Family Oriented
House: 9 Sea Spray Lane
Lifetime Wish: Become an Astronaut
Career: Military
Supermax Skill: Handiness
Honor Roll:
               Child: Complete
               Teen: Complete
Building: Matsuri Sosa Warehouse
Property: Matsuri Sosa Consignment Shop
Tombstone: Jesse Sosa, aged 92
10 Black Ops:

1) Substitute Instructor
2) General Staff Stationery
3) Learn Martial Arts
4) Fix the Election Machines
5) Piloting Made Simple
6) De-Worming
7) Honk if You Love Goose
8 )Amateur Olympics
9) Zen and Airplane Maintenance
10) The RHAT Race

10 NPC Friends:

1) Gilberto S. (Maid)
2) Judy S. (Repairman)
3) Leann B. (Mailman)
4) Kirstin M. (Pizza Deliverer)
5) Silvia C. (Magician)
6) Lorenzo T. (Newspaper Deliverer)
7) Kelsey D. (University Mascot)
8 )Lashawn M. (Burglar)
9) Kerri T. (Policeman)
10) Fidel G. (Acrobat)

10 Best Friends:

1) Poppy Matsuri
2) Citrine Matsuri
3) Judy Shearan
4) Keilley Yates
5) Camilla Abernathy
6) Noel Belcher
7) Fawn Waggoner
8 )Clifton Box
9) Mildred Alguilar
10) Laurel Davilla

Items Added to Collection: Inventions
Collection Worth: $16000
Completed: Week 26, Day 7

The only thing left for Goldenrod to take care of was his adult birthday.

After the birthday boy located his hat that mysteriously disappeared from his head upon his aging up, he called Justine and invited her out to the beach.

They continued the tradition of getting married at the beach.

Goldenrod and Justine then sealed the deal with a kiss.

And here we are, house #4! It is quite colorful and nice. The theme for this household is green.

Justine got a makeover while Goldenrod moved in.

Justine's traits are Childish, Couch Potato, Daredevil, Diva and Easily Impressed. Her lifetime wish is to become a Vocal Legend.

Awww, they're so cute!

Justine's family seemed to think otherwise, though...
So, the lady who is screaming at nothing is Justine's sister, Marissa. The shirtless guy with a megaphone is Justine's father, Ramiro.

Marissa, despite first impressions, was actually a pretty decent household member. Her lifetime wish was Swimming in Cash and, upon the sale of Goldenrod's pocket full of red berry beans, it was completed. Definitely the future tombstone

Goldenrod and Justine had more important things to attend to. They got settled in to bed for the evening and prepared to bring in the fourth heir to the dynasty.

Chimes were heard. Yay!

The next day, I turned my attention to Ramiro. His lifetime wish was to become a Master Magician. He was already an elder, so time was of the essence. I sent Ramiro off to get a job and then to perform at the town square, which was conveniently located across the street from the Caldwell house.

The guy in the audience is way too excited for this magic show.

In the next update, we shall meet the next heir or heiress. Stay tuned!!

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Offline mpart

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 21- Going Green (July 28)
« Reply #122 on: July 28, 2015, 10:38:17 PM »
Great update, I'm always a bit jealous how much stuff you always get in your updates.  :P

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 21- Going Green (July 28)
« Reply #123 on: July 29, 2015, 10:48:54 AM »
I love Justine's family but let's hope the next heir doesn't inherit too much from that side xD Congrats Goldenrod! I typed Apollo at first, getting confused, lol.
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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 21- Going Green (July 28)
« Reply #124 on: July 29, 2015, 04:13:11 PM »
Great update, I'm always a bit jealous how much stuff you always get in your updates.  :P

Lol, thanks  :) I tend to just take pictures as I go along and then put the updates together based on the photos.

I love Justine's family but let's hope the next heir doesn't inherit too much from that side xD Congrats Goldenrod! I typed Apollo at first, getting confused, lol.

I really like the next heir. (S)He does not inherit the insanity that is Justine's family. And I have also almost typed in the wrong names in my own dynasties  ::) I kept calling Soleil and Nathan Rain and Mason instead when I was typing updates...

Offline Malley

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 21- Going Green (July 28)
« Reply #125 on: July 31, 2015, 02:48:42 PM »
Chapter 22: Magic Burritos

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the 22nd installment of Third Time's the Charm! This is going to be a very musical update! Okay, well, not literally musical since you can't hear the singing or background music, but musical in spirit, I suppose...

Justine: Can you quiet down? I'm trying to perform here!
Malley: My bad.

Justine had joined the singer career in the hopes of one day achieving her lifetime wish of becoming a vocal legend. Like her father, Justine made use of the park across the street from her house to perform and boost her career performance.

Back at home, Marissa took over the gardening duties. She also decided that she wanted to work in the business career and was now employed under our favorite businessman, Brick Goldberg!

The famous singer, known as Jazzy Justine, came home early from performing and made a mad dash to the bathroom. No, it was not Marissa's cooking that caused her nausea. Generation 4 was on the way!

One of the perks of professions was that there was no maternity leave! Justine went out and continued to perform. For some reason, she decided that this lovely plant was a wonderful place to sing from.

Hey, whatever works, I guess. Anyhoo, Justine and Goldenrod finally had a chance to see each other after Goldenrod came home from his bazillion hour shift as an astronaut. Justine broke the good news to him.

Goldenrod was thrilled and they had a little celebratory lunch at the bistro together. After lunch, Justine headed straight over to the park to continue performing. She actually had an audience this time.

I'm pretty sure that Justine gave this man a message to please change his clothes. The purple leisure suit has got to go.

Justine also did some performing for a very special someone  :D

I guess the next heir wanted in on all this celebrating because Justine went into labor a short time later.

Justine and Goldenrod were now the proud parents of a little girl.

Everyone please welcome Generation 4 of the Matsuri-Greenwood DecaDynasty, Olivine Matsuri! Olivine is Artistic and Excitable.

Goldenrod was utterly smitten with his little girl.

He decided to take a potion to ensure that he would be around for a while to see little Olivine grow up and complete her requirements.

While Goldenrod was done aging, Justine was aging down. She took a young again potion.

Her hair also aged down too, judging by the loss of her headband.

Everyone was very happy to have Olivine in the family now. Ramiro tried to take his granddaughter to the park to perform with him.

Ramiro: Now, watch in wonder and amazement as I pull my beautiful little grandnooboo out of this hat...
Malley: I'm not sure that it's the best of ideas...
Ramiro: Quiet, Watcher, this is going to be amazing!

It was Marissa to the rescue. I sent her over to the park to bring little Olivine home before she became a part of Ramiro's magic act. There are no magic burritos in this household, sir!

Marissa: Yeah, woo!
Malley: Thank you, Marissa. It's nice to know that there is someone in this household that agrees with me-

Malley: Oh, it's your birthday. Nevermind.

Marissa was now an elder. She had already completed her lifetime wish so she was well on her way to becoming the tombstone enjoying her golden years.

That is all for this update. In the next update, we will find out what little Olivine looks like. Any guesses on who she'll resemble? You can post your guesses if you'd like to share  ;D Goldenrod has blond hair and brown eyes and Justine has black hair and olive eyes.

See you next time!

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 22- Magic Burrito (July 31)
« Reply #127 on: July 31, 2015, 07:07:29 PM »
I think she will be a mix between Justine and Goldenrod.

Offline Malley

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 22- Magic Burrito (July 31)
« Reply #128 on: August 01, 2015, 02:35:55 PM »
No guesses from me. I'm baffled by sim genetics.

Just wait until generation 5. I seriously wanted to call Maury to find out how on earth this kid got the genetics (s)he got  :o The weird part is that, I'm currently on generation 9 in game, and that particular gene that confused the heck out of me has not shown up again. *scratches head* sims genetics makes my head hurt...

I think she will be a mix between Justine and Goldenrod.

She definitely turns out to be a mix of the two. How that combination works, you'll have to wait and see  ;)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 22- Magic Burrito (July 31)
« Reply #129 on: August 02, 2015, 04:50:41 AM »
Poor Justine having to work through her pregnancy and in those heels no less. I can't wait to see Olivine, I'm thinking she'll be a blond with her Mum's features.
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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 22- Magic Burrito (July 31)
« Reply #130 on: August 03, 2015, 05:50:11 PM »
Poor Justine having to work through her pregnancy and in those heels no less. I can't wait to see Olivine, I'm thinking she'll be a blond with her Mum's features.

What Olivine does inherit from Justine actually sticks around in the dynasty for a very, very long time.

Offline Malley

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 22- Magic Burrito (July 31)
« Reply #131 on: August 03, 2015, 06:11:51 PM »
Chapter 23: Class Dismissed!

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Matsuri-Greenwood DecaDynasty. So, as some of you may know, I am teaching myself Japanese. Yesterday, I was poking around my Japanese dictionary and discovered that "Matsuri" (pronounced "mah-sue-ree") means "festival" or "feast" in Japanese. I thought that was pretty interesting. That is all for our Japanese lesson for today. Class is dismissed!

On to the story!

Here is the moment that everyone has been waiting for: Olivine's birthday!

And there she is, little Olivine! She is essentially a miniature Justine, but she has a little bit more of Goldenrod's unique non-pudding face.

Regardless of who she looked like, Olivine was Goldenrod's little princess.

He got started on her toddler skills right after her birthday, which allowed Justine to go out and continue working on her singing career.

In other news, Ramiro had discovered the ultimate magic trick: turning himself invisible.

This amazing trick drew kind of a crowd. Citrine stopped by to check out Ramiro's act.

Having a new baby in the household was exhausting. Justine did try to keep up with her career while raising Olivine, but sometimes, her exhaustion got the best of her.

Lady: This is the congratulations I get for my promotion?

After a good night's sleep, Justine was back on her feet.

Here is the obligatory Attach of the Claw shot for this generation.

Malley: Um, excuse me? Why did the camera just pan away from Goldenrod and Olivine?
*Pans to Ramiro*
Malley: Yep, that's probably not a good sign.

Despite the psyched face on the guy in the crowd, this was not a good reason for the camera to pan over to Ramiro.

See what I mean?

RIP Ramiro Caldwell.

Back at home...things were a little strange.

Things did get back to normal when it came time for Olivine to age up into a child.

Here is child Olivine.

She gained the Perfectionist trait.

That's all for now. Until next time  ;D

Offline mpart

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 23- Class Dismissed! (Aug 3)
« Reply #132 on: August 03, 2015, 07:46:52 PM »
I love her gray eyes, ugh elders are so inconsiderate!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 23- Class Dismissed! (Aug 3)
« Reply #134 on: August 04, 2015, 09:43:18 AM »
RIP Ramiro! I love Olivine, I guess she was in a hurry to age up and make use of the ladder, that glitch had me hooting with laughter. And I mean actual hooting xD
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