Author Topic: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 67- The End!/Heir Recap (Jan 20)-COMPLETE!  (Read 157416 times)

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 16- A Little Hint (July 6)
« Reply #90 on: July 07, 2015, 12:32:26 AM »
I'm with mpart, ghost hunter! It must be something to be so adorable that the potty wants to pinch you cheeks.

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 16- A Little Hint (July 6)
« Reply #91 on: July 07, 2015, 12:25:29 PM »
Aliens are supernatural, so maybe a ghost hunter????  :o

I'm with mpart, ghost hunter! It must be something to be so adorable that the potty wants to pinch you cheeks.

You both are on the right track! Alien is the clue  ;)

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 16- A Little Hint (July 6)
« Reply #92 on: July 07, 2015, 05:11:28 PM »
I was thinking astronaut but that's me spending too much time playing Sims 4. They are both adorable, I'm reminded of my nephew and nieces playing together, so sweet.
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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 16- A Little Hint (July 6)
« Reply #93 on: July 07, 2015, 08:07:28 PM »
I was thinking astronaut but that's me spending too much time playing Sims 4. They are both adorable, I'm reminded of my nephew and nieces playing together, so sweet.

Very good! Goldenrod shall be going into the military :) Virtual cookies for your correct guess!

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 16- A Little Hint (July 6)
« Reply #94 on: July 07, 2015, 08:52:47 PM »
If ghost hunter isn't it, science career?

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 16- A Little Hint (July 6)
« Reply #95 on: July 08, 2015, 10:41:00 AM »
Yay, virtual cookies are the best - no dietry information needed  ;D
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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 16- A Little Hint (July 6)
« Reply #96 on: July 10, 2015, 02:24:49 PM »
If ghost hunter isn't it, science career?

Mahogany did the science career, so that career track is off the table. Another good guess, though  ;D

Yay, virtual cookies are the best - no dietry information needed  ;D

My favorite kind  ;D

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 16- A Little Hint (July 6)
« Reply #97 on: July 10, 2015, 02:57:43 PM »
Chapter 17- Bad Timing

Greetings from the Matsuri Greenwood DecaDynasty! In today's update, we start off with Jesse making breakfast in the kitchen. *Camera pans*...err, maybe not.

Yep, Grim decided that he wanted Jesse to cook him breakfast, apparently.

Grim: I know I just killed your father-in-law and traumatized your kids by killing him in front of them but can I have your autograph?
Poppy: Really? Is now the best time?
Grim: Yes.


Thankfully, it was only Goldenrod that saw Jesse leave for the great beyond. Citrine was doing more fun things and playing around in her toy box. So cute.

Goldenrod also got in some play time. He much preferred his block set to the toy box.

Thankfully, Goldenrod was very good at building and handiness because the sink in the bathroom was apparently defective. It tried to swallow Poppy.

Ahh. Citrine must get her glitchiness from Poppy.

There we go, much better.

Alas, the days of toddlerhood were coming to an end and it was time for Citrine to age up into a child.

Here is little Citrine.

She gained the Rebellious trait.

Although she was rebellious, Citrine was a good kid. She always did her homework and liked to paint.

And, most importantly, she and Goldenrod were still really good friends.

Though I do get the feeling that she did enjoy nearly breaking her brother's spine...

The pillow fighting needed to be interrupted for something far less fun, school. Uncle Felipe had some words of wisdom to impart on his niece and nephew before they headed off to catch the bus. I am not fluent in simlish, but it didn't look like a good message.

Felipe: Yeah, and that's why you should never get married, kid.
Citrine: *pretends to keep eating*

The kids went off to school and then came home to do their homework.

Citrine: Homework stinks.
Goldenrod: But it's better than a lesson from Uncle Felipe.
Citrine: Good point.

Speaking of Uncle Felipe, he decided that he should carry a pizza around with him. I'm totally on board with this.

That's all for now. As for me, it's time for me to go off and get my own pizza. It is Pizza Friday in my house, after all  ;D

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 17- Bad Timing (July 10)
« Reply #99 on: July 11, 2015, 05:17:23 AM »
RIP Jesse, Grim really has the worst timing. Felipe shouldn't get poor Citrine's hopes up.
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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 17- Bad Timing (July 10)
« Reply #100 on: July 11, 2015, 02:35:14 PM »
Toddler Citrine: I'm the queen of the world! Er, stroller.

Lol :)

RIP Jesse, Grim really has the worst timing. Felipe shouldn't get poor Citrine's hopes up.

Uncle Felipe seriously makes some questionable life choices :o

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 17- Bad Timing (July 10)
« Reply #101 on: July 14, 2015, 06:36:18 PM »
Chapter 18- Worst. Present. Ever.

Welcome one and all to Third Time's the Charm! In the last update, Grandpa Jesse kicked the bucket and then Poppy wanted to hit Uncle Felipe with said bucket because of his terrible advice to the children. Thankfully, it didn't seem to affect them too bad because Goldenrod made it to his teen birthday.

A quick cake jump...

...and Goldenrod was now a teen.

Here is teenage Goldenrod.

For this birthday, he gained the Handy trait.

Remember how I mentioned that Grandpa Jesse was a wizard? Well, the family purchased a bunch of supplies and then Jesse shot some ice blasts at those bad boys. So, for his birthday, Goldenrod was gifted with several broken appliances to help with his supermax. Worst. Present. Ever.

I think I would cry if someone gave me a broken toilet for my birthday. Either that or punch someone.

Goldenrod spent his weekend playing with his broken equipment and his handiness skill. Monday came and he went to school. While that may not seem any better than fixing all of the broken appliances, this school day was one of the best ones. Goldenrod met one of his classmates, a girl named Justine. As school came to an end that day, Goldenrod wanted to go over Justine's house after school.

Here is the spouse checklist for Goldenrod:

Girl? Check.
House? Check.
Family in the house for gravestone? Check.
Not old and wrinkly? Check.

We have a winner and Goldenrod thought so too.

Thankfully, Justine was on board with this plan too.

Here is a shot of Justine's house. She lives with her family on the main island near the town center.

Goldenrod and Justine made their relationship official and then headed inside to do some homework together.

Back at home, things were not going as smoothly. There was a very unwelcome visitor.

That jerk took the stove!

The police arrived and the burglar was apprehended. Burglar-0 Isla Paradiso PD-1. Since everyone was already up, I figured that it was a good time for Citrine to have her teen birthday.

Here is a teenage Citrine.

She is so pretty. I think that Citrine turned out really beautiful and I love her color scheme.

I think that two birthdays, a spouse and work on a supermax skill is a good amount of stuff for one update, so that's all for now. See ya!

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 18- Worst. Present. Ever. (July 14)
« Reply #103 on: July 16, 2015, 02:04:10 PM »
Those kids have amazing genes. Lucky you found a future spouse with a house and not so wrinkly, lol. Considering all his requirements I'd say those are some pretty cool birthday presents  ;D
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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 18- Worst. Present. Ever. (July 14)
« Reply #104 on: July 16, 2015, 02:42:46 PM »
Good job locking in that spouse early.

The game pretty much handed me a spouse on a silver platter. Not going to say no to that!

Those kids have amazing genes. Lucky you found a future spouse with a house and not so wrinkly, lol. Considering all his requirements I'd say those are some pretty cool birthday presents  ;D

I actually wasn't planning on doing the handiness skill until later but once I saw that Grandpa Jesse was a wizard, I figured that it would make my life so much easier because he could ice blast the appliances and make two skill challenges super easy. In a way, it really was a great birthday present!

