Author Topic: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 67- The End!/Heir Recap (Jan 20)-COMPLETE!  (Read 157568 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 11- Just Kidding (June 14)
« Reply #60 on: June 14, 2015, 05:41:45 PM »
Oh no, so many missed updates. Poppy is my absolute favourite name and she has great genes. I love her colour theme.
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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 11- Just Kidding (June 14)
« Reply #62 on: June 14, 2015, 07:01:50 PM »
I'm so happy to see another one of your dynasties! I still have a lot of them to catch up with, but I'm loving this one. Your naming theme is adorable!

Yay! You're back  ;D I'm really having fun with this dynasty. After my first two attempts, I never thought that I'd want to do another one but this completely changed my mind.

Oh no, so many missed updates. Poppy is my absolute favourite name and she has great genes. I love her colour theme.

Welcome back, Nettlejuice! Poppy was a great heir. I really liked working with her and she was just so pretty.

Persimmon's got some attitude!

Persimmon was actually a really good kid. He would autonomously do his homework and then go swimming in the pool to work on his athletic skill. I just thought that it was funny that both Poppy and Persimmon got favorite colors that clashed with the orange theme for the house  :o.

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 11- Just Kidding (June 14)
« Reply #63 on: June 18, 2015, 06:13:38 PM »
Chapter 12- BOOGA BOOGA!

Greetings from Third Time's the Charm! So, Teodor died in the last update so let's start this edition with something a little bit on the happier side. Here is our insane little Palmira taking a dip in the pool in her formal wear.

Malley: Isn't that difficult to swim in your high heels?
Palmira: Nope.
Malley: Alright then.

Back inside, the kids were being better behaved and more mature than their mother. Persimmon was eating a healthy plate of french toast for dinner and Poppy was doing her homework.

At school, Poppy made some friends, including a boy by the name of Abraham Sosa. He had a brother named Felipe and Poppy ended up going over to the boys' house after school one afternoon. I, of course, stalked them kept an eye out on the kids and discovered that the boys did have a house and that they had family in the house with them. Spouse material? Absolutely. I didn't have a preference between the two boys but Poppy seemed to favor Abraham. I suppose that was for the best since Felipe had the puke green hair.

It seemed that the attraction was mutual between Abraham and Poppy. Palmira kept an eye on her daughter and her future boyfriend, in any case.

Palmira: Does anyone else see floating hearts?

I kindly sent Palmira off to give Poppy and Abraham some privacy and they made their relationship official.

They not only agreed to become boyfriend and girlfriend, but Poppy also asked Abraham to go to prom with her.

Abraham: Of course I'll go with you! But can you keep up with my wicked dance moves?
Poppy: Sure I can. My name is Poppy and I can totally pop n' lock.
Malley: *face palm*

While his sister was off at prom, Persimmon was being a great little brother and checking under his sister's new bed in her new room for monsters.


Scary bed monsters were quickly forgotten when it was time for Persimmon to age up into a teenager.

Palmira apparently got carried away with her noisemaker and blew Persimmon's hat right off and messed up his hair too.

He decided to just forego the hat as a teen. Here is teenage Persimmon.

He gained the Bookworm trait.

Persimmon was leaning toward following in his mother's footsteps and becoming an International Super Spy. So, he decided to get a head start on his skills by trying his hand at the chemistry set.

Poppy and Persimmon both managed to get on the honor roll. He also tried to help out his sister in her garden so that she wouldn't be outside at all hours of the evening after school. Of course, he seemed more confused by the plants. Stick to chemistry, kid.

I think that Persimmon joining the Isla Paradiso Police Department was a great idea. He could help to keep his mother in check. Here is Palmira sneaking up on Poppy as she got herself ready for school that morning.

Mom of the year, for sure.

Palmira: I accept my award! BOOGA BOOGA!

Then again, maybe spending so much time with Palmira was starting to influence her son. I found him in his room one day, ranting about nothing to an invisible audience.

Oh, dear.

Thankfully, I was able to interrupt Persimmon and get him off his soapbox so that he could come and celebrate Poppy's young adult birthday.

Nothing like cake for breakfast!

Here is young adult Poppy.

I like to change up hairstyles throughout a dynasty/challenge but Rei's hairstyle really looked good on Poppy, so I went with it. The final trait she gained was Nurturing.

That's all for now! Thanks for reading  ;D

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 12- BOOGA BOOGA! (June 18)
« Reply #65 on: June 19, 2015, 09:29:57 AM »
They are gorgeous! Good luck Poppy!
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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 12- BOOGA BOOGA! (June 18)
« Reply #67 on: June 20, 2015, 04:55:42 AM »
The kids turned out so beautiful, not surprising with their genes. Who doesn't stalk future spouses?  :P
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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 12- BOOGA BOOGA! (June 18)
« Reply #68 on: June 20, 2015, 09:35:44 AM »
Funny family! I like their eccentricities. :D

Offline Malley

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 12- BOOGA BOOGA! (June 18)
« Reply #69 on: June 21, 2015, 01:27:35 PM »
The kids turned out so beautiful, not surprising with their genes. Who doesn't stalk future spouses?  :P

Five generations in and I'm still stalking spouses  :o

Funny family! I like their eccentricities. :D

I have really been enjoying the families in this dynasty attempt. Each family has really come into its own and developed its own personality, if you will.

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 12- BOOGA BOOGA! (June 18)
« Reply #70 on: June 21, 2015, 01:55:46 PM »
Chapter 13- Maturity is Optional

Hello everyone and welcome to another installment of the Matsuri Greenwood DecaDynasty. So, Poppy aged up into a young adult last chapter, so she could now really get down to work on her requirements. As evidenced by her name and the fact that she took over the gardening duties as soon as she became a teenager, Poppy would be supermaxing gardening. She joined the gardener career as a teen and sold off all of her red berry beans when she aged up and made it to like Level 7 of the career in one shot. Not too shabby. In the meantime, she had three levels to go, along with a ton of opportunities. Get crackin', girl.

Poppy's routine would be to get up, eat breakfast and then head outside to work on tending her garden. On her days off, Palmira would assist her daughter.

With Palmira's help, Poppy was able to finish her garden work relatively early, so she decided to check another requirement off of her list: spouse hunting. Abraham Sosa was her boyfriend that we met a short time ago. You know, the guy I stalked home for her. Anyway, it turns out that he had also aged up around the same time that Poppy did. They were still together when they reached their young adult stage and were still very interested in each other.

Poppy: Abraham, will you marry me? Oh, I don't mean right now. I mean like twenty years from now when I finish all of my requirements and then move into your house in order to immediately start a family.

Abraham accepted and he and Poppy were now engaged while Palmira played in the sandbox.

So what could be more embarrassing than your mother playing in the sandbox while you're pouring your heart out to your beloved with a heartfelt proposal? Why, your Dad attempting to throw a football, of course!

Palmira had some game. Mahogany, on the other hand, had a very adorable technique.

Palmira also applied that same grit and game to her career. She finally reached Level 10 of the Law Enforcement career and completed her lifetime wish of International Super Spy.

Amazingly, she doesn't look too thrilled about it.

Persimmon, however, was not shy about showing his excitement to attend prom. He was voted prom king and had a great night overall.

While Persimmon was out at prom, Poppy received the call to begin the Omni Seed plant chain. After my victory dance, I sent her off to complete that requirement and she was soon able to plant and grow cheese. I totally wish I could get cheese plants.

It was going to be a while before the cheese plants matured enough to complete the requirement, so things were quiet in the house for a while until it was time for Persimmon's birthday.

He got the wind whipped hairstyle again, even though Palmira didn't even use the party blower this time.

Here is young adult Persimmon.

He is quite handsome. For his last trait, he gained the Photographer's Eye. Persimmon did, in fact, decide to follow in Palmira's footsteps and become an International Super Spy.

It has been said that while aging up is mandatory, maturity is optional. Based on Persimmon's actions, I totally agree. He apparently pranked Poppy's computer and she totally fell for it.

The worst part? I didn't even see him do it.

Poor Poppy.

Here's to cheese and steak plants in the next update  :D

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 13- Maturity is Optional (June 21)
« Reply #72 on: June 21, 2015, 06:40:56 PM »
Oh, that is one scary image. Persimmon is so sneaky. Congrats Palmira, I guess? Lol. And congratulations to Poppy and Abraham.
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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 13- Maturity is Optional (June 21)
« Reply #73 on: June 22, 2015, 12:09:27 PM »
Fingers crossed for the Omniplant chain opportunities.

Persimmon is really handsome (and my favorite). ;)

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 13- Maturity is Optional (June 21)
« Reply #74 on: June 22, 2015, 01:08:47 PM »
Just caught up with this -- good luck to Poppy!
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