Chapter 9- Burrito BabyWelcome back to yet another installment of Third Time's the Charm. We find Palmira playing with chemicals. Why is that big news? Well, we heard chimes last night so she is following in Rei's footsteps by playing with chemicals while pregnant. Yeah, totally safe.
Palmira: I'm glad we agree.
That night, Palmira woke up feeling slightly uncomfortable. Was it because she wore high heels to bed? Nope. We found out that the second heir is on the way!
She broke the news to Mahogany, who was so excited that he could only muster a thumbs up response. What a great reaction.
Nothing exciting happened during Palmira's pregnancy. She worked with the chemistry set. Mahogany worked at the science center. Palmira's daddy, Teodor, worked on his culinary skill so that he could
become the tombstone complete his lifetime wish. Since that was the case, the days flew by and it was soon time to bring in the second heir.
Mahogany did what every responsible husband should do in this situation and panicked and shouted about the baby coming. Good work, Mahogany. Seriously, way to keep cool under pressure.
letting his pregnant wife drive him driving to the hospital, Palmira was further helped by her mother-in-law. Rei stood there and watched as Palmira waddled up to the hospital doors. Oh, wait, I forgot; she waved too.
Thankfully, the hospital staff was much more attentive to our mommy to be, and we successfully welcomed the second heir into the dynasty. Meet Poppy, who is
Easily Impressed and
Poppy's favorite color is purple, which completely clashes with the orange theme for this household. That being said, I tried to make it work.
Teodor was extremely excited to be a grandfather. He was already an elder when Mahogany moved in so he was running on borrowed time I suppose.
Palmira and Mahogany were both close to aging up into elders at this point as well, so I had to remedy the situation. Those two needed to be around for a long while.
The burrito baby days were also uneventful so let's fast forward to the birthday party for little Poppy. Mahogany invited the family over, including Brick, Rei, Harley, and Palmira's half brother, Ben. Brick was really happy to see his sort of brother.
The boys reunited with a giant bear hug and almost got knocked into the pool when the door was pushed open by one of the guests.
Clad in her bikini in a sea of formal attire, Palmira brought little Poppy up to the cake. I was really looking forward to seeing what she looked like.
Poppy is practically all Palmira, but the hair comes from Rei since it's a little darker than Palmira's. Either way, Poppy is such a cutie pie and is gorgeous when she grows up. The best part? She is not a pudding face!
Palmira whisked Poppy upstairs to start on potty training while Mahogany hung out with his Dad and brother. Rei ignored everyone and played on the computer in Teodor's room. I guess she wasn't ready for the whole grandma thing yet.
Teodor, on the other hand, jumped right into the grandparent role. When Palmira and Mahogany were busy, Teodor took over the toddler training.
Teodor: When I was young, a nickel would buy you a newspaper. And a quarter would buy you groceries for a week.
Poppy: *thinking* Sure, Grandpa.
After a little prodding, Poppy started talking.
Teodor went off to work, so Mahogany took over working with Poppy. She already had talking and potty training down, so what's left was learning how to walk. Mahogany decided that the best place to teach his daughter how to walk was in a puddle in the kitchen after repairing the broken sink.
And here is some Poppy cuteness because, let's face it, this kid is adorable.
Ta ta for now!