Author Topic: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 67- The End!/Heir Recap (Jan 20)-COMPLETE!  (Read 157438 times)

Offline mpart

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 18- Worst. Present. Ever. (July 14)
« Reply #105 on: July 17, 2015, 09:10:11 AM »
Citrine is a gorgeous sim.  :D What's with burglars actually taking things of worth? They never use to.

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 18- Worst. Present. Ever. (July 14)
« Reply #107 on: July 18, 2015, 03:47:11 PM »
Chapter 19- Going Up in Flames

Hello again! It is time for yet another installment of the Matsuri-Greenwood DecaDynasty. There were a number of birthdays in the last update and, I'm not sure if this a good thing or a bad thing, there will be even more birthdays in this update. Woo!

Joining in on the party atmosphere was Poppy. She got a party invitation from Palmira and accepted, of course. Mom and daughter were pretty happy to see each other again. It was either the reunion with her daughter or the fact that she was completed juiced that made Palmira happy...

The kids had a party of their own to attend. Both Goldenrod and Citrine attended prom. Oddly enough, they were chosen as Prom King and Prom Queen respectively. Awkward.

Now that he was almost done with his career, Abraham needed something new to keep himself occupied. He decided to dabble with the chemistry set that his father left behind after he died.

Some random ghost lady showed up in the kitchen one night.

Citrine: Um, Goldenrod? Do you see that ghost lady floating in the kitchen?
Goldenrod: I didn't see it if you didn't see it.
Citrine: Works for me.
*Both slowly sneak out of the room*

Citrine and Goldenrod snuck out of the room in time to see Abraham coming home from a great day at work. He reached the top of his career and completed his lifetime wish. Well done, Abe!

Though he did seem confused by the whole prospect...

Goldenrod and Citrine put the whole ghosty thing behind them and worked on their skills instead. Goldenrod continued to work on his handiness skill (his supermax). Citrine decided to try her hand at inventing.

It seems she was going to need a lot of practice.

A LOT of practice.

Citrine's knack for setting herself on fire apparently rubbed off on her older brother. Goldenrod was upgrading a fireplace when it started on fire. So much for making it fireproof...

It was Uncle Felipe to the rescue! He saved the dynasty! Yay!

Uncle Felipe was not able to save some random dude who decided to check out what all of the commotion was.

So what does Felipe get as a reward for saving Goldenrod? An all expense paid trip to the Island of Grim!

Not only was that a terrible reward for his heroics, Felipe was also one day away from reaching level 10 of the culinary career. So not fair, Grim. So not fair.

Felipe: Hey, can I postpone my trip to the Netherworld? I have work tomorrow and I will become a celebrated five star chef...
Grim: Yada, yada, yada. Can we hurry this up? I have a pilates class in like ten minutes. Chop chop.

Now that Felipe and Jesse were gone, their bedroom was transformed into an inventing room for Citrine. I also made sure to install a shower to defend against the butt fires.

Speaking of fire, it was time to light up the candles on Goldenrod's birthday cake. He was ready to age up into a young adult.

Here is young adult Goldenrod.

His final trait was Family Oriented.

Thankfully, that's everyone who was slated to kick the bucket, so the next update should be Grim Free. Yay!

Offline mpart

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 19- Going Up in Flames (July 18)
« Reply #109 on: July 18, 2015, 08:05:14 PM »
R.I.P random dude, should teach you to stay away from your neighbors!   ;D

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 19- Going Up in Flames (July 18)
« Reply #110 on: July 19, 2015, 04:46:11 AM »
Grim, that was so mean, and who cares about your pilates class when a special fridge is at stake?  >:( Loved all the fires, the fun of inventing. Is it weird if a brother and sister are voted Prom King/Queen? Is it more of a couple thing? I've never really understand the whole ordeal.
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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 19- Going Up in Flames (July 18)
« Reply #111 on: July 19, 2015, 02:21:24 PM »
Aw, one day away from the magical fridge.

Grim, that was so mean, and who cares about your pilates class when a special fridge is at stake?  >:( Loved all the fires, the fun of inventing. Is it weird if a brother and sister are voted Prom King/Queen? Is it more of a couple thing? I've never really understand the whole ordeal.

I know! I so wanted the fridge of magic  :( Alas, Grim waits for no man when his pilates class is on the line!

R.I.P random dude, should teach you to stay away from your neighbors!   ;D

Seriously! I had no idea who that guy was. Even Uncle Felipe didn't seem interested in saving that guy. The worst part was that the firemen showed up after the guy died and reprimanded my sims for making a false call to authorities  >:(

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 19- Going Up in Flames (July 18)
« Reply #112 on: July 21, 2015, 06:34:42 PM »
Chapter 20- Photo Bomb

Hey! Welcome back to the Matsuri-Greenwood DecaDynasty. We've hit 20 chapters! Woo! *Clears throat* Back to business. So, in the last chapter, our heir, Goldenrod, became a handsome young man. Shortly after aging up, he discovered that his ladyfriend, Justine, also aged up. Goldenrod quickly called her over.

Goldenrod quickly proposed and Justine accepted happily. You WOULD have been able to see it if the maid hadn't decided to walk by right at that moment.

Maid: I'm not interrupting anything, am I? Oh a proposal! I wish I could find romance like that!

After shooing the maid away, we rejoin the newly engaged couple as they celebrated their special moment with an embrace. All together now: AWWW!

Goldenrod: Watcher?
Malley: Yes?
Goldenrod: Can we, uh, have a moment alone?
Malley: Fine.

I moved the cursor over a half a millimeter to pretend to give Goldenrod some space with his beloved. Once Justine agreed to marry him, Goldenrod sent his lady packing so that he could get down to business. He had already maxed the handiness skill, so he was now going to need to begin working on the other necessary skill to advance in his career: athletics. Goldenrod would not be maxing the skill, just in case I wanted to do that for a later generation, but he would be learning it nonetheless.

Inside, Abraham and Poppy were getting in their own "workout." In Citrine's shower. Yeah, that is not going to frighten your teenage daughter at all...

Citrine: *thinking* Just keep tinkering, just keep tinkering...

So, as you may have guessed, Goldenrod was joining the military. He looks pretty good in his uniform and Goldenrod seemed to think so too.

Goldenrod: If I wasn't engaged, hooo boy, I would be a stud muffin!
Malley: Get your behind to boot camp, Goldy.

Back in the world of sanity, it was time for Citrine to grow up into a young adult.

Here is young adult Citrine.

She gained the Eccentric trait. I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but she also gained the Over-Emotional trait on her teenage birthday. Citrine's lifetime wish is to become a Descendant of Da Vinci.

Shortly after her birthday, clad in her jammies, Citrine built her first time machine. Hooray!

Goldenrod was doing quite well with his job. Because of his high handiness skill, he was getting a promotion almost daily. Goldenrod also got some opportunities from his career, including one that required him to go to Shang Simla to learn the martial arts skill. He quickly booked a trip to China.

One annoyingly long loading screen later, Goldenrod was in Shang Simla.

Shang Simla was just plain gorgeous.

In fact, it looked even better without the limo in the middle of the picture.

For those who may not know, I actually am a martial artist. Well, a retired martial artist since I am no longer practicing. Why do I mention that? Because I can assure you that trying to kick in sandals is not a good idea.

Goldenrod: Sandals or not, I still earned my white belt, Watcher!
Malley: Um, I'm not entirely sure you can really earn a white belt. Any martial art that I've heard of usually starts with a white belt.
Goldenrod: Don't ruin my moment.

Proud of his white belt, Goldenrod went off to do some shopping and mingling with the locals.

Goldenrod: Hey there, book lady, as you can see, I have a white belt. Pretty cool, right?
Book Lady: Um, my little brother has a black belt, so...good for you?

Goldenrod only spent one day in China because travelling is limited in a decadynasty. Back at home, Goldenrod got back to work. Citrine continued working on her inventing skill and eventually maxed it.

Abraham also wanted in on the celebrations and maxed the logic skill.

With the inventing skill checked off of her list, Citrine continued working on her lifetime wish and moved back to painting.

That is all for now. Until next time!

Offline mpart

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 20- Photo Bomb (July 21)
« Reply #113 on: July 21, 2015, 09:51:56 PM »
Nice going Maid! Sims.  ::)

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 20- Photo Bomb (July 21)
« Reply #114 on: July 22, 2015, 09:15:23 AM »
Oh those travel loading screens. Send them off and go do chores. Check back, go do more chores.

Offline Malley

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 20- Photo Bomb (July 21)
« Reply #115 on: July 22, 2015, 02:44:14 PM »
Nice going Maid! Sims.  ::)

The maid services never fail to get in the way of photos. I just had a wedding for one of the later generations and the maid seriously stood directly in front of the wedding arch when I was about to take some photos...Grrr... >:(

Oh those travel loading screens. Send them off and go do chores. Check back, go do more chores.

No kidding. That is exactly what it is like. But for martial arts, totally worth it  ;).

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 20- Photo Bomb (July 21)
« Reply #117 on: July 24, 2015, 11:48:36 AM »
That silly maid, this isn't Maid In Manhattan  ::) Great update, loved the limo in the middle of the road.
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Offline Malley

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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 20- Photo Bomb (July 21)
« Reply #118 on: July 28, 2015, 02:36:42 PM »
That silly maid, this isn't Maid In Manhattan  ::) Great update, loved the limo in the middle of the road.

I love the fact that Goldenrod apparently needed to have the limo in China. You do have two feet, dude. You can walk.


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Re: Third Time's the Charm: Chapter 20- Photo Bomb (July 21)
« Reply #119 on: July 28, 2015, 02:46:39 PM »
Love this story so far. Your writing is hilarious.

