reggikko - inducted August 25, 2021
This is reggikko's fourth entry into the HOF. With no story to read, you can click on the links below to view the hard work put into this dynasty.
You're Only Human Life States Dynasty
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Bills paid: 17
I didn't do a story, but I have posted pictures of all of the children, with their stats here:
You're Only Human: A Life States DynastyThe post with the picture of the parents and the last child to move out is
spreadsheet is here, with all of the details, including character values, friends, etc.
What did you like most about playing this dynasty?
I enjoyed playing the Dynasty at the same time as oshizu. We spent a lot of time PMing back and forth with strategies and encouragement. As far as the challenge itself, what I liked was that I learned some things I didn't know before, such as that knitting gives children knitting skill, motor skill, and Emotional Control. I also really enjoyed adopting and the wide variety of Sims that, along with natural births, and abductions, that provided. It has encouraged me to adopt more in my casual game to mix things up. Finally, I learned just how powerful the Peace and Quiet Lot trait is. I didn't want to do any traveling if it could be avoided, so my Sims relied on skill books quite a bit, along with skill classes for the minor skills and any skills that would normally involve travel, such as herbalism and skiing. It turned out to be quite an efficient way to gain those skills and I'll definitely be utilizing those strategies in my regular gameplay more. I also really enjoyed being able to age up the offspring when they met their requirements.
What was the hardest thing about the challenge?
Without a doubt, the number of times the parents became hysterical just by being in proximity to their children was the hardest thing. There are a couple of moodlets associated with sentiments that cause a Sim to become playful. If there are a lot of happy moodlets stacked-instant hysteria. This means that as a player, I had to be extra vigilant and watch the parents every minute to make sure they weren't getting hysterical. That was so frustrating to deal with over and over again.