Author Topic: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame  (Read 36559 times)

Online Metropolis Man

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The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:45:37 AM »
The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame

The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame is now open! Come and honor these worthy players that have finished a full length Dynasty Challenge.

Alex (Immortal Dynasty)
callycat (Life States Dynasty)
callycat (SimTech Dynasty 1 & 2)
callycat (Seven Hero Dynasty)
CynKuy (Immortal Dynasty)
dethdukk (Immortal Dynasty)
GlazeyLady (Seven Hero Dynasty)
GlazeyLady (Big Dreams Dynasty)
Granny Lawlor (Big Dreams Dynasty)
Granny Lawlor (Seven Hero Dynasty)
Granny Lawlor (Nine Lives Dynasty)
ilovethesims (Immortal Dynasty)
ilovethesims (Rival Dynasties Challenge)
LenaLJ (Immortal Dynasty)
MarianT (Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty)
oshizu (Immortal Dynasty)
oshizu (Rival Dynasties Challenge)
oshizu (Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty)
oshizu (Power of Ten Dynasty)
oshizu (SimTech Dynasty)
oshizu (Seven Hero Dynasty)
oshizu (Life States Dynasty)
oshizu (Big Dreams Dynasty)
PeregrineTook (Immortal Dynasty)
Playalot (Immortal Dynasty)
reggikko (Immortal Dynasty)
reggikko (Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty)
reggikko (Power of Ten Dynasty)
reggikko (Life States Dynasty)
Ricalynn (Big Dreams Dynasty)
Sarah1992 (Immortal Dynasty)
sdhoey (Immortal Dynasty)
sdhoey (SimTech Dynasty)
tjtemple (Immortal Dynasty)
Vesper (Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty)

Offline Nutella

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2015, 06:22:55 AM »
LenaLJ — Inducted April 22, 2015
LenaLJ is well known in the challenge community of Carl's forum and regularly helps the Challenge team. She has been competing from the very beginning when Sims 3 events were offered and is the only player to date to win back to back World Championships (2013 and 2014). On top of that amazing feat she also has completed several Sims 3 Dynasties, but never the Immortal Dynasty. So, it's with great pleasure that we announce to the community that Lena is the first player to be inducted into the Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame with the completion of her Stars Speed Dynasty. Well done, Lena!

Stars Speed Dynasty
Museum Value: $2,938

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"I can keep my founder. I often lose interest in a legacy family because my founder has to die at some point. What I also really enjoy about the Immortal Dynasty is that it has so many diverse ways it can be played through, and I know I want to take a second turn."

What was most difficult for you?
"I knew I had tried dozens of Immortal Dynasties before but never completing them, so the awareness of that it would maybe fail was a hard thing to fight against. After that I think the most difficult things were either to max the career or the parties."

From Left to right:
Front row: Gen 7 Dash, Gen 2 Quick, Gen 1 Speed, Gen 5 Hurry, Gen 8 Slow
Back row: Gen 4 Rapid, Gen 3 Fast, Gen 6 Swift.

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2015, 06:23:23 AM »
Playalot — Inducted September 16, 2015
Read all about “Dude” Hollingsworth and his descendants in Playalot’s Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story. At over 40 pages and 200 linked chapter updates, this story is quite hefty.

Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
Museum Value: $351,812

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"I enjoy playing through the founder's days the most. I love playing from nothing and making enough money to build a house. Completing the ambrosia requirements was also great fun as time was quite tight for the founder so I had to be careful about what I did."

What was most difficult for you?
"I found the time between subsequent heirs completing ambrosia requirements and aging up to an elder the hardest, just trying to keep them occupied and out of my way! I also found choosing what items to use for the museum quite tricky as I was trying for a high museum value. Looking back there are some changes I would definitely make next time around."

The Immortal Hollingsworths : Front row from left to right, Zahra, Abi,  Mackenzie (Mac), Julien, Charlotte
Back row from left, Winston (Dude), Caleb, Nathan (Nate)

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2015, 06:30:45 AM »
ilovethesims — Inducted December 13, 2015
No story for ilovethesims, but it's obvious that her sims led quite the stylish life. Congrats on being Number 3!

Museum Value: $24,129

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"I like the teamwork that developed with the immortals since a previous heir's skills can make it easier for the succeeding heirs to achieve their ambrosia requirements."

What was most difficult for you?
"I found it hard to maintain a steady supply of ambrosia."

Quirk Immortal Dynasty
From left to right: Fatima, Juan (founder), Mika, Mixer, Laura, Orpheus, Miguel, and Angela

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2016, 01:39:51 PM »
oshizu — Inducted March 27, 2016
Read all about Osamu and his descendants in oshizu’s The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty: If at First You Don't Succeed.

The Nishijima Immortal Dynasty
Museum Value: $351,905

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"I really enjoyed planning out the dynasty on the spreadsheet--the optimum sequence of careers, which sim would work on which career and aspirations, the general character of the eight dynasty members, and so forth. Yet the arrival of each new heir was always a surprise. Playing this challenge and reading the stories of others have taught me so much about playing more efficiently, while encouraging me to try out  careers and aspirations I would not ordinarily find attractive. One of the greatest benefit of playing this challenge and writing about my game, however, has been the kind encouragement and warm support of the forum members. Though this challenge, I've made new friends here. Finally,  LenaLJ's spreadsheet! It transforms this complex and demanding challenge into a project that can be broken down into baby steps, almost."

What was most difficult for you?
"Initially, I had trouble keeping track of all the requirements. After four or five failures, I had trouble with aspiration-grubbing. That is, I would switch between aspirations to gain a few more reward points and accidentally complete another heir's aspiration. That was the reason for three failed attempts. There are more aspirations now, so one mistake can be repaired. Moreover, to prevent my town from dying, I spent almost more time "pollinating" the world than playing the dynasty sims during the first three or four generations. In Gen6's era, there's no more room for a pollinator. Luckily, Windenberg introduced new service NPCs, so it's possible to still find a spouse and make the necessary friendships. Nevertheless, keeping the town alive was a very time-consuming enterprise. Sustaining interest during the final generations is, I realized, very much part of the challenge. I started out slogging through the last generation, but then suddenly discovered so much more to explore.  This challenge entails so many different types of mini-challenges but revolves around persistence.  I'm obscenely glad that my ninth attempt succeeded; if it hadn't, though, I would have tried again. Thank you to Metropolis Man and the Challenges Team for this irresistible challenge, says the moth to the flame."

From left to right: Naomi (Gen 3), Minoru (Gen 4), Satoshi (Gen 2), Osamu (Founder), Takao (Gen "8"), Koetsu (Gen 6), Seimei (Gen5) and Nanami (Gen 7)

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2016, 08:34:16 AM »
tjtemple — Inducted May 4, 2016
Read all about Rose Garland and her descendants in tjtemple’s Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty.

Rose Garland's Immortal Dynasty
Museum Value: $6,790

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"The beginning, being full of excitement and anticipation of gathering the plants (that wretched cherry tree, thank heavens I started before the growfruit challenge), and then the constant need to catch the angelfish.  Even now, in other challenges I always get a buzz out of catching a little blue flapping beauty).  I loved finding a spouse for each of my generations - trying to keep the sim-bloodline attractive.  I am so shallow in one generation I even accepted a spouse that hated children, simply because of their superior looks!  I used to dislike building, but through being on this forum I have been inspired by the excellent builders, and have enjoyed creating Rose's home.  The last few hours have probably been the most exciting; with all the elders having eaten their ambrosia, I simply took my 8th generation (Maverick) off to Granite Falls so we could both relax.  He came home as soon as his "Days to age up" hit zero for the final party and ambrosia.  The whole challenge was made a lot more fun with the addition of clubs (thanks to Carl for my prize here)."

What was most difficult for you?
"Like others, the fear of failure. I have failed countless times, due to bugs, misunderstanding the rules, bad luck, and just sheer sloppiness.  And the final 2 generations were a grind.  So close, and yet so far.  And the party bug; I probably had three times as many parties as I needed to, but they bugged out on me.  Also, the laggyness of a house so full - I even had my RL spouse upgrade the computer graphics card which helped!  Anyway, all in all it has been a brilliant fun, and absorbing experience, and I have loved sharing it with the forum members."

Back Row : Barney (Gen2), Scarlett (Gen7), Maverick (Gen8), Sookie (Gen 3)
Front Row :  Emily (Gen4), Daisy (Gen5), Rose (Founder), Cooper (Gen6)

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2016, 02:03:56 PM »
sdhoey — Inducted July 7, 2016
Read all about Colt Brooks and his descendants in Colt's Return. With over 50 pages and 200 linked updates, follow the misadventures of Colt and his heirs. See if Colt can find the answers he has been longing to find.

The Return Of Brooks Immortal Dynasty
Museum Value: $144,381

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty?
"Wow, With Sims 4 a lot changed. I liked not having to have a lot of "helpers" in the house to keep up with. Only the Founder and the heirs had to do the work. Each sim seem to have it own unique personality. The Spreadsheet helped with a lot. No sim was the same. Even though the Brooks all had the tough exterior, inside they were all a bunch of softees."

What was most difficult for you?
"The hardest thing for me was when Colt had to make enemies, it was for the old aspiration. then somewhere along the line they made them all like 10 x easier. But in the end, I was sure he be able to any friends at all. Then there is the waiting between the next promotion or spare to die so the next generation could be born. Plus learning as I went what items brought in the best §§§ amount for the museum. I was always waiting for the glitches to start or someone to die. After so many failed attempts with the Sims 3, I didn't think it would happen. After 2 yrs and 7 months here we are. "

Back Row (Left to Right): Rory 4th gen, Tony 8th gen, Gia 7th gen
Front Row (Left to Right):  Kale 5th gen, Skye 2nd gen, Colt Founder, Zoey 3rd gen, Brody 6th Gen

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Offline MarianT

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2017, 06:25:29 PM »
Alex -- Inducted February 18, 2017
You can find the adventures of the Johnsons in their story here. What's amazing is that Alex started this near the end of December (the 29th) and finished in about 6 weeks.

(Back row: Matthew – gen 5, Christopher - founder, Reuben – gen 6. Front row: Natalie – gen 3, Chloe – gen 8, Ada – gen 2, Charlotte – gen 4, Katie – gen 7.)

Museum Value = $360,126

What did you like most about doing the Immortal Dynasty?
"This was the first long multiple-sim game I’ve played in Sims 4 (I came very late to the party having stuck with Sims 3 for a long time), so I had fun discovering new careers and aspirations I hadn’t played with yet. I also really enjoyed the planning bit before I started playing, when I spent ages working out which museum items, careers and aspirations synced together best, and who would be doing what."

What did you find most difficult?
"Sticking with it, despite the inevitable huge lag towards the end – I came extremely close to quitting with about four Sim weeks to go. That, and all the parties."
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2017, 12:57:10 PM »
MarianT -- Inducted February 20, 2017
All the awesome ladies on the challenge team are so efficient that I rarely get to do the honor of inducting someone into the Dynasty Hall of Fame these days. But, when the person in question is none other than team member, MarianT herself - well...I need to step up. :) And I could not be happier.

I was just joking the other day with Marian and told her that players are not going to think I do anything any more because just when I think I need to come up with a new set of Tournament challenges - boom...she has already come up with two more ideas. Lol. And Dynasties. Wow. She is truly a fountain of creativity. It's quite fitting that given the Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty is her brainchild that she is the first player to complete the challenge. Well done, Marian.

Here is a link to her great story -- A Townie Dynasty with Zest.

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Top, l to r, Johnny Zest - founder, Ojo - gen 2, Lewis - gen 3, Houser - gen 4, Bjorn - gen 5; bottom, l to r, Elsa - gen 6, Maki - gen 7, Joanie - gen 10, Vivian - gen 8, Olive - gen 9

Museum Value: Portraits -- $4998, Collections -- $4848, Total -- $9846.

What did you enjoy most about the challenge?
"I was pleasantly surprised that this did turn out to be more fun than work, with very few dull periods. The pacing was different -- I looked upon the "free days,' when I could micromanage everyone in the household, as plateaus that I was trying to reach. One thing I learned from playing Stardew Valley was that lots of little achievements are more satisfying than a few big ones, so each point was a small triumph as opposed to maxing a skill or fulfilling a lifetime aspiration. The other enjoyable thing was that my Sims seemed to have more personality when left to their own devices. Having randomized traits might have helped with that."

What did you find most difficult?
"Ignoring crying babies and hungry toddlers. I got several notices that the social worker would come soon, and once I even pulled my controlled Sim out of work to wake up her toddler and get some food into her. Finding housed spouses was hard in the later generations, mainly because some of the NPCs that came with City Living had hidden traits that made them immortal. Since 3 of them occupied houses that meant that I was rarely able to add Sims with children as I'd planned. Earning the 50 points necessary to transfer to the next generation turned out to be quite easy, especially because other Sims in the household contributed more than I'd thought they would."

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2017, 10:13:39 AM »
ilovethesims -- Second dynasty
We are very pleased to announce that ilovethesims is the first person to finish the Rival Dynasties Challenge. It took real determination for her to finish this -- she had to deal with a bugged doctor's career and the sudden influx of toddlers. In the end, though, she did fill up Newcrest. Well done!There's no story, but she was willing to answer our questions.

What did you like most about the Rival Dynasties Challenge?

Actually, I like a lot of things about the Rival Dynasties. First, I really like that the rotational play is so easy in the Sims 4. It made the scope of the challenge so epic in scale. Second, since the heirs usually start on their own I was always forced to think a new strategy every generation. Lastly, there was an incentive for me to try my best in building beautiful homes, especially for the Mansion Dynasty.

What did you find most difficult?

Actually, it was because of Nutella's post that I understood what to do in this challenge.

There were two things that almost ended this dynasty for me. The first hurdle was the bug in the doctor career. At level 8, there was no pregnant woman for deliver baby at the hospital. The next hurdle was the toddler stage. It was only after I read a forum post that you don't need the baby chair for feeding toddlers (it took so much time) that I learned how to manage the kiddies. But it was too late, I failed in the Mansion and Retail because of this.

Thank you so much, Challenge Team, for this challenge.

The Scientist Dynasty (from left to right): Robin Terry, Einstein Scientist (founder), Ryan Stewart, Udolpho Scientist, Stacie Stewart (last heir), Aspen Scientist, and Phoebe Holm. They won the challenge. 

The Retail Dynasty (from left to right):Eva Retail (founder), Rand Retail, Georgia Retail, Timothy Zest. They failed because they did not meet the toddler requirements.

The Mansion Dynasty (from left to right): Sean Mansion (founder), Elizabeth Mansion, Connor Huntington, Yahoo Huntington. They failed because of the toddler requirements as well.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2017, 02:29:20 PM »
oshizu -- second dynasty

We're very pleased to announce that oshizu has completed her second dynasty, this one a Rival Dynasties Challenge. Her entertaining stories about green-skinned mansion barons, lavender-haired restaurant owners and shopkeepers, and vampires can be found in Rival Cowfolks in Newcrest. Her winners are the Zanna Vampires, but the real winners are her readers.

The Dinero Mansion Barons
Total museum worth: $114,457
Seated, left to right: Mina (Gen3), Daniela (Founder), Moss (Gen2), and Mint (Gen4)
Standing: Sage (Gen5)

The Soma Restauranteurs/Retailers
Total museum worth: $114,895
Seated, left to right: Akira (Gen3), Yukio (Founder), Megumi (Gen2), and Satoshi (Gen4)
Standing: Momo (Gen5)

The Zanna Vampires
Total museum worth: $117,939
Seated, left to right: Vitoria (Gen3), Serena (Founder), Massimo (Gen2), and Ayato (Gen4)
Standing: Ruki (Gen5)

What did you enjoy most about the Rival Dynasties Challenge?
This challenge has been my first real encounter with rotational gameplay and what an experience it's been! I enjoyed so much about this challenge but will note my three favorites. (1) The combination of challenge-unique careers and aspirations but bloodline-unique skills and requirements added so much gameplay variety to not only each bloodline but also to each active household. (2) I'd never done much building, but this challenge helped me learn more about building. (3) I thoroughly enjoyed playing so many different sims and watching their chemistry and genetic diversity unfold. All together, my sims raised 23 nooboos through the toddler and child stages.

What did you find most difficult?
Again, I'll describe just the three hardest hurdles for me. First, vampires in general were harder to play than my human Mansion Baron and Retail bloodlines: the sunlight vulnerability of teen vampire heirs, the lower potential museum value due to lack of reward traits, and--with the arrival of the Parenthood Pack's mood swings--the Enraged mood of teen vampire heirs which lead to uncontrollable drinking. Second, game bugs: for a while, building and running ethnic-themed restaurants was my favorite aspect of this challenge, until the diners and employees became too buggy to continue; retail stores are quicker but not even half the fun. Third, toddler skilling. Gah! That sinking feeling when I would load my game and realize that the coming week involved raising one or more toddlers in one household after another (they're so cute, but like potato chips--I can never have just one...)

Thank you so much to Carl for offering a forum where we can play and post stories about challenges like this.
A huge thank you, too, to the Challenges Team for their inspiring challenges which keep us interested in and always learning new things about Sims 4 gameplay.
Much appreciation to forum friends who offered encouragement and advice, shared tips, and generally encouraged me to continue.
And finally, my deep gratitude to LenaLJ for her fantastic spreadsheet. Where would we all be without your spreadsheets, LenaLJ?
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2018, 11:58:26 AM »
reggiko -- Inducted February 24, 2018
I understand from reggiko that her son was the first to come up with the ISBI Challenge for TS2, the one that is partly the basis for our Ten-Gen Townie Dynasty. So I'm very pleased to welcome her to the Hall of Fame. There's no story, but a summary of her Behr Necessities Dynasty is available.

L-R: Yuki Behr (founder); Top row: Hopper, Poppy, Jenny, Violet. Bottom Row: Buddy, Leaf, Lindsay, Trevor; Seated: Gino

Museum Value: $16,128

What did you enjoy most about the challenge?
Changing lots every generation and working on different goals kept things fresh. I like to play small families, so not having a house full of Sims was a definite plus! Although only controlling one Sim can be frustrating, it's also really fun and kind of liberating. Toward the end of the Dynasty, I seldom controlled Sims other than the heir on free days.

What did you find most difficult?
Pacing myself so as not to get points too soon. I struggled with that the whole dynasty.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2018, 07:39:12 AM »
 CynKuy -- Inducted March 5, 2018
I'm pleased to say that CynKuy is the 10th person to be inducted into the Sims 4 Hall of Fame. Cynthia has been a member of the Forum and a regular participant in the Challenge Tournament for seven years now. There's no story, but her Dimitri Sims were obviously a hard-working group. The value of her museum was $22,848.

The Dimitri Sims from the front left to right are Chef, Author, Mixie, Einstein, and Phyllis.  The Sims from the back left to right are Glenn, Gates, and Painter.  The names are based on their jobs which were chef, writer, mixologist, scientist, entertainer, astronaut, tech guru, and painter.

What did you enjoy most about the challenge?
What I liked best about the Immortal Dynasty is when I completed the five gold parties and could relax a little.  It was interesting learning how to control a lot of different Sims as I normally didn't play large households. I also enjoyed the sense of accomplishment when each Sim completed their requirements to eat ambrosia. I also enjoyed the gardening and fishing to get ingredients for the ambrosia. This challenge encouraged me to try aspirations I don't normally go for to get extra points for the potion of youth.

What did you find most difficult?
What I found difficult was keeping up their social needs and doing each party as it got quite hectic at times. I also found it difficult to keep the toddlers needs up. It was hard when the toddler got out of sorts to bring their moods back to baseline if the needs got way too low.  The poor little tykes spent a large amount of time absolutely filthy.

All in all, it is a great challenge and I thank the Dynasty Challenge team for their efforts.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2018, 01:31:38 PM »
oshizu --Third dynasty
What can I say about oshizu? She's gone through all our dynasties and is ready to tackle the one that we'll post in November, besides starting her own "group" legacy of the Sharebears. The story of her Lee family Ten-Gen Townie dynasty can be found in A Townie Dynasty with Leeway. If you love puns, look it up!

Top row, from left: Liberty Lee (founder), Cirius (G2), Merri (G3), Jet (G4), Iconica (G5).
Bottom row: Bull (G6), Guacamo (G7), Virtua (G8), Bull (G9); Seated: Faina Lee (G10).

Museum Value: $530,776

What did you enjoy most about the challenge?
I made some far-reaching mistakes in the first half of this challenge and nearly quit.  For me, the challenge only became enjoyable in its second half, when I began to understand what (not) to do. As an unreformed micro-manager, my favorite aspect was each heir's teen phase, when the new heir could completely disregard both points and their housemates, while looking forward to moving to a new home. I also really enjoyed playing households at so many different lots and neighborhoods.

What did you find most difficult?
Unlearning the style of gameplay that I'd internalized during the Rival Dynasties Challenge. I struggled with earning points too quickly until the ninth generation; that's when I sent the Gen9 heir out on constant jogs/walks with his dogs to avoid the temptation of being "productive."

Thank you, Challenges Team, for another difficult but educational challenge!
I look forward eagerly to the unveiling of this year's dynasty challenge in November.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: The Sims 4 Dynasty Hall of Fame
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2018, 01:04:50 PM »
PeregrineTook -- Inducted, June 22, 2018
If you enjoy reading about zany Sims, then look no further than Pippin's The Took Immortal Dynasty. I can guarantee that you'll want to keep reading about Gaivan, who can't complete a sentence unless he's talking about food, through to SLSDCOPL Erina. To sum up, Dance Party!

From left to right:
Back Row:  Blurange "Blur" Took (gen 6), Tessandra "Tessie" Took (gen 7), Sergeant Lieutenant Senior Detective Officer Captain Princess Lady Erina (gen 8 )
Front Row:  Milo Took (gen 5), Wade Took (gen 4), Chantons Took (gen 3), Abernathy "Abernasty" Took (gen 2), Gaivan Took (founder)

Total Museum Value: $15,720

What did you like most about the Immortal Dynasty Challenge?
The challenge gave me a really fun chance to enjoy a great family for a long while.  I'd read several IDC's, so it was fun pulling in advice and ideas from those, but also finding my own way to do the challenge.  With that helpful background, I was able to complete all of the requirements early for every immortal, so the lack of stress in that regard was fantastic!

What did you find the most difficult?
Well, I have been affectionately nicknamed "The Most Tenacious Simmer" due to my continued attempts to make the HoF and continual failures (normally due to simple errors on my part), so the first big obstacle was getting over my own fears and concerns from past failures.
In the course of actual gameplay, my game glitched partway through and I was unable to make ambrosia at the dynasty house, I believe around gen 6 or 7.  Strangely enough, the vet clinic the family had purchased worked just fine for cooking, so I managed to struggle through until the glitch righted itself.  That and lag as the dynasty neared the end of gen 8 were my biggest struggles.

When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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