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If this were your official file, the alien child will be consider your one addition to your household. You will have to count your score with 2 members instead of one, even if you send the kid back to homeworld.On another note, in sims 4 there is no option to send the child back to homeworld after you give birth. The only way I see is to enter manage world and move the child out - but entering manage world in tournament challenges is forbidden.
In TS4, as long as the alien child is still an infant, we can click on the bassinet for the option "Return to homeworld" (or something like that).
Does a male Sim age while pregnant with an alien?
No, in my test file their age freeze during pregnancy just like females getting pregnant.
Would the Sim finish the challenge three days before aging up, at 8 AM then?
Hm, I just saw that this challenge says no life extension method allowed. @oshizu - if this happens in your scoring file, I think that would be a disqualified.@Metropolis Man - can you please confirm this?
(completed at Wed, 3:56 a.m., 9 days before aging up to elder).
Oshizu, did you look at the simology tab to determine the days left before ageing up?I think you cut yourself a day short.
Thank you for confirming, Tixxis.Just now, I reopened my save file and looked at the Simology tab's age bar, which reads, "Days till age up: 9."At the bottom center of the screen, the time displays as "Wednesday, 3:56 a.m."I'm so lost that when you say I cut myself short, I can't decide whether that's good or bad, lol.
Did any of you age the sim on the day of their birthday from young adult to adult? Or did you just wait the time out?