Author Topic: Children born from an alien+sim union  (Read 40919 times)

Offline oshizu

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Children born from an alien+sim union
« on: April 21, 2015, 02:11:20 AM »
I was just looking at the family tree of my dynasty's "pollinator." Can you tell me how to identify the various children from sim+alien liaisons?

Among his offspring, I see:
1) A pure alien (hairless, bluish) son from an alien abduction: when in disguise, however, he appears on the family tree as a normal sim; this son lives with the father
2) Bluish children x2 from natural pregnancy with a female alien: they're blue but have hair, so they're hybrids, right?
3) Hairless bluish infants x2 from natural pregnancy with female alien: I'll need to wait until they age to children to see if they have hair or not, but they have bluish skin so they're either pure aliens or hybrids
4) Normal-looking sim children x 6:  birthed by a female alien, these children don't live with the father
I've invited one of the 4) children over on several occasions but he never glows, not even when interacting with my alien son (in disguise).

My question:
After a sim and an alien get together (natural pregnancy), it's possible to have normal sim children?  Or have my sims just failed to see through the disguise?

Offline Carl

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Re: Children born from an alien+sim union
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2015, 01:13:16 PM »
I've not had a large enough sample size to say whether or not it's possible for Sims and aliens to have normal Sim children, but I'd suspect they are given the other possibilities and the way the game has worked in the past. I've had only hybrids and the bald aliens myself, though. So yes on #2, it's almost certainly a hybrid if it has hair and the obvious skin tone.

Who knows? Maybe regular Sim children are only possible with a certain combination of alien and Sim mother/father.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Children born from an alien+sim union
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2015, 10:25:07 PM »
I've not had a large enough sample size to say whether or not it's possible for Sims and aliens to have normal Sim children, but I'd suspect they are given the other possibilities and the way the game has worked in the past. I've had only hybrids and the bald aliens myself, though. So yes on #2, it's almost certainly a hybrid if it has hair and the obvious skin tone.

Who knows? Maybe regular Sim children are only possible with a certain combination of alien and Sim mother/father.

@Carl , my curiosity got the better of me, so I made a copy of my dynasty file to check the Troyer family (six children born to an alien mother and J Huntington III).
The child resulting from J's abduction appears on J's family tree in whatever appearance the child's assumed at the moment, alien self or disguised self.
The Troyer children all appear as normal sims on J's family tree but they aren't completely normal sims.
They look like normal sims and can't "disguise self," but they have the Alien handshake" option as well as other alien-exclusive convo options (Discuss alien brain power, Talk about weird atmospheric pressure, etc.).
I guess there are degrees of alien hybridity?
I wonder if these children have the potential of producing 100% children in the future.

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Re: Children born from an alien+sim union
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2015, 04:22:02 PM »
So they have all the social interactions, since they're born from aliens and know about aliens, but don't have access to the powers. That makes perfect sense, really! I'd expect all hybrids to have these interactions and no disguises. Mine couldn't do that, nor anything involving a power (transmute, analyze traits) Thanks for sharing. I suppose we might have more to learn about alien genetics based on people's experiences. I am glad you brought it up. It might lead to some editing of the guide if we figure out a bit more, and if so I will mention the family trees and how that works.

You'd expect a 25% chance of a hybrid baby from a Sim who is half-alien and having a baby with a normal Sim. If they were to have a baby with a full alien, I would expect a 75% chance it is an alien with powers and 25% chance of a hybrid? That would be a sensible way for it to be coded, just wonder if that's the case.

Offline meubanks

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Re: Children born from an alien+sim union
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2016, 09:39:42 PM »
Alien + human (try for baby) will always result in a hybrid, although hybrids may or may not have alien skin tones. They normally look human but with the alien parent's skin tone. A hybrid is essentially human in all ways except for some socials and the possibility of an alien skin tone. Hybrids never have a disguise and never produce the "alien" reactions (positive or negative) from humans that they meet.  Alien + alien will always be a full alien will all powers including the disguise. Aliens can have hair if you create them in CAS, although all of the "natural" aliens that I've encountered in game have been bald. Since the game has been patched several times, alien abductions have been reduced, alien abduction pregnancies have gotten extremely rare (I've never had one even with multiple abductions on the same Sim), and it is much less common to encounter undisguised aliens in the wild. Once aliens appear they seem to get more common though, and I have met a few undisguised aliens in Windenberg Clubs. I realize this is an old post. I'm just giving updated info from my most recent experience for the benefit of future readers.

Offline NicoFilippo

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Re: Children born from an alien+sim union
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2016, 02:40:23 PM »
I don't understand whattcha sayn'. But Alien + Sim (any gender) will 'provide' a hybrid. They look like aliens with normal 'human' clothing and alien-coloured skin. I personally don't like them, because they dont have 'alien poweres', so they will stay 'non-natural color', making everyone stare at them (if Sims were real life, color would SHOUT - HEY LOOK! I AM ALIEN!)

Offline meubanks

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Re: Children born from an alien+sim union
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2016, 01:50:10 PM »
@NicoFilippo You're right about Try for baby interactions. Alien + Sim crosses will be a hybrid 100% of the time. Pregnancies that result from an alien abduction (only male Sims get pregnant from abductions) are always full aliens, however. These offspring are essentially "test tube" babies for which the abductee is a host/ surrogate. However if the human keeps the baby, it is considered his "genetic" child by the family tree. Pregnancies from abductions are relatively rare in the most current patch, though.

Aliens can be created in CAS or encountered in the game as townies. Try for baby between full aliens will result in full alien babies. Aliens CAN get abducted, but I've never had a pregnancy result from one. It may be possible, but I can't really confirm it.

Most hybrids have "alien" skin tones, but there is an element of randomness to Sim genetics. I have definitely had hybrids with "normal" Sim skin tones in un-modded games. It's not the most common outcome, but it is possible.

Sorry if I duplicated any information. I'm not certain about which points were unclear in the earlier post. It was all based on first hand experience from in-game testing though.

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Online Sonshine

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Re: Children born from an alien+sim union
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2016, 05:41:42 PM »
Hi, I have definite proof that sometimes children born of 1 alien parent and one human parent can look normal. Here is the genetics and pic of Starlina. Her mother as you can see, is alien and her father is human.


Here is a pic of her gentics:
Starlina's Genetics

As you can see, her middle sister and youngest brother both have the alien skin tone.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Children born from an alien+sim union
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2016, 03:46:27 AM »
I've mentioned you because we started this conversation almost a year ago and thought you might be interested in some new info.

My male sim is 25% alien. That is, his maternal grandmother is 100% alien, whereas his mother is a 50% hybrid (child of alien+human union, has lavender skin).
Although my hybrid male sim looks just like a human, he can do a small number of alien socials with other aliens and hybrids.

This male father sim never glows.
His five children with the same human female all look human, but they fall into two categories:
1) One son has been able to do the alien handshake since he was a child. He doesn't glow.
2) One son and three daughters can't do the alien handshake.

He has two children with a 100% alien female:
1) The firstborn daughter can't do the alien handshake.
2) After I got the birth notice, I checked the father's relationship panel and the newborn son appears as a "Known alien." (This is a first for me.)
    The father sim went to visit and the baby looks human. When clicking on the bassinette, there was a "He's so...cute?" option. (the baby made weird noises when father clicked that option)
    As a child, the only human-like thing about him is his skin tone. He has that alien voice but he can't do the alien handshake. He has alien eyes.

I'm not sure if my game is glitching or if there's more variation in the alien-human spectrum than I first imagined.
I'm playing a dynasty file so I can't switch to the alien household and check if I can change the child's disguise.
Well, maybe I'll make a copy of my dynasty file and see what's going on with this kid.
Anyway, I thought you might find this interesting. It might just be a glitch, lol.