Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 465501 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #870 on: September 01, 2015, 05:12:03 AM »
Chapter 174: Charlotte's  A Young Adult

Nice to see everyone being zen.
Dude: Morning watcher, you should try it... might help you relax a little.
I'm relaxed... sorta. Anyway it's time for Charlotte's birthday.

Happy birthday Charlotte!

Charlotte: Woop! Tingly all over!

Charlotte: Oh my gosh! So exciting! I can't wait to get a job.
Mal: Happy birthday Charlotte, you look stunning!

Charlotte: I'm going to get paid for playing games! Woo!

Caleb: A toast for the birthday girl. Many happy returns Charlotte!

Mal: Woo! Yay Charlotte.
Charlotte: Woo! Yay me!

Mal: Gosh, it's nice to see all you girls in the same spot for a change!
Brittany: Well, we'll all be getting jobs and growing up soon...worse luck.

You're missing all the fun!
Charlotte: Nearly done watcher.
Umm, just what were you doing?
Charlotte: Just a quick bit of programming, making sure I've completed all my job's daily tasks.
Oh! You don't start for another 3 or 4 days anyway.
Charlotte: Hmm, got a plan though.

Mal: Thanks for inviting me to your birthday.
Charlotte: Aww, you're welcome. You'll stay and hang out for a while though, yeah?
Mal: Sure, that would be nice.
Dude: Good, you can challenge me in chess then.

Mal: I think it's going to be a bit tough waiting for my birthday to roll around...
Dude: It won't be long. Keep yourself busy and before you know it you'll be a young adult. You want to go use the gym?
Mal: That would be great actually. I love being active.
Dude: Go right ahead Mal, make yourself at home.
Mal: Thanks Mr Hollingsworth.
Dude: It's Winston, son. 'Bout time you dropped all this mister stuff eh.
Mal: Thanks.

Julien: That's it! Keep your feet moving...light on your feet Mal.

Hey Charlotte. You just bred your last frog! Good job, first aspiration completed!
Charlotte: Great! Nice to know I'm on track. Where are you keeping them all?
Down in the basement... they're not technically part of the museum but I had to keep your frogs separate from the odd frog here and there that other people had collected over the years.
Charlotte: K, thanks for that.
No worries.

Oh no!
Julien: Arghhh.... watcher?
Oh crumbs...
Julien: You forgot to activate the satellite again didn't you?
Yep. Don't think nooboo thoughts whatever you do....
Julien: What does that even mean?

Julien: Arghhh! Noooo!
Hmm..I wonder how the aliens all fit in there, doesn't look very big really.
Julien: Help!!
Maybe it's like the Tardis... Anyway, see ya in a bit Julien, remember what I said... don't think about nooboos.
Julien: I can't stop thinking about nooboos now 'cos that's all you keep saying.

What are you doing now Charlotte? You seem glued to the PC.
Charlotte: Just hacking my work performance.
Huh? Is that allowed?
Charlotte: Sure. It's just another way to show my boss that I can use my initiative.
Oh! Hmm! K then.

Zahra: Muuum! Jeez!
Mac: LOL...gotcha.
And you wonder why I seldom let you have free time....

Charlotte: Sorry 'bout my family. They're a bit nuts.
Mal: Lol, don't worry I think they're great!
Charlotte: Well, they can have their moments I guess.

A few minutes later...

Mal: Charlotte!!
Charlotte: What's wrong?
Mal: It seems I've just aged up!

Mal: Oh Charlotte, I thought it would never happen!
Charlotte: Me too!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #871 on: September 01, 2015, 05:19:06 AM »
Just a quick note, Malcolm actually took three days to age up into a Young Adult but as Charlotte did nothing much apart from hack work performance and use her charisma skill to negotiate a bonus while waiting to start work I condensed those days into one chapter. :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #872 on: September 01, 2015, 05:26:49 AM »
Chapter 175: Proposal

Malcolm: There's my girl!

Mal: For you.

Charlotte: How beautiful, thank you Mal.
Mal: I love you Charlotte.

Charlotte: *Taking a deep breath* Well, will you marry me then Mal? I can't move in with you... and you can't move in with me... but I want to be your wife and spend every moment I can with you.
Mal: Oh Charlotte, of course I will. I want to spend my life looking after you and loving you.

Charlotte: I love you.
Mal: And I love you.

Mal: Oh gosh, I'm so happy.

Mal: You know the best thing about all this?

Mal: Is that I get to spend my whole life right next to you. I can't wait!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #873 on: September 01, 2015, 07:52:27 AM »
They are sooo cute!! OH NO!! Not Julien!! LOL I need to get crackin, your at gen 7.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #875 on: September 01, 2015, 10:57:15 AM »
That was such a sweet proposal!  :D

Poor Julien. Hope he doesn't get pregnant. I hate the goodbyes  :(

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #876 on: September 01, 2015, 12:43:43 PM »
Wow, you really cranked it out~~!  So much to comment on.  Sad that even if they marry they can't live together.  One nooboo away from the end.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #877 on: September 01, 2015, 03:26:37 PM »
@sdhoey I nearly died when Julien got abducted... an alien nooboo would seriously delay my dynasty right now.  ::)
@KRae , thanks. They're taken in the free world that EA gave us a while ago. I can't be bothered to fill it up even in my fun games but it's great for night shots.
@Cristina , thanks. It was a bit weird for me 'cos I like the guys to ask... call me old fashioned I guess!
@Joria , I know, right. I'm starting to get excited for the last gen!

Thank you for commenting. You guys really helped me over that gen 5/6 hurdle when it felt never-ending.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #878 on: September 01, 2015, 04:00:35 PM »
Chapter 176: Last Wedding

Malcolm: You look stunning Charlotte.
Charlotte: Thank you. I'm nervous.
Malcolm: *Taking Charlottes hands* Don't be, I love you so much and will always put you first.
Charlotte: Oh Mal, I'm so lucky! What did I do to deserve you?

Malcolm: You have been my playmate, my best friend, my mentor and my love. But most importantly, you are my soulmate  and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible.
I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love.
I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving.
I promise to try to be on time.
But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you.
I love you Charlotte.

Charlotte: From the moment our eyes first met I knew you were going to change my life forever. You have been my friend, my best friend, and my love. But most importantly you are my one true soulmate.
I take you to be my partner for life
I promise above all else to live in truth with you
And to communicate fully and fearlessly,
I give you my hand and my heart
As a sanctuary of warmth and peace
And pledge my love, devotion, faith and honor
As I join my life to yours.
I love you Malcolm.

Congratulations Mr and Mrs Hollinsgworth- Ferraro

Julien: Oh my gosh *sniff* that was beautiful.
Caleb: Are you crying?
Abi: I'm so happy for my baby... omg, can you believe it? My little girl is all grown up!

Mal: I love you so much it almost hurts!
Charlotte: Ohh same Mal, I don't wan't to ever let you go!

Mal: Let's cut the cake and make it official.

Mal: heheh, so funny sharing an invisible slice!

While the rest of the guests started talking and eating the bride and groom only had eyes for each other.

Dude: Thank you all for coming.
Gieselle: It was my pleasure, such a lovely dawn service.

Charlotte: I can't believe it Mal! We're married!
Mal: I know. Gosh I love you!

Caleb: You know I just realized, this might be the last ever wedding we have here.
Zahra: I hadn't thought of that!
Caleb: Well, we're nearly at generation eight...unbelievable!

Mackenzie: Oh no Brittany, there's nothing better than being married to your soul mate.
Brittany: Hmm, well I guess I might change my mind but I don't think I even want a boyfriend yet. They seem to turn your brain to mush.
Julien: I think you have to find the right person to be truly happy...

Dude: Congratulations Charlotte.
Charlotte: Thanks G5

Caleb: Congratulations Malcolm, welcome to the family.
Mal: Thanks Caleb, for everything. This morning has been amazing.

Abi: Congratulations love, you look beautiful.
Charlotte: Thanks mum.

Mal: Thanks for everything Winston.
Dude: Congratulations Mal, you two are made for each other.

Brittani: Congrats Charlotte! Can you believe it Abi?
Abi: No I can't! lol. My little girl married!
Charlotte: Oh mum! lol Well, I have to run off, I'm afraid. My first shift at work starts very soon.
Abi: Enjoy your first day and we'll want to hear all about it when you get home.

Well... umm... nice work uniform hun.
Charlotte: Yeah, lol. I'm willing to wear anything for my dream job to be honest.
Lol, looks like you're going to have to!

It just doesn't seem right Mal, the groom leaving the house.
Mal: It's ok watcher, I'll be back when Charlotte get's off work.
Good for you Mal, have a great day.
Mal: Will do watcher.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #879 on: September 01, 2015, 05:35:32 PM »
Beautiful wedding.  So he goes off to his house.  Sad.  She has requirements to fill yet?  Plus has to age up to elder.  Still a ways to go.  I'm going to hate it when it's over because I've enjoyed this story so much, and once again, there's Dude.  sigh
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #881 on: September 01, 2015, 09:12:23 PM »
@Joria , yeah, it's a bit sad that there is no room for Mal. No more requirements, Charlottes done everything including her ten museum items now so she just has to max her career at this point. That shouldn't take long as she can negotiate bonuses, make connections and hack work performance so she is clearing a level a day at the moment.
@KRae lol, such is the luck of a dynasty heir! lol
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #882 on: September 01, 2015, 09:27:18 PM »
Chapter 177: Nooboo?

Charlotte: Woo!

Charlotte: Oh. My. Gosh! You'll never guess what?
Mal: What hun?

Charlotte: We're pregnant!
Mal: Ahhh! *Happy dance* Woo!

Mal: Oh my gosh! I'm so happy and excited! I can't believe it Charlotte, we're going to be parents!!
Charlotte: Oh, I feel sick...

Mal: Oh honey, what can I do to help?

Mal: I'm going to grab a quick shower then I'll cook you breakfast. Ok?
Charlotte: K, I don't know if I can eat right now...
Mal: You have to keep your strength up hun.

Charlotte: G5? I'm pregnant!!!

Dude: I am so happy for you and Mal!

Have you heard Charlotte and Mal's news?
Julien: Yep, that why I'm cooking up a storm, gotta keep that baby fed.
Oh...I think Mal...
Julien: What's that watcher?
Oh nothing... it's cool.

Julien: Congratulations love.
Charlotte: Thanks great Granddad.

Julien: Golly, to think this is going to be the 8th little Hollingsworth born here! Amazing.

Dude: Congrats Mal.
Mal: Thanks Winston.

Mal: Hunny, you don't think you're working too hard do you?
Charlotte: lol, no I don't. I don't see how sitting at a desk programming is hard Mal.

Mal: Lol, Oh I guess you have a point! Sorry, don't mean to nag!
Charlotte: It's ok, you're not nagging, it's nice that you worry.
Mal: It's just all so exciting!

A little later...

Charlotte: The stars looked amazing tonight.
Mal: Couldn't hold a candle to you Charlotte.

Mal: Oo, don't you go kicking your mummy, she's precious!

Charlotte: I'm tired.
Mal: Lets go to bed.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #883 on: September 01, 2015, 09:47:16 PM »
Chapter 178: Hurry Up Already

Charlotte: Morning.

Mal: Morning baby, I hope you're being good in there.
Charlotte: lol

Mal: How much longer Charlotte?
Charlotte: Mal! It's going to be days yet!
Mal: Aw, I can't wait!
Charlotte: lol, well you're going to have to!

Mal: I think we should start thinking about names Charlotte... what do you think?
Charlotte: I think my back's giving me grief...

Mal: Does that help?
Charlotte: hmm...yeah, thanks. Much better.
Mal: K, time to feed you both.

Charlotte: I really don't feel hungry hun.
Mal: Charlotte, you haven't eaten since early yesterday...

Mal: You have to just eat a tiny little amount, just enough so that you're not sick.
Charlotte: *sigh* I'll try, just for you...
Mal: K.

Charlotte: Ooo my back!

Julien: I say Charlotte needs to go to the doctor, she's not eating and she's being sick all the time.
Abi: Look, honestly dad, she's fine. She's  not sick, she's pregnant and fussing all around her is not going to help.
Julien: *sigh* I just hate seeing her so sick.
Abi: I know, me too but you know, once the nooboo's here she will forget all about the sickness, trust me.

Mal: *Serenading* I love you so much!

Mal: I wish I didn't have to go hun.
Charlotte: It's fine, I'm going to go take a nap anyway.
Mal: I'll call you later, love you.

Some time later...

Dude: How you feeling Charlotte?
Charlotte: Quite a bit better actually G5, thanks.

Dude: That's my girl! Sit and put your feet up, watch some T.V or something.
Charlotte: Will do. What are you going to do?
Dude: I'm actually going to spring clean... the house is really quite grubby.
Charlotte: I hope you're not nesting again G5.
Dude: Lol, not me this time!

Ewww, where did you find all those stinky dishes?
Dude: Out in the garden, they must be left over from Charlotte and Mal's wedding.
Ewww, gross!
Dude: Tell me about it.

Dude: In fact the whole house needs a major tidy up. This room's a pig sty... far too much furniture and clutter everywhere.
I guess we could sell some of it?
Dude: Good idea, the clutter is really starting to get to me.

Dude: There! That's everything clean anyway.
Just in time.. Charlotte's in labour!!!!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #884 on: September 01, 2015, 10:04:57 PM »
The Eighth Heir Arrives

Doctor: Oh, is that your husband?
Charlotte: Yes.
Doctor: I'm sorry but we have a policy that only household members can accompany a delivery.
Charlotte: But he's my husband!!

Charlotte: I'm having a baby.
Receptionist: Well done.

Charlotte: I need to fill in an admittance form...
Receptionist: What for dear?
Charlotte: I'm having a baby!!
Receptionist: So you said. So how can I help?

OMG. Let me handle this Charlotte. Look lady Charlotte's having a baby NOW. And another thing... you need to change your policy on only letting in household members... it stinks and it made me so mad I nearly threw something at you all.
Receptionist: Is that your watcher dear? She's a bit feisty isn't she, how sweet.

Bah! Forget it, let's just go do this ourselves.
Charlotte: Have you delivered a baby before?
Umm...actually I have...
Charlotte: Good...

Charlotte: OMG, what's that claw thing for? ? ?
Err... just hop up on the bed hun...

Oh! You made it past the loopy receptionist then?
Doctor: Yep, I should have told you just to ignore her, she's a temp... totally useless.
No kidding.

Doctor: Here we go....

Doctor: Safe and sound and in perfect health.
Charlotte: Nooboo...

Doctor: I think he must look like his daddy, good looking is he?
Charlotte: Very, oh nooboo...
Aww, he's smiling at you Charlotte.

Charlotte: He's perfect!

He is. Good thing you didn't need the nurse.
Charlotte: Why's that watcher?
Oh, no reason in particular. Come on, let's get you both home.

Oh! You got the first cuddle!
Caleb: Yep, I sure wasn't going to miss out before I have to race off to work!

Dude: Well hello there little man. I wonder if you know just how special you are.
Or how much rides on his success.

Dude: Time enough for that watcher. He's just beautiful Charlotte.

Dude: Oh do you like little tickles!!??

Dude: I bet you do!

Charlotte: Oh G5, I wish Mal was here.
Dude: I'll give him a call and let him know the news hun.
Charlotte: K.
Dude: I'm sure he'll be over in a flash.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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