Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 465373 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #855 on: August 30, 2015, 07:03:51 AM »
Interesting to see the baby bump on Dude. I didn't think elders had it in them.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #856 on: August 30, 2015, 07:49:22 AM »
SMH!! Dude and those aliens. That's all I'm saying on that subject.. LOL Charlotte and Mal and adorable. 
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #857 on: August 30, 2015, 11:41:31 AM »
First you break my heart with Justin's death and Charlotte's overwhelming grief, then you get me all "awwww" with her budding romance.  Mal seems nice and as for Dude, I don't think I wanna go there.  Poor guy.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #858 on: August 30, 2015, 05:06:13 PM »
I'm surprised Dude could do yoga in his condition -- must be alien babies aren't bothered by it. Looking forward to seeing Abi's face.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #859 on: August 31, 2015, 03:19:19 AM »
@KRae, yep! In for the finish now.
@LenaLJ , thanks for your encouragement, much appreciated.  :) And yes... incoming alien nooboo. Poor guy.
@Cristina  It was really my fault entirely.. I'd become so used to not using the satellite to prevent abductions because there's been 8 sims for so long... whoops!
@Magpie2012 , yep, elder men down to young adult men can all get abducted and pregnant.
@sdhoey , I was so pleased to find Mal... there was a serious case of u.g.l.y. teen male sims in da hood and I was starting to panic!
@Joria, I was really sad to see Justin go actually he was very sweet to Abi and they made it back to soulmates just before he died so that was really cute.
@MarianT , his nooboo bump hadn't started to show when he started to do yoga... that screenie of him walking up to the stairs to the house was when it literally had just popped out. Although I'm not 100% sure that pregnant sims can't do yoga in the first trimester... I must test that. I know for sure they can't use the hot tub and sauna.

The last couple of days has been quite interesting... I had a major culling where all the not-in-house-townies were culled off and  yet both ghosts ( Cristina and Justin) weren't culled. Very cool. Then the next time I opened up my game three new households had been placed into various houses in Willow Creek and Oasis Springs. One of which was Malcolm and his mother. Woo!

The next time I opened up my game one more household (single female sim) was placed in the second to last empty house in Willow Creek! I think I've only got two empty houses in the whole game now. Crazy!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #860 on: August 31, 2015, 03:47:32 AM »
Chapter 171: A Little Addition

Zahra: You know how I'm a doctor?
Dude: Yeeees?
Zahra: Well I think I should examine your stomach, just to check things out.

Dude: I'm sure it's just something I've eaten... a passing phase, you know.
Zahra: I'll be able to tell you in a sec.

Zahra: Hmm...interesting.

Zahra: Yep, it's definitely a boy.
Dude: Huh? Wait...
Zahra: Alien incoming granddad.
Dude: Oh!

Zahra: You'll be fine Granddad... you've done this before, remember?
Dude: Thanks... yeah, I do remember.

Dude: In a minute watcher, just calling work and taking some time off.
Good idea.

Julien: Umm, so when is the nooboo due?
Dude: OOoooo.... NOW!

Dude: Sorry Grim, can't stop...
Grim: Wait! Is that? What? Again?

Ooo, any minute now Dude...
Dude: Watcher?
Dude: K.

Dude: Oh nooboo.
Aw, he's gorgeous Dude.

Dude: *sniff*
Aw Winston, don't. You'll start me off.
Dude: It's just that... he'll have to go back...
I know. *sigh*
Dude: Caelum Hollingsworth after a beautiful constellation of stars in the Southern Hemisphere.
A beautiful name...for a beautiful boy. Come on Dude, let's get this wee one home.

Abi: Hello little one, what a cutie.

Caelum: *gurgle*
Abi: Aw, *tickle* lol, you're so sweet!

Dude: My turn! Come here wee fellow.

Dude: Your daddy loves you, you know.

He looks very sleepy.
Dude: It's been a big day. Hasn't it wee man.

Abi: So I guess I'm done then?
Yep. Sorry, with all the excitement with Caelum it sort of got away from me.
Abi: That's ok watcher.

Abi: Hi, lol! How did you know? Just today... hm hmm. Thanks.
Day off?
Abi: Yep.
Good for you! I've got your Comedy Books in a safe place but I'm not putting them into the museum until you are an elder.
Abi: OK, I might write some more anyway... well, maybe!
Just enjoy relaxing and doing nothing for today anyway! Well done Abi.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #861 on: August 31, 2015, 03:58:58 AM »
Congrats to Abi! She's so pretty. I wish we got to see all of her with Justin

Caelum is so cute. I have a strong love of aliens so I hate that he'll have to go  :'(

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #862 on: August 31, 2015, 04:42:08 AM »
Congrats Abi.  She is so beautiful, as expected.  It gets me every time I see a guy preggers.  Cracks me up when they do the hospital delivery.  I'm not fond of the aliens in the game but got to admit the babies are cute.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #863 on: August 31, 2015, 04:47:04 AM »
@Cristina , I think I have to agree... I really love aliens too, they are a lot of fun to play with. Unfortunately there just is no room for little Caelum to stay.  :(
Abi looks a lot like her mum Cristine, they have the same eye colour and probably the same body shape although Abi got very hippy when she became an adult! lol Poor girl!  ::) Actually, thinking about it... I would say that Abi's eyes are very like Helena's. I'm pretty sure grandparent genetics do pass on.

@Joria, lol, yeah. I nearly didn't make it in time for the hospital as I was actually out of the house with Charlotte and when we travelled back Dude was nearly bursting *snicker* +40 uncomfortable and then some!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #864 on: August 31, 2015, 09:22:17 AM »
I was just like, since when are we allowed to see Abi! And then ohh yeah she is already done with her requirements.

Its always a tad sad to see the nooboos be born just to leave us right away

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #865 on: August 31, 2015, 03:05:26 PM »
@LenaLJ , yep Abi's all done although I may still have her write some more comedy books just to see if I can squeeze a few more  simoleons of value of of her! lol  Funny thing about alien abductions/nooboos is that in a fun game I have been trying forever to get an alien nooboo and there's Dude whisked off and pregnant when I don't want it.... ugh, typical.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #866 on: August 31, 2015, 03:45:07 PM »
Chapter 172: Party Time

Huh, like father like son. Both exhausted I guess.

You look thoughtful.
Dude: Caelum has to go home today.
He doesn't age up till tomorrow...
Dude: I know but I think I'm ready, not quite now, but soon.
Your call, always your call.

Charlotte: I think, being the weekend and all... that I might get some friends together. Would that be ok G5?
Dude: Totally.
Charlotte: Cool.

Charlotte: K, ummm, this can't be too tricky.

Charlotte: Aw, instant smiles. You're so cute Caelum. See ya when we get home, be good in day care. Hmmm I think we might go incognito...

Dude: Ok, big breath everyone...let's go!

What is it with you teens and dressing like Grim??

You right there Abi? lol, First full day in front of the camera and we can hardly see your face!
Abi: I know! How typical!

Brittany: Thanks for lending us your house Mr Spencer-Kim-Lewis.
Brandon: No problem, it does me good to see all you young things all dressed up. What fun.
Brittany: That and eating Winston's cake. Legendary!

Charlotte: Right, that's a gold. I'm wrappin' it up and dialing up party number two.
Julien: K Charlotte. Let's do this.

Dude: You know Caelum, your life will be wonderful and perhaps all the better for being with us even for this short time.

Dude: You were quite the miracle. Love you. Always.

Dude: *Deep sigh*

Dude: *sniff*

Zahra: Poor Granddad. *sigh*
Ab: I know, we all feel it but Charlotte needs these golds...
Mackenzie: Dance it out girls. When life gets tough crank up the music and dance it out.
Clyde: (Hat) Sometimes I think you guys have had it tougher than any of us.
Mac: No, not really Clyde, our lives are pretty easy really, just saying goodbye, well, that can break your heart.

Brittany:(Animal hat) I think that it is fate that has brought so many cakes to my attention.
Mal: lol, that and Mr Hollingsworths knowledge of your sweet tooth!

Nash: (Blond hair) Hmm, man this taste divine!
Brittani: Food of the gods.. yum!
Mal: Isn't that ambrosia?
Charlotte: Huh? Where?
Mal: No, I mean ambrosia... the food of gods... you know like super delish food.
Charlotte: Oh, right you're doing that analogy stuff again.
Mal: Lol, can't help myself, English major and all.
Charlotte: Ugh, give me science any day. Or math.

Mac: Well dad, that's another gold.
Lee:I guess this means we'll all be doing a twirl around and heading into another party?
Dude: Yep, although I think we'll let this one go for a while seeing as all the kids are chatting happily.
Mac: Yes, good idea. Let's not cram all five parties into one day.
Dude: Agreed.

Some hours later....

Zahra: Woo! Last party of the day!

Gosh! *cough* Pretty smokey there Dude.
Dude: Hmm, still, it's cooking just fine. Might just be the wind whipping up the flames.

Yesuf: No way! I'm telling you Mac's are way better than PC's...
Mal: You ok Charlotte?
Charlotte: Yeah. I hate this age old debate. Why is it no one can ever agree about platforms... sigh.
Van: Once a Mac user always a Mac user though. It's nearly impossible to go back to using a PC after you've tasted the superior UI of a Mac.
Yesuf: And the awesome security. I haven't run any security at all for the last three years on my Mac and never had any issues. Bet you can't say that about your tripped out PC's Charlotte.
Caleb: Good thing someones roasting some hotdogs...
Mac: Tell me about it.
Zahra: *sigh* I don't remember being so 'in the moment' when I was a teen.
Caleb: You should try reasoning with some of the teens I meet in my job. *snort*
Mac: Well, to be fair Caleb, the ones you meet are usually pretty naughty.

Zahra: Whew! Nice to get away for a bit.
Dude: lol, they're all getting quite intense eh.
Mac: It must be a sign of how old we are all getting. lol
Dude: Hmm, that and it seems my growing intolerance of teen angst.
Zahra: *Snort*

Julien: Go easy on the logs there Van, don't want to set the park on fire!

Charlotte: Oh look! There's a shooting star!!

Malcolm: You know Charlotte, you're my best friend. I love hanging with you.
Charlotte: Me too.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #867 on: August 31, 2015, 04:20:09 PM »
Chapter 173: Date

Huh, there's Grim fishing again.
Charlotte: Yeah, must be his favorite spot.
It's funny really.
Charlotte: What is?
Well, for all the fishing he does... I've never seen him catch anything.
Charlotte: lol, a bit like G5.

Charlotte: Well, even if I can't find the frog type I'm looking for it's still worth the trip. This place is beautiful.

Charlotte: Great!
Oh good catch! We can breed off that one now and get the frogs we were missing.

Charlotte: Hmm, one more for luck. This place is a little creepy.
Hmm, I think it's because it's so different. Although I always feel like I'm being watched...
Charlotte: Yeah *Drily* I always have that feeling.

Where we going now?
Charlotte: I've heard there is a fairy circle around here somewhere....
A what?

Charlotte: A fairy ring... or circle... There it is!

Charlotte: I know it's mushrooms and that each season of growth fungus sprouts outside the edge of the space it filled the previous season eventually forming circles as it grows. But watcher, those who have opened their minds, hearts and souls to the realms of magic will tell you of the fae. Those who know the fae will tell you that fairy rings hold magic. The kind that might give you your heart's desire...
Charlotte: I wish.... *whispers*... OK. Done. I've got to run watcher, or I'll be late.

Charlotte: Sorry I'm late.
Mal: Not late, exactly on time.

Mal: Come on, let's go grab a table.

Mal: Woah! You went to the fabled Sylvan Glade?

Charlotte: It was amazing! Magical!
Mal: Wow! And this is from Miss Science-prove-it-or-I-don't-believe-it herself!
Charlotte: lol, I know. I so wish you could have been there.

Mal: Well just watching you talk about it is making your eyes shine...Maybe if I stole a kiss from you some of that magic might transfer?
Charlotte: *giggle*

Charlotte: I want to show you the view from up here.
Mal: K.

Mal: It's really breathtaking.
Charlotte: Hmm.

Mal: I should get you home, it's nearly dark.
Charlotte: I've had the best time.
Mal: I always have the best time when I'm spending it with you.

Kids are home. Gosh! You look serious.
Dude: Hm, oh, I'm missing some alien elements, so annoying.

Mal: So your family's right into fitness then?
Charlotte: Yeah, told you we should have snuck into the upstairs lounge.
Mal: lol, I don't mind actually. Kinda cool to be mentored.
Charlotte: Well, if you stand still long enough around here someone will mentor you doing that as well.
Mal: *snort*

Charlotte: G5?
Dude: Yes?
Charlotte: I think that I really, really like Mal. *Shyly* A lot.
Dude: Good for you hun. He's a very nice young man.
Charlotte: So you like him then?
Dude: I do.
Charlotte: Cool.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #868 on: August 31, 2015, 09:59:23 PM »
The p.c verses Mac debate,lol.

 Dude: Sorry Grim, can't stop...
Grim: Wait! Is that? What? Again?

I love Grim!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #869 on: September 01, 2015, 04:41:57 AM »
@mpart , Grim turns up everywhere, it's quite funny!
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