Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 465662 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #780 on: August 10, 2015, 04:05:25 AM »
@Joria, I think I'm such a mean watcher...I push my sims so hard. Poor girl going to work on the day she gives birth! She made up the loss in a day with the help of phoning to negotiate a bonus so it wasn't too bad I guess.
@Magpie2012 , totally planned. Strawberries and pop music = a girl: carrots and alternative = a boy. This method hasn't failed for me yet.  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #781 on: August 10, 2015, 04:49:40 AM »
Chapter 160: Nooboo in the House

Dude: I can't believe this is my 5 times great granddaughter! It just seems unbelievable!
I know. We've come a long way eh.
Dude: We sure have. Unbelievable...incredible.

Dude:And as for you little lady... aren't you the cutest little button?
Charlotte: Gurgle!

Good to see you getting your work stuff done.
Abi: Hmm well I've got 18 days to max my career.
Lol... actually you do have until you're an elder. And you've still got 20 days before even becoming an adult!
Abi: No way am I taking that long! I want to beat dad's record.
*Groan* Noooo, can't we just for once take it easy...and be, well, lazy about it all?
Abi: Nope.

On the nightshift then?
Justin: Yep. Umm... why won't Charlotte take her bottle? She's screaming her little head off!!
Try changing her poopy pants first. lol

Justin: Oh my gosh! How on earth did you make such a huge mess little baby girl?
*Giggle* Hehehhehe.
Justin: If you could see what I can see you would not be laughing watcher!

Justin: Ahhh, there we go! Gosh! Lol, Charlotte must be hungry!
I guess all that yelling worked up an appetite.
Justin: Yeah, she's so cute.

You should really catch some sleep while Charlotte's sleeping you know.
Justin: Yeah, I will soon. Just checking up on the Stock Market.

Zahra: Oh you caught me watcher.
I know, she's like a sim magnet eh. Can't keep your hands off her!
Zahra: She reminds me a lot of Julien at this age.
Hmm... Well, that's nice. Nooboo's kinda all look the same to me. Night then Zahra.
Zahra: Night watcher.

Next Day...

*Yawn* Morning!
Dude: Afternoon actually.
Huh? Woah! I must have seriously slept in!
Dude: Well, we didn't want to disturb you.
*Snort* More like you enjoyed yourself while I wasn't around.
Dude: *Grin* That's not what I said.

Julien: See ya watcher.
You off to work already?
Julien: Yep.
Isn't it your birthday today?

Julien: Tomorrow watcher....I get old and wrinkly tomorrow.
Oh bummer, I'm gonna miss your....errr, youthful ways.
Julien: *Snort* Yeah, that's what you're gonna miss for sure.

*Sigh* She's so cute Justin...
Justin: Have you been watching her sleep?
Yeah, it's so peaceful.

Justin: Your mummy misses you Charlotte, just she's busy at work doing everything she needs too so that you can be immortal one day... crazy but true little one.... crazy but true.

Mac: Hiya boys.
Yusuf: (red shirt) Hi Mac, this is so lovely here. We don't have a pool at home.
Mac: Well you are very welcome to use it whenever you want.
Green shirt:Thanks! That's really nice of you.

Mac: Wow! I can really see the family resemblance. Who are they related to watcher?
Ummm...I couldn't say really.
Green Shirt: I think we fit into the Hollingsworth Family tree through .....
*Cough cough cough* Yes.... I think that's how it all works.
Yusuf: I see you are uncomfortable with how we fit in watcher.
No, no, just a tickly throat. Anyway boys, things to do...

Dude: I can give you some pointers if you like Justin.
Justin: That would be good. Can't figure out if I should do weights or the treadmill.
Oh weights for sure.
Dude: Lol. Honestly watcher. I'm sure you have better things to do than watch Justin work out.
Nope. All good. Nothing else planned for the day.

Justin: *Grunt*

Dude: That's it... good form!
Justin: So you do know that I'm having my birthday today don't you watcher?
*Goes and checks* OHhhh! BUuuuummmerrrr.
Justin: Thanks for making me feel so much better about becoming an elder, way to go watcher! Can you go have a quick check on Charlotte and make sure she's not crying?
On it.

Awww, you're so sweet.

Dude: So if that shoulder is hurting and the other one isn't it means you're twisting when you pull down.
Justin: Either that or my back's getting ready for my birthday!
Dude: Well, yeah, could be that too! Heh.

Green shirt: So do you think the watcher will ever tell anyone who we are related to?
Yusuf: Doubt it.
Mac: Hmm... depends I guess, on whether she's going to need either of you to do something specific in the dynasty.
Green shirt: Oh well, time will tell.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #782 on: August 10, 2015, 07:24:41 AM »
I don't care what anyone says about the "new" elders, Dude is still the hottest Sim in the Simverse!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #784 on: August 10, 2015, 09:20:30 AM »
Congrats on the 7th generation. Charlotte is adorable but I agree, they all look the same  :D

Too many elder birthdays are coming up. I'm not ready to say goodbye to their youthful looks  :(

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #785 on: August 10, 2015, 12:53:43 PM »
Welcome Charlotte! Knew Justin would fall for his little girl. Hmm, I can't work out who those guys could be related to. I have an idea but it may be wrong D=
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #786 on: August 10, 2015, 01:49:37 PM »
Hm... I have my own thoughts on who they might be related to... Time will tell.  Charlotte is adorable!  I love watching Justin with her ^^

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #787 on: August 10, 2015, 04:29:31 PM »
@Magpie2012 , it's taken me a few days to get used to the 'new' version of him. I kept not wanting to take screenies as he was so old looking.  :(
@KRae, lol, yeah now that you mention it!!
@Cristina , thank you. I don't want them to age up either!
@Nettlejuice , well if you guess right I'll tell you but I'm not admitting anything just yet.  :)
@Shewolf13 , I'm pleasantly surprised about how chill Justin is with Charlotte. Still can't get him and Abi to be soul mates. I wonder if it's because I saved and quitted after the double negative hit when he found out Abi was pregnant. Apparently the 'friendship bug' still affects older friendships but is totally fixed for all new ones.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #788 on: August 10, 2015, 04:36:10 PM »
Awww, that's too bad, Play.  Clearing caches and all that didn't fix it?

Offline Playalot

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #789 on: August 10, 2015, 04:52:01 PM »
Chapter 160: Charlotte Becomes a Real Girl

Abi: I feel like I've missed out on your entire nooboohood.
Ah well, it's really just poopy pants and crying.
Abi: Still...

Abi: Hmmm she smells so sweet.
Yeah, Justin's just changed her.

Justin: You ready love?
Abi: No.
Justin: Lol, I know but time stands still for no sim.

Justin: Here we go!

Abi: Gosh! Remarkable!

Charlotte: Woo! I'm finally a real girl!

Justin: Happy birthday baby.
Charlotte: Thanks dad.

Justin: You want to go change? Oh, fair enough. I think you look very sweet.
Charlotte: DaAAd! I look terrible!

Abi: Happy birthday sweetie.
Charlotte: Thanks mum.

Charlotte: How come Bun Bun's asleep?
Dunno, you can chat to him later.
Charlotte: Fat chance of that happening. You're going to have me skilling 24/7 within seconds of me being changed!
You might be too smart for your own good!
Charlotte: *Giggle*

Charlotte: Oh NOOooo! *sob* Who could have done this?
Oh! Umm... no one you know darling *cough*

Dude: Don't cry hun, we'll have this fixed in no time.
Charlotte: *sniff* Thanks G5.

Charlotte: I made you something special G5.
Dude: When did you get time to invent this sweetie?
Charlotte: I'm a genius just like you. I invent stuff at the drop of a hat!
Dude: Thanks!

Dude: Love you Charlotte.
Charlotte: Love you too G5. Thanks for fixing the dolls house.
Dude: You're welcome.

Charlotte: Now to whip you on the chess board!
Dude: That's fighting talk wee lady!
Charlotte: I'm not afraid.

Charlotte: You're good G5.
Dude: It's all about strategy and practice. You did very well for your first game.

Julien: Happy birthday Charlotte. How's the chess going?
Charlotte: Thanks granddad. G5 has won three times now!
Julien: Well you couldn't have a better mentor so count yourself lucky.

Justin: Still playing chess?
Charlotte: Yes daddy. I wanted to beat G5 but I don't think I can.
Justin: Well, it's time for bed. You've got a big day tomorrow.
Charlotte: But I thought we were having birthday cake... for your birthday?
Justin: Looks like I've got one more day still to go. Apparently the watcher is waiting for my official notification to come through. Personally I'm quite happy with just getting on with it.
Dude: The watcher will spin it out until the last moment possible Justin so you might as well just get a good night's sleep.
Justin: Sounds a plan. Say goodnight to ...G5?
Charlotte: Lol, ok. Night Great grandad times 5.

Dude: Hmmm, she's one smart wee cookie for sure.
Yeah. I hope she can do what we have in plan for her.
Dude: Without a doubt, she'll be absolutely fine.

Abi: Gosh I'm so tired Justin!

Justin: Let's get some sleep then love. Looks like tomorrows going to be another big day.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #790 on: August 10, 2015, 04:53:45 PM »
Awww, that's too bad, Play.  Clearing caches and all that didn't fix it?

Nope...both bars maxed out and they are BFF and still just register as ' Just Good Friends". Must be a glitch.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #791 on: August 10, 2015, 05:23:34 PM »
lol, Charlotte's a smart one, that's for sure.

That's no good, Play!  Sorry to hear it.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #792 on: August 10, 2015, 05:47:15 PM »
Chapter 162: Justin's Elder Birthday

Charlotte: Lol, that's a pretty strange ending really granddad. I mean how could the pirates sail away into the sunset? Impossible, let alone thinking of the curvature of the Simverse....
Julien: It's just a turn of phrase. It means...
Charlotte: ...that they sailed away from the viewer, or reader, towards the setting sun... towards the horizon. Yeah, I get that.... just seems a silly ending.
Julien: Umm *looking at book* Is that your dad I hear calling you hun?
Charlotte: Probably, thanks for the story granddad. I love it when you read to me even if the endings need a bit of work.

Charlotte: I think I might like school. Did you like school dad?
Justin: I did. I enjoyed school a lot Charlotte.
Charlotte: What was your favourite subject? Oh wait! I know. Math.
Justin: Correct. That's why I chose a career in investing, it's all about numbers and patterns.

Julien: Yes! high score!
What you got planned for today then?
Julien: Umm... maybe whip up a cake for Justin's birthday?

Julien: So, chocolate? Black and White? White and Black?
Justin: Anything is absolutely fine with me.

Julien: Ok. I'll make it a surprise.
Justin: I've got a feeling that becoming an elder is going to be one surprise too many...

That's a bit weird.
Julien: What is?
Adding onions to a cake!
Julien: Lol, it would be but I'm not baking a cake right now.

So what are you cooking?
Julien: Lobster.
Julien: Well you see, every time you take someone to the mirror or dresser to plan their outfit I lose a whole lot of weight.
*Looks closely at Julien* Hmm, I see what you mean.

Julien: So I figured a few helpings of a super calorie laden dish would plump me out a bit.
Really good thinking... I so don't want you being a scrawny, skinny, wrinkly elder!

Julien: I was thinking about it more from the perspective of my overall health watcher. Not just skin deep.
You saying I'm shallow?
Julien: Nope. But if the cap fits...
*Eye roll*

Julien: Hey! Esque! You've had your elder birthday!
Esque: Yes. Worse luck.

Julien: Still, how bad can it be, amirite?
Esque: It's bad! Really bad I'm telling you!

Julien: Aw man! You're my best mate, you just tell me if there's anything I can do for you. K?
Esque: Thanks Julien.

Esque: I think the worst thing is walking into a room and then forgetting what the heck you were just about to do! It's driving me nuts!
Julien: Lol, well, I'll be able to share my horror stories with ya tomorrow!

OK. It's time everyone. Unfortunately.
Justin: Oh watcher... it's fine. It's all part of the cycle of life.
Don't care, I don't have to like it if I don't want too....
Justin: lol

Justin: I wish for ..... Charlotte to have a long, healthy and happy life and for Abi to always be happy.
Everyone: Happy birthday!

Charlotte: Woo! Happy birthday daddy!

Justin: *Big breath*

Justin: Holy cow! This is bad.
Dude: Lol, yeah... You sort of get used to it though.
Julien: Oh my gosh. *gulp*
*Sulkily* Told you so.

Charlotte: Happy birthday daddy, you look awesome!
Justin: Aww, thank you sweet heart.

Esque: Wow, you're shoveling that cake like there's no tomorrow Julien!
Julien: Got to eat it before the watcher realizes we're all eating cake mate. She'll whip it into the bin in two seconds flat.
Dude: Cripes! Good point!

Julien: If she catches you eating that, you are so dead GG Granddad!

Charlotte: Why doesn't the watcher let us eat high calorie foods G5?
Dude: She has this compulsive behaviour regarding fluffy sims.
Charlotte: Lol, sounds like she needs professional help.
Julien: LOL
Esque: Wow, Charlotte's going to be a real handful for the watcher!
Julien: I know, it's going to be great!

Justin! I said you could do light exercise! Not a mountain marathon!
Caleb: It's fine watcher. His body won't have registered that he's an elder yet so he'll be able to get one last mega work out in.
Sheesh! You better be right about that. I don't want any accidental deaths now! By the way, I'm glad you dyed your hair.
Justin: Thanks watcher.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #793 on: August 10, 2015, 06:29:16 PM »
So many elders. Noooo... Charlotte is so bright and adorable!! 
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #794 on: August 10, 2015, 07:11:05 PM »
Charlotte is the first really beautiful child I've seen so far.  Very obviously a Hollingsworth!  She's got Dude's good looks.

I love seeing so many "family" members.  Even if no one will say how they are related.  lol ;)
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