Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 465502 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #720 on: July 30, 2015, 10:49:58 PM »
Chapter 151: House Party

Nice way to start the day.
Dude: Hmm... relaxing.
Cool. Well chop, chop! We've got Abi's house party to do.

Mac: Nigel it's so nice to see you again now you're all grown up!
Nigel: Thanks Mrs H.
Caleb: You have everything ready love?
Abi: Yep, got it all sorted Granddad. Dad's going to be the caterer for me so that GGG Granddad can just chill.

Oh! Ellie! Sorry! Didn't realize you here!
Ellie: Sorry watcher, we don't have a bath at our place and I just couldn't resist the chance to have a relaxing soak.
That's quite alright Ellie. I'll see you out there when you're ready.

Hey Bryon, how's it going?
Byron: Good thanks watcher. Just checking my Simbook page before heading into the party proper.
Go for it.
Bryon: I'm waiting to see if any info's been leaked yet about the up-coming Gamescom. You know... news on the next expansion pack or whatever for my favourite game.
Oh..I know that feeling!

Abi: Ellie, you look so casual!
Van: She looks cute!
Ellie: Lol I know, but we're all friends, right!
Nash (Blond hair): I still remember playing out on your space ship Abi.
Abi: Yeah and dad had to check there were no creepy crawlies on it before you'd even go outside!!
Nash: Lol, I still hate insects.

Justin: Looking good there Byron.
Byron: Thanks uncle Justin.

Ellie: NO WAY! There is no way I'm streaking around the neighborhood Abi! Far out!
Abi: Lol..I didn't mean for you to do it. I was telling you about the time my GG Grandmother Mackenzie made one of HER friends do that.
Nash: Your GG Grand mother seems so, well, polite and stuff, hard to imagine her being a prankster.
Abi: She even bet up Grim once.
Van: That's just too funny.

Ellie: Hey, remember that <<gross joke>> we used to tell everyone?
Abi: Ewww, it still makes me feel ill.

Ellie: You know Van, those glasses are something else.
Van: Yeah, they make everything feel a bit weird but I kinda like that.

Abi: Dinner's served!

Dude: Hi! I don't think we've met. I'm Winston.
Elaine: Hi. I'm Elaine. My teen son and I have just moved into a little house in the local area.
Dude: Welcome. How lovely to have some new neighbours.

Elaine: You look...familiar. Are you sure we haven't met before?
Dude: I'm quite sure. I would remember meeting someone as lovely as you.
Elaine: *giggle* <Eyelash Batting>

Nash: Byron if you don't put that phone away I'm going to ram it down your throat.
Bryon: Keep your hair on cuz.
Mac: Who you sending your selfie to Byron.
Bryon: Oh! No one in particular. *Blush*
Nash: Byron's got a secret crush.
Mac: lol

Zahra: Wow, Julien's cooking is really tasty!
Van: Sure is...I think I've over eaten though.
Caleb: Me too. My eyes are way bigger than my stomach.

Abi: Thanks for making this so fun everyone.
Byron: Thanks for inviting us all. It's been too long since we've had a get together.
Justin: It's been a blast Abi.

Mac: Come on everyone. The night's young yet...let's party!
Nigel: You sure got some moves there Mrs H.
Nash: I love this song.

A pretty solid gold party I'd say Julien.
Julien: Yep, it's gone like clockwork.

Mac: That was so much fun Abi.
Abi: Yeah. We should have more parties. It so nice seeing everyone together and stuff.
Mac: Do you want some help finishing your homework Abi?
Abi: Na, I got it. Thanks though.

Abi: Lol, that was Byron mum, he sent me a selfie of him walking home backwards. Pfftttt. Mum?

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #721 on: July 30, 2015, 11:48:07 PM »
Oh no!  As much as I wasn't a fan of Christine, I feel so bad for Abi!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #722 on: July 31, 2015, 02:46:13 AM »
@Shewolf13 ,  I know, right.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #723 on: July 31, 2015, 03:20:35 AM »
OMG! I knew it was coming but I still didn't expect it. Poor Abi  :(

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #724 on: July 31, 2015, 03:25:29 AM »
Chapter 152: A Sad End to The Day

Mac: Oh Cristine....*Sob*
Grim: *Chuckling* Oh I've been looking forward to this one for a while now.
Cristine: I love you Abi, be strong my lovely daughter.

Abi: Mum, mum...No.
Grim: Oh dang it! All this weeping and sniffing is putting a real downer on the moment.

Grim: Oh! That's surprising! Cristine actually turned herself around before the end. Oh well, can't win 'em all I guess.
Dude: What's all the noise about?
Abi: Oh Granddad Winston, it's mum.
Dude: Oh darling.... I'm so sorry.

Julien: Cristine, oh Abi.
Grim: Aw come On! Not you too Julien. You didn't even like the woman.
Julien: I did. We became very good friends towards the end... She's the mother of my daughter Grim... *Sniff*
Grim: Well, I'm just going to get on with this. Its obvious she was better liked than I had anticipated.
Abi: I loved her.

Zahra: <Thinking> Cripes, that's scary.
Julien: I'll miss you Cristine, you were a big part of my life.

Julien: Come here Abi.
Abi: <sobbing> Oh Dad, it was terrible...I was just talking to her and then... and then... <sobbing>.
Julien: Shh, shh, it will be alright I promise baby.
Grim: *Heavy sigh* I was so looking forward to this one as well. There's always someone spoiling my fun, it's just not fair. What a bummer.

Julien: Your mum was so proud of you Abi.
Abi: I know dad, she gave me my first Potion of Youth the other day...said it was so she could be there with me while I became immortal because she loved me so much.
Julien: It's true, she grew to love you so much my darling.
Abi: What about you? You're going to miss her.
Julien: I will miss your mum very much. She has been the only person in my life for a very long time...

Dude: Well my old friend, chess?
Grim: Don't mind if I do.

Grim: Hmm, you and your tricky first moves.
Dude: Lol. Learnt those from a very special gardener a long time ago who had studied with the monks from Shang Simla.

Grim: Those were the days eh? Remember when the watcher kept putting off building you a house?
Dude: Yeah, although I actually didn't mind really. I love being outside.

Grim: You know I didn't think everyone would be so sad to see Cristine go.
Dude: Hmm, well in her defense she did try really hard to turn her life around.
Grim: Hmmm, well I guess I'll have a chat to her later about it all.
Dude: Your move.

Still sad eh.
Julien: Yeah. I guess I'm regretting not trying harder with Cristine. I should have married her and... you know... done the right thing by her.
Julien: Yes.
You did the absolutely right thing. She was out to trick you all and it took her a long time to see her errors. You have nothing to feel regretful about.
Julien: Then how come I feel so bad?
Oh hunney.

Abi: So you're going to be really good to mum eh Grim?
Grim: Sure. Darn...I still can't get that opening move that Dude does right.

Abi: Grim! It's really important to me that you're nice to my mum!
Grim: I got it Abi. I will be. I promise.
Abi: K.
Grim: Your move, you've got school soon you know.

Grim: Meck chate.
Abi: Ohhh. *sigh* Everything always goes wrong for me.

Chin up Abi. You'll feel better soon.
Abi: I won't. I won't ever feel better ever again.

You alright?
Dude: Yeah. I was just thinking that my life's been pretty weird, you know, everything considered.
Umm, I've known weirder.
Dude: I hate to think.

See ya Grim...*cough* Woah! I wish you'd scale back on the smoke and brimstone stuff. *Cough*

How many of those have you had?
Julien: *hiccup* Dunno, lost count.
But you've got work soon. As in really soon.

Julien: Right, I betta drink up then *slurp*

I don't think going to work "under the weather" is a good idea.
Julien: Don't you? Tough *giggle* 'Cos I don't care right now. *Hiccup*. <smirk>
Wow! You're a mess!
Julien: *singing* I'm smexy and I know it.... See yaz watcher *hiccup*

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #725 on: July 31, 2015, 03:27:36 AM »
@Cristina , when the music started I actually got such a fright that I jumped...and spilt my coffee and had this mad scramble to hit pause and mop up the spill before it did any damage! The party had gone so well and everyone was super happy and then BAM! Death music!!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #726 on: July 31, 2015, 03:33:50 AM »
Wow! I hope it didn't damage anything.

I'm surprised Julien took Cristine's death so hard. I'll miss her though. She was a really interesting sim

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #727 on: July 31, 2015, 03:38:31 AM »
Julien autonomously drank about four drinks before time for work... I was busy looking at Dude, Grim and Abi so when I checked in on him I was just cracking up! If this was TS3 he'd have had the 'super juiced' moodlet. lol
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #728 on: July 31, 2015, 04:17:18 AM »
Awwwww, now that's no fair!  I really, really believed Christine would pull another fast one.  I guess in a way she did by almost ruining a good party with her death.  Well, I maligned her unjustly.  Farewell.  You really will be missed.  Byron sure is a hottie.  Is he Dude's offspring with an alien?  I loved seeing everyone at the party.  I struggle with mine but yours are just awesome.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #729 on: July 31, 2015, 08:50:00 AM »
Finally caught up. I totally get how you feel about the dynasty it is hard go in especially in the later generations. Of course I haven't completed a sims 4 dynasty but I am guessing it's a similar feeling to finishing up a sims 3 immortal dynasty. Generation 8 is so difficult.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #730 on: July 31, 2015, 09:55:58 AM »
What a lovely redemption story. Cristine did get one last chance to ruin someone's day. Sorry Grim.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #731 on: July 31, 2015, 03:40:14 PM »
Rest in peace Christine. great writing and a lovely farewell for a not so nice in the beginning person. I hope Abi feels better after a day or two. At least she has good memories of her mum (whatever Christine's motives may have been before Abi/watcher caught her with the potion).

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #732 on: August 01, 2015, 11:01:42 AM »
Sorry if this was from an older post, I had to comment.

Poor kid, no cake at all! Man, teenagers can stay out all night in the sims 4? Why can't my sims do that in the sims 3!?

Yeah, I've noticed that when I was starting my own unofficial Dynasty - my founder Ego Chou-Chou(big Mugen Souls fan :D) was trying to move in some helpers on the first night, she ran into nobody but teens, including Malcolm Landgraab, all night! Sadly, you cannot move in teens but the next day she ran into Nancy Landgraab.

EDIT: I didn't realize that EA patched the elders to look old. I think they took one look at my parents and said "whoops, THAT is what our elders should look like, quick, make a patch ASAP!"  :D Sorry, didn't mean to rip on my parents, but they are pushing 70. I think they wanted to be honest with how elders look like and the wrinkles and liver spots were not prominent. I'm sorry you missed the "adults with grey hair" elders, but it's biologically correct.

Cheer up, dear. When EA brings out a few more expansion that introduce life states, Metro will import the Life States Dynasty to The Sims 4 and you can enjoy giving Potions of Youth to adults so they never grow old. ^_^
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #733 on: August 01, 2015, 11:04:11 AM »
Oh poor Abi!  I feel so bad for her! I love how Grim is in your Dynasty, Play lol.  Also... I couldn't help but crack up, wince, and drool a bit at that last screenshot of Julien XD I thought it was funny that he drank that much, but I felt sad for him and that look he is giving the camera is awesome lol

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #734 on: August 01, 2015, 12:01:44 PM »
OMG!!! *ROTHF* I hope his boss does realize he is mashed!! That was so sad but funny at the same time.
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