Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 469247 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #705 on: July 29, 2015, 04:33:36 PM »
Chapter 149: A Trip Out

Good to see you're still working on completing that aspiration before you kick the bucket.
Cristine: Anything to help my Abi watcher.
Yeah, whatever.
Cristine: No, seriously. I want to help her succeed any way I can.
*Thinks* Well, that's nice then. Anyway, Dude sent me to tell you that we're all heading out and that you can come too 'cos it would be nice for Abi to have you there.

I wish the yoga instructor was as enthusiastic as you are Julien.
Julien: lol watcher, this is going to be awesome! I'm super pumped!
Ummm, isn't the whole point of today being chill? You know, like laxing out and being 'one' with the cosmos and stuff?

Dude: Hey Julien, come check out this waterfall. We should get one of these watcher.
Yeah, and just increase the loading time to four minutes instead of three. No way, you guys have everything you need on your lot plus a million other things you don't. I'm not adding anymore.
Caleb: I'm sure one more thing wouldn't hurt watcher.
Mac: Come on boys, yoga class in five.

Dude: Wow, I can't even balance on one foot!
Caleb: <<wobble>> Tell me about it!

Julien: Umm, I can't seem to bend any lower!
Maybe your new gut's getting in the way.
Julien: I knew you were going to say that.
*Smugly* Should of bet on it then eh.

Looking good there Dude.
Dude: Feeling it watcher.
Abi: Shhh, you're really distracting me with all the chatter.

Julien: I think I just pulled something.

Oooo got the warrior pose down-pat there Julien.
Caleb: Yes, he's looking pretty good.
Dude: There is no way my back can bend that way!

Julien: Talking of bending... forget it! I'm not even trying!

Mac: Well how did the yoga class go?
Abi: It was great! I really enjoying it. You should have given it a go mum.
Cristine: I enjoyed the peace and quiet upstairs meditating, although it really was just sitting down and thinking about nothing in particular!
Zahra: I found the yoga to be surprisingly difficult. I think next time I might come upstairs with you two.
Mac: So what are you going to try next Abi?
Abi: I think a massage.

Abi: Can I have the one with the stones please?

Mac: *groan* Oh bliss. I could have you do this to my poor old feet all day long!

Dude: Is that you Abi:
Esque: No, she's already gone for a mud bath.
Dude: Hmm, I think I'd rather just lie here for another hour. Or two. Where's everyone else watcher?
I think they're checking out the gym next door. I might head over actually. See you there when you're finished?
Dude: Hmm, If I can get my bones to hold me. I think they've melted.

Hey! Grim. How you doing?
Grim: Good watcher.
Trainer: You want some pointers?
Grim: No thanks, just going to run for a bit today.

Grim: So how are things going Dude? I haven't seen you for a while.
Dude: Oh so-so. you know, everything's pretty quiet in the house right now. You know how it goes.
Grim: Well, with all you immortals I don't really have an excuse for visiting.
Dude: You don't need an excuse, you should just come on over for coffee one day.
Journey: It's so weird that you guys are friends. Don't you think so watcher?
Well, I guess they've seen a fair bit of each other over the years really.

Grim: So I don't think I've met you sonny. You're one of Zesty's progeny aren't you?
Zaiden: Yep. I'm related to Zesty from way back and also to the Spencer-Kim-Lewis's too.
Grim: Must look you up sometime. And by 'sometime' I mean before I come to reap you.
Zaiden: Very comforting thought. Not.

So ladies, been having a nice day out?
Cristine: Just lovely.
Mac: Gosh yes! I haven't felt this pampered and just generally fantastic for ages!
Zahra: Mmm, great burgers Cristine. And before you say anything about us eating food that is not a fish taco watcher... we've earned the calories.
Fair enough. So what's next?
Cristine: Home time, all this pampering is quite soporific.
K then. I'm going to meet up with Abi and Winston at the lounge.
Mac: Tell Abi to break a leg from us.
Will do.

Dude: Good luck Abi, I'm sure you'll be great.
Everyone says to break a leg.
Abi: I don't know why I'm so nervous, how silly.
Dude: Completely normal, if you weren't nervous I'd be more worried. Let's go in eh.

Her jokes are pretty good really. Considering.
Dude: Yeah, I agree. It does seem a rather 'off the wall' career that she's chosen but I guess it doesn't really matter. Just as long as she's happy.
True. I had hoped more people would be here. I think it would be nice for Abi to experience a crowd.
Dude: Plenty of time watcher, she's still a teen. I'll be worried if her shows are this empty once she's a fully employed entertainer.

Dude: Maybe next time we'll invite some of our friends to watch too.
Good thinking. Lol, Abi sure looks the part anyway.

Oh thanks for coming Esque.
Dude: Woo! *Applauding*
Esque: No problem watcher. I would have been here sooner but I got held up at work.

Abi: Night everyone and thanks for watching.
Esque: Yeah! Woo!
Dude: Well done Abi, that was great!
I agree Abi, a good show. Well done indeed.  :)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #706 on: July 29, 2015, 04:39:45 PM »
@Joria  @MarianT , thanks for the encouragement. *Grits teeth* I think if this file was still running as smoothly as all my other games completing it would be easier. I keep looking at the lot wondering what I should delete but really everything has a purpose and I totally don't want to redesign the whole house as that would involve moving over 150 fish bowls and the same amount of Potions of by one into the families inventory. *face palm* Just not going to happen! Ooo dynasties are so hard to complete!  ::) 
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #707 on: July 29, 2015, 04:40:41 PM »
I like Abi's dress. Yoga class must have been a hoot to watch -- all those well-muscled lads trying to get into the poses.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #708 on: July 29, 2015, 06:04:31 PM »
Okay, I need a hot stone massage now. Please hang in there and finish this, we're counting on you.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #709 on: July 29, 2015, 11:15:53 PM »
You can do it, Play!  I know it's frustrating, but you're so close ^^

Offline Playalot

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #710 on: July 30, 2015, 12:35:04 AM »
*Hanging in there*  ;)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #711 on: July 30, 2015, 03:32:10 AM »
I can't even begin to understand how hard this is for you but I'm sure you can do it  :)

Great trip. I loved watching them do yoga. It's nice that Dude was there for Abi's performance  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #712 on: July 30, 2015, 03:48:43 AM »
Chapter 150: Time Together

Wow! I just don't know what's wrong with you guys. All of a sudden you all look so old. I just don't get it. You've all been working out...
Zahra: Eh, we are old.
Mac: Make that ancient.
Yeah but you all used to look so good. Now you look yukky, old, wrinkled and ... well, quite frankly ill.
Mac: You wait till your even half as old as us and then take a good long look in the mirror.
*Sulkily* I bet EA's tweaked you elders somehow. I liked you looking old but cute.

Oh Dude. Jeez. You look terrible and you've over done it.
Dude: Oh ouch...
I don't know what to do to get you all looking beautiful again. *sniff* What happened?
Dude: Don't know but I need some help here. I hurt.
Go take a bath in the super bath...That should help you pretty fast Dude.  :(

Cripes. Poor Dude. *sigh* Where did my beautiful elders go? ? ?

Justin: You're out and about early Abi.
Abi: Yeah, just felt like getting out of the house.
Justin: Any particular reason?
Abi: Sort of... the watchers weeping and wailing about how all the grands look.
Justin: Really? That's a bit weird even for her.
Abi: Yeah, apparently she thinks all the grands are looking ancient, all extra old and stuff.

Justin: Well, you do have some pretty old relatives still living with you!
Abi: Hmm... I know... I would like to tell you all about it but I think it's a family secret.
Justin: Lol, I know all about ambrosia Abi. You belong to one of the lucky families.
Abi: Doesn't feel that lucky right now.

Justin: Sure you are. After all who wouldn't want the chance to live forever! Come on... think of everything you have to look forward too.... an eternity of the watcher moaning abut how wrinkly you are!
Abi: Lol, Oh Justin!
Justin: <wink> There ya go, good to see that smile back on your pretty face.
Abi: You've made me feel much better. Thank you.
Justin: Any time Abi. School time soon though, right?
Abi: Yeah, I better get back.

Cristine: Ah bliss, some alone time...

Cristine: Life's pretty sweet actually.

Cristine: Morning love.
Abi: Morning m.....MUM! NO!

Abi: I can't believe I've caught you doing this. Where did you get this Potion of Youth? How COULD you?

Abi: OMG! Everything that generations and generations of my family have worked for going down the drain because of your incessant need to live forever. Arghhhh!
Cristine: Oh! No... it's not...

Abi: I've caught you red handed mum. Don't even think about telling me lies. I've had it with trying to believe the best about you.

Cristine: Hunny, stop for a minute. I know how this must look to you but let me speak.

Cristine: I've been working really hard to complete my aspiration for you love. This potion... is my gift to you. Do you see?

Abi: Oh mum!
Cristine: I know I haven't been the best mother in the Simverse but I love you and am deeply proud of you. I wanted to give you your first Potion of Youth so that when the time comes, even though I won't be here with you in person, part of me will....will be here with you. Loving you and being proud, and cheering you on.
Abi: Oh mum! I'm so sorry I said those things. I... you.... You didn't deserve to be yelled at. Forgive me.

Cristine: I love you Abi.
Abi: I love you mum.
Cristine: And I'm so lucky to have you as a daughter. You're the best daughter any mother could ever have.

Abi: I'm going to get the watcher to put this Potion of Youth somewhere special so I can use it for my first plate of ambrosia. I'll never forget what you've done mum. Thank you so much.
Cristine: You're absolutely welcome daughter.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #713 on: July 30, 2015, 04:02:24 AM »
@Cristina , thanks for your comments. Not so much difficult as just seemingly never-endingly boring! Those days between completing what can be done in a certain age-stage and aging up just seem to drag. I'm just hitting the wall I guess. I suspect your first dynasty always feels like this. I'm impatient to complete it and yet can't really hurry it along any!

So... all my elders since playing again look awful. I haven't really shown any close up of Dude's face as I expected that after a few work outs he'd be back to his gorgeous somewhat youthful self but it just isn't happening. Despite working out nearly non-stop for the last 6 sim days all my elders just look ancient. I guess EA changed something with the last patch/fix even though they didn't mention it as I can't think of any other reason why all my elders suddenly look ancient. I suppose at 256 days Dude has every right to look ancient and I'm gonna love him regardless. :) And I hope you all will still too. *sigh* Poor old Dude.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #714 on: July 30, 2015, 08:35:18 AM »
When I saw the at cup of white. I was like "NOOO she is back to her old self!!" I guess she did change after all.

Ancient Elders?  :o Now I'm scared to go and look in my file. Are all my beautiful elders old looking now?

EDITED: I have Ancient Elders Now  :-[
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #715 on: July 30, 2015, 09:02:39 AM »
Oh, Play. I love the Hollingsworth family so please keep playing them! I know there are days when I can't be bothered to load my dynasty file and just have fun instead. I thought the ancient looking elders was just in my games, I hope EA fix it.

I admire Cristine, what a wonderful gift she has left for her daughter.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #716 on: July 30, 2015, 09:33:29 AM »
I guess I can relate to wanting to get the dynasty over with thing, what helps me to continue liking to play is creating complicated plots. I'm sure some cc will come out to fix your accident elders and make them beautiful again. Keeping going, you can finish this dynasty! You got this! :)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #717 on: July 30, 2015, 01:28:33 PM »
Now I'm officially afraid to look at Spring when she is an elder!  I don't care, Dude is still 'da man of my heart.  As for Christine, hmmmm, I just bet that P.O.Y. was innocently sitting there waiting.   Right.  Waiting for her to slug it down before someone caught her.  Perhaps I malign her unjustly but.........
What?  Grannies can't play games?
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #718 on: July 30, 2015, 06:10:20 PM »
Hey, updates!  I'm happy to see that you're trying to finish.  Hopefully you can get it done, the last few generations are so.... tedious.  It's like, I've done this 6 times already, I don't WANT to do it again!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #719 on: July 30, 2015, 10:16:53 PM »
@sdhoey, hehe... I nearly played that scene differently but I figured you guys might lynch me if I had stuffed up the dynasty on purpose!  ;)  And yeah, the ancient elders... it sucks.
@Joria , lol Cristina certainly has been an interesting sim.
@mpart , thanks for the encouragement. I'll get there I'm sure. Once I'm at the seventh heir I'm sure it will start to feel a little more like I'm closing in on the finishing line.  :)
@Nettlejuice , Yeah... the first Potion of Youth, almost a tear jerker...almost.  ;)
@dethdukk , if there were a few more active careers that would help eh. Would give us a few more interesting things to do as our heirs max their careers instead of staring at the front door waiting for them to come home.

Thanks for commenting everyone. I hope I've responded to everyone, got a bit crazy there for a while posting while some of you were already commenting!  I type my chapters straight into the 'reply' box so even though I know that someone else has commented before I post I don't want to risk copying and pasting into another reply box incase I lose the chapter. I know I should use a text doc...
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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