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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #585 on: May 29, 2015, 05:37:44 PM »
@oshizu, thanks! Although, technically he won't be an immortal for quite a few sim days but he's mostly done. Poor Caleb was looking so thin there. He has now put back on all the weight he lost while living on moodlet solvers while he was churning out sculptures. I think he looks a lot like Malakai too.  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #586 on: May 29, 2015, 05:44:48 PM »
Tsk, I got confused about Caleb's status because he was sitting in the museum, lol.

To rephrase: Three cheers to Caleb for completing all of his dynasty requirements!
*slinks off

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #587 on: May 29, 2015, 05:47:33 PM »
oh no....please don't slink off lol... You know I've got a much bigger foot-in-mouth prob than anyone else in the entire universe, right? I really love your comments oshizu, they make me laugh and look at my game from a diff perspective!  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #588 on: May 29, 2015, 06:58:10 PM »
Yay!  Congratulations Caleb!  Their wedding was beautiful ^^

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #589 on: May 29, 2015, 08:52:36 PM »
@Shewolf13 , I seem to be big on fast weddings in this dynasty, lol not sure why but it just never seems to work out doing the whole party thing too!  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #590 on: May 29, 2015, 10:10:09 PM »
Chapter 134: Helena's Elder Birthday

Julien: Ummm, GG granddad, have you got a minute?
Dude: Sure.
Julien: I sort of made a mistake, quite a big one...ummm... Cristine and I are having a nooboo. By mistake....

Dude: I can't say I'm that surprised. Well, I am about Cristine.. but Julien we've spoken about you thinking through your actions so many times!
Julien: I know, it wasn't all my fault this time though.
Dude: I do know how nooboos are made Julien. The question is ... what are you going to do from here on in? Remember it's when things are going wrong that your decisions will tell a lot about your character.

Julien: I don't know. I mean I don't love Cristine at all. In fact I think I feel the opposite.
Dude: That's unfortunate but I was thinking more about your son or daughter.
Julien: My son? ? ? Or daughter? ? ?
Dude: My guess is you haven't really thought this through have you?
Julien: Nope.

Julien: No matter what I will love my <pause> son or daughter. I will.
Dude: I know you will.

Julien: I guess I just have to be civil to Cristine, but GG Grandad, she really did trick me.
Dude: Well, harsh lesson to learn I guess...and she'll have to be told that her behaviour is pretty rank. Now it's about our family...
Julien: <Rushed> I'll marry her... to make things right.
Dude: Oh! Well, you know you don't need to do that but you do need to get your head screwed on right before your nooboo's born eh.

Dude: Come on, we're all here to support you.
Julien: I'm sorry I stuffed up again.
Dude: It's not so bad...I'm getting a new GGG Grand kid, how bad can that be?
Julien: Thanks GG Granddad.

Caleb: Well, that was one big heart to heart with Julien.
Dude: Hmm. I have to admit though that Cristine acted pretty badly.
Caleb: Aw well, another nooboo's pretty exciting though, amirite?
Dude: *Nodding* Agree.
Caleb: By the way, you look sick as a dog.
Dude: Yeah, I feel pretty exhausted actually.

Mac: Dad! Take some medicine! You look terrible!
Dude: I kinda like this look, brings out my eyes, don't cha think?
Mac: Oh dad! Lol.  Just take your medicine!

Zahra: You know Cristine, while I can't condone your behaviour in this, you know that you are supported here. This nooboo is important to all of us.
Cristine: I was counting on that. So what am I having?
Zahra: A little girl.
Cristine: Oh, I was hoping for a boy....
Yeah, well ya know you're lucky I didn't just throw you outta da house girly. Count yourself lucky that I wanted a girl.
Zahra: Don't be too harsh watcher, she's in a delicate stage of her pregnancy.
*snort* "Delicate", yeah, right.

Cristine: Thank you for being so kind.
Zahra: That's ok. Would be nice if you and Julien could sit down and have a chat though.

Caleb: Wow! A little girl! I'm going to be a granddad!
Dude: I know, pretty special feeling eh.

A little later that night...

Oh can you just wait a sec Helena...I'll be right back.
Helena: Umm..ok, sure.
Caleb: I'm gonna be a granddad! Woo!

Oh! LOL, I wondered who it was being zapped away!
Dude: Ah well... see ya in an hour! Say happy birthday to Helena from me.
Will do *snicker*

K, back.
Helena: *Big Breath*
Julien: Woo!
LOL, is that all you can say at the moment Caleb?

Helena: Ouch! Why does this happen...*Craack*
*Wince* Yeah, I dunno. Happy birthday though.

Caleb: Happy birthday my love.

Caleb: Oh my gosh! I can't believe we're going to be grand parents!
Helena: lol, I know love.

Back already Dude. How was it?
Dude: Tell you after this drink...

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #591 on: May 29, 2015, 10:21:46 PM »
Gah, I wanna see his face!  lol Hm, while Cristine tricked him, Julien did fall for it quite easily XD so I think they both flubbed up.  But I hope they get it together for their daughter at least.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #592 on: May 29, 2015, 10:34:47 PM »
* slinks back sheepishly  baaa?

All of your dynasty women have been pretty ideal and all the marriages have been so romantic, so your depiction of Cristina is refreshing and funny.
What does she think she's getting out of all this?  Besides the fab new hair, killer body, attractive make-up...oh okay, I get it.
Oooh, I can't wait to see where you take their relationship. 

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #593 on: May 29, 2015, 10:37:11 PM »
Thanks for reading! lol, next chapter coming right up.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #594 on: May 29, 2015, 10:38:04 PM »
Chapter 135: Another Generation

Dude: What is that utterly revolting smell?
Bwahahahaa... look down Winston! It's all the mess you've made making drinks.
Dude: *Shudder* Ugh
Serves you right for being such a juice-a-maholic.
Dude: Well, I was actually just getting ready for Julien's party...
K, then.
Dude: I was...
Dude: I'm telling you...
Dude: *eye roll*

Cristine: Look at them all, laughing and having fun like they don't have a care in the world.
Well, Miss Jealousy 2015, I guess that's 'cos they have all worked hard and are now enjoying the fruits of their labours. Be interesting to see how you enjoy your fruits. *snicker*
Cristine: I think I really don't like you watcher.
Ha, so what, just add my name to your list. Anyway, this parties important for Julien. He's got to make 3 drinks during a social event and then 5 excellent drinks to complete his second aspiration. So I'd appreciate you just staying out of it.

Mabel: Oh, gosh Mac, I don't feel that well.
Mac: Oh poor thing, let me get you some orange juice.
Helena: Seems a lot of illness going around just now.

Cristine: Ohhh labour....
I thought I told you to just stay out of it all...far out. You don't have to make everything about you, you know.

Cristine: It's not like I planned this.
Actually, that's exactly what you did.

Look, there ya go. Watch some telly or whatever, and keep your voice down. Julien's still got 5 drinks to make.

Aww, welcome little nooboo. Generation 6! Woo!
Cristine: How 'bout some thanks to the mother.

Cristine: You know watcher, you're just annoyed 'cos I've got you all round my little finger.
*Yawn* Sorry? You were saying something?

Helena: Oh Winston, you're always first to the new nooboo! lol
Dude: I know, isn't she just adorable.

Julien: Umm..what do I do?
Just pick her up gently. Remember to support her head.
Juline: Like this?
Yep, just like that.

Julien: Oh wow! She's perfect!

Julien: Your daddy loves you so much baby.
Nooboo: Coo

Julien: So ... umm... she's pretty perfect eh.
Cristine: And half mine.
Julien: I know that. I was just meaning, well, that's she's lovely...You know.

Are you still making things?
Caleb: Yep! I love it!

O.K. Well, your grand daughter has been born so you might want to hop downstairs and give her a cuddle.
Caleb: Woo! K, I'm there.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #595 on: May 30, 2015, 12:36:08 AM »
Chapter 136: True Love

Oh! That's funny! Your first cuddle has changed into a diaper change! lol
Caleb: lol, that's ok. Isn't she just the bees knees though.

Caleb: Hiya baby girl, I'm your pop and I'm gonna spoil you rotten.

Caleb: Woops! Looks like someone didn't burp you properly little lady.

Caleb: Aww, see isn't that all better now?

Caleb: Ah tickly wickly woo....
Nooboo: *Gurgle giggle*
Caleb: Hahaha, you're a wee tickly baby!

Caleb: Aw man! My life's perfect now.

Woah! That smells divine!
Julien: Thanks, thought I'd make cooking my other skill.
Wow, maybe you should have become a chef instead of a mixologist.

*General sounds of culinary delight*

Going for a swim then?
Caleb: Yep.

Caleb: I have to keep reminding myself that I can do anything I want now.
I know, right. How good is that?

Randolph: I got my last message from Grim...
Mac: Oh Randolph, we're going to miss you so much.
Randolph: I know, me too. It's been a blast though.

You finally managed to squeeze in a cuddle.
Helena: Yes, I think you should hand out tickets watcher. The men keep racing me to the cot.
lol, I know. This sure is one very loved little lady.

Helena: Oh and a hungry wee lady too.

Cristine: You wanted to talk Julien?

Julien: I think we need to call a truce, you know. All this agro is really wearing me down.
Cristine: Well, I'm not moving out.

Julien: Of course you're not but we do need some ground rules for communication. We can't keep snapping at each other. It won't be good for our baby.
Cristine: O.K. What else?
Julien: Well, everyone works either in the house or a career...
Cristine: I work. I'm the Boss at Mobwives.
Julien: Oh!

Julien: Well, if you help out around the house and if we both work hard at being pleasant to each other then everything's more or less sorted. Right?
Cristine: Right. <under her breath> For now.

Mac: Aww, who's the cutest little lady?

Oh! You're... gardening?
Cristine: Yep, Julien and I have sorted some rules out.
<Surprised> O.K. That's good then.

Oh! Umm...Dude?

Dude: Gotcha baby.
Baby really needs a name.
Dude: She's got a name!
Oh... umm.. well?
Dude: Abi Hollingsworth.
Aww... that's a great name.

Julien: Thanks for coming around Maegan. I really needed to talk to you.
Maegan: No worries. Can I help you with something?
Julien: No. It's more of a confession. *sigh* I know nothing was ever talked about, you know, between us....
Maegan: I'm very fond of you...
Julien: Me too....I've stuffed it all up.

Julien: ... and so we now have a nooboo.... I'm so sorry. please say you still want to be my friend.
Maegan: You know Cristine hates me don't you? This was her way of making sure you and I never got together... Oh Julien!
Julien: Oh Maegan. What a fool I've been.

Maegan: Never say never Juls. I mean, I like you, you like me.... we've been good friends forever. I still think we could be more. If you do.
Julien: I do like you, I've liked you a lot...a whole lot, ever since I first met you.

Maegan: Then let's take it slow and give 'us' a chance eh?
Julien: You're incredible, you know that, right?
Maegan: You're not so bad yourself you know.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #596 on: May 30, 2015, 12:44:20 AM »
So, this whole idea about Cristine being a planning/scheming sim came about from two things: 1. her job, she came into the house as the Boss (L8) in the criminal career and 2. in her relationship panel she actively dislikes Maegan who was shaping up to be Julien's sweetheart had the ages and timing worked out better.
I didn't even know that sims could work at the higher levels of careers without having been played so I have no idea how she got promotions. Or maybe the game just generated her as a L8 criminal. I really don't know. And while I knew that sims could develop dislikes for other sims, Cristine's friendship metre with Maegan is totally red! Looks like she's a great crim! lol
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #597 on: May 30, 2015, 05:40:58 AM »
That's really interesting about Christine, randoms around town in my game have usually been Lv5 or below so i always wondered if they got promotions or demoted. Welcome, Abi and congrats to Caleb, he looks a lot Mal!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #598 on: May 30, 2015, 08:52:47 AM »
I can't wait to see how this is going to turn out.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #599 on: May 30, 2015, 10:09:42 AM »
From what I understand about the jobs, is that they generate someone to fill all the positions, or at least they give those already generated a position so that when a Sim that is played enters a career, they have coworkers, if that makes sense.

Hehehe, loved watching Caleb with his grandbaby.  And I'm with Shannon, can't wait to see how this is going to turn out!