Chapter 130: Parties, More Parties and Caleb's Adult CelebrationRandolph: Such a nice idea, a bonfire party in the park.
Mac: Agree, it's so atmospheric!
Danika: There's just something special about eating marshmallows you've charred yourself. *Bliss*

Dude: I think we should put another log on the bonfire.
Esequ: Yeah, ya know Winston, I think the flames are probably high enough!

Julien: Thanks guys, without you all coming and hanging out this party wouldn't have been so great.

Esequ: You look a bit dazed watcher.
Oh...I'm just trying to figure out how many more parties Julien needs.Esequ: I'm betting too many by the look on your face.
lol, hmm...quite a few anyway. Still, nice of you to let us throw another bonfire party at your house Esequ, and we get to meet the two babies now they're grown up. Hi kiddies. *Waves*
A good thing there is a sprinkler system here.Dude: Don't temp fate.

Zaiden SKL (green baseball cap): Sorry I'm a bit late everyone.
Julien: Hey, no worries, grab a sausage and start roasting, there's plenty.
Ooo, knew a fire was going to happen.Julien: Well, least it happened after most people left.
I know...that stress moodlet sucks eh.Zaiden: Hey sis, can you smell something burning?
Thanks for cleaning up Caleb.Caleb: I'll be glad once Julien's completed this aspiration. So many parties...
I know, right. I must get Dude to remind me if I ever plan to do this aspiration again...*sigh*
Hahha, you guys are all facing the wrong way!Caleb: <Deep sniff> Ahhh, smell that fresh air, lovely.

Kobe: I love this song.
Lily: Me too.
Caleb: Actually I really like it too.
Well, you're all easily pleased then!
Guest: Eww Julien, that is THE grossest joke I've ever heard.
Julien: *Snicker*
Mac: I agree, that's disgusting, apologize.
Julien: Sorry...

Randolph: Yo! I'm here so the party can start now!
Lol...woah, all this cake's sitting on your waist eh Randolph?Randolph: Yeah, I was hoping my personality would hide it...
Perhaps a few turns on the treadmill.
What are you even wearing? ?Dude: Umm...caterer uniform I guess.
Oh! Didn't think you'd have to wear that.Dude: I don't mind, least this way I don't keep getting people reacting to my 'inappropriate behavior' when I'm cooking.
Time for the birthday boy to get older!Caleb: <big breath>

General cheering and yahooing!
Happy birthday Caleb!
Helena: Oh that roast chicken smells divine Winston.
Dude: Thanks, nearly done.

Mac: Wow, dad's really outdone himself on the cooking!
Caleb: Delicious!
Julien: So Maegan, can a get you a slice of cake?
What you cooking now?Dude: Just a group meal. Thought I'd do fish taco's for those figure conscious sims.
Randolph: Wow Mac, you're looking particularly gorgeous and pretty and smexy and....*flirty flirty chitterchatter*
Dude: Well <turning away> This conversations a little awkward.

Julien: You look so pretty in that dress.
Well! *Cough* Home time I think. I'm all partied out for now.
Helena: Happy birthday darling, thank you for sharing your day with Julien.
Caleb: No worries, although I'm not opposed to slipping away and celebrating our own way eh? *eyebrow wiggle*