Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 465170 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #510 on: May 20, 2015, 09:05:02 PM »
Winston is really putting his foot down with Julian! It's great so see.. favourite bit.. Julien: K, you don't have a smaller mop do you watcher?
Dude: No she doesn't. Get scubbing!  Love it!  ;D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #511 on: May 20, 2015, 10:12:29 PM »
@KTK10 , lol, I'm quite enjoying Julien's  attitude. It's a pity Public Enemy is so tricky to do in a dynasty...(witness death is too unreliable)... I could see Julien heading down that path,  especially seeing as his dad's a cop! lol
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #512 on: May 20, 2015, 10:37:31 PM »
Chapter 117: Zahra's Elder Birthday

Caleb: Morning son.
Julien: Morning dad.
Caleb: How about you get some more typing practice in while I do a work out?
Julien: K, I've already had my breakfast.
Caleb: Did you eat the cereal without the added sugar?
Juline: Yep.

Dude: Woo! Morning work outs!
lol, that's easy for you to say, you're just mentoring.
Caleb: Took the words outta my mouth watcher.

Dude: You know you're getting pretty close to maxing your fitness Caleb.
Caleb: Yeah, feels good.

Zahra: Woo! Birthday time!
Wait! What? You're excited about becoming an elder? ? ?
Zahra: Heck yes! Once I've eaten ambrosia I'm on easy street.
Yeah, about that. You won't be getting ambrosia until you put some serious dollars down there in the museum. The amount of your paintings is pathetic, so, yeah... you still got a long way to go lady.

Everyone: Happy birthdaaaay dear Zaaahraaa...

Zahra: Ouch!
Don't care... your painting easel awaits.

Dude: Happy birthday Zah.
Zahra: Thanks granddad.

Mac: Happy birthday love.
Zahra: Thanks mum.

Zahra: Are you really not going to give me ambrosia today watcher?
Not on your life... now PAINT!

Ramin: Watcher's a bit tetchy today.
Dude: Yeah, she's not happy with the quality of Zahra's museum items. Apparently she hasn't hit the one tonne mark so Zahra has to keep painting.
Ramin: Well, too be fair Zahra's been pretty busy with her active career.
Dude: Lol, you don't know the watcher, she want's her pound of flesh!

Crim: Wait! Are you filming this interview?

Caleb: Yeah, why? You got something to hide?
Crim: NO!

Crim: Look I'll do anything, just turn off the camera's.
Caleb: Forget it, look just quit with the begging. It's demeaning.

Crim: I could make this all sooo worth your while...

Caleb: Aaaaand I could just lock you up now and be done with it.

Caleb: I know it was you. Just come clean and fess up.

Crim: And I'm telling you to turn off that camera. I'm not saying anything until you do.

Caleb: Suits me just fine, 'cos you don't need to do any talking when these pictures paint a thousand words....
Crim: <Gulp>

Crim: Oh plumbob, I did it. I did it.

Caleb: Well watcher what you think?
Together: Crime never pays *chuckle*

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #513 on: May 20, 2015, 11:04:36 PM »
Chapter 118: A Day In A Cops Life

Caleb: Out ya come Tobias and no funny business.

Officer Kinney: You got the Chief's permission to move the prisoner?
Caleb: Don't need it officer. This is my case.

Caleb: Assume the position Tobias.
Caleb: Shh watcher!

Caleb: What is it with you perps and kids toys...weird.
Tobias: Hey! That's not mine, I've never even seen that before.
Caleb: <dryly> Right.

Caleb: Oh plumbob <gag> That explains the smell anyway.

Caleb: Ok, seems that it, you're clean.

Caleb: Keep your hand still. Right, other one.

Caleb: So Chief, how am I doing?
Chief: You're a real loose cannon, you know that Hollingsworth?
Caleb: I get the job done Chief.
Chief: You're busting my chops Hollingsworth.

I hate those little 'chats' with the chief. She's a grumpy old hag.
Caleb: It's a criminal offense to malign an officer of the law.

Hmm, this kinda looks familiar... Caleb?

Woah! I was left talking to myself...
Caleb: I've got a lot of work to get done watcher, don't have time for chit chat.

Caleb: Oh wait! There's another clue!

Good to see everyone fixing their own pc's.
Officer Meir: It's all part of the 'can-do' attitude that every good officer should exhibit.
Well, the new chief certainly has everyone running scared.
Detective Parker: Tell me about it watcher! *Desperately trying to fix his pc*

Caleb: Hmm, you know what?

Caleb: I think I've solved it! I'll issue a APB tomorrow first thing.

Caleb: So you wanna run over some cases together? See if we can uncover any missing clues?
Officer Taryn: You're kidding, right? I'm only staying late 'cos the Chiefs been breathing down my neck.

Aw, it's so nice outside. Let's go home Caleb, I'm sick of being in a stuffy office... Wait! What's that? *Eyes bug out*

Officer Spark? Oh no! Mayday! Officer down! Officer down in the line of duty!!!

Caleb: What the heck's going on?
It's Officer Spark...he's gone out.

Caleb: Oh poor Peter...
Chief: True dedication, dying doing what he loved the most. <sniff>

Helena: Welcome home love.
Caleb: Hmm, nice welcome. A man could get used to this.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #514 on: May 20, 2015, 11:29:13 PM »
Chapter 119: Things Aren't Quite Normal

Julien: Hey watcher! Come look at me!

Hey kid! You're getting pretty good now. How was school?
Julien: I didn't get into any trouble.
Julien: Only a little. I sneezed on my teacher so she sent me out of the room... but not to the principal so I'm getting better eh?
Umm..yeah. Hang on Julien, I'll be back in a sec...

Caleb:<Muffled> Watcher? ? ?
Umm.. you'll be right, see yaz in about an hour.

So yeah, the whole sneezing thing. Don't you have tissues at school?
Julien: Yeah, I was just bored so it was a pretend one, you know. I don't really have a cold or anything.

Did you know...
Dude: ...Julien got into trouble at school again? Yeah <grunt> I do.
K then.
Dude: I'll deal with it in a minute. Actually, is Caleb home?
Sort of.
Dude: Yes or no?
Umm... well he is home...then he was now he's kinda home but isn't really.

Are you playing games?
Julien: It is actually part of my school work. It's a typing game.
Well, you know, maybe if school was a little less fun and more work you might not be so naughty all the time.
Julien: Aw, but you still love me don't cha? *Cute grin*
Yeah...but, you know.

Welcome back...

Caleb: Oooww...oo <groan> Sheesh, that's pretty rough.
Yeah. Still, home in one piece and all that.
Caleb: Hm, I'm going to take a shower, I feel all grimy and...violated. *shudder*

Caleb: Aw what the..?
What happened? Did you drop something?

Caleb: Na, just bad guts. I think it's probably the microwaved meal I ate at work. The staffroom food is seriously a health issue.
Oh my!  :o Umm....belly sparkles!!!
Caleb: What?

Talking of sparkles... You all ready my dear?
Helena: I am watcher.

Happy Birthday!

Julien: Isn't my mum pretty watcher?
She sure is Julien.

Caleb: Happy birthday babe.

Julien: Happy birthday mum
Helena: Thank you Julien

Working out again?
Caleb: Yeah, that cake seems to have gone straight to my waist. I'm too young to be pulling a gut.
Oh I don't know. I'm quite partial to a guy with a belly.
Caleb: Right and that's coming from the fitness queen herself. You hate us all getting fat!
I do, but that's not what I was talking about. *grin*
Caleb: I dunno, just feels like things aren't quite normal around here today.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #515 on: May 21, 2015, 12:36:10 AM »
Oh my! Julien is a handful! I love watching Caleb as a cop. I love the new careers, even as challenging as they can be XD o.0 holy crap, you have an alien pregnancy again!! --cries--

--ahem-- Sorry bout that.  Lovely chapters, as always my dear ^^


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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #516 on: May 21, 2015, 04:38:53 AM »
Oh my God! I can't believe you have another alien pregnancy! Do you plan on keeping it?

Julien is going to be impossible as a teenager. Good luck  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #517 on: May 21, 2015, 05:12:05 AM »
I love seeing Caleb at work, those criminals are silly bunch. Looks like you got the abduction and pregnancy you wanted, congrats.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #518 on: May 21, 2015, 06:57:23 AM »
OMG!!! That was great!! Can't wait for the next update.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #519 on: May 21, 2015, 02:37:59 PM »
Whoa, a pregnant Caleb when we least expected it!
I remember many chapters back when a Hollingsworth male got abducted and Winston muttered, "No worries. Nothing ever happens anymore." or something like that. Totally cracked up at that.

And it's already been mentioned, but Caleb looks very hot in his holster with mohawk.  Just realized last night that he wasn't wearing the cap anymore.
Forgot to say earlier that your remark "Is this where the phrase 'cop a feel' came from?" had me in stitches.  Too funny!

Zah is close to immortality!!!!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #520 on: May 21, 2015, 03:41:36 PM »
@Shewolf13 , completely unplanned and a heck of a surprise!
@Cristina , to be honest, if I want to finish this dynasty in a reasonable amount of time...I shouldn't keep the alien nooboo. However aliens are such fun to play with. I'm torn.
@Nettlejuice , thanks, although really bad timing... really bad. Typical.
@sdhoey , thanks.  :)
@oshizu , yeah, famous last words and all that. Funny thing is in my 'fun' games I still can't get a male pregnancy.  ::) Yes Zahra is close, although one of her good friends died last night so that's a bummer, aaaand I'm still pushing for my museum goal although I think she won't make that. Still, once she's topped up her friends again she could eat ambrosia at any time.

So, yeah, alien pregnancy. I wasn't trying for it and had just forgotten to use the satellite after Ray was reaped, to prevent abductions. But I have to say I'm pleased that it's still a 'thing'.  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #521 on: May 21, 2015, 04:04:07 PM »
Chapter 120: A Birthday Invite

Julien: What d'ya reckon watcher?
Looking good kid, time to get washed and changed up though, party time in  0 seconds.

Well you two scrub up rather well.

Happy birthday Ezequiel!
Ezeq: Thanks Julien!

I'm glad you finally arrived, was getting worried there for a bit.
Caterer: Yeah, bad traffic.

Ezequ: *chuckle*
Julien: Eww, gross! *Shudder*
Journey: Yuk, why is it you boys are always telling each other gross jokes? If ya don't like them, stop telling them.
Ezeq: They're fun.

Good idea, this parties turning out quite long...
Dude: Hmm, hope I'm doing the right thing.
Woah! What happened to your butt? It looks huge! You been eating  stuff behind my back?
Dude: What? No...

Oh my bad, it must have just been a funny camera angle.
Dude: Look, quit staring at my butt and get focused on the party eh. Sheesh.

Ezeq: <Huge deep breath>
Happy Birthday Ezequieeeeellll....
Ezequiel's Mum: Just popping upstairs dear... don't mind me. Carry on.

Julien: Happy birthday Ezeq, gee, you're so grown up now.
Ezeq: You will be soon too.
Dude: Plumbob, that's gonna be another whole world of 'fun'. *sigh*

Dude: Well, Journey, are you enjoying the party?
Ezeq: How long till your birthday Julien?
Julien: Hmm...about 5 days I think.

Hey Goopy, ya missed all the fun! Gosh! You look so like your great, great, great, great grandfather.
Goopy: Did you know him?
Yeah! Johnny was one of our founding members. He was fab! You even sound just like him!

<Gasp!> What the heck! I didn't know Ramin had been busy with you How'd I miss that? Dude, umm.. I think these little nooboos are starving, a little help?

Dude: Aww, aren't they so cute?
Ezeq: Yeah. I didn't even know we had nooboo's in the house. Far out!

Soo...these are your cousins Ezeq. That's confusing. Oh wait, that's right 'cos Ray was your grandfather.. Oh, I give up, everyone's family tree is becoming really confusing.

Dude: I really miss having nooboo's in the house.
Oh! That reminds me...Actually, I'll tell you later.

Good job! Well, party's over so home time eh?

Caleb: Welcome home. How was your first party?
Julien: It was really good Dad.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #522 on: May 21, 2015, 04:33:15 PM »
Chapter 121: Things Get Weird

Caleb: I didn't even know that we were related!
Goopy: I know, right. It all gets a bit confusing but if you trace it back through our family tree, the connections there!

Caleb: Oh, this is one of my co-workers, she's got a mouth on her, so don't say I didn't warn you!

Goopy: lol, accordingly warned!
Caleb: Woah!

Dude: Hmm, maybe she needs to hold that tongue of hers, you know, some old fashioned self control wouldn't go amiss.

Goopy: Hehehe, your great G Granddad sure is a funny guy.
Caleb: I'm betting Mier won't be thinking so in a few seconds. lol

Caleb: So, what have you been up to recently?
Goopy: Well, to be honest work has been quite hectic of late.
Caleb: Oh boy, I know that feeling!

Dude: *tap tap* Yep, solid.

Julien: Woah! how did granddad even DO that?
He used his sim ray gun thingy.
Julien: I need one of those.
Yeah, no you don't.
Julien: Oh yes I do!

See yaz Ramin.
Ramin: Umm? <nervously> I'm not 100% sure about this.
You'll be ok, trust me.

Julien: Those aliens sure like our house eh watcher?
Hmm, might be a good idea to come down from there.
Julien: I might go inside for a while.

Goopy: I've lit the fire.
Caleb: Thanks, she'll need to warm up a bit..*snicker*

Welcome back.
Ramin: <dazed> Thanks

Mal: You are so pretty Mac.

Mal: <whispering> Maybe we could go and....
Mac: *fluttering eye lashes*

Caleb: Oh jings...ouch. cripes, this stomach bugs bad.
Yeah, about that hun. It's not really a bug.
Caleb: What is it then?
I think you're pregnant.
Caleb: Oh watcher, this isn't the time for jokes, I'm in serious pain.

Helena: So maybe Caleb might need to see a doctor.
Well, his mum can check him out later. I think he'll be fine.
Helena: I hope so, it's not like Caleb to complain about anything.
He'll be fine... honest. Um, work time for you in 5 mins anyway.
Helena: Righty o. His symptoms are really weird though. I don't think I've seen anything quite like them.

Caleb: Ooooo my plumbob.
Dude: <gasp> How long has this been going on Caleb?
Caleb: Dunno... couple of days. It's on and off, ya know.
Dude: Oh, I know.

Did Ramin paint that flower?
Zahra: Yeah, nice, vibrant, quite lovely really.
It is, you know, even though it's not a masterpiece, we're going to frame that and keep it in his memory.
Zahra: That's a lovely thing to do.
Hmm... don't stop painting by the way.... time's a ticking..

Ramin: I've made a few drinks. You want to sample one Caleb?
Caleb: Normally I would, but this stomach bug's really made me go off my food. Thanks though.
Ramin: No worries, more for Winston and I.
Dude: Very true.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #523 on: May 21, 2015, 04:49:31 PM »
*giggles throughout* Am I the only one that thinks Caleb looks so ridiculous, muscly pregnant man xD Wish my kids hadn't grown up before the party patch, I guess I could wait to see if their teen friends throw parties.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #524 on: May 21, 2015, 05:09:17 PM »
I like big booties and I cannot lie!!! Lmao!!!! I love the way his honey is poking out!!!
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