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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #480 on: May 18, 2015, 04:40:32 PM »
Well, I figured what else would a Mohawk wearing dude do...right!  ;) Only in the sims!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #481 on: May 18, 2015, 05:06:30 PM »
Chapter 109: On The Beat

Caleb: Thanks for mentoring me Gran.
Mac: No worries.

Mac: Heard you had a rough first day.
Caleb: Nothing I can't handle.

You alright Helena?
Helena: Yeah, just listening to music.
Better be the right sort.
Helena: It is...

Chief: Oh goody <sarcasm dripping from her tongue> The rookie who thinks I'm a receptionist.
Caleb: Sorry about that chief, won't happen again.

Chief: You better takes notes Detective. I won't be repeating myself, ever.

Woah! She's scary as ... as... something really terrifying.
Caleb: Tell me about it. My work load just quadrupled.

Oh, bummer. You been consigned to going on beat?
Caleb: Yep. gotta work my way up to glory from lower than the bottom thanks to yesterday.
Ah well, least it's not raining.

Caleb...there seems to be a rather large fight occurring...
Caleb: On it, excuse me gentlemen.
Fabian: For a policeman, he sure is nice.
Random Elder: Yes, I think my impressions of the Force might be changing.
Well, let his boss know, he could do with the kudos

Caleb: You! Hold it right there!

Caleb: I'm writing you a citation for breaking the lawful quietness and peacefulness that all sims have the right to enjoy.
Lady: That's not even a thing.
Caleb: It is now.

Caleb: Read it and weep.
Caleb: Thanks. Right, back to the cop shop.

OOooo... good! The crims are all back! Including granny. Hi Granny, I can see you hiding in the corner.
Granny Crim: Shut it watcher.
Hahahha..bit tetchy are we?

Caleb: Oh welp... forgotten my password.

Caleb: Yep, just got locked out.
Oh help! Well, I guess it can only get better from here right. I mean what else could go wrong?

Caleb: Umm, Detective Parker, you wouldn't happen to know the ... um... password would you?
Parker: Oh sonny...  it's another prank. Just reboot your pc and your password will work just fine.
Caleb: Right, thanks.
Parker: You'll be right, they'll let up soon enough once you've cracked your first case and proven your worth.

Eek! You've popped out a fair bit. Not twins eh?
Helena: Don't think so watcher.

Helena: You know, I've been thinking....

Helena: Why don't we use those great doctor skills of yours and figure out if I'm having a boy or a girl?
Zahra: Good idea!

Zahra: Oh yes! definitely a *loud coughing fit*...

Zahra: Congratulations!
Helena: Thanks!
Ray: Sorry...what was the result? I couldn't hear 'cos I had a coughing fit.
Yeah...tell me about it.  >:(

Soooo...should I buy you a blue present or a pink one?
Helena: Whichever colour you like best watcher, I don't assign gender to colour. *Grin*

Caleb: How exciting!
Helena: I know!
Caleb: Let's go celebrate.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #482 on: May 18, 2015, 05:36:50 PM »
Chapter 110: First Case

Caleb: Morning watcher.
Its beautiful out here.
Caleb: Sure is.

Helena: Your music is so gorgeous hun.
Caleb: Well, maybe our nooboo might be musical too, that'd be cool.
Time for work!
Caleb: K.

Caleb: Right...first case of my own. Here goes.
Parker: Just take it nice and steady, remember that even the smallest inconsequential item or comment might be the key to unlocking the case.
Caleb: Got it, thanks.

Caleb: First couple of clues...

Caleb: Hmm... Time to examine the crime scene.

That's a lot of graffiti...
Caleb: Hmm, should be able to cross ref this through the database later.
Caleb: It's like a know. All graffiti artists have their own unique tag etc.
Doesn't look like art to me. Looks like scribbles and damage to private property, just saying.

Oooo, does that mean someone was stabbed to death there?
Caleb: What? No!! Geez watcher, just means then perp got tired and had a nap right here.
Oh, that's disappointing.

Caleb: Should be able to get a good set of prints from this.

Caleb: So, you're saying he was about this tall?
Witness: Yep...

Witness: And then he took off in that direction, towards the river.

Caleb: Come on! We're following a lead!

Witness: Yeah, definitely went that way, umm I think ...Red hair, or maybe brown...not 100% sure Detective as I wasn't really looking.

Caleb: Well, least there's a few more reliable clues in here.
Yeah, those witnesses didn't witness anything.

Caleb: Oh look! The perp left some DNA behind... some hair!
<dry retching> Oh so gross... ewwww

Caleb: Ok, this is starting to make sense.
It is? <confused>
Caleb: Sure.

What are you doing?
Caleb: Analysis of that hair.
Eww, *shudder*
Caleb: No, it's important. It could give me the DNA of the perp which I can cross ref. It could mean an early break though.

Caleb: Just need that last bit to fall into place... Something about this isn't quite right. And you know what they say...
Caleb: If it doesn't all make sense then you have nothing.
Right. <even more confused>

Caleb: Aha! Oh yeah! I've deduced another clue.

Caleb: Got it! I'll issue the APB tomorrow.

Detective James: Good work there Detective.
Caleb: Thanks!
Parker: Looks like you'll have your first perp booked this time tomorrow.

Had a nice day ladies?
Helena: Lovely thanks. I could get quite used to not working.
Yeah. Na, don't think so.
Zahra: lol
Anyway, if you wanna say 'nite' to Caleb Helena, you'd better hurry.
Zahra: Is he still sleeping in that tent?
Yeah... for some reason I can't get the nights to check off on his aspiration requirements.... So until that happens, he's out there in the tent.

Helena: Night.
Caleb: Nite babe.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #483 on: May 18, 2015, 06:47:57 PM »
Chapter 111: Break Her, I Say

Garden's looking good.
Caleb: Thanks.
Why you doing it again?
Caleb: I dunno.
Me neither... must have been a reason... Can't quite remember. Oh well, keep at it until I remember, just in case it's important.
Caleb: K, 'cos I got sooo much time on my hands that maintaining a garden is a breeze. Eh.
Woah! I didn't know that you did sarcasm.

Least you're happy.
Zahra: Sure, apart from the fact that at this rate I'll never finalize my museum pieces 'cos you're never here and so I spend all my days frozen in once place unable to move. Yeah, no, I'm good.
Did you guys all have sarcasm sprinkled on your cereal this morning?

Sheesh, it's a relief to be outta the house.
Caleb: I'm not in the mood.
Me neither.

Parker: Don't be scared to get tough, sometimes it's the only language these crims understand.
Caleb: K, good. Uhuh. Right. Thanks Detective Parker.

There she is. *snort* She won't know what's hit her.

Caleb: Are you insane?
Crim: both are *hehehehe*

Caleb: You're booked lady!

Crim: I'm not 'fessing to jack.
Caleb: I see...

Caleb: Pity about the clear shot of your face doing the crime then eh?
Crim: <Gasp>

Caleb: You wouldn't believe the horrors of the prison. Especially for a nice looking lady like you! You'll be dog meat in there. Confess!

Crim: Woah! Keep your hair on mister.
Dang it! She's proving a tough nut to crack. Break her, I say

Caleb: You did it, didn't you. ANSWER ME!

Crim: OH no....pwease don't lock me up mister policeman... I'm so sorry....Pffft.

Caleb: <very calmly> Well, let's have your confession then eh. Only guilty sims ask for forgiveness.
Crim: Oh Nooo! What have I done!
Oh paalease! It's a bit late for asking that question you stooped crim!

Case closed! Nice work!
Caleb: Well, that was rather satisfying.

Crim: Let me outta here! I want my phone call. I want my lawyer!
Stow it baldy. See yaz tomorrow.

Malakai: Oh! So I'm going to be a great grand daddy!
Helena: I know! Right!

Mac: How was your day?
Caleb: Good, got my first promotion under my belt.
Mac: Congrats!
Caleb: Thanks, although I think I need to work on my interrogation skills. Today's perp was a really tough nut to crack, took me ages!

Caleb: Hey granddad.
Dude: Hi Mac, hey Caleb!

Dude: The watcher let you out of your painting room huh?
Zahra: lol, yeah, it's just not happening really.
Dude: Come and sit down for a while.

Dude: Apparently, in the days of your ancestors, sims were locked in tiny basements with hardly any food and only a bed and a painting easel. That was their whole life....painting, always painting.
Zahra: No! That's just an urban myth. Nobody would do something so awful.

Dude: Lol, true! What a silly story! Had you going there, just for a sec though, didn't I?

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #484 on: May 18, 2015, 07:11:49 PM »
Chapter 112: A New Heir

I think you're needed upstairs Caleb.

Caleb: You alright babe?
Don't answer that Helena...of course she's not alright! She's having a watermelon!
Helena: I am? What? I thought it was a nooboo!
*Slaps forehead* Oh geez.

Helena: Ooooo.... I hate watermelon too... oooo
*eye roll*

Helena: Silly watcher.... knew it was Julien all along. Welcome baby!
Aww, welcome little man! Julien after Caleb's dad, right?
Helena: Yep.

Caleb: Hi wee man. Aren't you perfect!

Caleb: Oh wow! My own wee nooboo....crazy! He's so fragile and little...

So, what dy'a think?
Dude: Generation 5. That's got to be good. Hi wee man! I think you look like your daddy, hard to tell.

Dude: Congratulations Caleb.
Caleb: Thanks granddad.

Dude: You know you're going to be pretty busy with your new job and a nooboo...
Caleb: Yeah, the thought had crossed my mind! lol
Dude: Well, we're all here to help.

Mac: Oh how beautiful. I can't believe I'm a great grandma! Aren't you just lovely Julien Hollingsworth, just like your great granddad was too.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #485 on: May 18, 2015, 07:54:16 PM »
Aww welcome baby Julien! Although a watermelon would have been funny too. Cant wait to dig into the police career, looks like Caleb has fun with it.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #486 on: May 18, 2015, 07:58:05 PM »
So happy you're at Generation 5 already! I hope Caleb has better luck at being a detective than I've been having.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #487 on: May 18, 2015, 08:18:29 PM »
@CiaraCarter , thanks! It is a fun career although perhaps a little stressful for a dynasty...
@MarianT , yeah... been having a few glitches like the crim just never coming back to the police station after the arrest, pretty difficult to interrogate an invisible sim!  ::) Still, after Caleb travels around a bit the crim usually shows up, just slowing the whole process down when time is of the essence and all that!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #488 on: May 18, 2015, 08:20:16 PM »
Chapter 113: Cracking The Case

Zahra: Hi little Julien.

Zahra: I wonder if you'll grow up looking like your granddad? He would have spoiled you to bits!
He would have too. He was great with kids.
Zahra: He was. I can't believe I'm a grandmother. Crazy! I just don't feel old enough!
I'm quite sure thats a normal reaction.

Good job! Nothing better than a sleeping baby.

Ah, yeah! Good call, I guess we can't have Julien getting nappy rash!
Dude: Nope.

Must say, you've got quite the knack of the 3 second nappy change!
Dude: Well, you don't want to be hanging around it all too long... actually, come to think of it... I seem to be the only person who changes nappies around here.

It'd be good if we could nail this today. I mean I like your work and everything, just I got things I need to do back home...
Caleb: It'll get done when it's done.
Right, 'cos that tells me a lot.
Caleb: Shhh

Caleb: There's something about this case that just isn't sitting right...I've been thinking about it for ages.
Yeah, I know.
Caleb: ...and I just can't quite put my finger on it.

Caleb: Maybe another spin through the DNA might reveal something I've missed.

Parker: You're getting your clues up now Hollingsworth. Looking good.
Caleb: Yeah, thanks. Still have that nagging feeling something's missing.
Parker: Got to go with your gut. Sign of a good detective.

Caleb: I think I've been looking at this all wrong...yeah. That's making more sense. This is hormonal thinking at it's best.
Huh? You're hormonal? What?

Caleb: Not me silly... the perp. Come on...

I think I've found him.
Caleb: Good one.

Caleb: Sonny, I think you and I need to have a chat.
Teen: Oh...err...

Caleb: Look, I know what it's like out there. It's not easy. Amirite?
Teen: No, er , well, yeah. It's pretty difficult at times.

Caleb: You know kid, the things is, the camera just never lies.
Teen: Oh <gulp> umm...

Caleb: Especially with the new facial recognition software we use these days...
Teen: <nervously> Oh...yeah! Hehe.

Teen: It wasn't me...I was at home asleep...

Caleb: <pretend checking his phone> I see, well, I'm afraid that really seals the deal sonny...You're alibis just don't stack up.
Teen: <last ditch effort> I was at home.

Caleb: Aaannnd these sets of photos say otherwise.
Teen: OMG

Teen: I did it. I'm sorry... I don't know what I was thinking.
Caleb: K son, well you can explain that to the judge eh.

Caleb: That's a wrap! Poor kid.
Yeah, it's a bit tough. Still that's what they say... crime never pays

Helena: Oh you guys home now?
Helena: You're so late!
Had to stay on to close a case. *Yawn*

Caleb: I wonder if I've chosen the right career.
Yeah you have, you're a great cop.
Caleb: Yeah, that kid had me thinking though. You know with all the time I spend away from home what happens if Julien ends up going off the rails.
Na, it would never happen. Winston would have his guts for garters.
Caleb: lol, true.

Mac: You know your little eyes twinkle just like your daddy's eyes did when he was a little boy, especially just before he was naughty.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #489 on: May 18, 2015, 08:40:14 PM »
Chapter 114: Julien's Birthday

Helena: Well little man, it's your birthday today!

Caleb: Aww, I feel like I've hardly seen you wee man.

Caleb: Right, here goes!
Helena: Have I told you how gorgeous you look hun?

Julien: Here she blows! Woooooo!
*Snicker* sheesh, he's gonna be a handful!

Caleb: Happy birthday son.
Julien: Thanks dad.

Helena: Happy birthday Julien.
Julien: Thanks mum. I gotta change though, I mean... hello!

Dude: Woah! That's looking interesting dear.

What are you doing out here? Julien just had his birthday.
Dude: He did? Wow... times just flying!

Julien: Alright, so ya see what I mean now?
Helena: Sure, you look cute!
Julien: Oh yeah! you know it mum.

Julien: So I'm gonna use glitter 'cos I don't have any hang ups about what's girly and what's manly. I can take it.
Mac: O.K. dear.
You sure know your own mind there kid.
Julien: Stow it watcher, I'm in my creative zone.
:o Wow

Dude: So, I've got a few serums that need testing cos the watchers told me I need to empty out my inventory as it's causing loading screen issues.
Ramin: What'a a loading screen.
Dude: Dunno...Timey Wimey Watchery you keen?
Ramin: Sure.

Dude: This one should be even better...
Ramin: Ok then

Dude: Now this one should blow your socks off.
Ramin: Umm..ok...I guess.

Ramin: Don't tell me, this one's out of this world?
Dude: lol exactly!

Dude: I might give this one a whirl....

Dude: <nervously> hehehehe *awkward*

Julien: <from the right as he draws on his drawing table> What happened to Grandad and Ramin watcher?
Julien: I got to get me some of them.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #490 on: May 18, 2015, 09:19:12 PM »
OMG!!! That last pic was priceless.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #491 on: May 18, 2015, 11:20:15 PM »
Wow, I missed a lot!  dang!  I love Caleb as a cop ^^ The mohawk just makes it all the better.  And what is it about a handsome man with a shoulder harness? lol

Oh Julius is awesome!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #492 on: May 19, 2015, 12:57:57 AM »
@sdhoey, lol I know, right. It was so fun to play around with the serums. I actually intended to make sure they were all tested so I could just store one of each on a shelf (barring the age away one of course) so that Winston's inventory could get emptied....but I had a little too much fun with them! lol

@Shewolf13 , Yeah, although I'm quite surprised at Caleb's body shape. He's basically exactly like Malakai and hardly ever works out to stay that way! Quite handy really!  :P Both Julius and Dude are/were much smaller, just as muscular but not nearly so much bulk. Just goes to show that TS4 genetics really do work!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #493 on: May 19, 2015, 01:37:39 AM »
Chapter 116: Bonding Time

Oh man! that just never gets old!
Dude: <Inward shudder> Yeah, wish I could say the same for the taste.

You look tired Jaron.
Jaron: Yeah, feel it tonight watcher. I guess that's getting old for you.
Dude: Hmm
I wish we had room for you to come and stay but we're all full up.
Jaron: That's ok, it's the thought that counts.
Not to interrupt your reminiscing and stuff Dude, but I got a young man round the corner that wouldn't do his work...

Dude: What's this I hear about you not getting your work done Julien? Get on it. Pronto.
Julien: <sitting up straight> Yes sir.

Malakai: My great grandson a handful watcher?
Yep. Totally.
Ray: Is that Winston I hear sorting him out?
LOL it is.  ;D
Malakia: Nice.

Caleb: Maybe I should go in and have a talk to Julien.
Na. Seriously, it's fine. He's just testing his boundaries.
Caleb: I feel like I'm missing out on so much. When I think about how my dad was there 24/7 for me...
Yeah but that's because ...
Caleb: I know... he was a spare and not an heir.
Caleb: I think I'll make time for Julien tomorrow... seeing as it's my day off.
Good plan.

Looking good Julien.
Julien: I know.
Dude: The correct answer when someone pays you a compliment is 'thank you' not 'I know". Apologise.
Julien: I'm sorry watcher.
That's ok.

Dude: Right, lets practise.... nice picture kid.
Julien: Thank you great great granddad.
Malakai: lol, now you're behaving like a young man not a snotty nosed brat. Good work Julien.
Julien: I know, right....Oh! I mean, thank you great granddad.

Julien: Thanks for the game.
Dude: You're welcome. Have a good day at school, you made some good moves you know.
Julien: <lifting his head a little higher> Thanks! *grin*

Dude: He'll be right, just strong spirited, nothing wrong in that as long as it's tempered with a sense of responsibility and gratitude.
True. When did you become 'all wise' and stuff.
Dude: About 200 days ago or so.
lol... Well, it's a good thing too I reckon.

Have a good day at school.
Julien: Will do. I can't wait to put my frogs up the girls skirts.
Wait! What?
Julien: See yaz watcher.

Caleb: So, did Julien get to school ok?
<guilty start> Sure, of course. Why?
Caleb: Oh I caught him trying to take his frogs to school and had to confiscate them. hahaha. Boys eh. Look! There's a new ranger!

Caleb: Hmm, not the bees I was after but they might come in handy.
Sheesh, just don't let Julien see them.

Caleb: You know, I think in the weekend I might rent a cabin for Julien and me... have some bonding time.
That's a great idea.

I'm sure you're not going to need any mosquitoes.
Caleb: Better to be safe than sorry. If they would just keep still for a sec so I could catch them!

Good luck! Hope you don't get bugged!
Caleb: Cops aren't afraid of bugs!

Julien: So I'm Julien, who are you?
Ranger: I'm Ranger Peter young man.
Julien: Nice, have you ever caught and eaten a bear?
Ranger: No, we have a look but don't touch policy here. Oh, and no feeding the wild life either. Sim food for sims, animal food for animals.
Julien: I see. <pause> Why's that?
Ranger: Well....<long and winded explanation all about animal digestion>
Julien: Right.

Ranger: So here's a wilderness quiz, give it a go. I'll help you if you get stuck.
Julien: Cool! This is way more fun than my normal homework. Thank you Mr Ranger sir.

Julien: So then the wild bear ate the sim food and his digestion track exploded... and all his guts came flying out his ersofigus...
Bear:  <Gasp> NOooo! Really?
Julien: Totally, the ranger told me all about it.
Bear: What happened next?
Julien: No one wanted to see the waste so the bear was made into winter slippers for good kids. I got a pair myself, you know.
Bear: Woah!

Camper: Well, that young man certainly has a vivid imagination. One of yours watcher?
Umm...him? <nervous tick> Oh no...I don't think he's one of mine *cough*

Julien: So, when you're not here what do you do?
Bear: That's a trade secret...
Julien: I know, if you tell me, that would force me to hunt you down and ....
*Cough* So there you are Julien! Having a nice chat with the bear I see.
Bear: He's quite something.
Yes... hehehe.
Julien: This is my watcher, she's a bit soft in the head... got to speak slowly to her.
Julien: See what I mean?
Bear: <nodding> Poor dear.

Julien: Dad!
Oh thank the great watcher!
Caleb: Hey son! Love you. Had a nice day?
Julien: The best!

Julien: Can we stay over night pleeeeease dad? please?
Caleb: Oh...Well... No, really we can't but we can come back for the weekend.
Julien: Awesome!

Julien: You know dad, I really love you.
Caleb: You know son... I really love you too.

Caleb: Time for home.
Julien: I'm leading!
Caleb: I'm right behind you.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #494 on: May 19, 2015, 04:16:33 AM »
That screenshot of Caleb and Julien hugging was so sweet. It's too bad Caleb feels like he's missing out. Julien definitely seems like a handful. Good thing you have Dude to help discipline him  :D