Chapter 96: Welcome VisitorsDude: Son!

Dude: It's so good to see you.

Dude: Come inside, Jasmine will want to see you too. How are you? Are you ok?

Blaize: It's so good to be here dad. I'm's a little strange, but I'm ok.

Dude: I miss you so much son but seeing you again, knowing you're's priceless.
Blaize: I know dad, I feel the same way.

Jasmine: Blaize! Oh so good to see you!
Blaize: You too sis, you too.

Jasmine: So, can you stay? Are you able to stay?
Blaize: Truthfully? I just don't know. Sometimes we're called to the Greater Beyond and we can't come back and visit from there.
Jasmine: But you're ok.
Blaize: I'm totally fine...if not a little see-through.

Blaize: It's actually nothing to be scared off. It doesn't's just sad leaving you all behind. But boy, didn't we have a great life altogether? Eh?
Dude: We sure did!

Mac: It's just like old times watcher.
It sure is. It's so good to see Blaize again. It's made me feel so much better.Mac: Me too.
Blaize: So how's your painting going Zahra?
Zahra: Good thanks, got a few tucked away for my museum pieces, hopefully I'll get a few done each night so I have lot's to choose from.

Mac: Oh Mal! Darling!
Malakai: Mackenzie, my love!
Mac: I have missed you so much but you must go and see your grand son. He's adorable.
Malakai: I will my love, it's so good to hold you...
Hiya Caleb.Hiya watcher.
I've got someone I think you should meet.K then.

Caleb: Granddad!
Mal: Oh! What a big handsome boy you are!

Mal: I love you Caleb.
Caleb: I love you too granddad.

Mal: Say, you're pretty good at your math!
Caleb: Thanks! my teacher says I'm one of the top students.
Mal: Way to go!

Caleb: Thanks for helping me granddad, see you next time.
Mal: You're welcome Caleb. Be good at school!
Caleb: Always! *grin*

Zahra: Oh dad, it's so good you're here.
Mal: I'm so sorry for ruining your wedding day.

Zahra: Oh dad! How could you even think that! I was so sorry I waited so nearly missed...everything.
Mal: I'm really proud of you love. You are doing so well and have such a great son!
Zahra: That means so much to hear you say that dad.

Mal: I hope I can visit often, but in case I don't, know that I love you and that I'm are doing a great thing here Zahra and I know you will succeed.

Zahra: Oh dad <teary>
Mal: That's my girl. You're stronger than you know love.

Zahra: I hope they both come back.
So do I Zahra, so do I.
Caleb: *laughing* That's deliciously revolting.
Woah! Are you trying to burn us all down!Caleb: No, it's just pyrotechnics, pretty harmless.
Caleb: Hmm, that's unexpected...
Well, you better scoot to school hun, only 5 mins before it's time to go.
Caleb: K watcher.
Have a great day!Caleb: Will do.
You off too?Dude: Yep, wanna join me?
I can't, the rest of us are going should join us once you're finished.Dude: K, see you all later then.
It was good seeing Mal and Blaize eh?Dude: Better than you'll ever know.