Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 387990 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #375 on: May 09, 2015, 07:46:46 PM »
Chapter 84: Things Don't Go So Well

Zahra: I've got some pretty big news Julius, I'm not sure that you're going to be too pleased...
Julius: You can tell me anything hun.

Zahra: We're going to have a baby!
Julius: Oh plumbob...what have I done?
Zahra: <gasp>!
Julius: Oh Zahra, your new job! You are just beginning your life and I've gone and ruined everything. I'm so sorry....

Julius: I promise to stand by you... I'll do everything I can for you and our nooboo....It will be ok.
Zahra: <confused> Sure.

Julius: I want you to marry me. Marry me Zahra so we can make everything right.

Zahra: I don't plumbob think so.... How could you!

Zahra: I don't need your fixes. I don't need your sympathy.... I don't even need YOU.

Julius: Oh Zahra. I'm so sorry...
Zahra: Yeah, <bitterly> So you keep saying.

Julius: I am... Zahra, can't you see that I want to do the right thing with you?
Zahra: Look Julius, I just thought you should know. I've got some things I need to do. I'll see you later.

Mal: We need to talk.
Julius: Yes, I know.

Mal: Of all the sneaky, double handed, despicable, underhanded .....

Mal: You're plumbob lucky I don't knock your head off.

Mal: ...and I'm telling you now, if I could throw your dishonourable backside out on the street, I'd be doing it so fast your feet wouldn't be touching the ground.
Julius: Mal, wait, it's not like that...

Mal: Don't you even start making excuses... I don't want to hear any of your lies or excuses or ANYTHING.

Zahra: Hey, grandpa?
Dude: Yeah hun?
Zahra: I've got some big news to share with you.... I'm having a nooboo.

Dude: Oh that's great! Congratulations hun! Who's the lucky guy?

Zahra: Julius.
Dude: Julius?

Dude: Oh my plumbob! Zahra, what were you thinking?

Dude: Zahra! He's fathered more nooboo's than grains of sand on the beach.... OMG!
Zahra: Only 'cos that's what everyone has made him do... he's not like that...
Dude: Don't be so naïve.

Dude: Zahra Hollingsworth, as part of this dynasty I expected an awful lot more from you.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #376 on: May 09, 2015, 07:56:17 PM »
Awww, poor Zahra!  Poor Julius!  --sniffles--

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #378 on: May 09, 2015, 10:09:45 PM »
9 exams done 4 to go. Finally all caught up (^_^) and this story is absolutely incredible. Per the norm of course  ;)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #379 on: May 09, 2015, 10:38:09 PM »
I don't know who I feel more sorry for.. Julius or Zahra! I would imagine that in RL - exactly the same reaction would have come about!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #380 on: May 10, 2015, 12:47:08 AM »
Awww, the Hollingsworth men are so anti-Julius, poor guy!
Zahra doesn't like his proposal but still sticks up for him with Winston....hmmmm

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #381 on: May 10, 2015, 02:41:17 AM »
Thanks everyone. Glad your exams are heading for the home straight Wolffie!  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #382 on: May 10, 2015, 03:17:57 AM »
Chapter 85: Turmoil

Dude: I feel like my blood's boiling...
Why? What on earth's going on?
Dude: <Angry snort> The drama of the century.... Zahra's having a baby...
But that's good, isn't it?
Dude: With Julius!

Dude: After everything we've given you and after opening our house to you....
Woah! Steady on Dude!
Dude: Keep out of this watcher!

Dude: You go and treat our Zahra like a... like a....
Julius: No! It's not like that...

Dude: I can't believe you have the nerve to even show your face here.

Right! Enough! This stops NOW! Good plumbob! I can't even leave you all alone for a day and you're all fighting!
Julius, what on earth has happened?

Mal: He's got Zahra pregnant.
Julius: NO, well yes, but I keep trying to tell you, it's not like that. I'm not like that... I love her. And I'm starting to really resent you both tearing strips off me and not even giving me the benefit of the doubt.
I agree. It's been plainly obvious that the two of them have been in love for ages.

Dude: Well, if that's the case why haven't you done the right thing and one, talked to us about this and two married her?
Julius: I wanted to but Zahra wanted to wait so I agreed to letting her do this in her time and I want to marry her.... I've asked her.
Good for you!

Julius: But she wouldn't have me <rueful smile> I asked her desperately to marry me. I want to spend every last breathing moment with her....
Oh Julius! Why did she say no? I can't believe it. I know she loves you.
Mal: I think I owe you an apology Julius.
Julius: It's ok. I understand, I do. I probably would have reacted the same way... I knew that not telling everyone about us was a mistake but I didn't have the heart to go against Zahra's wish.

Zahra: Mum?
Mac: Yes dear?
Zahra: I've made a terrible mistake and both dad and grandpa are furious with me... and disappointed...
Mac: Oh darling, they'll calm down. They just both want to protect you from life's hurts and trials.

Zahra: And there's more.... Julius asked me to marry him... <sobs>
Mac: Oh! But that's good... isn't it? I thought you loved him?
Zahra: I <sob> doooo.

Mac: Then why the tears love? This is wonderful news.
Zahra: No it's not <sob>. I said no...
Mac: Good heaven's! I think you've got a bad case of pregnancy hormones love. What made you say no?
Zahra: <sniff> He said <sob> sorry.
Mac: Oh...I see.

Mac: Come here love. You know that when Julius said sorry that was his way of saying 'I love you and I want to take care of you', right?
Zahra: I just needed to hear him tell me he loved me... not that he'd ruined my life.
Mac: Oh the silly man. And silly you. I think the two of you need everyone else to butt out and to talk things through together.
You know Mac, I couldn't have said that better myself.

Mal: Oh darling! I'm so excited for your nooboo, and so excited for you! I love you hun and I'm sorry I haven't really been there for you. I guess I got a little side-tracked. This time should be really special, not full of your dad being all mad and out of sorts. I'm sorry Zahra.
Zahra: That's ok dad. I should have told you ages ago how I felt. I now realize that keeping secrets really doesn't help anyone.

Mal: You know Zahra, I have made a serious error in judgement about Julius and I'm sorry for that but I know the two of you will come through this with flying colours.
Zahra: Thanks dad.

Well... what's the long face for?
Dude: I guess I stuffed up big time... I can't figure out where I went wrong really... Just know that it all turned to custard pretty quickly.

Hmm, well I wouldn't beat yourself up too badly, after all I can see why you thought Julius was just, er... umm, playing around with Zahra. But maybe you should have asked him about his intentions before blasting him with both barrels eh?
Dude: *Huge sigh* You're right there watcher... I really should have. Poor guy. I still wish Zahra had chosen someone else, he's nearly as old as Malakai and it's going to be heart breaking for her when Grim comes knocking...
Least she will have spent time with her true love... better than never having had a chance to love at all. You can't protect everyone from the heart ache of life and death. It's just the way the world works Winston.
Dude: I know, doesn't stop me from trying though.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #383 on: May 10, 2015, 03:52:13 AM »
I'm glad no one is angry anymore. It was very emotional to watch them all fighting. I really hope Julius and Zahra can work it out and spend whatever time they have left together and not arguing  :)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #384 on: May 10, 2015, 03:58:53 AM »
@Cristina , I agree! It was quite emotional writing it all too! I'm sure with a little watcher intervention and a little more of Mac's sensible and down-to-earth approach the Hollingsworth's will get it sorted!  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #385 on: May 10, 2015, 04:22:39 AM »
Chapter 86: A Proposal

Mal: I'm sorry I went off at the deep end love.
Mac: I was a little surprised at you I must admit. You're normally so calm.

Mac: Julius is a really lovely guy, surely you can see how right he is for Zahra?
Mal: I can, I guess I was holding his, err... previous girlfriends against him.
Mac: I can understand that love, but they have the right to choose for themselves you know. Zahra's not a little girl anymore!
Mal: Aw, I know...

Mac: Anyway, that was a lovely apology.
Mal: Thanks, I hope it's done the trick.
Mac: It has. I love you.
Mal: I don't know what I'd do without you!

Zahra: Oh such a sore back watcher!
Sounds like you need Julius to rub it...
Zahra: Oh, it's a little awkward between us at the moment.

Julius: I'm not going to always say things the right way Zahra but I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Zahra: That was pretty good from where I'm sitting.
Julius: Was it?
Zahra: Oh yes!

Zahra: I love you too Julius, can you forgive...
Julius: <interrupting>...There's nothing to forgive. Only two people who love each other, right?
Zahra: Right.

Julius: You know what? I don't want to spend one more minute apart from you.

Julius: Zahra Hollingsworth...

Julius: ...will you do me the biggest favour in the world and ease my breaking heart by becoming my wife?
Zahra: Oh ... yes!

Zahra: Yes, Julius I will, I will! I love you.

Zahra: I'm glad you found the ring... after I threw it away...
Julius: Darling, if I hadn't I'd have bought 100 more, and not stopped buying them until you said yes!

Zahra: <Whispering> I love you.
Julius: <Whispering back> I love you more.

Julius: And you know what? You've made me the happiest man on the planet!

Zahra: If I were any more happier I think I'd explode.
Julius: Oh! lol, don't say that... you actually might!
<Both laugh>

Zahra: Come on, let's go tell everyone.

Dude: My sincere congratulations Julius. I know you'll make a great husband.
Blaize: Wow dad, that's high praise coming from you!
Dude: Let's just say that Julius and I have got to know each other better.
Julius: Thanks Winston. I appreciate it.

Mal: Darling, I'm truly delighted.
Zahra: Thanks dad. I knew you would be.

Mac: How exciting hun!
Jasmine: I agree! Oh I love planning weddings!
Zahra: Lol, just as well as I don't have any time off work until after the wedding, I'm going to need all the help you can give me Auntie Jasmine!

Dude: Come here Julius. I'm proud of you. You stuck to your guns even when the going got tough. I'm pleased to call you a friend.

Julius: Thanks, that means a lot.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #386 on: May 10, 2015, 05:34:10 AM »
So much has happened since yesterday! Wow, did not expect all the tension and as usual you played it out and smoothed things over in a wonderful way. Lovely.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #387 on: May 10, 2015, 10:04:35 AM »
What a great way the family all came together and not only realised that they were in love, but walked away from the drama! Great read  ;D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #388 on: May 10, 2015, 02:52:42 PM »
Thanks Nettlejuice and KTK10  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #389 on: May 10, 2015, 03:18:25 PM »
Chapter 87: A New Family Member

Mal: I think we're the two luckiest guys out. It's something special to be married into this family.
Julius: I agree Malakai.

Julius: For my love.
Zahra: Do you know that you have given me a rose everyday since we first kissed.
Julius: I do.

Julius: Hi little baby, I hope you're minding your manners and not kicking your mummy.
Zahra: lol

Julius: Oh he did kick! Amazing!

Julius: I love you so much Zahra.

Mal: So now that you've maxed out your fitness you need to keep at it each day, just a steady workout should keep your fitness at it's peak.
Julius: Nice, I can do that.

Zahra: Ohhh... incoming!
Julius: Oh my gosh! Is everything ready.... what do we do?

Julius: I need to get the cot.
Already done that!

Julius: We're all set to go then.
Um, yeah, just need the mother, ya know!

Zahra: <Breathing calmly...>
Julius: You're amazing love! You're doing brilliantly.
I agree!
Zahra: Well, no need to panic about something that women do everyday.

Zahra: Oh welcome little Caleb!

Julius: He's just perfect Zah, you're perfect!

Thought you might like to know you are grandparents. *Grin*
Mal: Oh my!
Mac: That's wonderful!

Julius: Hi my wee boy..

Julius: You are so amazing!

Dude: Congratulations Zahra! Well done!
Zahra: Thanks Grandpa! Or should that be great grandpa now!

Mac: Oh my! You are a little honey aren't you Caleb.
Mal: Congratulations luv! A little boy!
Zahra: Thanks dad.

Dude: Gosh! here we all are, four generations in one room! How special is that?

Dude: Congrats Julius!
Mal: Are you going to work today? Really?
Zahra: Yeah, I have to, there isn't anyone available to cover my shift!
Mal: Oh hun! You're amazing! Just don't over do it!

Mal: Well, my grandson... who'd have thought. my goodness isn't he just so perfect?
He is indeed.

Mal: You know this means you won't sleep now for the next few years or so, lol.
Julius: Lol, thanks for the encouragement!

Dude: Aww, Caleb's nearly asleep.

Well, I guess all's well in the Hollingworth's house then eh?
Dude: It is watcher, it is. Isn't it wee man...what a lot you have to do with your life. Good thing is, you won't have to do it alone.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
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