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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #360 on: May 08, 2015, 12:05:11 PM »
Who doesn't like Dude?  ;)

I can't believe Blaize is an elder already. I'm not ready for this. I'll just live in constant denial while hoping that him and Jasmine will steal some of Winston's ambrosia  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #361 on: May 09, 2015, 02:42:18 AM »
Thanks everyone, I so wasn't ready for Blaize to be an elder. Glad you are all enjoying!  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #362 on: May 09, 2015, 03:15:53 AM »
Chapter 81: Zahra's Young Adult Birthday

Time for school Zahra, better get a wriggle on!

Getting focused?
Zahra: Yep

Oh, you changed your clothes again?
Zahra: I just felt like being a bit girly seeing it's my last day.
Fair enough. Knock 'em dead hun.

Umm, you're not...are you?



Jasmine? Are you in there? ?  ?

Ack ack ack...


Oh my plumbob!
Jasmine: <Gasp> Ohhhhh

Jasmine: So whatever you NOT grab the cake!
Clinton: Right.

Blaize: So good to see you Brianna.
Brianna: You too dad, been too long!
Taylor: I must say Brianna, that hat is rather fetching my dear.

Julius: I think you're very conscientious doing homework on your birthday!
Zahra: lol, just a pride thing I guess, wanting to finish well.
Julius: Good for you.

Julius: Hmmm, that's an interesting opening move...
Zahra: Yeah let's finish this in a minute though... time for cake!

Zahra: Oh, what to wish for?

Zahra: Got it! I wish for .....
General horn blowing and cheering etc
Oh cripes! I couldn't hear Zahra's wish 'cos of all that noise!

Zahra: Oh! That felt weird!
Happy birthday Zahra!

Are you finding a job NOW? Like, right in the middle of your birthday?
Zahra: Yep, won't take a min.
Julius: I hope it doesn't 'cos the watcher will whip this cake away from right under my nose if you take too long.

Mac: Oh happy birthday darling. My little girl all grown up!

Zahra: Quick selfie to celebrate mum.

Jasmine: Happy birthday hun.
Zahra: Thanks Auntie Jasmine.

Mal: Happy birthday darling.
Zahra: Thanks dad.

Julius: Hey! Happy birthday!

Julius: You look great!
Zahra: Hmm, thanks Julius.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #363 on: May 09, 2015, 04:05:47 AM »
Chapter 82: A Night Fishing Trip

Julius:Not too tired after all your birthday excitement?
Zahra: No way! I can't wait to get started.

Julius: They say the piranha lurks back here in the pond behind us.
Zahra: Oh, very exciting! You might need to save me if it pulls me in and starts nibbling me....

Julius: Hey! You know I'd always save you! lol, what are friends for?
Zahra: Is that all we are? Friends?

Zahra: I really like you Julius.
Julius: <Grinning madly> And I really like you too Zahra....

Julius: <suddenly pulling away> But, look, we can't, you know?
Zahra: <unsure> Don't you want...umm..more....
Julius: Of course I do...Oh Zahra.

Zahra: <looking shyly at her feet> But then...I mean...
Julius: Do you have any idea how hard it is to resist you when just being near you drives me to distraction?

Zahra: Then stop resisting...
Julius: <gently>Zahra, we can't. There are so many things standing between us. It wouldn't be right, no matter how we feel.
Zahra: Like what?
Julius: My age. My elder birthday is just around the corner.
Zahra: That just makes it even more important to make the most of today, of now...

Julius: Oh plumbob....Come here...

Zahra: OH, I think I'm falling for you.
Julius: I fell for you a long time ago.

Zahra: Maybe we could keep this our secret?
Julius: Hun, that's not likely to happen... I think we need to be honest with everyone.
Zahra: Not yet, just promise me you'll wait until I'm ready.
Julius: I don't want to wait for long Zah, but I promise. Maybe we should catch some fish then....

Julius: You look beautiful in the moonlight.

Julius: Oo, got something!

Zahra: It's nearly morning...
Julius: I'm never going to be able to stop smiling!
Zahra: lol, I'm happy too.

Julius: For you

Julius: We better head back. Your work starts in a few hours, you'll be exhausted!
Zahra: I'll be fine after a few coffees.

Zahra: <whispering> Come on...
Julius: Oh no...we shouldn't...Zahra...

Zahra: I promise not to tell if you don't....
Julius: Oh Zahra.... I know I should be able to resist you but so help me, I can't.

Mal: Good fishing trip?
Julius: The best.

Zahra: Oh no! After once! Plumbob, just my luck.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #364 on: May 09, 2015, 04:29:15 AM »
Zahra and Julius are so sweet. Congrats on the pregnancy. I can't wait to see everyone's reactions.

Also, I got so scared when Jasmine was taken by the cowplant. I was sure we would never see her again. Glad to see that didn't happen! By the way Blaize doesn't looked like he aged at all  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #365 on: May 09, 2015, 04:48:12 AM »
Um, Zahra sweety......once is all it takes.  Did you not listen to the WHOLE whoo hoo talk?  Well, congrats.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #366 on: May 09, 2015, 05:35:29 AM »
"Good fishing trip?" "The best." I love it!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #367 on: May 09, 2015, 06:22:55 AM »
So it was Julius you were asking about in the challenge post! Happy birthday and congrats, Zahra  ;)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #368 on: May 09, 2015, 09:02:02 AM »
Just a silent reader here breaking the silence. I just love this story and the interactions amongst your sims. Back to being silent now.

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Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #369 on: May 09, 2015, 09:19:30 AM »
In that pic of Jasmine telling Clinton not to eat the cake, he reminded me of a young Elvis!! *swoons*

Julius and Zahra *cough*  ;D ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #370 on: May 09, 2015, 10:30:11 AM »
Play, as I told you the other night, I know I have been commenting lately, but I'm always reading.  Absolutely love this!  Julius and Zahra are just amazing!  What a way to tell everyone their secret XD

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #371 on: May 09, 2015, 05:29:41 PM »
First of all, I want to say that I love being part of this forum...I open my computer each morning and find the kindest, most encouraging comments and today's another example of that!

@Cristina, you can feed someone to the cow plant once and they will get spat out so I knew it was pretty safe. I actually wanted Jasmine's essence of focus but yeah, it makes me a little nervous in case something goes wrong!

@Joria, hmm, I think Zahra probably did listen to the whole talk but then decided it didn't apply to her!  ;D

@KRae , thank you so much for reading along! It's really lovely to know.

@Nettlejuice , it was indeed. I tried not to comment on everyone's speculation as I didn't want to ruin the 'surprise'! I knew most of you had guessed anyway! I'm pretty hopeless at keeping secrets! lol

@sdhoey a very big thank you for planting the idea of a secret relationship! It has been so much fun to play out!  ;D I have saved a copy of my whole dynasty file under another name so that at a later stage I can go back and save Clinton to my library. Actually all Blaize's kids are very cool.

@Shewolf13 , I'm just pleased you're reading along and enjoying! I know you're out there!   ;)

@KTK10 , thanks heaps for being such a dedicated reader. No pressure but I can't wait to see another story from you.  :)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #372 on: May 09, 2015, 06:06:29 PM »
Chapter 83: First Day At Work

Zahra: I am so excited to finally be here watcher.
Well, that's good then. Better get cracking eh.

An alien receptionist! That's very forward thinking!
Zahra: Exactly! This is so where I want to be.

Zahra: Good morning Mr Grange, how can I help you?

Zahra: Open wide, thank you.

Zahra: Hopefully the results of the analysis will help me narrow down the possible illnesses. Poor Mr Grange isn't exhibiting many obvious symptoms.
Sounds like a big guessing game to me...

Zahra: I'm going to check your eyes, if you could just look up...Oh! Feeling dizzy?

Zahra: I see, well, Mr Grange you have a case of Gas and Giggles.
Mr Grange: It doesn't feel very amusing.

Zahra: This will have you feeling well again in seconds.
Mr Grange: Thank you Doctor.

Zahra: Mrs Sala, your temperature is 107, no wonder you are feeling rather unwell.

Oh! Good to see you doing your job so well.

Mrs Sala: Oh arghh....
Zahra: It doesn't hurt, just relax.

What are you doing? There are a million sims lined up at reception. You don't have time to be fiddling on the computer!
Zahra: It's a hospital emergency. I have to log all these results A.S.A.P.
Cripes...You'd better make it snappy then.

Oh Zahra, come quick! There's a poor little kid who is really unwell...
Zahra: On it.

Zahra: Nice deep breath in....and out...Good.

Zahra: This will have you 100% better in seconds, you've been very brave.
Little Girl: I don't like medicine.
Zahra: Oh, this is special medicine though.
Little Girl: Really? How?
Zahra: Take it and find out.

Zahra: See, doesn't hurt at all!

Boy: You're right Doc! And I feel great now!
Good job Zahra, you have healed everyone!
Zahra: Thanks watcher. I love my job...
Time for home then.
Zahra: Oh we're meeting everyone at the park.
K then.

Zahra: Dad, I've got a boyfriend, who's a bit more than just a boyfriend actually.
Mac: Hmm, this sounds like a confession.
Mal: How much more than just a friend?

Zahra: Oh dad! I'm a young adult now.... What did you expect?
Mal: I know Zah but you'll always be my little girl.
Mac: Oh lordy, I know what's coming next...

Zahra: I'm having a baby! Squeeee!
Mac: I didn't know what was coming next.
Mal: Good grief!

Mal: I'm pleased for you my darling. I was just so surprised!
Zahra: I know dad. I know, I was rather surprised myself!
Mal: So when can I meet this mystery man?

Zahra: You already know him, it's Julius.
Mal: Julius? <long silent pause>

Mac: Congratulations darling! How exciting! You know that we are right here with you 100% darling.
Zahra: Thanks mum!
Mal: Oh I'm going to be a grandpa! Oh yeah! A grandpa!!

Zahra: There's just one thing....I haven't told Julius about the nooboo.
Mac: Oh my dear! That isn't being very fair to him.
Mal: Oh Zahra! You really must tell him darling. I know you wanted to tell us but really, to be fair, you should have told Julius first...
Zahra: I know *sigh* life just seemed to get so complicated so fast, I guess I wasn't thinking straight!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #373 on: May 09, 2015, 06:11:43 PM »
Ut-oh!!When she told Mal, I heard in my head, "I'll kill him" lol
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #374 on: May 09, 2015, 06:32:51 PM »
Ut-oh!!When she told Mal, I heard in my head, "I'll kill him" lol

Totally agree XD lol And Zahra... yeah, really need to tell the Papa XD

