Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 465376 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #120 on: April 14, 2015, 02:57:12 PM »
@sdhoey let's hope it the last one we see eh. Well on Dude anyway.   ::)
@Cristina , I'm quite liking wee Blaize too, funny wee kid
@Nettlejuice , yeah you can only push Dude so far then you get this. *Shrug*
@Wolffie , didn't she just. I'm with you on an eternal ice age *runs off to make a list*  :P
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #121 on: April 14, 2015, 09:12:07 PM »
Wow... Dude, that was awesome!  I can't help but snicker that he is, once again, pregnant!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #122 on: April 14, 2015, 09:30:58 PM »
Oh gosh, male pregnancies are hilarious. Dude, you either need to stop being so darn handsome, or the aliens need to stop. Hopefully, Blaize makes friends with his heir sibling, and I quite like the fact that Blaize had his disguise on. Makes it more relistic. Good luck on this new one, and, finally caught up!  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #123 on: April 14, 2015, 11:12:28 PM »
A few chapters back, after Dude sent his first alien nooboo baby back to the homeworld, you have a shot of Winston crying.
As I wondered whether you managed to capture another act of autonomous yet oh-so-appropriate sim behavior, I noticed that the shot of Dude crying appeared right above your slogan by Dr. Seuss about not crying.  How brilliant!

Yikes, Johnny has really taken the "Get to Work" phrase to heart, lol.  I was thinking that I don't usually find Johnny so attractive, but your narrative was changing my mind. Now I know why.  He's sporting the I-got-it-going-on glow.  Loved his smirk after he came out of the tent with Zoe (also a few chapters back).

Senior Pollinator Technician #3 can't get enough of Winston, apparently. Wow, he's spent every weekend pregnant? The Winston waddle *giggles
One question: Your household consists of two males, so why hasn't Johnny been abducted?  Don't tell me he's always "out" whenever Winston's not at work!?
Loving your storytelling, corny jokes and all.   ;D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #124 on: April 15, 2015, 12:06:05 AM »
@Shewolf13 , lol, I know... but let's hope the new patch slows the abductions right down eh!
@audbooh , the new sibling wont be the heir... just another baby from an abduction. An heir will only come along once Dude brings a spouse into the dynasty house and then her and Dude make a nooboo. That nooboo would be heir according to dynasty rules. Confusing... sort of, but basically the rule is nooboos from abduction can not be heirs. Which I'm good with.  :)
@oshizu, I'll let you into a wee secret.... that shot was made by bringing Grady's tomb over, just out of camera shot, and making Dude mourn for Grady in front of the empty cot. Sim's don't mourn when abducted made nooboos are returned to their home world as their memories are wiped clean as if the nooboo never existed.  :) I think Zest has never been abducted because he does not work as a scientist... or rather Dude has been the main target because he DOES work as a scientist. If that makes sense. Also part of Dude's daily tasks at work is to contact aliens. Which he has been doing as it was important for Dude to max his career in as quick a time as possible for immortal requirements etc. Now that Dude has maxed his career he won't be doing most of the daily tasks... more just crusing and inventing things for home.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #125 on: April 15, 2015, 12:31:54 AM »
I'll let you into a wee secret.... that shot was made by bringing Grady's tomb over, just out of camera shot, and making Dude mourn for Grady in front of the empty cot. Sim's don't mourn when abducted made nooboos are returned to their home world as their memories are wiped clean as if the nooboo never existed.  :)
What a great setup! 

I think Zest has never been abducted because he does not work as a scientist... or rather Dude has been the main target because he DOES work as a scientist. If that makes sense. [/quote]

My dynasty founder has been abducted twice and he's not a scientist. His adopted son, also not a scientist, has been abducted, too. The other 4 males in the house have never been abducted. I wonder if the game can tell who the principal male sims in a household are.  When your Matt got abducted, wasn't he the principal male of the household, too?  Just wondering...

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #126 on: April 15, 2015, 12:54:21 AM »
Chapter 29: Welcome Nooboo

Dude: Ooo. Incoming, no time for hospital watcher.
Yikes! You can do this Winston. You're a pro now at giving birth.
Dude: Pain! OMG. Arghh... I can't keep doing this.

Ok. Deep breaths... you totally can do this.
Dude: I'm gonna have to.
Well, yeah.

Dude: Ooo OO I don't think it gets any easier the more times it happens...

<Trying not to freak out> You're doing so well. Just think of the gorgeous little nooboo just waiting to met his or her daddy.
Dude: I'm quitting my job and moving.
Cool... lets just have the nooboo first eh.

Dude: Ohh welcome little nooboo!

Blaize: Oh cool. I've got a sister. Thanks dad, exactly what I wanted.
Dude: Lol, you're welcome. Of course I planned it exactly like this just for you Blaize.
Blaize: CooOOOl, you're the best dad ever.

Blaize: Hi ya Jasmine. You're so cute. When you gonna be big enough to come outside and play? We've got the coolest jungle gym.

Blaize: Peek a BOO! *Giggle* Oh.. you are so so cute!

What's with the long face?
Dude: I can't keep doing this watcher, keep having nooboo after nooboo. For one, we can't afford it and two, what women's ever gonna want me with a million kids that aren't hers.
Well, I think we've got the abductions under control now and apparently the Universal Council have put a much lower quota on how many sims are allowed to be pollinated, I think that's what they call it.
Dude: I don't know whether to throw up at that or just be thankful.
Yeah. That was pretty much my response too. But hey! Look on the bright side... you've got two pretty special kids out of all this.
Dude: Still don't feel like getting married. I feel all over the place.
Probably got post-natal nooboo syndrome. I think you'll feel better once you are back at work and zapping stuff with the simray... you know?
Dude: I'll take your word on it.

See ya Dude. Keep your chin up.
Dude: Thanks. See ya later.

Zest: Aw, you want your daddy but he's gone to work so you'll just have to make do with me.

How's the book going?
Zest: Great actually, looks like a best seller. Well, I'm hoping anyway.
K. Well, I'm going to go watch Jasmine so you can write your heart out.

Aww, such a good nooboo. Your daddy sure know how to make good babies.

After school....
Blaize: Hi watcher, wanna watch me?

Blaize: Wow! guess you had your birthday Taylor!
Taylor: Yep. Don't be in too big a rush to have yours. High school sucks.

Taylor: I didn't realize that you really meant it when you said you were an alien.
Blaize: Ohh.

Blaize: We can still be friends though, right?
Taylor: Totally! I guess it'll have to be our secret though. Otherwise other kids might start freaking out. You know?

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #127 on: April 15, 2015, 12:57:12 AM »
@oshizu , yeah Matt was the only adult in the house. The other sim was his teen son.  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #128 on: April 15, 2015, 01:50:34 AM »
Chapter 30: A Normal Day

Dude: Say, your latest book is really great Zest.
Zest: Thanks! How's your day?
Dude: Normal. I'm pleased to say. I'm not pregnant, I saw no aliens... it was good.

Woops! Jasmine isn't smelling so sweet.

Dude: I got her.

Dude: Aww, there you go missy pooper pants. All better.

Taylor: Say... Blaize, is your sister an...
Blaize: <interrupting desperately>...So you wanna see my room? Watchers done some stuff to it.
Taylor: Oh! Sure.

Dude: *Happy sigh*
You seem a lot better tonight.
Dude: Yeah. I feel good. I guess I was just tired and a bit stressed out.
You had every right to feel that way. Been some tough weeks eh.
Dude: Yep.

Dude: Thanks for doing the dishes son.
Blaize: No worries dad.
Dude: Remember to do your homework before watching TV or playing games. I'm gonna be upstairs working out if you need me.
Blaize: K.

Zest: I'm a bit too in the zone to talk right now watcher.
That's cool.

Oh, even you're asleep. Cutie.

Blaize: Hmm? Sorry what did you say watcher?
Oh, never mind.
Blaize: Ok.

How was your work out?
Dude: Great.
Everyone's busy or in Jasmines case, asleep!
Dude: I know. It's really nice not having anything to do eh.
I was kinda thinking it's boring.
Dude: Hmm. Well here's something you can think on. I think you need to find me a wife, or at least a partner.
<A little surprised> Ok then. What's brought this on?
Dude: 'Aint getting any younger am I. Besides that. I don't like the thought of Jasmine being the last nooboo in the house. I think I want some more. Only... I don't want to be the one pregnant this time.
Lol, fair enough! Well, let's hit the town tomorrow and you can meet some ladies. <grin>
Dude: <Thoughtfully> K.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #129 on: April 15, 2015, 02:11:10 AM »
Chapter 31: Finding Love

Well, here we are.
Dude: Now what?
Umm... go introduce yourself to those two ladies over there.

Wow Oliva's kid is one cool, confident wee character! Either that or he got dressed in the dark.

Dude: Wow, so you're a genius too Reagan?
Reagan: Yeah. <Shy smile>
<Talking to herself> Oh this is going to be too easy... I know that smile... he's already half smitten.

Dude: So, I know we've only known each other for a short while but I think you are really lovely.
Reagan: Oh... I'm glad you said that, I was thinking the same thing!

Reagan: I love roses! How did you know?
Dude: Magic!

Reagan: If you don't watch out you might make me fall in love with you Winston.
Dude: Let's go somewhere, I'd like to show you a nice spot down by the lake. If you want to?

Dude: So would you be my girlfriend?

Reagan: Oh yes! I thought you'd never ask.

Dude: So my life isn't so straight forward but you don't look like you're about to run away now that I've told you everything.
Reagan: I'm not going anywhere.
Dude: Has anyone ever told you that you have the most beautiful eyes?

Dude: Will you marry me Reagan and be my partner through all the ups and downs knowing that I love you?

Reagan: <Taking what seems like forever>Oh!

Reagan: <Looks back down at Winston> Oh, yes. I will!

Dude: I love you.

Dude: Woah!
Reagan: *Giggle*

Dude: Well, maybe we should go celebrate... or at least <whispering>...

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #130 on: April 15, 2015, 02:29:01 AM »
Chapter 32: A New Member of The House

Morning *Yawn*
Dude: Morning. It's Jasmine's birthday today.
Gosh! So soon. Man time is flying!

Dude: Tell me about it. I proposed to Reagan last night.
OMG! You did? What did she say?
Dude: Yes, of course!
Oh! Wow, congrats Dude. When is she moving in?
Dude: Haven't asked her yet!

Well Jasmine, looks like your daddy's gonna get married and give you another mummy!

Dude: Time for aging up! As much as I don't want to if we don't celebrate Jasmine's birthday now I might miss it while I'm at work.
K then.

Happy birthday Jasmine!

Dude: Aww, happy birthday my wee darling.
Jasmine: Thanks dad.

Jasmine: You know dad, I think I'm going to like living on this planet!
Dude: Gosh, I hope so 'cos I don't want you going anywhere else without me.

Jasmine: Can I have some new toys...seeing as it's my birthday? Daaad?

Dude: <pretending to think about it> Of course! Lol

Dude: I love you to bits darling.
Jasmine: I love you too dad.

Dude: Hey Don!
Don: Hey Dude, off to work?
Dude: Yep.
Don: Have a good one.
Dude: Cheers.

What are you drawing?
Jasmine: A house. Do you like the drawing table dad got me for my birthday?
Love it.

Oo, you've nearly finished another book.
Zest: Yep, almost done. On the last chapter now.

I hope you don't mind sharing with Blaize?
Jasmine: Are you kidding? It'll be so much fun!
Ok, I'll get you your own room just as quick as I can.
Jasmine: No hurry, this one's perfect. I love all the spacey things everywhere.

Hey champ. How was school?
Blaize: Grrrreat! I got an A.
Woo! Your dad'll be thrilled.

Dude: So Reagan, would you like to move in now... before the wedding?
Reagan: You bet!

Dude: Hmm, let's go celebrate.

Woo! That's some celebrating!

Welcome to the dynasty house Reagan.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #131 on: April 15, 2015, 07:06:08 AM »
Welcome home Reagan, and congrats on the nooboo.  Jasmine is a lovely young girl. Dude is done for.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #132 on: April 15, 2015, 09:21:58 AM »
Gosh... :o :o I hate it when Real Life gets in the way of reading all the stories!! I miss out on too much. There is just way too many great things to comment on, so I'm just going to say welcome back, congrats on the gorgeous alien kids and welcome to the Dynasty life Reagan!! Phew! [wipes brow]  ;D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #133 on: April 15, 2015, 10:40:01 AM »
Wow, three kids in the house! Winston sure works fast. And Jasmine is such a cutie (but I'm not suffering from alien nooboo envy any more).
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #134 on: April 15, 2015, 10:50:09 AM »
Jasmine is gorgeous, she's all Winston. I guess we have to wait a while to see Reagan's face, huh?
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