Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 465379 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #75 on: April 12, 2015, 02:02:36 AM »
Chapter 18: Can't We Just Call It?, you're cooking again?

Oh! <eyeballing the nooboo bump>
Dude: Hmm, just fancied some taco casserole.
Omg! Yuk... for breakfast?
Dude: Yeah... kept thinking about so I just thought I'd get up and cook it.
So are we just going to call it this time?
Dude: Huh?
You know... the fact that you are pregnant again.
Dude: You're dreaming watcher.

Dude: Ohh... feeling like spewing.
Eww, thanks for sharing.

Dude: Hi I'm Winston.
Esteban: Hi I'm Esteban, just call me E.
Dude: K. Well, welcome.
<whispering to Dude> Wow, aliens at work now too? Man, I think you need a new job and soon.

Dude: OoooOO.
Oh lordy, look just leave fixing the computer. You can do that when you are feeling better.... like AFTER the NOOBOO has been born.
Dude: Look, leave off will ya! It's just something I ate. Go away if you're going to be all snippy.

Dude: Hmmm, so what do I have here then?

Dude: Oh! it's my <wicked grin> simray.

Dude: Hm hmm, mind controls like that. <Smirk> Now off you go and get all the cleaning done.

Hi. Sorry 'bout before.
Dude: It's forgotten.
Why are you working out at work?
Dude: It's one of my daily requirements today.
K. Umm... How's your tummy feeling?
Dude: Fine now thanks.

Dude! Hey! Thanks for coming and mentoring me Viviene, I totally didn't expect you to. I'm heading home in about ten minutes anyway.
Viviene: No worries. I love mentoring people.
Dude: So you've said!

Wow... another promotion?
Dude: Yep.
You know what that means don't you?
Dude: Weekend.... woo! Date night.
Lol. Better get changed first though, that uniform's enough to scare anyone.

Dude: <Groan> Oooo gonna hurl for sure this time... Darn food poisoning, last time I eat at the work café.

Dude: You look lovely.

Dude: So then I zapped him and made him do all the cleaning!
Emma: Oh! That's so naughty... but funny!

Emma: Mwhaaa!
Dude: Oh!

Dude: Oo oo OO... hot! *Fan*

Dude: So, you're looking particularly cute tonight. Want to skip this joint and head home?

Emma: Sure, you're looking pretty hot yourself there Dude.

Dude: Oh there's Adriel, we better say a quick hello before running out!

Emma: Well... it's pretty hard to get you alone Mr Hollingsworth... shame, you being such a fine man and all.... <Fluttering eyelashes>

Dude: Hi Grim, how's your day been? Did you know that more there are more stars than sims in the simverse?
Grim: Yeah, I had to count all the stars in Reaping 101 in my first year at Death College.
Emma: How do you always know all these facts Dude?
Dude: Dunno, I guess it's like everyone's got a photographic memory... just not everyone's got the film.
Grim: So you guys sticking around? I might sit with you if that's ok.
Dude: Oh! <slight pause> Sure! Pull up a chair <glaces apologetically to Emma>

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #76 on: April 12, 2015, 02:04:38 AM »
@LenaLJ, I didn't know to laugh or cry when he got abducted again.  ::) It sure changes up the dynasty compared to before the expansion came out!

@dethdukk , lol well you know I'm going to agree with ya there!  ;D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #77 on: April 12, 2015, 02:32:04 AM »
Chapter 19: The Date Continues...

Dude: <Giggling at Grims grim joke> Lol, good heavens... pffft.
Emma: Gosh you have some funny friends!

Grim<Still cracking up at his own joke> OoO hoho
Dude: I hope you don't mind ending our date early? I'll make it up to you.
Emma: It's fine, besides it might have been short but it was a gold medal anyway. What girls' going to complain about that!

Dude: You know about gold medals?
Emma: Lol, everyone knows about gold medal dynasty parties Dude.

Dude: Did you hear that Grim? My girls got it all going ON! <grin>
Grim: Oh were you on a date?

Emma: You betcha ...Mwhaaa.
Dude: Oh!
Grim: Awkwaaard!

Grim: Gee watcher, she sure is all over him like a rash eh?
<Snort> Don't hold back there Grim.

Grim: Oh! Bye Emma.
Emma: Um, yeah, I'm not actually leaving.

Stefan:<green alien> Oh! There they are! Told you they'd be here. Hi Dude!
Emma: You have alien friends?

Dude: So, how was your day Stefan?
Stefan: Good thanks <looking steadily at Dude> You look different somehow.

Grin: <awkwardly trying to break the ice> Would anyone like to ask me any questions about the afterlife?

Zest! Finally!
Zest: Heyyyy!

Dude: Hey! Have you guys heard this one? A bank robber pulls out a gun, points it at the teller, and says, "Give me all the money or you're geography!" The puzzled teller replies, "Did you mean to say 'or you're history?'" The robber says, "Don't change the subject!"

Dude: Ooooo <groan>
Zest: Woah! You ok Dude?

Emma: So, <trying to be nonchalant> You're an alien then?
Stefan: Are you for real?
Dude: Umm... first contact and all that, Stefan.

Grim: Ooo emergency call out! Gotta go!
Dude: Seeyaz

Dude: So, you're ok now, 'bout Stefan? Because this is just how I roll.
Emma: Yeah, sure. I was just a little shocked at first, that's all.

Dude: Well, you better know how it is before you get serious. Being part of a dynasty involves all sort of strange things.
Stephan: <to himself> Hmmm, sounds like Dude's trying to put her off.

Zest: Hay! Check these out!
Stephan: Curious!

Dude: Lol naaa. Check THESE out!
Stephan: Ooo, I get it now!
Emma: Ughh. Boys!

Umm.. Dude, your girlfriends leaving. Might wanna say bye?
Dude: I'll see her later anyway. <Carries on telling Stephan a joke>

Zest: Ha! That was some night!
Dude: Sure was. <grin>

Zest: Wanna walk down to our fishing spot?
Dude: I might grab a taxi actually.

Dude: K. I've found a neat little spot down here. Follow me.

Zest: Keep up fatty.
Dude: That's not funny.
<Laughing> Actually, it is.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #78 on: April 12, 2015, 03:01:33 AM »
Chapter 20: Here Fishy Fishy

There you are. We've been waiting for ages. You sure are slow.
Dude: It's this tummy bug I've got, slows me right down.
<Rolls eyes> Whatever.

Oo I can see the angelfish right there!
Dude: Hm hmm.

Zest: Oh, rats!
No worries, it's pretty cute anyway.
Zest: I've been thinking about Dude's denial.
Zest: Well, I think it might be part of what the aliens do to him. I mean after all, Dude's a genius so it's not like he can't put two and two together eh?
Hmm, very true. Well, I suppose if I knew I was carrying an alien nooboo, I'd probably want to run round screaming in circles.
Zest: Exactly... so they mind wash him too.
Zest: Yeah.

Dude: Woah! A high flying little sucker! Goldfish!
Argh, those slippery angelfish. Get on our hooks.
Dude: I'm going to try a different spot.

That's funny looking fishing!
Dude: I thought I'd grab a tomato cutting while I remembered. Then we're off.
Where to?
Dude: The Spencer-Kim-Lewis's.
Dude: Yeah, they said we can stay the night so we can get some night fishing done.

Nice  of Eric to let you use the kitchen.
Dude: Yep.
Where's Zest?
Dude: Gone fishing.

Zest: That's some cast you got there Grim.
Grim: Thanks, I come fishing down here quite a bit. Trying to catch all the angelfish so that everyone's dynasty's fail.
Zest: Wow! That's pretty low even for you.
Grim: Thanks!
Zest: You're welcome.

Zest: 'Tis nice down here though.
Grim: Yeah, like a little slice of paradise.
Zest: You been there?
Grim: Paradise?
Zesty: Yeah.
Grim: No.

Eric: I might leave you to it eh Dude?
Dude: Thanks, it's a little hard to chat and serve up a gourmet storm all at once.

Gosh! That's a lot ... as in A LOT of gourmet cooking there Dude.
Dude: Hmm, thought I might as well brush up on my skill you know. Might come in handy.

Dude: That was a grrrrreat meal, even if I say so myself.
Agree.<Burp!> Oh! Pardon me.

So... <cautiously> Your tummy bug seems to be getting bigger.
Dude: Yeah, I think I've eaten too many gourmet meals today.

There's no breaking through to him... at all!
Zest: Oh well, truly it doesn't matter. He'll have to give birth in the end anyway.
True. This does my head in.
Zest: I think I'm getting used to it.
Well, nice of Rogelio to join us anyway.

Are you resting the rod against your belly?
Dude: Yes, it's quite handy.
Boy. <under her breath> I hope the nooboo doesn't have a matching indentation.

So, how many angelfish is that now?
Dude: About 7 I think.

Woo! That's awesome!
Rogelio: What's with catching all the angelfish?
Dude: Oh, we use them to cook with. Special recipe and all that.

Dude: Aaaghhh.

Dude: Well, that's another one.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #79 on: April 12, 2015, 05:41:45 AM »
I love Grim! I thought it was weird that Dude got abducted twice, does it have something to do with his career? I can't wait to see the nooboo  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #80 on: April 12, 2015, 05:58:41 AM »
Not again, lol. That alien pollinator sure does love Winston xD

He doesn't. Basically if there is a blond kid at the park or w/e Zest knows it's one of his. <snort>

Haha, that's basically how I kept track of the Landgraab babies before the family trees came out!

Another wonderful set of updates, Play, I love your dynasty.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #81 on: April 12, 2015, 07:25:14 AM »
I love Grim's character, because he's right, every dynasty has to fail. :)
 Lol, just kidding, keep up the good work!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #82 on: April 12, 2015, 08:32:24 AM »
Very entertaining! Can't wait to see what Dude does when he stops being in denial. 

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #83 on: April 12, 2015, 11:54:33 AM »
Oh dear, another one? He needs to marry Emma quick and have an heir so that he can keep the next one (if you want to do that, of course).
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #84 on: April 12, 2015, 12:53:25 PM »
HAHA!! I'm loving it! Way to go dude! Congrats on the gold party.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #85 on: April 12, 2015, 12:56:48 PM »
Thanks for reading everyone.
@Cristina , yes scientists do have an increased chance of abduction. on the Get To Work board there is a thread about abductions. Someone's scientist sim was abducted four times... probably more by now.

@Nettlejuice , lol, it's funny how Zest only has blonde kiddies. :)

@judewright , I don't think the sims every understand that they are pregnant until right at the end. The moodlets are pretty much all about weird stomach aches and unusual weight gains etc. lol

@MarianT , my understanding of the rules is that you are free to keep nooboos from alien abduction at any time during your dynasty, regardless if you have a legitimate heir or not but I'm checking that now with the team.  :)

@sdhoey, it has been such fun to play, that's for sure!  ;D
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #86 on: April 12, 2015, 01:40:55 PM »
Chapter 21: Fishing Success

Zest: Hi Katrina. Having a holiday away from Granite Falls?
Katrina: Yes, thought I'd try my hand at fishing here.
Zest: This is a good spot for sure.

Zest: They sure are a pretty little fish.

How's your quota coming along?
Dude: Good, I think we are up to 9.
That's really good. Takes the pressure off for sure.

Grim: Hi Winston.
Dude: Hey.
Grim: You been eating too many gourmet dishes?
Dude: Yeah. I'll have to hit the gym.
Grim: High cholesterol can kill you, you know. Still... it's always something.

Grim: So.. can I feel your nooboo?
Dude: Sure, it's amazing eh?

Grim: Huh. Just think another little life... right here. Incredible.
Dude: I know, right. *Happy sigh*

Grim: So are you having a home birth?
Dude: What? Are you mad? Of course I'm not pregnant. Why does everyone keep saying that?
Grim: <confused> Oh! Huh? But didn't you just say...

Dude: Can't a guy just like his grubb? Come on...sheesh.
Grim: Sure. Of course.
Don't worry about it Grim... it's part of this alien thing he has going on.
Grim: Right. You sims are crazy.

Grim: So, you want to have a fishing challenge? First one to 5 five wins?
Dude: Of course! Woo! I'm in.

Dude: Just to make it fair, I'm going to use this fish counter on my tablet. K. That way we will know no one has been cheating.
Grim: Oh what a spoil sport. K then.

Grim: K, on the count of 3....3
Dude: Woah! Where did the 1 and 2 get to?
Grim: <snicker>

Grim: Oh darn, another call out! Gotta go!
Dude: K, I win by default then.
Grim: Till next time Winston.

Dude: Well, that makes 11.
Let's go home eh. Staying with the SKL's or whatever has been nice but I want to go home really.
Dude: Sure. How's the house plans coming along?
Good. Trouble is I loved your last house so much I'm finding it hard to come up with something different. <sigh>
Dude: Well, there is no real rush. I love being outside.
I know.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #87 on: April 12, 2015, 02:03:21 PM »
Poor Grim, he's so confused now. When will Dude just admit it.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #88 on: April 12, 2015, 02:14:06 PM »
Chapter 22: Not A Home Birth

You look sad.
Dude: I just... I keep thinking I'm having a nooboo...Then reality kicks in and I realize I'm not.  Maybe I'm crazy?
Umm... I think you should just not worry about it and let me do my job of looking after you. K?
Dude: <Hesitantly> K then.

Dude: Watcher? I AM having a nooboo aren't I?
Yes, yes you are... and we are going to the hospital right now. No arguing.

Zest: Big place.
Brand new, hear they spent millions making it with all the 'latest' stuff, you know.
Zest: Good to know our taxes are being put to good use.

Dude: Oh enough chit-chat.... nooboo happening. OOoooo

Receptionist: Let me just place you on hold... Yes?
Zest: Dude's having a nooboo.
Receptionist: Take a seat and I'll page a doctor..... Hello, yes, putting you through now.

Zest: So you can do this right. Deep breaths... and stuff.
Dude: Hmm OOO <pant>

Nice gown <snicker>
Dude: I don't care.

Dude: Oh heavens... such a long corridor... <waddle waddle>

Dude: I think I've changed my mind...
Oh no you don't... get on the bed.. thingy.. whatever.

Oh! It's you! I hope you know what you're doing Doctor know-it-all Pancakes.
Eliza: Just relax Winston, we'll have little nooboo here in no time at all.

Hang in there Dude. I'm right here.
Dude: You'll stay?
Of course.

Zest: Right Dude?
Dude: Thanks for staying.
Zest: Wouldn't miss it.

Zest: <whispering> Watcher, I don't think I can look... squeamish.
Me too... won't be long now though <gulp>

Oh my.....Oh Dude...
Dude: My nooboo
Zest: Is it over?

Dude: Oh come to daddy you gorgeous little nooboo.

Dude: I can't believe you are finally here. You are so precious. Let's get you home wee baby.

Dude: I think your uncle Zesty is arguing with the doctor about keeping me in reception for so long.... but daddy doesn't care about any of that now you're here.

Dude: Watcher, I don't think I can give this one back.
Your call Dude. I'm here to support you no matter what. Let's go home eh?

Rogelio: Oh my... aren't you sweet.
Dude: Just gotta eat...starving.
Rogelio: No worries, I could hold this one forever... couldn't I little sweet 'ums?

Dude: Well, daddy's got to get ready for work... you sure smell sweet.

Dude: Love you.


Dude: Wow! I'm a dad again!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #89 on: April 12, 2015, 02:19:08 PM »
@sdhoey, right about now!  :P  ;)
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