Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 388041 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2015, 08:45:50 AM »
I'm glad Dude and Zesty (in his cowboy hat) are back.

I had my first crash the other day in the rocket, beginning to think it was an urban myth, ha ha.

Next chapter please!  ;D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2015, 12:19:12 PM »
Oh good, he is safe. For a moment I thought he would die since I have never done the handiness skill and made a rocket. Tell Dude to be careful!  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2015, 03:59:21 PM »
Thanks everyone. lol, That crash! Sheeh! Next chapters coming up.  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2015, 04:21:13 PM »
Dude!  Oi... that was some crash!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #34 on: April 09, 2015, 04:33:49 PM »
Chapter 6: The Wonder

Dude: You ok?
Yeah. Sorry I was all grrr yesterday. But like you were all hmm hmm and it made me all, you know.
Dude: Yeah. I brought you back a present.

Oh! It's...<searching for an inoffensive word... quick brain....> nice.
Dude: You're welcome.

Dude: Anyway, suit up. You're coming with me this morning.
Dude: You heard me. Do it.
<surprised> O.K.


The wonder of it all....
Dude: It's incredible eh?

Yeah. I mean. I think you need to pinch me.
Dude: <grin> If you say so.

Dude: Follow me. Don't want you getting lost now.

Dude: Well, beautiful as it is, we better keep moving. Don't want to have to return without seeing it all.
True. I guess all those rumours about aliens and such were just that. I mean there's obviously no one else here.
Dude: Yeah. Kind of a shame though. I'd quite like to met an alien race.
Yeah. No. I'm good without thanks.

Dude: What the...?

Dude: Greetings. We come in peace.
Matt: Yeah, figured that. How y'all doing today?

Dude: See these guns?
OMG. WHAT are you doing? Don't antagonise him. He could eat us up or puncture our spacesuits or kill us with his stun gun or...

<Strained silence>
Matt: <staring>

Matt: I haven't met a watcher before sim, would you introduce me?
Dude: Sure. Meet my watcher. Watcher meet... err.
Matt: Matt.
Dude: Meet Matt. Oh and I'm Winston.
Matt: Nice to meet you both.
<nervous giggle> Hi.
Matt: Well, enjoy your time here and I'll see ya round some time.
Dude: Thanks. Umm, see ya.

Dude: Wow! We just met a real live alien!
I Know! Squeee! No one will believe us back home.
Dude: I reckon. Wow! Look up there.

Woah. Are they, like ice mountains or something.
Dude: Definitely 'or something' anyway.

That moon!

OMG. There's ANOTHER alien, just behind you!

Brycen: Hey! Nice to meet you guys. How'dya like Sixam so far?
Dude: It's amazing. It's the most beautiful world I've ever seen.
Brycen: Yeah <laughs> Most life forms are blown away by it's beauty. I guess we take it for granted.

Brycen: So have you need of anything?
Dude: No, thanks though. We're good.
Brycen: Does your friend speak?
Dude: <snort> Can't usually get her to stop.
Brycen: Ahhh, it's the wonder of it all eh?

Brycen: So where exactly are you both from?
Dude: A small simverse just up there.
Brycen: Wow, you've come a long way. Make sure you take the worm-hole portal home. It's much quicker. I'll arrange for your spaceship to be transported back.
Wow. You can do that?
Brycen: There are many things we can do. That you yet have to discover.

Oh Dude, we should have brought a camera!
Dude: I didn't even think of that!
Next time eh?
Dude: Oh so you're now hooked on space travel are you?
<grin> Totally!

Dude: Home time.
You go first.
Dude: K. Then. Don't dawdle though, don't want you falling or tripping or whatever.
<snort> As if.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2015, 05:32:57 PM »
Chapter 7:Getting Stuff Done

That was some trip!
Dude: Agreed. I'm so tired now though.
Me too...

Well, I'll leave you staring at the fridge, I need sleep. See ya later.
Dude: K.

Some hours later...

Oh so it's your turn to fridge watch eh Grady?
Grady: Hmmm?

Dude: Heyyy.
Zesty: How was your trip?
Dude: Unbelievable. Really... incredible. Grady and I are heading out to do some fishing and to get some plant cuttings. Do you wanna come?
Zesty: I'll meet you there later. Got some more writing I want to do.
Dude: K. We'll be at Bella's house.

Grady: So really... were there alien life forms?
Dude: Yeah!
Grady: Knew it! Well, Winston, what a trip of a life time eh?
Dude: Totally. Stunned the watcher silent!
Grady: Well well. Wonders never cease. You know she has your best interests at heart my boy, don't you.
Dude: I do. More so now than before I think.
Grady: Good. She won't let you down, you just have to be patient with her.... after all, patience is a virtue. So chess for you first or fishing?

Woah! Where did you come from?
Taylor: Sixam.

Dude: Oh that's my watcher!
Taylor: <Rather flirtatiously> So you want to play chess Winston?
<Gulp> Omg, a flirty male alien. This can't be good.
Dude: Sure.

Dude: Cripes! What's that over there?

Taylor: <Flirtily> Huh?

Taylor: He's not trying to trick me is he watcher?
Err... <freaked out at the flirty eyelash batting> ....

Taylor: You wouldn't be playing naughty now would you Winston?
Dude: Me? Na... I like playing strictly by the rules.

Taylor: <flirty posing> Oh well then...

Taylor: Nice to meet you Winston Hollingsworth. I'll see you round some time. <coy look>
Dude: Sure. See ya Taylor.
Well.... that was... different.
Dude: <snort> Yeah, can say that again.

Grady: So this is the last cutting we need.
Awesome! Thanks so much for getting the garden sorted Grady.
Grady: My absolute pleasure young lady.
Well, I'll just go round up Zesty. I think he's chatting to Bella.

Umm, you ok there?
Zesty: Yeah... was just thinking about a plot that I'm a bit stuck with.
Can I help?
Zest: Well... the hero has a major flaw and I can't figure out how to write it so he is still likeable.
Oh, just give him heaps of muscles and a beautiful face.
Zesty: Lol, so shallow watcher... so shallow.
<Grin> Yeah, but it always works.  :P
Zesty: <snort> Home time?

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2015, 06:06:17 PM »
Chapter 8: Up, Up And Away

Morning. Bit early for imbibing aint it?
Dude: You know these are for skilling watcher.

How on earth do you keep track on this board? All the pieces look the same colour.
Dude: Yeah, it's a little tricky for sure.

So explain how this thing works again to me.
Dude: Well you flip up the control panel...

Dude: ...dial up the magnification setting you want...

Dude: Then just observe really. Hmmm, that's interesting...
<Yawn> I'll leave you to it.

Congratulations your first book sent away to the publishers. Woo!
Zest: Thanks watcher, it feels great!

Oh! Hey Matt.
Matt: Hi. Interesting place you have here. Not into walls?
Umm... well, I guess our focus has been on other things. Strangely I'm not really bothered about building a house at the moment.
Matt: Well, you know, whatever floats your boat.

Hey Grady?
Grady: Yes my dear?
There's someone I think you should meet over here.

Grady: So Matt, have you visited our planet before?
Matt: That's classified information.
Grady: Now young man... the watcher may have fallen for that...
Matt: <laugh> Yeah, we've been visiting for generations. I guess you sims just didn't notice before
Grady: That or the ones who did became socially stigmatized as crazy.
Matt: True. That has been one of the unfortunate downsides of our interest in you sims.
What are the other 'unfortunate downsides' then Matt?
Matt: That's classified information.
Grady: lol.

Grady: Huh, a real alien. Fancy that.
Something else eh?
Grady: Indeed. Now listen, my dear, I have to talk to you about something important.
Grady: When I die you must not disturb Winston from his skilling up. He...
What? Wait! What?
Grady: Now my dear girl... I'm dying. No one lives forever and I've lived longer than some.
<Gulp> Oh Grady...
Grady.... Now it not the time for tears. You need to listen to my last instructions. <Gently> O.K?
<nodding> O.K.
Grady: Winston knows there is a time for everything and as such he is dedicated to completing his aspiration before grieving. We've spoken in length about this and this is what I want. As for you, my dear, you must stay strong and focused. Remember that hasty words are often repented in leisure.

Grady: Every emotion has it's season, you know. Let no one place expectations on your emotions and you'll find your own natural pace to life. After all, what's life apart from a series of experiences and people met and loved?
Oh Grady, you have to know, I'm going to miss you so much.
Grady: And that's natural. I have treasured my time here and I couldn't think of a better way of spending my last years. It's been such an adventure my dear.
How much longer do you have with us?
Grady: Who can tell... but now you are prepared and so will be able to be strong. Correct?

Dude: Hmmm, tricky opening move. Often leads to over confidence...
Grady: Can you spot my mistake though?

Dude: Hmmmm

Dude: Oh! A ha!

Dude: Meck chate!
Grady: Let me see... Oh yes! by jove! You've done it! You are really on top of your game now Winston.

Grady: Night my boy. See you in the morning.
Dude: Nite Grady. Thanks for everything.
Grady: You're welcome.

Hey! look at those strange lights Dude!
Dude: Wow! Weird!

Dude: Hmm, they kinda vibrate. Weird.

Dude: What the....

<Gasp> Oh My PLUMBOB....Move Winston.... MOVE! QUICK.

Dude: I can't. Oh. Arghhh, help me watcher.

NOOOoooo. Stop! Let him go... Winston. WINSTOOOOOOnnnnnnnnnnnn.

No, this can't be happening. No.

Google it faster...
Zest: Wait, here. It says..... <mumble mumble>.... Ah!
Zest: That usually abductees are returned within an hour seemingly no worse for their experience.
Zest: Yeah.
Oh poor Winston. He must be so scared. I feel sick.
Zest: So do I.
What shall we do?
Zest: I think all we can do is sit here and wait.
Oh Zest! <sob> This is so awful.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2015, 06:42:41 PM »
Oh dear... --can't help but snicker at the thought that our dear Dude may be pregnant--

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #38 on: April 09, 2015, 06:47:03 PM »
Chapter 9: Dude's Return

I'm not moving until he's home.

Oh thank the Great Watcher. Dude?

Oh thank goodness. <sobbing with relief>

Ooo. <Wince>
Dude: Uhhhh.

Oh thank goodness you're ok. Oh Dude, I'm so sorry. Are you ok? What did they do? Oh Dude!
Dude: I'm....<shakily> O.K. I think... I don't know.

Dude: I think I'll go lie down for a bit.
Of course. Do you want to go to the hospital?
Dude: No... just want to sleep.

Dude: I don't want anyone to know Zest.
Zesty: I'm not talking. As long as you're ok. I still think you should get checked out at the hospital.
Dude: No way! I'm not getting locked up like a crazy. This goes no further.
Zest: <Nodding> Deal.

Zest: Dude, at the end of the day I'm here for ya. Right? That's my job, to support you and help you. So.... just ask, right, if ya need something.
Dude: Thanks. I think I might just get busy. Take my mind of things. <Heavy sigh>

Grady: You did the right thing Zest. Winston needs to know that you're 100% on his side. No matter what.
Zest: Yeah. I told him that. Gee, it's a mad thing though eh?
Grady: It is, surprising too seeing as Winston's been nothing but congenial with their race.

Zest: Thanks Grady.
Grady: You're welcome my boy.

Hmm<sniffing> Smells delicious!
Grady: Thought I'd try a new recipe I learnt.
Gosh, you're amazing. You just don't stop learning and stuff.
Grady: That's what keeps us young watcher. Growing and exploring. Nearly done.

Grady: Ahh. White lights.

Grady: It's time to return to the great beyond. Remember what I said dear girl.
<Gulp> I will. Thank you so much Grady. I love you.

Hello Grim Reaper.
Grim: Watcher.

Grim: What a remarkable life Grady had. Unfathomable!
Grim: No wailing and sobbing <sarcastically> Watcher?
No. Grady is deserving of all the respect I can give him.

Grim: Makes no difference in the end.
Oh, that's where you are so very wrong Grim Reaper. It makes all the difference in the world.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #39 on: April 09, 2015, 06:47:43 PM »
Oh dear... --can't help but snicker at the thought that our dear Dude may be pregnant--

<snicker>  8)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #40 on: April 09, 2015, 09:24:44 PM »
LOL I have a file that I am playing that I've been testing the GTW Expansion and my poor Dr has been abducted TWICE!! And preggo twice, one girl and one boy. Good luck Winston.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #41 on: April 09, 2015, 09:45:56 PM »
@sdhoey , yeah. It's a lot of fun to play but it was pretty bad timing dynasty wise just because of the time limit for skilling up before Winston start his career. Typical!  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #42 on: April 09, 2015, 10:10:16 PM »
Chapter 10: A Much Needed Break

The garden's looking so good.
Dude: Yeah. Grady left it in really great shape.
You do know that if you want to make gardening your 'thing' you gotta strip it out and start from scratch again?
Dude: Oh you're kidding me?
Na, dynasty rules.
Dude: But we're only one graft away from having death flowers.
Yeah. I know.

Dude: Hmm, well let me think about it.
Sure. We got enough time for you to figure out what you want to do.

Dude: Well, I can look after these alien plants anyway, cos I found them and planted them myself.
Yep. They'll be fine.

Zest: Hey Dude. How ya feeling?
Dude: O.Kaay-ish. lol

Zest: Where we going watcher?
Away from here for a few days.
Zest: You coming?
You betcha.

OoO. You ok?
Dude: It's just these strange stomach cramps I keep getting.
Umm.. I don't think they are just cramps.
Dude: Sure they are. What else could they be?

Dude: Eeeshh.

Dude: Oh, going to hurl....

Good throw Zesty.
Zest: Thanks.

Zest: So, you need to eat to keep your strength up.
Dude: I'm not that sick, but thanks, this burger's great!

Oh, you feeling better?
Dude: Yeah! Lot's actually. Maybe I was just hungry.

Zest: I still think we've got a problem watcher.
I agree. *sigh*

They're fire ants Zest, careful.
Zest: I got 'em.

Zest: So Dude's obviously pregnant eh?
Zest: How come he won't admit it.
I think he's just hanging on to his denial for as long as he can.

Zest: I don't know what we're going to do.
Me neither. Don't even have a house, let alone a nursery.
Zest: How's Dude going to manage ... you know... with a nooboo and a career and everything else?
No idea. I don't even know how he's going to get through the next few days.
<together> *Sigh*

Nice walk?
Dude: Yes. It's lovely and peaceful here.
'Tis that.

Well <stretching> Certainly takes you a long time to walk anywhere at the moment.
Dude: Hmm, can't seem to go very fast, must still be a bit under the weather.

What's for breakfast?
Dude: Burgers. I can't stop thinking about eating burgers. So weird.

Dude: Hey Zest! Brekkies ready!

Zest: <Yawn> Thanks Dude.

Zest: <Cautiously> So... you might be pregnant ya know.
Dude: Are you off your rocker?

Zest: Well, how come when I asked you when the baby was due you replied in about three days then?
Dude: Huh? I did? What? Naaa. That's not such a funny joke Zest.

Dude: So what you got planned for today?
Zest: <Giving up> Umm, just some insect collecting and fishing probs.

Another walk? You could just read a book or something.

Dude: Thought I'd give the insect collecting a go. Got cha!

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #43 on: April 09, 2015, 10:35:14 PM »
Chapter 11: Holiday Distraction

What cha doing?
Zest: Er, watering a plant!

Oh! I think they are...

...stink bugs. Yeah.

Zest: Oh <retch> That's disgusting.

Zest: Aw, now I stink like... well, something indescribable.

Dude: Want a marshmallow?
No thanks, knock yourself out tho'.

Dude: Ow hot! Hot! Hot! Felt that one go all the way down! Woah.

Dude: Hey!
Zest: I'm heading off fishing for a bit. Wanna join?
Dude: No, I going to read for a bit.
You mean nap. lol

Any luck?
Zest: A few, nothing spectacular though.

Wow... You're a big as a hou.... Err... um, it's really nice here.
Dude: Hmm? Oh, yeah. It is. Pity we can't stay longer.
We can always come back. Are you nervous about starting a new career?
Dude: No, just wish I felt better.
Ahh, yeah. Umm, you probably will by Monday.

You know we forgot to bring the camera again!
Dude: Lol, well then we'll be coming back again for sure.

Don't um, burn your belly on the stove.
Dude: As if. Honestly, I don't know what's got into the two of you.
I could say the same back.

Zest: You ready to head back to camp?
Dude: Sure.

Dude: Ow, OOwww... OOOWWWW!
Oh gosh that sound's terrible. Do you want to go home Dude?
Dude: No. I'm good. It's gone now.

Smells great! What are cooking up?
Dude: Clear Mind Distillation.
Oh! That doesn't sound so appetizing!
Dude: It's for work, so I can stay focused for longer!
Ahh! I see. Good plan.

Dude: Wow! It smells rather repulsive now it's finished. I sure hope it tastes better than it smells.

Another walk? Can't you just sit still?
Dude: No, I'm really restless.

Zest, I think we need to take Dude home.
Zest: K then, lemme wash up and grab the tent.

Ahh, home sweet home.
Zest: I stink, bags the bath first.

Dude: Ohh arghhh.... Watcher?
Dude: I think I'm having a nooboo.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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