Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 469249 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2015, 05:29:24 PM »
As for population, I would recommend using your male helpers. Either move in a new one or use Grady and have him procreate.  Do that every generation or two with a new helper. It will help with keeping your town populated.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2015, 05:38:29 PM »
As for population, I would recommend using your male helpers. Either move in a new one or use Grady and have him procreate.  Do that every generation or two with a new helper. It will help with keeping your town populated.

Yeah, but it would be easier for the founder and next heir etc and so on, to do this as you can rake in so many points while completing the serial romantic etc. It's just that would obviously need male heirs... I'm a bit torn about who to use at the moment 'cos it really makes the heirs/founder etc a bit of a cad. lol  And I can't see myself being bothered to complete the serial romantic with a helper just due to the intensity of the play when you're trying to get it done in five days or less etc. Argh, decisions!  ::)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2015, 06:02:50 PM »
Yeah, but it would be easier for the founder and next heir etc and so on, to do this as you can rake in so many points while completing the serial romantic etc. It's just that would obviously need male heirs... I'm a bit torn about who to use at the moment 'cos it really makes the heirs/founder etc a bit of a cad. lol  And I can't see myself being bothered to complete the serial romantic with a helper just due to the intensity of the play when you're trying to get it done in five days or less etc. Argh, decisions!  ::)

Your creative imaginative is so vast!  I love your new gardener's personality.  Lol, even your "help" gets sassy now.
Couldn't you just wait to start Serial Romantic until after Winston has his legit heir?

Speaking of cads, I was watching a livestream of Sims 4 gameplay last week and learned something new. The sim's girlfriend caught him cheating so he persuaded her to dance with him and she stopped being mad at him (lost the angry/jealousy moodlet). I have yet to try this myself, but the premise is so hilarious I thought it was worth mentioning.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2015, 06:22:43 PM »
True, though then that means a lot of the town is related to your family, which can make it tricky when it comes time to find a spouse, but then the game generates enough candidates I suppose that you wouldn't need them living in the houses.

Offline Playalot

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2015, 06:25:33 PM »
Chapter 3: Two becomes...

Hate to break up all these deep and meaningful conversations but time's ticking away and all that.

Where did Grady go? <Looking around confused>
Dude: Fishing. <grunt>

Dude: Arggggh.
You alright? You sound like you're dying or something!
Dude: Can't ... seem... to ... move... weights. Arggggh.

Oh my...eww, you stink!
Dude: Woah! I seriously am outta shape. That sucked.

Oh poor Grady... he's doing too much for his age.

Oh you smell so much better now.
Dude: Thanks, oh queen of backhanded compliments.

What! More training?
Dude: Yeah, umm, Don meet my watcher.
Don: Hi watcher.
Dude: So anyway... weights build bulk fast, right? But don't do anything for cardio, so you need both.
Don: Agreed... totally.

Grady: Hmm, <watching the Antony Worrall Thompson 'Cooking With Angelfish" show> that sounds delicious.
Woah! Dude!

Trainer: GET BACK UP THERE. Push through that pain... control your mind set you slacker!

Dude: Sheesh! I can't believe that just happened.

Dude: Plumbob, how utterly humiliating.
Trainer: Yes. Yes. Woo.... that's how you do it. On your feet not your face.
Don't worry about it dude, happens to the best of us.
Dude: Hasn't happened to me before.
Ah well, looks like it's a week of firsts for us all then.  I'll see ya later, when you're finished eh.
Dude: K

There you are.
Dude: So you wanna join us?
Johnny: Like move in?
<Quiet gasp *crosses fingers*>
Dude: Yeah.

Johnny: No

Dude: Oh.

Hehe, sure had Dude on when ya said 'no'. pfffft
Johnny: Yeah, nothing better than a good gag.
Is he talking to you yet?
Johnny: <grin> Yeah.

So weird, everyone stares at that fridge. We do have seats ya know.
Johnny: Hmm? Yeah. Sorry, just zoned out for a sec.
Well, when you're finished eating how 'bout we change up those clothes of yours?
Johnny: Sure! I'm into that.

Trust me, you'll be a different man when I'm through with you! Mwhahaaaha.
Johnny: No pink watcher... I'm warning you. No pink.

See? Much better.
Johnny: Totally. So all you want me to do is sit here and churn a few books out everyday? Right?
Johnny: K then.
Oh and Johnny?
Johnny: Yes?
Can I call you Zesty?
Zesty: Sure. New nickname to go with my new look. That's cool.
*happy sigh*

Dude: The garden's looking great Grady.
Sure is!
Dude: Oh! Hey!
Dude: Thought you were Grady.

Dude: So how big you want this mirror?
To fit in that gap over the sink Dude.
Dude: K.

You know looking at it isn't the same as 'building it'?
Dude: Ha ha, very funny.
It's a big project.
Dude: Yep. Hey, did you know that aliens have been abducting people... mostly out in the desert?
What? Pffft, nooo. That's just urban mythology at it's worst.
Dude: No, true. There was a write up in Simpedia last week.
Really? What did it say?
Dude: Basically that a husband and wife (Betty and Barney Hill) were taking taking a walk along by the Rattlesnake and they see a bright object in the evening sky. They both stopped to look at it and then were sucked up into an alien spaceship.
What? <scoffs> That's just stupid.
Dude: Well apparently that flash new doctor at the hospital used Regressive Hypnosis and unveiled some pretty dark secrets... a secret of alien abduction, and medical experimentation and ...
Stop! Are you talking about Doctor Benjamin Spock* ?
Dude: yeah.
Oh.... maybe there is something about it then.
Dude: Told ya.

* Dr Benjamin Spock =  Benjamin McLane Spock was an American pediatrician, most noted as the author of one of the bestselling nonfiction books of all time ‘Baby and Child Care’. You can Google him if you're interested.
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Offline Playalot

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2015, 06:36:04 PM »
@oshizu , thanks for reading and yeah, dancing with your cheating bf/gf makes it all magically better lol. Crazy sims. About your question: "Couldn't you just wait to start Serial Romantic until after Winston has his legit heir?" If I use Dude then I would HAVE to wait according to dynasty rules. That's what I got wrong in my 2nd attempt. But that's not really the issue, I like having nice founders and heirs and spouses etc. lol I just don't really like the serial romantic aspiration due to my own personal preferences. I know it's just a game... but I create my simmy characters in my head and like them to be nice! That's all.  :D
Anyhoo, time will tell, assuming I make it that far again. lol.

@Shewolf13 , yeah, I generally don't choose spouses etc from sims in houses. I'm just too pleased that they are actually in a house to take them out of it!  ::)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2015, 06:57:36 PM »
Glad you're making progress. I loved the reference to Dr. Spock -- I'm old enough to remember my mother's dog-eared copy.
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Offline oshizu

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2015, 08:21:34 PM »
Glad you're making progress. I loved the reference to Dr. Spock -- I'm old enough to remember my mother's dog-eared copy.

That dude with pointy ears in Star Trek was a pediatrician?!
No, seriously, I always experience initial confusion with the two Spocks.

@Playalot, I notice you have plans to transform Winston into a skilling machine this time.  In your images, I see so many skill objects, lol.
I agree with wanting a "nice" founder, though. In my (countless, unsuccessful) dynasty attempts, I only have spares complete Serial Romantic.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #23 on: April 09, 2015, 02:35:40 AM »
Chapter 4: Something To Celebrate

You still working on it?
Dude: No

You've been upgrading it for so long. <grumble mumble> All I get to see of you these days is your back. Hmm, not that I'm complaining.
Dude: Oi! Enough of that!

Zesty: Thanks for fixing the pc Grady.
Grady: No worries, it's all this desert sand that get into the motherboard. Might be time to build watcher.
Zesty: Noo! I really like living like this, it feels like a permanent holiday.
Thank goodness for that then, 'cos we aint got enough simoleons to build diddley-squat. Dude's used up nearly all the money on the upgrades to Aphrodite
Zesty: lol I still don't know why he named it that.
I'm not game enough to ask.

Finished yet?
Dude: No, nearly though.
Well Grady's made some lunch if you feel like a break.

Grady: Is it my imagination or is the watcher a little on edge?
Dude: Yeah, she's nervous about the rocket being finished.
Grady: You mean about the chance you won't get it finished?
Dude: No... she doesn't like change so she's concerned about the impact The Aphrodite will have.... change, you know?
Grady: Hmmm. Well change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
Dude: Try telling the watcher that.

Zesty: Hey... here's one for you. How far can you see on a clear day?
Dude: <grin> Dunno.
Zesty: 92,955,807 miles (to the sun)

Zesty: One morning I got up around 5:00 a.m. and wondered  "Where did the sun go?"  and then it dawned on me.
Dude: LOL

Rogelio: So how did you met Dude?
Grady: Playing chess at the park actually.

Grady: I knew right then that him and the watcher needed a helping hand.
Rogelio: Hmm, how did you know exactly.
Grady: Ahh... 'the knowing' is the easy bit. It's 'the doing' that's the hardest.

Dude: Who's winning?
Grady: Well, Rogelio is doing well for his first game.
Rogelio: That's a nice way of saying I'm losing!

What? What did you call me for? What's wrong? Wait... what's that sexy pose for? OOOoohhhhh, you're finished, right?
Dude: Right.
Cool! That's awesome and a reason to celebrate I reckon. Woo!

Whatcha doing?
Dude: I decided you were right.
I was?
Dude: Yep, partay time!

Dude: So, thanks for coming everyone. We're celebrating Aphrodite's completion.
Darrius: (Red and White cap) Who's what?
Bella: Might be better not to ask.
Dude: No, lol not like that... the rocket, Aphrodite... she's fully upgraded.
Gavin: Wow, congrats Dude. <Big long drawn out speech about Dude's hard work and determination blah blah blah>

Liberty: So have you made a space trip yet?
Dude: Yeah, a couple.
Liberty: Ooo, that's so cool, makes you kinda hot, you being single and all.

Dude: <preening> Why thank you Libby.
<fake retching sounds> Oh pah leese.
Kat: Well watcher, you gotta admit he's is a good catch.
Rogelio: What is it with chicks and astronauts?
Beats me. <shrug>

Dude: So many years ago, on a cold and stormy night a sea-going vessel floundered in the stormy seas...... 27 years later the lifeboat was discovered by local fishermen, with its original paint still intact, not a scratch on it... but it had the skeleton remains of the crew and the captain, sitting upright as if they were still rowing.
Waylon: Good grief!
Bella: <shiver>

Zesty: So you a bit hot on Dude there Libby?
Kat: She is... she hasn't stopped talking about him for weeks.
Liberty: Kat!

Darius: So tell us about your time in the Simlayan monasteries Grady.
Grady: Well son there was a lot of peace and quiet! lemme tell you a joke instead...
A guy joins a monastery and takes a vow of silence: he’s allowed to say two words every seven years.
After the first seven years, the elders bring him in and ask for his two words.
"Cold floors," he says. They nod and send him away.
Seven more years pass. They bring him back in and ask for his two words.
He clears his throats and says, "Bad food."
They nod and send him away. Seven more years pass. They bring him in for his two words.
"I quit," he says.
"That’s not surprising," the elders say. "You’ve done nothing but complain since you got here."

Go easy on the logs there Rogelio, don't want to burn the place down now.
Rogelio: <adding the forth log in as many minutes> K.

And so the night was spent telling scary stories...

...and amusing jokes...

...with the occasional moment of deep contemplation and philosophizing about life in general....

...until it was time to sleepily wander home...

...leaving just the hardened party goers hanging out around the bonfire until the wee hours of the morning, celebrating Dude's first gold medal party. Woo!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #24 on: April 09, 2015, 02:49:58 AM »
Johnny in his cowboy hat *swoons* Grady is a great addition to the house, sucks that he's an elder.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #25 on: April 09, 2015, 03:01:27 AM »
Chapter 5: And So, Back Down To Earth

Some party that. My head still hurts.
Zesty:I know, I'm not sure if this burger is helping or making me feel worse.
Greasy 'morning after the night before' food usually always works. Keep eating.

Dude: So how's the writing going?
Zesty: Good Dude.

Zesty: Hey did you know that I can follow your space adventures on the pc?
Dude: No! How cool! Can you record them?
Zesty: I'm sure it can be done, haven't tried yet but I don't see why not.
Dude: Cool! I'll go for a spin and see if you can record it then eh?
Zesty: Sure.

Dude: See ya watcher.
Ohh <Sharp in-take of breath> Are you sure it's safe?
Dude: Yeaya. Of course.

Oh ... good luck then! <waves nervously>

Oh my plumbob! Mind the sun... Dude... MIND THE SUN...

Oh, you were turning. Right. *sigh*

<cough cough cough>

Zesty: So lot's of weights then ya reckon Rogelio?
Rogelio: Yep, and protein Zest, ya need to put on some kilos.

Grady: Oh son... you're not really a criminal mastermind. Why would you say that?

Zesty: Heeeeee yah.

Rogelio: Gotta dig in deep... don't try to lift too much weight at first...gotta build up to it. There you go!

A bit later...
I'm a worried about Dude. He should be back by now.
Grady: He'll be back when he's back. Worrying won't do anything apart from make you ill.
I know. Can't help myself though. If there's nothing real to worry about, I'll just make something up to worry about....
Grady: You need to breath through that. Nice big deep breaths. Now where are those darn frogs?

<terrifyingly loud noise>

<stumbles towards crash site crying>

Dude, where are you... <sob> NO... Where are you?

Noooo... why are you all see through....<uncontrollable sobs>

Pull yourself out.... Come ON. You can do it. Dude, don't leave me.

Dude: Holy jinges! By plumbob... that was not fun.

Dude: Oh yeah, survived a crash. Feeling on top of the world. Hmm hmm.

I'm going to kill you.... I swear it.... I'm going to KILL you.
Dude: Now, you know how Grady feels about violent language watcher...
You better start running....

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #26 on: April 09, 2015, 03:50:34 AM »
Ouch, panic attack! Glad he made it, do not scare me again, lol.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2015, 04:57:38 AM »
@Nettlejuice , I can't help but put Zesty into a cowboy hat. I did try not to... old habits just die hard I guess!  :P I was a little worried for a moment or two myself during that crash as it was pretty spectacular. In fact none of my other sims have ever had such a fire-and-brimstone sort of crash! Ended ok though, thank goodness.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #28 on: April 09, 2015, 06:28:10 AM »
Jeez my heart just went up my throat there. I'm too old to get scared like this you know  :o
Please don't do that again. lol.

Awesome pictures though and very  catching story. I really like Dude.
I only live in real life when my sims need a break ;)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2015, 08:02:22 AM »
LOL I'm used to those crashes!! I love it when they happen. Dude is tough as nails. I'm loving Grady, his the nail that holds it all together.
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