Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 468018 times)

Offline Playalot

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Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed
« on: April 08, 2015, 03:49:08 AM »
So... welcome once again to another dynasty attempt.  :)

Chapter 1: A Beginning
Chapter 2: Finding The Pace
Chapter 3: Two Becomes...
Chapter 4: Something To Celebrate
Chapter 5: And So... Back Down To Earth
Chapter 6: The Wonder
Chapter 7: Getting Stuff Done
Chapter 8: Up, Up And Away
Chapter 9: A Much Needed Break
Chapter 11: Holiday Distraction
Chapter 12: Can't Contain Nature
Chapter 13: A Decision

Founder Adult
Chapter 14: A Birthday
Chapter 15: The Non Date
Chapter 16: Dinner Party
Chapter 17: Again? Really?
Chapter 18: Can't We Just Call It?
Chapter 19: The Date Continues
Chapter 21: Here Fishy Fishy
Chapter 21: Fishing Success
Chapter 22: Not A Home Birth
Chapter 23: A House: Kinda
Chapter 24: Promotion Or Not?
Chapter 25: Birthday Time
Chapter 26: Third Time Lucky
Chapter 27: Or Not So Lucky
Chapter 28: Well That Blew It
Chapter 29: Welcome Nooboo
Chapter 30: A Normal Day
Chapter 31: Finding Love
Chapter 32: A New House Member
Chapter 33: Finding Love
Chapter 34: Making More Friends

Generation Two (Child)
Chapter 35: The Heir Is Born
Chapter 36: Jealousy
Chapter 37: Family Day At The Park
Chapter 38: Mackenzie's Birthday
Chapter 39: Close Call
Chapter 40: Work Day
Chapter 41: Winston's Elder Birthday
Chapter 42: One Less
Chapter 43: Two Birthdays and A Wedding
Chapter 44: A New House Member
Chapter 45: Just Hanging in the Weekend

Generation 2  Teen
Chapter 46: Mac's Birthday
Chapter 47: 2 Parties
Chapter 48: Blaize's Birthday Party
Chapter 49: A Trip
Chapter 50: Two For The Price of One
Chapter 51: Too Soon
Chapter 52: Let's Go Out
Chapter 53: Party
Chapter 54: Bad Timing
Chapter 55: Jasmine's YA Birthday

Generation Two Young Adult
Chapter 56: Mackenzies YA Birthday
Chapter 58: Another New House Member
Chapter 58: The Last Book
Chapter 59: A Private Wedding
Chapter 60: A Hard Days Work

Generation Three (Nooboo/Child) Generation Two Young Adult
Chapter 61:  New Heir
Chapter 62: A Little Bit Of Mischief
Chapter 63: Another One Bites The Dust
Chapter 64: Zahra's Birthday
Chapter 65: Blaize's Adult Birthday
Chapter 66: An Alien Invasion
Chapter 67: Back To Normal
Chapter 68: Finally Done
Chapter 69: A Trip To The Park
Chapter 70: Jasmine's Adult Birthday
Chapter 71: A Day of Work

Generation 3 Teen, Generation 2 Young Adult
Chapter 72: Malakai and Zahra's Birthdays
Chapter 73: Fishing

Generation 3 Teen, Generation 2 Adult
Chapter 74: Mackenzie's Reveal
Chapter 75: Friends
Chapter 76: A Trip
Chapter 77: Party Time
Chapter 78: Painting And Other Stuff
Chapter 79: Blaize's Elder Birthday
Chapter 80: Hanging At Home

Generation 3 Young Adult, Generation 2 Adult
Chapter 81: Zahra's Young Adult Birthday
Chapter 82: A Night Fishing Trip
Chapter 83: First Day At Work
Chapter 84: Things Don't Go So Well
Chapter 85: Turmoil
Chapter 86: A Proposal

Generation 4 Nooboo/Child, Gen 3 Young Adult, Gen 2 Adult
Chapter 87: A New Family Member
Chapter 89: Jasmine's Elder Birthday
Chapter 90: The Wedding Part One
Chapter 91: The Wedding Part Two, And A Birthday
Chapter 92: Focusing On The Positives
Chapter 93: A Day Out
Chapter 94: Farewell Blaize

Generation 4 Child, Generation 3 Young Adult, (Gen 2 Immortal)
Mac's Elder Birthday
Chapter 96: Welcome Visitors
Chapter 97: A Fishing Trip
Chapter 98: Parting Is Such Sorrow
Chapter 99: Visitors

Generation 4 Teen, Generation 3 Young Adult
Chapter 100: Caleb's Teen Birthday
Chapter 101: A Break Away
Chapter 102: Is That A...?

Generation 4 Teen, Generation 3 Adult
Chapter 103: A Weekend of Waiting
Chapters 104: Zahra's Ready
Chapter 105: Insects And Parties
Chapter 106: More Parties

Generation 4 Young Adult, Generation 3 Adult
Chapter 107: Caleb's Young Adult Birthday
Chapter 108: A New Career
Chapter 109: On The Beat
Chapter 110: First Case
Chapter 111: Break Her, I Say

Generation 5 nooboo/child, Generation 4 Young Adult, Generation 3 Adult/Elder
Chapter 112: A New Heir
Chapter 116: Bonding Time
Chapter 117: Zahra's Elder Birthday
Chapter 118: A Day In A Cop's Life
Chapter 119: Things Aren't Quite Normal
Chapter 120: A Birthday Invite
Chapter 121: Things Get Weird
Chapter 122: Ramin's Time
Chapter 123: Another One Goes Down
Chapter 124: Another Nooboo
Chapter 125: A Farewell

Generation 5 Teen, Generation 4 Young Adult, Generation 3 Elder
Chapter 126: Julien's Teen Birthday
Chapter 127: Friends and Parties

Generation 5 Teen, Generation 4 Young Adult (Generation 3 Immortal)
Chapter 128: Zahra's Immortality
Chapter 129: Science is Never Boring

Generation 5 Teen/Young Adult, Generation 4 Adult
Chapter 130: Parties, Parties and Caleb's Adult Birthday
Chapter 131: Night Out
Chapter 132: Julien's YA Birthday
Chapter 133: Caleb's Reveal
Chapter 134: Helena's Elder Birthday

Generation 6 Nooboo/child, Generation 5 Young Adult, Generation 4 Elder/Immortal
Chapter 135: Another Generation
Chapter 136: True Love
Chapter 137: Fishing
Chapter 138: Abi's Birthday
Chapter 139: Making Friends
Chapter 140: The Final Lie
Chapter 141: Grim Steps In
Chapter 142: Caleb Becomes Immortal
Chapter 143: A Sad Farewell
Chapter 144: Hot Tubs Mmmm
Chapter 145: Julien Finishes Everything

Generation 6 Teen, Generation 5 Adult
Chapter 146: Abi's Teen Birthday
Chapter 147: Julien's Adult Party
Chapter 148: Finding Her Way
Chapter 149: A Trip Out
Chapter 150: Time Together
Chapter 151: House Party
Chapter 152: A Sad End to the Day
Chapter 153: A Party

Generation 6 Young Adult, Generation 5 Adult
Chapter 154: Abi's Young Adult Birthday
Chapter 155: A Date
Chapter 156: A Wedding
Chapter 157: Getting On
Chapter 158: Waiting For The Nooboo

Generation 7 Nooboo/Child, Generation 6 Young Adult, Generation 5 Adult
Chapter 159: The Seventh Heir
Chapter 160: Nooboo In The House
Chapter 160: Charlotte Becomes A Real Girl
Chapter 161: Justin's Elder Birthday
Chapter 162: Justin's Elder Birthday

Generation 7 Child, Generation 6 Young Adult, Generation 5 Elder/Immortal
Chapter 163: Julien Becomes An Elder
Chapter 164: Weekend
Chapter 165: Julien's Immortal
Chapter 166: Time Passing
Chapter 167: Sadness

Generation 7 Teen, Generation 6 Young Adult/Adult
Chapter 168: Charlotte's Teen Birthday
Chapter 169: UFO's?
Chapter 170: Abi's Adult Birthday
Chapter 171: A Little Addition
Chapter 172: Party Time
Chapter 173: Charlotte's Date

Generation 7 Young Adult, Generation 6 Adult
Chapter 174: Charlotte's A Young Adult
Chapter 175: Proposal
Chapter 176: Last Wedding
Chapter 177: Nooboo?
Chapter 178: Hurry Up Already

Generation 8 nooboo/child, Generation 7 Young Adult, Generation 6 Adult
Chapter 179: The Eighth Heir Arrives
Chapter 180: Meeting New Neighbors
Chapter 181: Meeting Nate
Chapter 182: Park Trip

Generation 8 Child, Generation 7 Young Adult/ Generation 6 Immortal
Chapter 183: Abi's Immortal
Chapter 184: A Visitor
Chapter 185: Family Time
Chapter 186: A New Skill
Chapter 187: Busy Day
Chapter 188: Charlotte's Done
Chapter 189: An Unexpected Visit From Grim

Generation 8 Teen, Generation 7 Adult (Waiting to become and Elder)
Chapter 190: Nate's Teen Birthday
Chapter 191: Charlotte's Adult Birthday
Chapter 192: Caleb's Work Day
Chapter 193: Making A Friend
Chapter 194: Getting Stuff Done

Generation 8 Young Adult, Generation 7 Adult(Waiting to Become an Elder)
Chapter 185: Nate's Young Adult Birthday
Chapter 196: Ice Cream

Generation 8 Young Adult, Generation 7 Immortal
Chapter 197: Charlotte's Elder Birthday
Chapter 198: Nate Maxes His Job
Chapter 199: A Holiday

Generation 8 Adult - Immortal
Chapter 200: Nate's Adult Birthday
Chapter 201: A Party, A Challenge, A Farewell
Chapter 202: The Final Chapter

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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Offline Playalot

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2015, 03:49:34 AM »
Hollingsworth Dynasty Stats.

Winston “Dude” Hollingsworth -Immortal. 26 Plates of Ambrosia 371 days old
Traits: Genius, Geek, Loves The Outdoors, Quick Learner (From Choosing Knowledge Aspiration)
1. Career: Scientist L10
2. Aspiration1: Nerd Brain (Completed)
    Aspiration 2: Freelance Botanist (Completed)
3. Skill 1: Rocket Science L10
    Skill 2: Logic L10
    Skill 3: Gardening L10
4. Rewards: Speed Cleaner, Gym Rat, Insta-Large, Insta-Lean
5. Parties/Gold Medals: Weenie Roast/ Adult Birthday/ Dinner Party/ Incognito / Date
6. Friends: Edison Coley, Kiersten Kraft, J Huntington iii, Gregory McGovern, Marci Lee BFF, Kalani Stafford.
7. Whims: Very Confident: Start A New Career/ Energized: Do Push Ups/ Happy: Hug Someone/ Inspired: Cook a Group Meal/ Focused: Read A Book/ Tense: Vent To Someone/ Playful: Pester Someone.
8. Museum Items: 8 x Space Prints. (4 Battle Stars @ $495, 4 Surfacing @ 475: Total $3880)

Generation 2:
Mackenzie Hollingsworth - Immortal. 18 Plates of Ambrosia 262 days old
Traits: Creative, Cheerful, Art Lover, Quick Learner (From Choosing Knowledge Aspiration)
Childhood Aspiration: Social Butterfly (Completed), Artistic Prodigy (Completed), Rambunctious Scamp (Completed) Whiz Kid (Completed)
School Grade:A
High School Grade: A
1. Career: Writer: Author Branch L10
2. Aspiration1: Best Selling Author (Completed)
    Aspiration 2: Chief of Mischief (Completed)
3. Skill 1: Writing L10
    Skill 2: Charisma L10
    Skill 3: Mischief L10
4. Rewards: Fertile, Free Services, Instant Fun, Inspired Potion
5. Parties/Gold Medals: Incognito/ Dinner Party/ Blaize's YA Birthday Party/ House Party @ Roomies/ Date
6. Friends: Ray Spencer-Kim-Lewis, Fabian Caliente BFF, Jaron Vasquez, Camila Spencer-Kim-Lewis, Goopy Spencer-Kim-Lewis, Aden Spencer-Kim-Lewis
7. Whims: Tense: Take a Bath/ Inspired: Play an Instrument/ Happy: Hug Someone/ Confident: Propose Crazy Scheme/ Sad: Complain About Problems/ Playful: Start A Playful Painting/ Energized: Enthuse About Interests With Someone.
8. Museum Items: 10 x Best Seller Books: Mind Over Muscle $1,033, Dummies Guide To Aliens $1088, The Mysterious Alien $1048, It Happened One Summer $1133, Sleeping Standing Up $1141, Lender’s Game $1198, All About Cleve $1298, Puzzle Pleasers $1047, Aliens Don’t Need Careers $1217, Mind Over Muscle $1281 Total=$11,484

Generation 3
Zahra Hollingsworth - Immortal. 15 Plates of Ambrosia 230 days old.
Traits: Loves The Outdoors, Creative, Cheerful, Quick Learner
Childhood Aspiration: Social Butterfly (Completed), Whiz Kid (Completed) , Rambunctious Scamp (Completed),  Artistic Prodigy (Completed),
School Grade:A
High School Grade: A
1. Career: Doctor L10
2. Aspiration1: Angling Ace (Completed)
    Aspiration 2: Painter Extraordinaire (Completed)
3. Skill 1: Fishing L10
    Skill 2: Charisma L10
    Skill 3: Painting L10
4. Rewards: Professional Slacker, Frugal, Instant Hygiene, Independent
5. Parties/Gold Medals: Incognito @Caliente's/ House Party @Caliente's/ Dinner Party/ Date/ Wedding
6. Friends: Robert Spencer-Kim-Lewis, Mekhi Pancakes, Elijah Whelan, Kobe McGowan, Zaiden Spencer-Kim-Lewis, Maegan Carey BFF
7. Whims: Happy: Make A friend/ Confident: Tell An Unbelievable Story/ Tense: Try To Calm Self Down In Mirror/ Bored: Suggest Fun Activity/ Focused: Play Cards/ Inspired: Talk About dreams/ Energized: Hip Bump Someone
8. Museum Items: Masterpiece Paintings x10. 13,750: 11,172: 11,111: 10,984: 10,813: 10,678: 10,071: 9,990: 9,503: 9,105 Total = 107,177.

Generation 4:
Caleb Hollingsworth - Immortal. 13 Plates of Ambrosia 198 days old
Traits: Creative, Loves The Outdoors, Perfectionist, Quick Learner
Childhood Aspiration: Social Butterfly(Completed), Whiz Kid(Completed), Rambunctious Scamp(Completed), Artistic Prodigy (Completed)
School Grade: A
High School Grade: A
1. Career: Detective L10
2. Aspiration1: Outdoor Enthusiast (Completed)
    Aspiration 2: Musical Genius (Completed)
3. Skill 1: Logic L10
    Skill 2: Herbalism L10
    Skill 3: Guitar L10
4. Rewards: Speed Reader, Observant, Super Green Thumb, Sleep Replacement 
5. Parties/Gold Medals: House Party/ Incognito/ Dinner Party/ Date/YA Birthday
6. Friends: BunBun (Childhood Toy), Conner Draper, Jarod Sosa, Melany Acosta, Barbara Conley (Alien), Peyton Nunes BFF, 
7. Whims: Happy:Chat with someone/ Inspired: Talk About Dreams/ Playful: Watch Comedy on TV/ Focused: Observe The Skies With Telescope/ Confident: Propose Crazy Scheme To Someone/ Energized: Do Sit Ups/ Flirty: Kiss Someone
8. Museum Items: 10 x Camping Mascot Sculptures: $4,494: $4,460:  $4,421: $4,414: $4,412: $4,397: $4,382: $4,375: $4,353: $4,319:  Total= $44,027

Generation 5
Julien Hollingsworth - Immortal. 10 Plates of Ambrosia 166 days old
Traits: Creative, Cheerful, Perfectionist, Essence of Flavour
Childhood Aspiration: Artistic Prodigy(Completed), Social Butterfly (Completed), Whiz Kid (Completed), Rambunctious Scamp (Completed)
School Grade: A
High School Grade: A
1. Career: Culinary: Mixology L10
2. Aspiration1: Master Mixologist (Completed)
    Aspiration 2: Party Animal (Completed)
3. Skill 1: Charisma L10
    Skill 2: Mixology L10
    Skill 3: Cooking L10
4. Rewards: Morning Sim, Hardly Hungry, Happy Potion, Energized Potion
5. Parties/Gold Medals: Dinner Party @Home/House Party @Home/ Weenie Roast @Magnolia Park/Caleb’s Adult Birthday Party@ BFF/ House Party @SKL
6. Friends:Ezequiel Spencer-Kim-Lewis BFF, Raheem SKL, Yusuf Kraft, Wyatt Kraft, Clyde Kraft, Journey Kraft
7. Whims: Confident: Tell An Unbelievable Story/ Inspired: Talk About Dreams/ Focused: Play Chess/ Energized: Do Push Ups/ Tense: Take A Shower/ Happy: Tell A Joke/ Flirty: Woohoo With Somebody
8. Museum Items: 10 x Shadow Realm Mixology Drinks @$870 each Total = $8,700

Generation 6
Abi Hollingsworth - Immortal. 7 Plates of Ambrosia 135 days old
Traits: Cheerful, Perfectionist, Good
Childhood Aspiration:Artistic Prodigy(Completed), Social Butterfly(Completed), Whiz Kid(Completed), Rambunctious Scamp(Completed)
School Grade:A
High School Grade:A
1. Career: Entertainer - Comedian Branch L10
2. Aspiration1: Joke Star (Completed)
    Aspiration 2: Friend of the World (Completed)
3. Skill 1:Charisma L10
    Skill 2: Comedy  L10
    Skill 3: Wellness L10
4. Rewards:  Great Story Teller, Always Welcome, Shameless, Confident Potion
5. Parties/Gold Medals: Julien's Adult Birthday Party/ House Party/ Incognito/ Date/ Wedding
6. Friends: Van Caliente, Ellie Goth, Charlie Elmore, Julien Hollingsworth, Zahra Hollingsworth, Caleb Hollingsworth BFF
7. Whims: Inspired: Talk About Dreams/ Confident: Tell an Unbelievable Story/ Focused: Play Chess/ Happy: Tell A Joke/Playful: Make Silly Faces in the Mirror/ Tense: Take A Mud Bath/ Energized: Do Push-Ups
Museum Items: Comedy Books x 10. Jokes7 $1320, Jokes From The Punderground $1316, Jokes 2 $1290, And Another Thing More @1228, Jokes From Somewhere $1139, Once More $1032, And Another Thing $992, Jokes 3 $967, LOL $935, And Another Thing Yet Again $925, Total = $11,144.

Generation 7
Charlotte Hollingsworth - Immortal. 4 Plates of Ambrosia 102 days old
Traits: Genius, Geek, Cheerful
Childhood Aspiration: Artistic Prodigy (Completed), Social Butterfly (Completed), Whiz Kid (Completed), Rambunctious Scamp (Completed)
School Grade: A
High School Grade:A
1. Career: Tech Guru: eSports Gamer L10
2. Aspiration1: Computer Whiz (Completed)
    Aspiration 2: Curator (Completed)
3. Skill 1: Charisma L10
    Skill 2: Video gaming L10
    Skill 3: Programming L10
4. Rewards: Savant, Steel Bladder, Shameless, Focused Potion
5. Parties/Gold Medals: Incognito @SKL/ House Party/ Weenie Roast @Newcrest Park/ Date With Mal/ Young Adult Birthday/ Wedding
6. Friends: Malcolm Ferraro BFF, Zoey Cottrell, Abbey Schultz, Timothy Elmore, Edward Salazar, Bernard Patel.
7. Whims: Bored:Chat With Someone/ Inspired: Talk About dreams/Tense: Take a Bath/ Happy: Tell A Joke/ Focused: Play Chess/ Embarrassed: Call Someone on the Phone/Playful: Play In A Puddle
8. Museum Items: 10 x Microscope Prints Crystal Palace @ $485 each. Total= $4,850

Generation 8
Nathan Hollingsworth Immortal. 1 Plate of Ambrosia 70 days old
Traits: Creative, Cheerful, Perfectionist
Childhood Aspiration: Whiz Kid (Completed), Social Butterfly (Completed), Rambunctious Scamp (Completed), Artistic Prodigy (Completed),
School Grade: A
High School Grade: A
1. Career: Culinary: Chef L10
2. Aspiration1: Serial Romantic (Completed)
    Aspiration 2: Master Chef (Completed)
3. Skill 1: Charisma L10
    Skill 2: Cooking L10
    Skill 3: Gourmet Cooking L10
4. Rewards: Night Owl, Beguiling, Antiseptic, Flirty Potion
5. Parties/Gold Medals: Charlottes Adult Birthday/Date/House Party/ Dinner Party/Weenie Roast @ GF
6. Friends: Edward Salzar BFF, Jimena Khan, Bernard Patel, Wesley Kwa, Gerard Khan, Grim Reaper
7. Whims: Inspired: Talk About Dreams/ Energized: Do Sit-Ups/ Sad: Complain About Problems/ Confident: Tell An Unbelievable Story/ Happy:Call Someone On The Phone/ Flirty:Flirt With Someone / Focused: Play Chess
8. Museum Items: 10 x Plates Of Ambrosia: 17,645: 17,301: 17,205: 16,573: 16,193: 16,123: 15,904: 15,569: 14,373: 13,664= Total 160,550

Total Museum Worth = $$351,812
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2015, 03:50:02 AM »
Chapter 1: A Beginning

Dude: Oh for crying out loud! What happened this time?
You don't want to know.
Dude: Actually, you're right. I don't.
Are you grumpy at me?
Dude: No, I'm furious and I'm going out.
Umm... you are technically 'out' right now. I mean there is nowhere to actually go 'into' so that would make you 'out'.
Dude:<Through clenched teeth> I'm going to the park.

I knew you'd feel better in the fresh air.
Dude: Go away.
Oh what? It's not even chapter 2 and you're already telling me to go away.
Dude: Ok, fair point. How about you sit just a little bit away and let me concentrate on skilling up eh? I mean... it's not like I get to keep my awesome skills each time you stuff up.
Oh! Err, right... <mumble>. K then.

Dude: Nice to meet you too. Care to play?

Dude: Hmmm, that was a good move!

Oh you won your first ever game! Cool!
Dude: Thank you.
Gardener: Well played young man!

Dude: Oh you like chess too? Awesome!
Gardener: I do, and doing things right. I always say "do it right the first time".
Dude: <snort> Did you hear that watcher?
Dude: Did so.

Dude: Would you like to be part of this dynasty? I could really do with someone who likes to do things right.
<Sulkily>Oh very funny.
Gardener: I'd love to! That would be fantastic!

So, Grady, welcome aboard!
Grady: Thanks.
Oh... did ya lose Winston? <snort> Perhaps you should practice doing things right, eh?
Grady: That's a rather snippy tone there missy, perhaps you should try being a little more lady like, might make things run a little smoother.
<Stunned> Err, I... pardon me?
Grady: You're forgiven. I know stress these days makes you younger generation a little hasty with your words.
<Completely stunned>

Dude: <Smug> So, did you have a nice chat with Grady?
Shut up.
Dude: <Snicker>

Grady: So lets establish a few ground rules for keeping things civil.
Dude: "Ground" rules, get it? lol
Umm.. well usually what I say goes.
Grady: That's no way to run a democracy is it?
It's not really a democracy. I mean...I'm the boss.
Grady: Well, it's a good thing I'm here now to sort out this mess then, isn't it.
Dude: I'm not sure you are in a position to refute that last statement watcher.
*sigh* I think I liked my last dynasty better.

I think you probably need to know...
Grady: My dear, I do know. But consider how Winston is feeling. You mustn't ride rough-shot all over him all the time. After all it's him that shoulder's the loss each time you ... Well, enough. Let's enjoy some fishing eh?
Yeah, I like fishing actually. *Sigh*

Grady: Time for a change watcher.
Woah! You're pretty spritely for an old... er, elder sim!
Grady: It's all about taking good care of yourself really. Come on! Race you!

You kinda remind me of my granddad.
Grady: <grin> Do I? Well, I hope that's a compliment!
Lol, yes, actually. It is. I think you'll probably be good for us. Dude and I are a bit grumpy with each other at the moment.
Grady: You probably need some space and then when things have calmed down, a good honest chat to clear the air.
I suspect you're right.

Home time?
Dude: Yeah, I'm sleep walking.

Nite everyone. Oh! you're gardening now Grady?
Grady: Just for a short while then I'll turn in. Nite watcher.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2015, 04:01:19 AM »
Sorry you had to start yet again. I'm pleased to see Winston and you at it again  :D
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2015, 04:55:17 AM »
Oh thanks Nettlejuice!  Hopefully I make it past the first aspiration this time eh!  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2015, 05:34:19 AM »
Chapter 2: Finding the Pace

Wow, you must have worked quite late last night Grady! The garden looks great.
Grady: Thank you. It is nice to see some greenery here in the desert. Have you had a chat with Winston yet?
Umm, no... he's been quite busy.

Grady: I know dear, but you have things that need saying.
I know, I will. I'm just waiting for the right time, that's all.

Wait! How do you know that I've things that need saying?
Grady: You don't get to my age my dear without noticing these things. Don't leave it too long, like all things even this has it's own pace.

So Dude, I've been thinking...
Dude: Plumbob! Don't sneak up on me like that!

...So anyway. I think that this time you should have more say in what happens. You know like, umm.. helpers and spouses and houses...and skills... and ....Are you listening?
Dude: Hmmm?
You've been standing with that look on your face for about an hour now. I'm seriously getting freaked out!

O.K. Least you're moving now. Like what were you even doing?
Dude: Beats me... I just sort of got stuck thinking about what you were saying.
Oh, good come-back. You didn't hear a word I said.
Dude: Actually I did. I'm glad you're starting to see things my way, you know. It's pretty tough being bossed around all day long, doing stuff I don't even want to do. You need to chill. Take your time. "This" doesn't need to be done in a day you know <grin>. We do have the rest of my life to get it sorted. Darn, this is trickier than it looks!

Worth it though?
Dude: Yeah, it's pretty tasty!

Cool, it'll help you skill up quicker.
Dude: Cool! Thanks.
You're welcome.
Dude: So, we good?
Yeah, we're good.

Wow! Where did you learn that move?
Dude: Grady.
Huh, there's more to that guy then he let's on.
Dude: Agree.

Dude: Tell you what though, that drinks got me wired right up! Woo!

Grady? Where did you learn how to play chess?
Grady: Shang Simla. I was lucky enough to have spent time in a monastery there learning deep secrets and... well I can't tell you anymore or I'd have to kill you.
Lol, that explains it all then.

Dude: See ya tomorrow, I'm calling it a day.
Nite then.

A few hours later:
You're up mega early "Yawn". What's the time?
Dude: About 4.30ish.
Gosh... you're really taking this whole skilling thing seriously.
Dude: Hmm... it's quite addictive once you get started.

Wow, was that like ... did you just... how did you win in just eight moves?
Dude: Smothered Mate, Queens pawn version really.
I'm impressed!

Perhaps time for getting dressed... unless you want the neighbours seeing your pj's.
Dude: Hmm... yeah. K. Just finishing this up.

Dude: Why should you never buy a house from a chess player?
Grady: Don't know?
Dude: Because they take ages to move!
Grady: Lol, good one!
Hmm... I had lunch with a friend yesterday. How did I know they played chess?
Dude: Dunno?
Took her an hour to pass the salt!
Grady: *Groan*
Dude: Well... I'm heading out, wanna come along?
Grady. Sounds good.

Dude: Hang on a sec, just need to say hi to an old friend.
Actually, we might go ahead. See you there.
Grady: Where is 'there' exactly?
Oh, the gym. That's what Dude means when he says he's heading out.
Grady: Ah!

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2015, 06:03:32 AM »
I love your dynamic with Dude! I also love Grady keeping the balance. Can't wait for your next update  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2015, 06:28:28 AM »
Third time's the charm! And I was going to say, about your 2nd, that it's better to have someone unrelated to the founder work on populating the town so that their children and grandchildren can be spouses. I noticed that we can see Winston's face -- are we going to be able to see your immortals this time?
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2015, 06:41:51 AM »
MarianT beat me to it. I was going to say third time's the charm too.

Anyway I'm glad you gave it a third  shot with Winston, or maybe I should say I'm glad he gave you a third chance ;)

Great start.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2015, 08:51:32 AM »
Good luck with this one. I really enjoy your storytelling!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2015, 08:58:28 AM »
You learn from your mistakes. Good luck! ;)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2015, 10:02:52 AM »
Sorry, I missed something. Playalot failed her Dynasty? What happened? Did I miss something? (You can PM me if you don't want to clog up the thread.) Sorry that fell through - it seems that Sims 4 makes it almost impossible to get through an Immortal Dynasty without rebooting once. I thought it would be easier than Sims 3 ImDynasty (since we don't have to watch people like hawks to avoid overlapping skills and there is no life fruit).
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2015, 11:10:02 AM »
Yay!  More Winston!  Oh I absolutely love Grady!  He's fabulous.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2015, 04:36:09 PM »
Wow! The things that can happen while one is away. I've been off the forum because I've been traveling and never imagined two dynasties could go down while I was out of the loop. Poor Dude :'( Glad to see you're still going strong and best of luck with this dynasty!  ;D
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2015, 05:26:14 PM »
First let me say thank you for already reading! It was so nice this morning to wake up and find all your comments.  :) I had dreamed of my first dynasty and had woken up a little bummed out! Especially since I had moved my folder on Photobucket and so breaking all the links so I can't even go back for a visit! *Sigh* Certainly been a trying few days.

@Cristina , thanks, I figured Dude and I were out of sorts so we needed Grady to sort us out!
@MarianT , I certainly hope so! Yeah, now that I know that rule it's obvious. I'm still thinking about how to manage the population... luckily a lot of my houses have filled up this time *Yay* but I'm not sure just how I will keep this up. Still, It's early days so I can figure this out as I go.
@Ferretmania , Thank you! Really pleased you like it so far.
@judewright , Thanks! I'm going to need it. I miss Dude's money from painting already but I wanted to try a different approach.
@SLF, very true, very true!  :)
@EtnaFan666 , first dynasty I accidently completed the bodybuilder aspiration with Zack as I had him jog around for some screenshots, forgetting that the last stage of the BB aspiration doesn't include mentoring anymore. 2nd attempt I misunderstood a fundamental rule but luckily it was caught very quickly by Nettlejuice and so saved me weeks of playing etc only to find out it was flawed from the start! Whew! yeah... It is easy to accidently so something wrong and so fail a sims4 dynasty. I have been close a few times to stuffing it up for sure.
@Shewolf13 , Thanks! I'm glad grady's character is working.  :)
@Wolffie , Thank you - going to take all the luck I can get! yeah hopefully 'third's the charm' comes true.

*edited, I forgot to mention about seeing Dude's face. Well, seeing as you all already know him it seemed a bit trite to hide his face. However... with the next generation...  :P
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