Chapter 159: The Seventh HeirOMG NOOO. What are you doing home early? ? You've not only stuffed up your promotion but you are now in the RED. OMG!!! Your boss nearly demoted you. What the heck?Abi: I'm in labour.
ARGHHH.... *head desk* NOoo. All the last three days worth of work's just gone out the window...wait! WHAT?Abi: I'm in labour *Grits teeth* Ooooo
Labour?Abi: Yeah, you know that thing that makes the nooboos arrive?
Yeah.Abi: THAT.
Arghh.... hospital NOW. <Yelling> JUSTIN!!!
Justin: Can't look, gonna hurl, can't look. OMG!
Doctor: I take it that's your husband. *sigh*
Abi: Yep.

Abi: Hi, Abi Hollingsworth. I'm having a nooboo.
Receptionist: If you'd just like to wait...
Abi: NOW!
Receptionist: Oooo, sorry, I thought you meant you were just coming in for a check up...
Justin: I've got this. *Deep breath*. Think zen....
Shouldn't you put on a gown or something.
Abi: Don't have time, unless you want the 7th heir born in the reception area...
Oh! No...carry on as you are dear.... 
Abi: Where's Justin watcher?
Justin: Right behind you love. You're so amazing.

Doctor: Right, let's meet this little nooboo eh.

Justin: Watcher?
Yes?Justin: You know how I said I was calm and zen-like?
Justin: I lied...OMG arghhhh...

Abi: Darling, this isn't really helping.
Justin: What do I do? Where do we go? Ohhh...Abi....*sheer panic and nonsense*

Doctor: Oh how beautiful! Here is your little nooboo. All healthy and just perfect.
Justin: A NOOBOO?? What?
Abi: *Blissful sigh*

Abi: Oh look love, it's a little girl.
Justin: ....? A .... daughter?

Abi: Hello Charlotte, my little nooboo. You are just perfect!

Justin: Oh my gosh! I'm a dad! I really am! I've got <tearful swallow> a daughter!
Abi: Told you Charlotte that your daddy would love you to bits.
Awww, *sniff* Congratulations Abi. Home time eh?
Justin: *singing* Rock a bye baby...lalala laaaa. I'm gonna have too looook up the words....

Justin: Oh watcher! Isn't she perfect?
Indeed.Justin: I'm such an idiot. I have no idea why I freaked out about being a daddy. It's amazing! Charlotte's amazing! I don't think I've ever been happier, apart from when I married Abi that is.

Julien: Oh! I'm a granddaddy! *sniff* Hello little baby girl.
Are you crying?Julien: *sniff* No, just some dust.

Justin: You are the most amazing woman on the planet! Abi Hollingsworth I love you to bits!