Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 469212 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #690 on: July 05, 2015, 04:44:15 PM »
@MarianT , thanks. Julien had completed all his skills and one aspiration while he was still a teen and so only had to max his career which enabled him to complete his second aspiration which he did 2 days before his adult birthday. I guess working the sims really hard during their childhood really pays off. Like Abi, she was at L8 charisma by the time she aged up to a teen... so then during the teen years she'll complete everything she can before becoming an adult. It helps that the elders can mentor in all the possible skills too.
@Nettlejuice , lol I guess its 'cos they had their little 'chat' out by the wedding arch. *grin*
@hazysmith , thanks! It's like I said to MarianT, those skills boosts you get for completing childhood aspirations seem to really speed things along quite a bit.
@Cristina , I thought Julien and Cristine needed some sort of closure and after all I couldn't have Julien growing into an old bitter man... he's to cute for that.  ;)
@Joria , thanks so much for your encouragement. It is getting really hard to play for technical reasons as much as just the sheer difficulty of keeping those elders busy. Now that we know we are getting locking doors I think it should make the last two generations a little easier. Least I can contain the elders to one room of the house... or maybe make an 'elder suite'. Hmmm, that's not such a bad idea actually.

I will probably have another update later today. I'm really enjoying playing my runaway teen file though as it is such a nice change just playing one sim. Although I am really looking forward to playing Abi's teen years if I can get the game file to run smoothly. (Having major stuttering and lagging at the moment.)

Thanks for reading everyone, including the silent readers out there - I hope you like what you read.  :)

*Edited: Justin is just a friend of Abi's and a visitor to the house.  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #691 on: July 05, 2015, 06:16:25 PM »
Wow, hellooooooo Julian! Where are you in real life?  ;D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #692 on: July 08, 2015, 04:08:47 PM »
@Tigerskin , lol, I know, right. He's a pretty good looking sim! Thanks for reading.

So real life is a bit busy right now. I'm not sure if I will manage to squeeze in any game time for a few days but you never know. I'll update regularly again next week for sure.  :)  I managed to mostly sort out the stuttering and lag and the game seems to be running fairly smoothly-ish again. I looked around on the official EA forums and it seems that this is problem that quite a few people are having since the last patch. Hopefully it's sorted on the 9th with the new patch.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #693 on: July 12, 2015, 11:53:34 AM »
wow just finished reading now! This is awesome, Play! Winston is my number one favourite Hollingsworth but I have to admit Julien is a close second...

Don't trust Christine further than I can throw her, and I throw like a girl lol

I can't wait for you to give another update but RL always comes first!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #694 on: July 12, 2015, 01:04:41 PM »
I have to say, Dude will always be my favorite.  ;D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #695 on: July 28, 2015, 08:43:58 PM »
@Magpie2012 , @mpart  I have to admit that Dude will always be my fav too but I'm pretty surprised how cute Julien is for an in-game born sim. Thanks for reading along. :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #696 on: July 28, 2015, 09:16:36 PM »
Chapter 148: Starting To Find Her Way

Do you ever get bored of doing that?
Dude: Nope.
Dude: Never.
Dude: *sigh* No watcher, I do not ever get bored of calibrating the worm hole generator. Besides it helps me to get focused for work.
K. just checkin'

So watcha got planned for your day off?
Julien: Lots of training. Since my birthday I seem to be piling on the weight round my gut.
Yeah. Noticed that. That has to stop.
Julien: Right. Way to make me feel good about myself.
No problem.
Julien: *Eye roll*

Have a good day at work.
Dude: Thanks. Don't strain your eyes.
Dude: With all that watchin' you do.
Oh! *snort* Gotcha.

Caleb: Your homework looks fine Abi.
Abi: Thanks granddad. I think all that extra mentoring has helped quite a bit.

Abi: Hey did you hear the one about  <various gross comments>?
Caleb: Ewww, Abi! That's not at all lady like.
Abi: Hmm, I did wonder if it was a bit much.
Caleb: Yeah. It is. Totally. Just because you want to be a comedian doesn't mean you have to develop a crude sense of humour, love.
Abi: K. Gotcha. I'm heading out in a bit. Can you tell dad for me?
Caleb: Yep. Have fun, be safe and don't tell anymore gross jokes!

Quick boost to your confidence?
Abi: Na, just maxing out charisma and my first aspiration.

Abi's gone out for the night.
Julien: Oh! O.K. then.
How you liking yoga?
Julien: Surprisingly fun watcher.

Well if that doesn't trim your waist down I don't know what will.
Julien: It's actually more about hitting the zone.
What zone?
Julien: The one where I can't hear your voice anymore.

Abi: Oh there's Van. Gosh, he looks pretty sad.

Abi: Hiya Van. You're looking a bit glum.
Van: Yeah, didn't make it home for my birthday...just sorta aged up here all alone.
Abi: Oh Van! Poor you, happy birthday though. You know you look pretty cute all aged up.
Van: Thanks! You're not so shabby yourself Abi!
Abi: Lol. I'm heading to the club to try out some jokes. Wanna come too?
Van: Would love to but I really need to get home. Some other time for sure though. Right?
Abi: Right. See ya!

Abi: Oh it's nearly empty!
Probably better that way. Least if you bomb no one will know.
Abi: Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Oh no! What I meant was... umm... the smaller the crowd the easier it's gonna be for your first gig, eh. After all, you're still finding your way with all this.
Abi: I know watcher. Relax. I'm used to you now.

Journey(Pink striped shirt): Ooo this should be good.
Lisa SKL: Hmm... she looks a bit nervous.
Abi: <Clearing throat> Two aliens walk into a bar.....

A few jokes later...
Abi: Thanks for watching guys.
Journey: That was great Abi! Well done!

Abi: So what did you think Lisa? honestly?
Lisa SKL: It was good Abi. better than I could have done on my first time performing.
Journey: I reckon! Stick with it Abi and before long you'll be famous.
Abi: Well, just employed would be a start, you know!

Mark: Wow you're up early!
Abi: Oh, actually I'm just heading home!
Mark: Gosh Abi, your dad will tear strips off you staying out all night!
Abi: Oh no....nothing like that. I've been trying out my jokes at the nightclub.

Abi: I didn't think I had to do extra credit homework now I'm an A student.
Cristine: Can't afford to let that grade slip though Abi.
Julien: Besides it doesn't take long. Watch that punctuation.
Abi: K.

Abi: Man all the grands have been in the hot tub for ages. I hope they're not incontinent.
Julien: Good grief! So do I! I always take a soak after a work out...ewww.
Abi: Lol, might wanna change that water dad.
Julien: Lol

Zahra: Look Granddad, I really think we need a holiday, or at least a weekend away somewhere.
Caleb: Mum's got a point. It's been nose to the grind stone for ages now.
Dude: Hmm, I don't think Abi can afford the time away but I do know of somewhere new we could go check out for a day trip...

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #697 on: July 28, 2015, 10:52:43 PM »
Poor kid, no cake at all! Man, teenagers can stay out all night in the sims 4? Why can't my sims do that in the sims 3!?  >:( Sorry, not trying to trash EA they created the sims game, an amazing game. Ah, Dude, I think you would learn to stay away from portals, aliens have gotten you pregnant lots of times. I think at the end of this dynasty, we should count how many times Dude has been abducted.  ;D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #698 on: July 29, 2015, 12:43:28 AM »
I cracked up when Abi was talking to her Watcher --snicker-- I so love the byplay between you and your Sims, Play!


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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #699 on: July 29, 2015, 03:55:54 AM »
Yay! The Hollinsworths are back!  ;D

Abi seems to be doing really well on her aspirations. I can't wait to see where they're going on their trip  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #700 on: July 29, 2015, 09:32:51 AM »
Is Zahra's hair green? or is it just the hot tub?
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #701 on: July 29, 2015, 10:36:10 AM »
Oh, excited to find out where they're heading. I do wonder about Abi's jokes, hope they don't get worse as she gets older  :P
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #702 on: July 29, 2015, 03:40:09 PM »
Thanks everyone. Getting back into the swing of things was tougher than I thought it would be! It just takes so long now to get enough pics for a chapter, I guess it's because nothing really happens... Abi goes to school, four of the elders go to work, Cristine plays the piano, Mac does the garden... Julien wanders around doing whatever as he only works occasionally. *sigh*  When I was hit by the loading bug a few days ago this was one of the games that wouldn't load. To be honest, part of me was almost pleased as that meant I could just delete it and play something else! I am glad that EA threw out a bug fix patch super quickly.... but now I'm just going to grit my teeth, stop whinging about it and get on with finishing this thing!
Oh, and Zahra's hair is still grey, it was just the jasmine oil in the hot tub making everything pale green.  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #703 on: July 29, 2015, 03:54:37 PM »
I'm really glad you're sticking with it Play!  My favorite read. Have actually re-read it.

Sooo, where are they all going?
What?  Grannies can't play games?
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #704 on: July 29, 2015, 04:09:41 PM »
Yes, you have to keep going -- just 2 more generations.
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