Chapter 116: A PassingHey Grim!Grim: Hiya watcher.
Soo, whatcha doing in my neck of the woods? Oh, and by the way... what IS it with all the hand washing in this house?
Grim: Umm...yeah, I dunno, every time I visit you guys I end up having this totally over whelming compulsion to wash my hands.
Yeah, you and every other sim in the simverse. I spend my day cancelling hand washing and auto helping yourselves to drink... gah!Grim: Hmm, anyhoo... was just reaping Ray.
Oh cool! Thanks.
Grim: Your welcome. Nice guy.
Yeah he was.
Grim: Morning Caleb, long time no see.
Caleb: Yeah, jobs kept me quite busy.
Grim: I know that feeling. Hmm, nice legs your missus has got.
Caleb: What? Are you hitting on
Grim: What? No! Geez, it's just that not having any it's nice to see a nice pair.
Caleb: Oh, k then. I guess. So whatcha been up to?
Grim: Just reaping Ray.
Caleb: Oh, nice. Thanks.
Grim: Your welcome.
Julien:...and then Grim sort of sucked up his soul. I didn't know whether to cry or what. Made me feel all weird inside.
Mal: Well Julien, when an old sim has lived their life the Reaper comes along and helps them into the next realm. It's all part of life.
Julien: Is that what happened to you?
Mal: It is.
Julien: I don't want to be helped into the next realm.
Mal: Well, if you work hard and get all your requirements completed you won't ever have to my boy.
Julien: Does that mean I get to live forever?
Mal: If you work hard, yeah, pretty much!
Julien: Woah! Like...woah!
Mal: Ok, I got to go now. Be a good boy and work hard, ok?
Julien: I will great granddad, I really will.
Mal: There's my boy.
Oh! See ya Mal, take care.Mal: Bye watcher, don't really want to meet Grim. Give that gorgeous wife of mine a hug.
Caleb: Before you ask, clear mind distillation. I've run out so I thought I'd make a new batch.
I can always tell when you're making that.
Caleb: How so?
It's smells...well let's just say it has it's own unique aroma.Caleb: K, well I'm out.
See ya, have a good day. Knock out another chunk in your promotion metre and I'll hang with you tomorrow. K?Caleb: K, see ya.
Wow, I haven't seen you use the pool in ages!Dude: I know, life seemed to be really hectic there for a while.
Agreed. Well, enjoy your swim.After school...
Julien: You know, I want to get my homework done really well from now on.
Dude: That's a good attitude to have.
Julien: Yeah, I'm sick of being in trouble at school all the time.
Dude: You were in more trouble? What for this time?
Julien: I tied a girls braids together.
Dude: Doesn't seem too bad...
Julien: Hmm..I guess the fact that it was around her chair was the deal breaker...when she got up her chair sort of dragged behind her...
Dude: Let me tell you about a little boy who got sent to a planet far far away because he couldn't control his behaviour and so was sent on a quest... to learn how to behave....
Julien: I get it granddad...and like I said, I'm going to be good from now on.
Julien: OK, soo... can my horsey thing jump over other bits to get where he wants?
Dude: Umm, yeah. Maybe we should go over all the names of the playing pieces again eh.
Huh, impressive!Julien: Thanks, I doubled the amount of...
Thanks *sigh* I'm starting to think that 'trouble' is his middle name.Dude:'s a bit of a worry.
Dude: Make sure you scrub everything twice Julien, don't want the charred smell lingering.
Julien: K, you don't have a smaller mop do you watcher?
Dude: No she doesn't. Get scubbing!
Did Winston say you could use the chemistry table again?Julien: Yes, just as long as I only used the microscope.
Good plan. Anyway, you've got some friends downstairs.