Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 468011 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #300 on: May 01, 2015, 06:31:21 PM »
Aww, I love Blaize and Jasmine.  And Zahra is too cute!  Loved seeing her and her friend on the ship ^^

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #301 on: May 01, 2015, 07:13:11 PM »
Chapter 66: Alien Invasion

All done?
Zahra: Just finishing now... what's a signature?
It's the way you write your proves it's you, sort of.
Zahra: But anyone could just copy it.
Yeah....That's why people make their signatures all curly and stuff.
Zahra: K. <finishing her homework with a flourish> How's that?
Pretty good. Fairly illegible so I'd give your signature a nine out of ten.

Mal: ...Then the mysterious stranger slowly drew his laser, pointing it languishingly towards the helpless creature...
Zahra: Ooo....
Mal:...and that's a good place to leave it I think!
Zahra: Daaaad! No, just a little bit more...

Blaize: Do you want to go for a quick swim or play on the space ship?
Clinton: Na, thanks though dad. I might go and play with the cow plant.
Blaize: O.K., remember to be careful.

Eeeek! Don't eat the cake Clinton!
Clinton: Noo, I know that watcher! sheesh. I might be small but I'm not stoopid.

Blaize: You're looking mighty swell today Leo!

Leo: want me to do my homework don't you dad?
Blaize: lol, Yep, how'd ya guess? How about a cookie then homework?

Blaize: So when did you have your birthday Alfonso?
Alfonso Goth: Last week. It's not as bad as you'd think actually.
Dude: I've activated the satellite for abductions watcher.
WHAT? What?
Dude: I've activated the satellite for abductions. that's just a 'thing' to do when you're bored.
Dude: Keep your hair on, nothing will happen. Never does anymore anyway.

Right, nothing happens anymore...
Mac: Hmm?
Oh nothing...what are you trolling now?
Mac: Pertinent comments watcher, pertinent comments.

Don't answer the door Mal...
Mal: Huh? It's only Alina SKL.

Mal: Hi Alina, come on in. I'm afraid the watchers a bit antsy tonight.
Alina: Hi Mal, no worries.

Alina: Umm...Are my eyes working Mal?
Mal: Yeah..Umm, Hello?

Eloise: Greetings Malakai, you must be Winston's son-in-law.

Mac: Welcome Alex, nice to meet you.

Alex: Nice to meet you too. You're Blaize and Jasmine's sister, is that right?

Jasmine: Hi, I'm Jasmine.
Norman: I know.

Norman: I must say, you are as beautiful as everyone says.

Aaliyah and Audra: Oooo, a sim child, how pretty...
Zahra: Err... <hesitantly> Hi?

Aaliyah: I must say, you are particularly cute. Are all sim children like you?
Audra: Hmm, I think you've made a mistake in your homework.
Zechariah: Don't be so picky Audra.

Malakai: So, would you like something to eat? Or drink perhaps?

Mauricio: Oh these flowers... beheaded and placed in a vase...what a delightful idea. I must behead some of my flowers when I get home!
Alina: I think I need to go home Mal. It's just too weird here, even for me.

Norman: So, would you like a hand with the weeding?
Clinton: Wow...a real live alien...just like dad and Auntie Jasmine. I wish I could go to Sixam one day.

Norman: I really like your sister Blaize. Is she seeing anyone just now?
Blaize: Jasmine?
Norman: Yeah.
Blaize: Oh, err, I don't think so.

Aaliyah: This is a pretty room Zahra.
Zahra: Thanks, this is our 'posh' room and mum says I'm not to mess it up with all my toys.
Audra: Very nice. You certainly have a nice view of the stars from here.

Jasmine: *sigh* I always get homesick when I watch this channel.
Mauricio: I know what you mean.
Norman: Still, you can always jump through the wormhole and visit us in Sixam you know.
Jasmine: True.

Jasmine: Well, thanks for cheering me up Audra. Nothing like a good chat to make you feel happier eh.
Blaize: That and a visit to Sixam. You wanna come with us Audra?

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #302 on: May 02, 2015, 05:02:08 AM »
Are Jasmine and Blaize going to Sixam again? That would be amazing. I absolutely love those two. Their interactions and sibling moments are adorable. Blaize's kids are so cute. It was really nice seeing them. And I like the fact that Norman spoke to Blaize about Jasmine first  :D

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #303 on: May 02, 2015, 05:30:06 AM »
I adore Blaize and Jasmine's relationship, the alien interactions are so cute. The aliens wanting to 'behead' flowers, lol.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #304 on: May 02, 2015, 06:27:26 AM »
I think I prefer Sims over aliens.  Aliens are getting kinda creepy.  I'm not sure I like the way they looked at "the pretty Sim child".
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #305 on: May 02, 2015, 09:44:54 AM »
I love it when the aliens visit Winston and his family. Great update play
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #306 on: May 02, 2015, 11:40:46 AM »
I loved that Clinton and Leo made an appearance in this chapter. They are adorable.
Of course, Zahra is very lovely (already), precocious, and charming.
RIP, Pete and Thomas. We didn't see much of helper Pete but I think I might have had a "thing" for Thomas, lol (that shot of him in the flaming boxers!?)...

I googled "Zahra" and learned it's from Arabic, Persian, and Egyptian.  How cool!

And finally, one philosophical question: My elders eventually all develop a thick waist and stoop.  :-( 
How does Dude look so good? And by the way, he owns that Level 10 Scientist uniform.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #307 on: May 02, 2015, 03:56:56 PM »
Thanks for reading everyone.  :)

@oshizu , Dude's waist is much thicker than when he was an adult, I'll include a screenshot that shows that...buuuut, when I made him for this dynasty I reduced his waist to the smallest possible size after having to watch him with a really wide waist in my first dynasty! He also does one epic work out everyday. If he misses that workout he goes back to looking older and he also then can't make it through the next workout without getting the dangerously tired moodlet. He only eats food that has no calories (its a thing! there's a thread somewhere on the forum with all the foods calorie counts!). I've figured out from game play that if a sim stays mega fit then they look heaps younger, so I make all the immortals get L10 fitness and do a workout every day. The walk style (tough) stops him from the stoopy walk that townie elders do but when he stands still he still does those autonomous elder sighs and stoopy shrugs...I just don't take screenshots of those. *looks the other way*  :) By the way... all sims who have a 'walk style' chosen for them won't do the stoopy elder walk.

@sdhoy, was chaos in the house. There were so many aliens coming and going that in the end I gave up trying to keep up with their names!

@Joria, the aliens sure do look creepy at night. I've got to admit loving the creepiness and playing on it a little. Case in point with the two females talking to Zahra, in real terms they were chatting about toys...I just made out it was creepy!  :P

@Nettlejuice , I love Blaize and Jasmine together too. I'm already dreading their departures.  :(

@Cristina , I wasn't planning on actually taking them there... but I'm sure I could squeeze in a short trip. The world is very beautiful.

@Shewolf13 , sometimes the kids on the spaceship just look soooo cute! I don't use it often but interestingly Zahra will go there if I haven't directed her to do anything. Which isn't that often actually as I'm trying to get each immortal through all four child aspirations for the bonus skilling traits.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #308 on: May 02, 2015, 04:12:54 PM »
@oshizu is poor old Dude, doing the elder thing...

Here he is not doing the elder thing...

And here is how I'd screenshot him for my story! lol I actually like how the elders look in TS4 compared to TS3 but I do wish he could have taken ambrosia as soon as his requirements were done...and then have been an adult for all eternity!

So, yeah, it's all just smoke and mirrors really. Dude really is old and stoopy, I just don't depict him like that.  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #309 on: May 02, 2015, 05:22:02 PM »
Chapter 67: Back To Normal

I don't think Ashleigh Caliente is really getting your unbelievable story Blaize.
Ashleigh: Yeah, like who's ever heard of their house being invaded by aliens. As if...

Hiya Zahra, whatcha up to?
Zahra: Hi watcher, just a bit of this and a bit if know. Experimenting with stuff.

Zahra: Oh yuk <fanning and coughing> that stinks!

Zahra: Right, so don't mix those two together...unless I want a stink bomb I guess.

Oh! Shoot! I forgot! Ambrosia time.
Dude: Yeah, well luckily I remembered or this dynasty would come crashing down...again.

Hahaha, you pull that face every time!
Dude: It's the fishy chunks, I'm telling you, its enough to make you throw up in your own mouth. Revolting.
Oh yuk. <Involuntary gagging> Ohh...eww.

Well, that's that then. For another ten days anyway.
Dude: Yeah. I'm grateful that it's done and I am grateful for the ambrosia. It just seems to taste worse each time.
Maybe that's your cooking?
Dude: Maybe its having to use all those foul angelfish you got stored up on the roof in the hot boiling sun... Did you ever think about that? actually.

Gosh! You still experimenting?
Zahra: Yep.

Oh that's very pretty, and it smells <sniff> like... something...
Zahra: Lavender maybe?
Yeah...that's it. Wish we'd had some of that when your uncle Blaize was a teenager. Eww, teen boy bedrooms...gross.
Zahra: lol, that's so silly. My room doesn't smell.
It does actually, it smells of pretty flowers and nice things like that.

Oh still moping 'cos Ashleigh didn't like your story?
Blaize: No, it's just that basically everyone I speak to gets mad when they find out I'm an alien. It never happens to Jasmine.
Hmm.... maybe it's 'cos they like you and so feel sort of betrayed that you didn't trust them enough to tell them?

Blaize: Maybe. It just leaves me incredibly embarrassed and feeling very awkward.
Maybe another swim will help make you feel happier?
Blaize: Yeah. I just wish I could work out the difference between Jasmine and I... that way I wouldn't have to keep feeling like this.

Dude: I'm glad you're taking a break love, you've been working non-stop for weeks now.
Mac: I know dad, but I've got to get these requirements done!
Dude: I know that Mac, but you'll feel a lot better for looking after yourself along the way you know.

Mac: Well, I'm nearly done. Just need a final big push to get a few things finished.
Cayla: Sounds like a very gruelling schedule you've set yourself!
Dude: I'm pleased to hear you're so close though. Good work hun.

Umm, Mac. Are you feeling OK?
Mac: I feel a little light headed...
I think you should drink some medicine. You seem to have broken out in a looks pretty bad actually.

Oh, you look much better now. How do you feel?
Mac: Heaps better, quite energized actually.
O.K., well don't work too hard. K?

Mal: See ya Cayla.
Bye Cayla and welcome to the neighbourhood. We love getting new neighbours!

Blaize: I didn't know you could play dad?
Dude: Just something new I've taken up, for fun and in case Zahra ever wants to learn, then I'll be able to help her.
Blaize: Sounds good!
Dude: Thanks. I'm finding 'G' pretty darn tricky, my fingers just don't seem to bend that way.

Wow! That's spectacular!
Zahra: Thanks! I've been trying for hours to get this right!
Congrats then hun.

Still feeling good Mac?
Blaize: What was the problem?
Mac: Got a rash but I'm fine now.
K. Good to hear. Nice that things are back to normal.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #310 on: May 02, 2015, 05:53:57 PM »
Chapter 68: Finally Done

Blaize: So chess is really about strategy, about thinking clearly what you want to do and being confident in your moves. I mean you can play a defensive game too but I think it's more fun to attack.
Zahra: Hmm, I don't think I'll ever be really good at chess. I only seem to see my mistakes once it's too late.
Blaize: That's normal, it's how we all learn. Just takes practice. I'll give you another game later when I get back.
Zahra: K, thanks Uncle Blaize.

Hmm... quite an eclectic mix of sims here today.

Not to cut our trip short guys but I think he'll do. Just invite him in will ya.
Blaize: In a minute, just getting to the good bit!
Mal: Your fitness is coming along nicely Declan, you'll be able to lift epic weights soon.

Welcome to the dynasty house Julius.
Julius: Thanks!

What are you watching? Oh, romance channel, excellent, just keep that up for a bit and you'll be good to go.
Julius: Go where?
Umm...I'll explain all that later.
Julius: K. Ooo, I love this bit. Simton Abbey reruns, bliss!

Zahra: Oh bother!
Zahra Hollingsworth! Such language!
Zahra: Well, someone's gone and broken the dolls house again.

Zahra: Hmm, what I need right now is a hero.
A hammer you mean.
Zahra: Nope, a hero, to save the day...

Mal: You called for a hero ma'am?
Zahra: *giggle*

Mal: We'll have this here dolls abode fixed up as good as new in no time ma'am.

Mal: Just about...

Mal: There you go darling.
Zahra: Oh daddy, I love you.

Zahra: You know you'll have to be a girl 'cos I've lost all the boys dolls.
Mal: Huney, I'll be anything for my princess. Pass me blondey...right there.

Zahra: Her names Daisy.
Mal: Well, Miss Daisy... says she wants to watch some T.V sitting on her couch in her newly rebuilt lounge.

So, how's the ....oh! Having a bit of difficulty getting to grips with your new job Julius?

Julius: Umm...quite pushy females around here eh.
lol...hehhe, I'm sure you'll figure it out Julius.

Zahra: ...and then the huge, rambling beast turned it's head and stared straight at the sheriff....
Blaize: Hm hmm?

Zahra: ...and ripped all his guts out and spread them all over the road...
Blaize: OOo yuk! Wasn't expecting you to say THAT Zahra! Cripes!

Blaize: That unbelievable tale has left me quite uncomfortable...
Zahra: Toughen up uncle.... this is the real world with unfathomable things.
Mac: Manners young lady!
Blaize: Woah! Zahra's sure growing up fast these days!
Mac: Yeah, I think she's watching too much TV.

Zahra: So, dad, you know when you say that people like being scared by stories?
Mal: Keep your perspectives in mind there hun... umm yeah?
Zahra: I don't think Uncle Blaize does.

Zahra: I told him the story about the beast and it's guts and he got all freaked out.
Mal: Oh...well, he probably didn't expect you to know such a story.
Zahra: Then you shouldn't have told me it!
Mal: Quite true.

Mal: No harm done love, he'll get over it. In fact he's probably already forgotten it.
Zahra: K, dad. Thanks for helping me with my art.
Mal: You're welcome.

Mal: So.... any second now....

Mackenzie: ...and done! Last post completed!

Mal: I'm so proud of you. Well done on completing your second aspiration love.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #311 on: May 02, 2015, 07:47:58 PM »
Oooh, thank you for all the reveals regarding how Dude looks so good.
I get my founder/heirs to Level 10 fitness before they hit elder stage, but didn't realize they could actually keep doing a workout a day without the Dangerously Exhuasted moodlet, if they keep fit.
Your photos of Dude being elderly and Dude looking studly, much appreciated.
It all looks so easy when reading your chapters, but Dude is a very painstakingly crafted sim, both in looks and behavior.
Thank you for so generously sharing your craft.  ;D

Zahra is such a lovely child. Have you figured out why people get angry with Blaize but not Jasmine?  Poor Blaize.
Mac is just trucking along.  Waiting impatiently to see what she looks like, lol.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #312 on: May 03, 2015, 12:13:49 AM »
@oshizu, lol, your welcome. It's my fanaticism with Winston really, fav sim and all that. I have no idea why sims get angry with Blaize, just a quirk of the game I guess.  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #313 on: May 03, 2015, 12:38:19 AM »
Chapter 69: A trip To The Park

I know you guys like getting up early, but this is nuts! It's hours away from dawn.
Dude: <grunt> Early bird gets the worm and all that.
Pfft, whatever. You just couldn't sleep. Don't let him over do it Malakai.

I thought you'd done your homework?
Zahra: Extra credit.
Oh.. K then.

Dude: Well, that's the quickest I've seen anyone dominate their homework!
Zahra: Yeah, it's way too easy for me.
Enjoy it 'cos it does get harder once you're at high school.

Morning! Oh, errr... <blush> sorry. Umm, just thought we might all go to the park, if you want to.
Mal: Lol sure watcher.

We're trying to get ready to go to the park.
Dude: I'm not stopping you.

No. I mean all of us. *Sigh* Why is it that every dynasty we do together you always end up a drunk?
Dude: You have to ask that question? Isn't it obvious?
<Drily> Very funny.

Dude: Here, taste that and see what you think.

Dude: Well? Good?
Sure, it's really good...but I want to go to the park... you know.

Woah! I so don't see what the attraction is for playing with a meat eating plant.*Shudder* It's horrifying.
Jasmine: Aww, Mr Moo's ok.
Well, we're going to the park today, know...chop chop!

Are you ready?
Zahra: Sure, just saying bye to Bunbun...

Zahra:...and to Zelda. Hmm, maybe I should bring her with us...
Fine, lets just get going eh?

Finally! And how is that even when we all travel together, we all end up in different parts of the park? I just don't get that.
Dude: We're all here aren't we?
Dude: Then stop your moaning.
I wasn't moaning...I was simply making an observation.

Zahra: Great idea watcher, I love being outside. Hmmm...smells so good!
Least that's one sim happy.

Danika: Hi Zah. I didn't know you'd be here today!
Zahra: Hi Danika, last minute decision.

Mal, could you....oh, never mind.

Jasmine, could you....oh... *sigh* don't worry.

Danika: Do your homework...sit up straight...keep your elbows off the table...
Zahra: Don't chew with your mouth full...

Both: <cracking up> Hahha. Adults suck!
Danika: Soooo bossy!

Making a new friend Julius. Nice.

Zahra: I'm sorry you're not feeling well Katelyn. Is there anything I can do? Do you want me to go and get my mum or dad?
Katelyn: No... I'm ok, just feeling a bit sad and lonely really.
Zahra: Well, I'll stay and cheer you up!

Zahra: Hey guys, let's all play space adventure together.

Zayden Goth: I'd really like that 'cos I'm feeling a bit like Katelyn today. Everything just seems to have gone wrong today.

Aww, good to see you little guys all looking happier. Don't get up to too much mischief though!
Zayden: As if, watcher!

Zahra: You happy manning the guns Russel?
Russel: Sure am cousin!

Oh! Lol, what's got up your new friends nose?
Julius: Beats me....
Wait! Did you just get all flirty on him?
Julius: Well, yeah, but not on purpose...I just kinda felt that way.
LOL....hahhaha. You'll be right, just apologise!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #314 on: May 03, 2015, 05:24:52 AM »
Awww poor Blaize with all the sims getting angry. I love their family trips  :D

